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arrow. December 19th, 2023 01:31 AM

Re: December Gathering
- - - >Cloudpaw`[Male -He/Him - 9 Moons Old - ShadowClan - @lesbianism]`

Cloudpaw relaxed as the tension was easing down. He shook a little as a cold gust of wind brushed his face. "I guess we're being mousebrains for fighting, eh Featherpaw?…" he mumbled. He knew his Clanmates could see him, but he didn't care. He wanted to not ruin anything again during the rest of his time with Featherpaw. He didn't know what else to talk about, however.

Fish December 19th, 2023 07:42 AM

Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by lesbianism (Post 1522621)

r i p p l e p e l t
she/her - 120 moons - RiverClan - lesbian - tags; @TheLostAmongTheStars
Ripplepelt's tail twitched. "You're right, they should be honourable," she mewed with displeasure, leaving it at that.

She let out a purr at Adderpaw's enthusiasm. Nothing seemed to phase her when it came to her goal being the best and becoming a Lionheart. Which reminded her...
"Oh, Adderpaw - did you get a chance to give Larkstar the shell we found?" She was eager to hear how it had gone.

Determined, Loyal, Lawful Good
“One day I’ll be the greatest warrior of all the clans!”

Adderpaw wanted to learn more dirt on this Spiderguy but this seemed like a very bad place to do this. Especially since Mr. NoHonor was up on the rocks right now. Her attention then was completely switch when the shell was brought up. "Oh she loved it! Though she seems to have been in some bad mood or... Just didn't care for me asking to be her friend, I got the cold shoulder after that" Adderpaw chuckled her pain away.

silver. December 19th, 2023 12:03 PM

Re: December Gathering
duskshiver // he/they // 31 moons
purrks: silver tongue [PERM]


Another moon, another Gathering. If he didn't have something to look forward to he wouldn't have bothered being so excited for it. Swiftly weaving between strangers and clan mates alike, emerald gaze stays searching for something... Or rather, someone. Ever since the last Gathering he hasn't been able to get the Riverclan warrior off his mind. Hasn't been able to shake the jealousy. Annoying. So annoying. Jealousy had never been something he had felt like this before-- no, he refuses. There was no such thing lurking in his heart. Brushing the feelings away with a swish of his tail, a coy smile tugging at his lips as he continues his searching.

Hopefully he'll turn up. He had to, right? Someone as devoted to the warrior code as the mysterious prince from across the border would never dare miss a Gathering when tensions were running to rampant between the clans. All he had to do was keep looking. Stars, why was he hoping so desperately to see him? It was pathetic. Get yourself together Dusk, you're much better than this.

rushwater | @redshiftreign

SpiritWolf_yt December 19th, 2023 01:05 PM

Re: December Gathering
Bluestone followed his clan into the gathering

Fire tail followed bluestone, despite not knowing each other bluestone had already caught on that larkstar let firetail in.

"Alright don't be a fishbrain be respectful to everyone u derstood" bluestone hissed before veering off to his own spot.

Fire tail nodded and sat down waiting for interaction or something

( Open)

Mica December 19th, 2023 01:37 PM

Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by Wingnettle (Post 1521666)
28 moons old | she/her

Shadow Fiend | Primal Instincts | Beefed Up (T1) | Bilingual (T1)


She hadn't been able to conversate much during her first gathering, but maybe this time it would be different.

Lynxshade walked stiffly behind Dawnstar, Larkfire and the rest of their clanmates, glancing around every once in a while to get sight of who was coming to the Seastones tonight. She was staring at her breath condensing in a little cloud just above her paws; it was a cold night, but she would be okay. She had gotten used now to being out at night for a reason or another, though she would still need a distraction to get her mind off it.

She craned her neck to take a look over the sea of pelts and opened her nostrils wider to catch scent of the other clans, inspiring deeply Windclan's moorland smell and the musty one of Thunderclan's forests. Twilightstar and Dawnstar were already perched up together, so where was Bumblestar?

She thought again of her leader's warning. In her opinion, there wasn't much use in hiding Elmshadow's death now. Sooner or later every other clan would discover this, and they already had another medicine cat to take his place. It must be a difficult evening for Larkfire. All the looks will be pointed toward her tonight.


Mistlewhisker [she/her, ShadowClan, 35 moons]
[Black cat with half-white muzzle and green eyes, one gouged out]
[Lynxshade - @Wingnettle ]
Mistlewhisker watched as RiverClan and ThunderClan finally arrived to the Gathering. She wanted this over as quickly as possible so she could go back to her warm den and sleep until patrols were called tomorrow. She scanned the clearing, feeling a little claustrophobic with all the cats mingling and talking all at once. Perhaps she should mingle with other clans as well. The very idea had her heart hammering in her chest, and she vehemently decided against it. She would not be the one to approach another clan cat. Instead, she glanced around at cats she might recognize from ShadowClan. One cat stood out in particular, with their head bowed and fur fluffed up against the cold. Mistlewhisker steeled her nerves, rose to her paws, and approached the feline.

"Cold, isn't it?" She asked, hoping she didn't sound too nervous. Mistlewhisker was never good at making friends, and as such had none in ShadowClan. The only real "friend" she had was... well, he wasn't exactly a clan cat. "I hope this Gathering is a quick one."

dino. December 19th, 2023 01:44 PM

Re: December Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

If WindClan didn't get to Spiderthroat before Bumblestar did, she would gladly adopt the role herself. And if they had by the time she and her Clan actually arrived, well, she would be content to sit back and watch.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like either would be an option. Three yellow flowers in her jaws (she'd made sure to swing by the medicine den and grab them before heading out, since a certain cat had seemingly forgotten), Bumblestar left the head of her Clan to approach the rock, hopping up beside Spiderthroat to set the herbs down.

"The next time you leave before I do is the last time you leave my camp ever," she hissed. "Give these to Twilightstar now."

[ @Starfall ]

ThunderClan has arrived

Apollo. December 19th, 2023 04:15 PM

Re: December Gathering
| Larchflame |
ThC - She/her - Hornet
( open )

As the full moon reflected its blue like against the snow Larchflame streaked towards the beach that housed the Seastones, her tail giving the occasional lash. What in starclan was Spiderthroat thinking?? This mouse brain goes to the gathering alone?? STARS, she was just starting to think Bumblestars choice of a deputy was a decent one. Her huff of irritation created a tiny cloud-like wisp, keeping pace a tail length or so behind her leader, honestly, for his age you'd think he'd have some sort of sense.

Larchflame hardly noticed when the terrain changed to sand, only slowing her stride when she reached the crowd, backing out slightly as the disgusting scent of Riverclan hit her mouth. Right, Riverclan. She wrinkled her nose slightly as she moved closer to the shore, fish-faced assholes. So lazy that they result to poisoning a clan, killing kits, rather than facing Thunderclan in battle. Of course, Larchflame was above harming weak cats, but if she got the chance, you can be your tail she'd turn Riverclans camp into a blaze of fire in a heartbeat.

Any good Thunderclanner would, for all this fox-dung they've pulled.

Kieran. December 19th, 2023 04:54 PM

Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by Eraserhead (Post 1522637)
| Sparksky |

He shuffled, looking around. He didn't know who to talk to, but he was excited. It was his first gathering since he had become a warrior.


"Greetings" Basilthroat padded over to Sparksky.
"First time?" Dovegrowl asked, a slightly mischievous look on her face.
"Dovegrowl! no need to scare them away" Basilthroat batted the gray and red she-cat's face."What's your name? im Basilthroat and this is my greatly annoying partner, Dovegrowl" he said softly trying to act nice.
"Oh please! I can be worst" Dovegrowl barked a laugh.

Omari December 19th, 2023 05:11 PM

Re: December Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]


Drizzlecloud came toddling along when Bumblestar arrived, alongside the rest of her clanmates who had decided to tag along for this gathering. She hadn’t been here during the last gathering, due to… Y’know, getting skunked. That detail wasn’t important, though, as she had conquered stinky disease and was now smelling like herself again. That scent being a whole lot of herbs, of course.

As Drizzlecloud slowly approached the usual meeting spot for the healers, her gaze shifted to watch as her clanmates began to drift about the seastones, and she couldn’t help but search through the large crowd for the familiar pelt of Sparrowpelt. Hm, perhaps he didn’t come? She wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t spend the entirety of the gathering looking for him–it’s not like she could go and sit with him, anyway, so with a shake of her head she trotted her way on over to where Springpaw was already sitting.

Brushing her tail over her apprentice’s shoulder, she offered her a grin, reassuring her of her presence this time as she seated herself beside her.

“Good afternoon–sorry for my absence during the last gathering.” She greeted the familiar group of cats with a friendly, yet somehow sheepish, grin. Oh, she really hoped that Springpaw didn’t go into details on why she wasn’t here last time!

By the looks of it, Elmshadow wasn’t here yet, and neither was Falconfeather. Perhaps they were mingling–or peering through the crowd like she had been mere moments ago.

[ @Alchemist Kitsune - Lightningstorm @wolfie - Cowtuft, @rudolph - Springpaw, @silver. - Tansypaw, @SuspiciousMindz for the brief Sparrow mention]

Alchemist Kitsune December 19th, 2023 05:34 PM

Re: December Gathering
| Snowybreeze |
Heightened Perception [Smell] - Active | Rapid Recovery - Inactive

The assault on his nose as painful as ever, Snowybreeze could feel his eyes water at the heavy mixture of scents permeating the gathering's clearing. He usually avoided these meetings. It was too much for his oversensitive nose. He wouldn't say he hated them, as there was precious little the gentle giant could claim hatred to, but he most certainly did not love them in the slightest. So what, pray tell, might he be doing here? On the night of the full moon, surrounded by strangers and familiar faces alike.

The answer was simple enough today. He wished to forget. To ignore the lack of a particular scent in the camp he could barely call home anymore. He had slowly begun going through the motions. Hunting. Patrolling. Always alone. He didn't want company. He didn't deserve company. How could a cat who hadn't even been able to tell his beloved mate was at the brink of death deserve anything in this life? He'd even removed himself from the warriors' den, taking to sleeping outside once more. Hoping that at least one of the stars above was his beloved. Dreaming that she would come for him and take him home.

It looked like he had gotten his wish in one way at least. He had most certainly not been able to keep his mind on his Berryfrost with this many cats surrounding him, that was for sure. Sky blue eyes quickly sought out a refuge. A corner in which he could escape the din and chatter and simply be. Snowybreeze was not here for attention or companionship. To seek either of those now when he had left her to die alone would be to spit on her memory. To forget himself. Instead, he hid himself by the edge of the clearing, mismatched ears flat against his head as he tried to hide his nose inside the thick mane of fur on his neck. The result was less than stellar, but it would have to do for now. He could withstand the night here. This was his rightful punishment. For daring to survive where she had not.

| Openish? |

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