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Queenie April 30th, 2020 03:46 AM

Re: Smallpines

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 680645)
Wormbite was happy Lightpaw seemed to understand. "Everyone just wants to simply survive which you would think there wouldn't be as much drama as there is if we all share the common goal, " He mewed-- shaking his head lightly. Of course that wasn't the only goal cats had. Some were aiming to have a mate, some were aiming to be the best hunter in all of the clans. However it all winded down to one goal in the end. Emotions just distracted cats from it. Wormbite didn't voice that thought.

His ears twitch at Lightpaw's mumbling, he raised an brow but didn't question on what she had said. Wormbite would cast a glance to Thunderclan's side of the border before looking back at Lightpaw. "If you don't have any questions, I'll show you Shadowclan's border and then we can head back to camp, " His tail gestured to the darkening sky. The tom had been avoiding it for good reasons but well, Lightpaw didn't seemed like she would run off into the territory and get herself killed. Hopefully.

"Oh goody yes please!" She chirped following Wormbite in the new direction. As they started off, Lightpaw thought about Wormbite's words. Every cat just wants to survive. That much was true. Or that's what they should want. What did Lightpaw want? For everyone to be happy. She thought about the grumpy Lionstar, and snooty Peachkit. She especially thought about how fiery Sunkit had acted when they'd first met. But she smiled to herself thinking how triumphantly that exchange had ended. Yes, she wanted everyone to have a smile on their face. Which was painfully optimistic, and very sun-shiney. The feline glanced up to Wormbite curiously, she wanted to get to know him better. "What do you want Wormbite?" She asked shyly. It didn't sound like an appropriate question for an apprentice to ask their mentor. "I mean like... in life. I guess." She felt her face turn hot as soon as the words left her maw. "I mean it in the most respectful way." She added swiftly before any damage could be done.

plum April 30th, 2020 04:00 PM

Re: Smallpines
Plumpaw clearly wasn't interested in whatever game this other apprentice thought they were playing, and rolls her eyes when Flowerpaw yammers on and on about pointers and tips. "I'll only listen to someone who knows what they're doing, I think," she meows airily. "So when you figure things out for yourself and, you know, actually know how to do... That... correctly, then we can talk." As she says 'that,' she makes a waving paw motion at the RiverClan she-cat who had stuck her face into the water to fish. As she falls quiet for a heartbeat, the silver femme rearranges herself to sit even more prim and more tall, clearly thinking herself the better of the two of them out there. "Until then, I'll just enjoy the scenery. Thanks." Her purr sounded thick with contempt, and it wasn't clear whether or not she was egging Flowerpaw on or genuinely full of herself.
[ @RedHead ]

Bread May 1st, 2020 03:02 AM

Re: Smallpines

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 679957)
Salmonsong smiled,” It’s a smell of a badger. You don’t attack a scent. I’ll report it to Lionstar after this is over. ” she meowed pleased with her apprentice.

Duckpaw grinned. A badger, she thought, that’s something to keep in mind. The hound apprentice was very proud of herself for realizing the smell.

duckie May 6th, 2020 12:29 PM

Re: Smallpines


The deputy was still fuming by the time he reached the border, barely remembering the task at paw until the stench of ThunderClan assaulted his nose. Shaking his head, he moved to the nearest scent marker and turned to Lightstreak briefly, "I'm going to refresh the markers. You can start further down, if you want, to make this go faster. Keep an eye out for anything strange."

FuzzyRatto May 6th, 2020 01:04 PM

Re: Smallpines

Originally Posted by shortstack (Post 687946)
The deputy was still fuming by the time he reached the border, barely remembering the task at paw until the stench of ThunderClan assaulted his nose. Shaking his head, he moved to the nearest scent marker and turned to Lightstreak briefly, "I'm going to refresh the markers. You can start further down, if you want, to make this go faster. Keep an eye out for anything strange."

[ @FuzzyRatto ]

"Alright." Lightstreak turned and started off, keeping an eye on the ThunderClan and RiverClan territory she could see.

RedHead May 6th, 2020 11:07 PM

Re: Smallpines

Originally Posted by implimm (Post 681301)
Plumpaw clearly wasn't interested in whatever game this other apprentice thought they were playing, and rolls her eyes when Flowerpaw yammers on and on about pointers and tips. "I'll only listen to someone who knows what they're doing, I think," she meows airily. "So when you figure things out for yourself and, you know, actually know how to do... That... correctly, then we can talk." As she says 'that,' she makes a waving paw motion at the RiverClan she-cat who had stuck her face into the water to fish. As she falls quiet for a heartbeat, the silver femme rearranges herself to sit even more prim and more tall, clearly thinking herself the better of the two of them out there. "Until then, I'll just enjoy the scenery. Thanks." Her purr sounded thick with contempt, and it wasn't clear whether or not she was egging Flowerpaw on or genuinely full of herself.
[ @RedHead ]

Flowerpaw scoffed as Plumpaw continued to yowl on and on about her inability to catch a fish. ”Well, you’re about to get results.” Flowerpaw meowed, lifting her chin as she shuffled closer to the riverbank. Dipping her head down, she awaited, staring at the water moving below. It was hard for her to focus on the things beneath the ripples, especially with the glare of the sunlight shining off of the water. The calico she-cat gave a flick of her tail, eyes widening as she saw a flicker of movement within the water. Focusing, Flowerpaw reached out a paw, claws extended, and plunged it towards the fish. She was able to grasp onto it, but didn’t get that firm of a hold. So she reaver to grab it with the other paw, successfully stabilizing it, but causing herself to tumble forward unto the water. Thankfully it was the more shallow end if the river, and Flowerpaw simply succeeded in getting herself soaked. She lifted the paw with the dead fish in it, dangling it from her claws. ”Look at that. Results. Told ya so, tree-hugger.”

Madelaine May 6th, 2020 11:19 PM

Re: Smallpines
[ @Moon Lily; ]

Ashpool padded after her mate towards Smallpines. She was glad to be alone with Hickoryblaze. It made her feel like she was going back to normal. The molly looked at her mate as he spoke to her. Ashpool scented the air and scented mouse. "I smell Thunderclan.", she meowed. She hadn't scented Thunderclan in a long time.

Moon Lily May 6th, 2020 11:48 PM

Re: Smallpines

[ @Sparkling Bliss -I honestly forgot the prompt, do you remember it??]

Hickoryblaze could feel a soft smile cross his lips, eyes sparkling. His mate was still sharp as ever. He hadn't even caught the scent of the fleabags until after she had finished. His nostrils flared as he caught a whiff of the scent. He just couldn't work out where it was coming from... He padded closer to the border, eyes narrowing.
"Is it on ourside, or on theirs, where it's supposed to be?" He asked, turning to face the dark furred she-cat. He had such a bad nose, honestly! It took him a minute or two to actually pick up the scent of something a few fox-lengths ahead of him. It was embarrassing... But he could smell prey all around, the scent enveloping him tenderly. He stepped back from the border, intoxicated.

duckie May 7th, 2020 03:51 PM

Re: Smallpines


It didn't take long to refresh the markers, moving quietly and efficiently in order to get his job done as quickly as possible. As he moved along the border, he caught sight of some twoleg trash along the riverbank and made a mental note to come back to it. Padding down to the edge of the river, he prodded at one of the pieces. Clear and cold to the touch even under the sun, it reeked of twolegs. He shook his head, scrunching up his nose. Nothing interesting here.

"Let's get home." he called to Lightstreak.

FuzzyRatto May 8th, 2020 01:56 AM

Re: Smallpines

Originally Posted by shortstack (Post 689618)
It didn't take long to refresh the markers, moving quietly and efficiently in order to get his job done as quickly as possible. As he moved along the border, he caught sight of some twoleg trash along the riverbank and made a mental note to come back to it. Padding down to the edge of the river, he prodded at one of the pieces. Clear and cold to the touch even under the sun, it reeked of twolegs. He shook his head, scrunching up his nose. Nothing interesting here.

"Let's get home." he called to Lightstreak.

[ @FuzzyRatto ]

[I'm sorry, but I have nothing more to say.]

Lightstreak padded calmly up to the warrior. "Okay."

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