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SpiritWolf_yt March 10th, 2023 06:41 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
komodo huffed and joined in, the tom hissed quietly as he listened

[ignore komodo's bad mood he's always like this and feel fee to bully him or etc any other]

beau March 10th, 2023 11:22 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Thane flicked an ear at the call. Could just anyone demand attention here? Whatever the reasoning for this meeting, entertainment was entertainment, and so he padded over. He sat down amongst the crowd, near the front, and listened with an attentive gaze.

Spotty March 11th, 2023 09:18 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

The scrawny cat had mostly been working on his own. He had never been interested in socializing or talking to anyone in this group of strange cats, but he stuck around if nothing else than for the benefit that being a part of a large group of buff-ass cats who wanted to beat up the cats who wanted to beat up him could give. So while some of them seemed strangely dim-witted and overly battle-hungry, at least Jay had been assigned to be a healer, so he would get to learn from treating their wounds and scratches.

Jay looked up and their evening blue gaze traveled towards the loud cat as their voice boomed out over the camp, and one of Jay's ears twitched, mildly annoyed but listening. After all, it would be good if someone got this thing going since he knew he wouldn't be able to improve without test subjects.

Madelaine March 11th, 2023 12:53 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀ ❁❀
Male[he/him] - Dusk Syndicate

A meeting? Interesting. He moved over with everyone else over to Bumble. Jackson sat down with the rest of them.

WinterMara March 12th, 2023 04:53 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
| Elisia |

Hear ear gave a twitch as she heard a cat, who was not William, giving an announcement. Part of her didn't want to just, head over, but since everyone else seemed to be doing so, she just assumed that everyone decided to leave her out of the loop. . .or they were curious as well.

Either way, she should probably attend.

AlreadyMadness March 12th, 2023 05:26 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
The tawny she-cat's tail moved from side to side, her eyes narrowed as she gazed up at the cat who had called a meeting. This cat, she wasn't as familiar with, but the one thing she knew is that this wasn't William, the cat who usually would be the one doing this. This cat better have a good reason to be calling this meeting. She had better things to do. The air of hostility surrounded her, although she wasn't unusual, as the she-cat had never done well around other cats, especially those she had no opinion nor knowledge of. Through gritted teeth, she watched, quietly waiting and listening to what the cat had to say.

SpiritedWarrior March 13th, 2023 03:22 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Now that a satisfactory amount of his companions rose to witness his speech, Bumble's eyes narrowed with excitement. This was the moment they've all been waiting for! And now, I get to lead them. Change their lives. Oh, what a great day it is! Like a bee, his thoughts were buzzing with everything that he had planned for the little Dusk Syndicate of his. What surprised him most that no one else considered approaching William and talking to him about it, but... should he really be surprised? It was his destiny to be great, and here he was, basking in the glorious sunlight of power and leadership. As he always knew he would. Clearly, the other cats did not want to take up the duties and responsibilities, and by default, he was the chosen one.

Some cats did not show up, but that was their fault alone. Who knew, some of them were probably dead or backed out of the mission. Pft... if the second option's the case, they're all cowards. But if I see their faces again I'll hold my judgement until they've proven that thought untrue. Looking at each of his friends, a sadistic grin spread across his little face. "Welcome, my friends, to a glorious day of change." he hoarsly meowed. Gah, how long had it been since he meowed? Since he left his house-folk, which was... he didn't even know how long ago that was.

"I'm sure you're all wondering where William is and why I've called for a meeting instead of him. After I had a conversation with him, it was decided that I become your new commander with him being my second-in-command." Straight to the point as always, oh, how much fun did they have in store for him? Bumble was quite excited to get started with this mission of theirs. "But right now, my concern is my plans, and I have lots to discuss with each and every one of you. Listen closely, I will not repeat myself. If I have to, your ears will never see the light of day. Here and now, I set forth my expectations that are to be followed: Dens are to be carved out by a group of two to three, volunteers only. I will not be picking, I find that it singles out the lazy lumps of fur among the group and lazy lumps aren't to be tolerated around here."

"On the topic of unwanted laziness, volunteers are needed for hunting trips. I don't care what you bring back, as long as it is enough to fill our bellies. If not? First come, first serve. Any who don't get food when it is brought back but want some can get it themselves. As for herbs, we'll be needing lots of those. If the healers need assistance gathering such things, they can request it." That was the only grace he'd be giving to his healers, Bumble wanted to make it clear they were the only ones aside from William to be in his good graces, unless they did something to merit respect. Oh, yes... yes, yes. Respect. That's another thing... "Moving on to the topic of respect... only the higher ranks of the Dusk Syndicate get special privileges from me and me only. If these special privileges get abused, expect them to be revoked and your life taken by yours truly. I don't tolerate the power trip when it has been made clear I am the one at the front of the group."

The next thing to discuss was more exciting and less threatening to the Dusk Syndicate. "Now that my expectations are almost done, it's time to discuss our plan of attack. None of you, even the healers, are exempt from battle training. We start training today, and I want you all to do your best. If you aren't, expect to be given a reminder or two about what we are up against. We all know what we are here for, any sign of laziness or failure to do what is expected will not get you anywhere but on the dirt bleeding to death by either me or a filthy Clanner."

"On such topic, I wish to see Eel, William, and Martha after this meeting is over." He couldn't see where Ravenna was, which was... sort of okay, he supposed. If Ravenna was dead, so be it. Blood being spilt was not something he cared for as deeply as the others. "I've been putting some thought into it and I'm thinking about going for that... StormClan first, or whatever they called themselves. Whatever Clan ends up being chosen to snap under our claws will be dealt the same way: I maneuver my way into their Clan, when nightfall hits and everyone is asleep, you all come in and either kill or heavily injure those idiots."

With everything he needed to speak about known to the public, he breathed in and let a deep breath out before rolling his shoulders back and pacing at the front of the crowd. "My friends, the time is now, we show the Clans who we are and what we are capable of!" he yowled with an amused twitch of his whiskers. "We'll no longer bow down to their needs. Instead, they bow down to OURS! We no longer will walk in the shadows, we will walk in the glorious sunlight of the forest, we will show them who we are!"

"Those of you who have something to say, speak now and let us hear your thoughts!"

@x ghostie  @naiad  @Rose  @Eaglet  @Starfall  @canineantics  @Karlos  @Estelle  @NinjaBloss  @dino. @~*Hope*~  @~_AmityBlight_~  @carmen @jupiter @Faline @Catherine @Spotty @Soldier @mooncake @antle rs @WinterMara @Guardian Fox @Octavia!  @ophelia  @Yugo. @AlreadyMadness

dino. March 13th, 2023 03:46 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
eel === > @SpiritedWarrior
Oh... Eel's eyes flashed with renewed interest and he sat up a little straighter, ears angled forward. William, second-in-command, and this stranger, now their overseer. Huh. Not something he was expecting to hear today.

Hunting patrols... blergh. He could catch his own meals, that was fine. Battle training was certainly an interesting point, and Eel made a mental note to latch onto that later, and not just because it was required. He, among other familiar names, was to meet with this cat later to discuss something. He was pretty sure he knew what, but no use in speculating now.

Ugh, this guy was noisy. Couldn't even get the Clans' names right. "ThunderClan," he corrected loudly. "Do you have an actual plan for this? Or is it just 'attack and hope we succeed'?"

Eel hadn't exactly liked William, but at least the guy had been intelligent. This stranger seemed a bit more gung-ho, a tad less thoughtful.

He was nice to look at, though, so Eel supposed he could let it slide for now.

AlreadyMadness March 13th, 2023 03:52 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
She had to admit, the idea of going up against those clan rats was tempting, and she had heard rumors that the clan in question had been growing weak. However, what if these rumors were fake? Would she really be willing to risk her pelt for any of these cats?

A grimace slowly appeared on her face, glancing around at the other cats in view. She was sure that any one of them would happily use her as a shield. No one here could be trusted. "How ridiculous," she growled, "This plan is complete horsedung." Her following sentence was mumbled under her breath, her eyes darting around before sending a sharp glare at up at the cat who had spoken. She didn't elaborate on her words any further.

WinterMara March 13th, 2023 04:28 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
| Elisia Valentine Von Luci of The Dusk Syndicate |

Part of her wanted to just rot in a hole and die at the mere mention of battle training, eugh, getting into herbs still meant she got her paws dirty? Oh well, it put some cats in their place and at the end of the day, that was more important.

Plus. . .hunting wasn't so bad if they volunteered, and Bumble basically gave her power to get cats to do her bidding [That. . .wasn't actually what it was, but Elisia did like to word it that way in her head.]

The only actual bad thing about this meeting was cats not giving him 5 seconds to state his plan, Elisia kept their mouth shut but hearing all this whining made the whole thing annoying.

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