Warrior Cats Online

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Moon Lily March 20th, 2020 01:46 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Irispaw blinked open her eyes, the bright starlight that floated around the area blinding her temporarily. Her eyes slipped into focus, and she felt her eyes widen. What was this place? She stood up in panic, fur ruffled and on edge. She recognized this clearing. It was where Tallmarsh had taken her to become her apprentice... This was Starclan. Wait, was she dead?! He dug her claws into the sacred dirt- how strange that sounded- her body shaking nervously. B-but, I had so many cats I needed to heal! The clan has greencough! W-why me!? Why now?! She choked back a sob, her eyes glistening with uncalled tears. She was frozen in fear.

"Hello." Irispaw's ears startled at the noise, and she jolted around to find its source. Hm? How was this cat? She was lithe, a tortoise shell cat. Her eyes blazed green, even in death, determined. Her short fur gleamed with starlight, bright enough to make her sneeze. "Who are you?! What do you want with me?! Am I...dead?" She yelled, her last words chocked and whisperish. The she-cat chuckled, and Irispaw fumes silently. Smiling, the she-cat approached her graceful and quiet.
"I'm Lilyfur. Pipe down, will you? Plenty of cats just want some peace." She tutted. Irispaw felt guilty as she gazed up at her.
"Sorry." She mumbled. Lilyfur shook her head. "It's alright. It's nice to see a fellow Thunderclanner." Irispaw felt her eyes brighten, head tilting curiously. She was a Thunderclanner? She could barely smell it on her. But then again, she was already a bit faded. She could see faint outlines of trees through the molly's figure. Lilyfur watched her quietly, eyes focused in a way that made her uncomfortable. Before she could say anything, the warrior spoke.
"Irispaw, I must get to the point. You're waking up. Windclan is to be threatened. We need you ready to help. You are a medicine cat, do what you do best. And hurry. This is happening sooner than you think. Be brave. And beware the howls." She explained rapidly, bending down to touch the blue-grey medicine cat's nose with her own. Irispaw smiled, but a sense of dread filled her belly. What was this supposed to mean? Before she could ask, her vision blurred, and she spotted the she-cat, walking away. This was the last thing she saw before her vision faded to black.

At least she wasn't dead.

Moonraven March 24th, 2020 02:14 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Great, she was back here again. The young leader stretched out while yawning as if waking from a long slumber. After she finished stretching she sits down on her haunches and licks at her chest fur. Twilightstar nearly jumps as she sees a pale silhouette of herself walking away. That's not creepy at all! The she-cat took in her surroundings while waiting with an impatience twitch of her tail. She could feel eyes on her pelt and it was slowly becoming annoying.
"So am I suppose to do something or what?!" She calls out raising her voice. "If I don't get back to my body I'm almost certain my clanmates are going to let me get eaten." She was dead serious here. It wasn't that she'd really mind not going back, but she felt like she left things unfinished. The WindClan leader still hadn't gotten the territory back, talk to the clan leaders, and now the camp was overrun with coyotes so there was a lot to do.

Undertaker March 24th, 2020 04:14 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
"You have little to no faith in your clanmates." A deep voice chuckled as the starry tom stepped into sight. Hawkflame was shocked to see how easy Twilightstar was taking her death. There was no fear or surprise at all. "That apprentice, Warblerpaw, is taking care of your body. You need to believe in your clanmates a little more." He spoke, hoping to calm her impatience. "Settle down, you'll be back in your body before you know it." The large ginger tom falls back on his haunches as his smile falls from his face. "I'm sorry for the trouble that WindClan's going through. If we could help more..." He trails off looking down at his sparkling paws with a touch of sadness in his eyes. It was hard watching the clan go through such hardships and not being able to lend a paw.

MEAT ANGELS March 24th, 2020 05:33 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Dawnsong padded through the territory, worry and sadness glittering in her gaze. There was no doubt now- she would never be able to return to Windclan. But there was one thing she could do. She walked through a small tunnel, exiting out in a cave. She was tired, and this cave seemed like a great place to sleep, but she had something better to do. She had to visit Violetkit. She knew she should be going to her leader, but this was more important. A sudden figure appeared in front of her, their outline almost completely invisible. "Follow your home.." they whispered, fading away as quickly as they had come. Wondering about what they said for a moment, she finally noticed a chunk of fur they had left behind. Coyote's fur. Stained with blood. Suddenly realizing what she had to do, Dawnsong raced out of the cave to find the rift between the two skies and watch her clanmates.

Moonraven March 26th, 2020 07:46 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Her ears swerved as the tom made his presence known. She kept her expression grim and dull. It was impossible for her to be in anything other than a bad mood. A rude scoff left her maw while she curls her lips. "My faith in my clan is a bit more then it is in StarClan." Did they understand all of the crap they kept putting on her shoulders? Twilightstar would be lucky if half the clan remained after all of this. "My clan is dying! You and those dingbats allowed ThunderClan and ShadowClan to take our territory without speaking against them at the gathering. You all know my clan is in no state to fight." She spat with pure rage pulsing throughout her body. "We barely managed to make it through leaf-bare. Both Thunderclan and ShadowClan have been allowed to expand their territory without little incident, the moment I try to obtain more territory for my starving clan coyotes infest the territory and then they attack my clan."
The leader paced back and forth, claws unsheathed and muscles tensed she paused while whipping around and marching up to Hawkflame to invade his space with her hackles raised. "You can stick your apology up your ass, Hawkflame. StarClan had done nothing for WindClan." They had pushed her to her breaking point. "If I can't hope for help from the light then I will start searching for it in the darkness." As much as she would have liked to say she could rely on herself and her clanmates she knew that she could not. If the Darkforest offered it she'd take it. She'd take just about anything right now. Twilightstar could already feel the tug back to the land of the living, her brother fading more and more. Her clan was losing faith in StarClan, if were those in the stars were smart they'd heed her words.

kittygirl April 14th, 2020 11:00 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
honeyleaf opened her eyes, her heart was racing and she covered her face. she didn't care whom was around, she just started balling her eyes out, she was dead! honeyleaf sniffled and sobbed on the sweet sparkling grass.


Madelaine April 14th, 2020 11:08 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
[~] @kittygirl; [~]

Crowtail was walking through starclan when he saw a new cat. She must have recently died and by the scent of her was his former clan Shadowclan. The tom padded up to her. "Welcome to Starclan.", Crowtail meowed. He was hoping that this cat wouldn't recognize him.

kittygirl April 14th, 2020 11:12 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
honeyleaf looked up at the warrior for a good while and sniffled, "I wish I could say thank you, but..." her words trailed off and she sat up, "I'm afraid I'm not happy here..." she sniffled, honeyleafs eyes widen and she looked around, "oh no! duskstar!" she looked around and paw at the ground, "she needs me!" honeyleaf looked around in a painc.

@Blissie Bliss

Madelaine April 14th, 2020 11:15 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
[~] @kittygirl; [~]

Well that made two of them. The tom didn't like it here to much, but it was his fault he had gotten hit by a two-leg monster. The look on his living mates face when he was struck. He should be with her now, but that was never going to happen. "It's too late now. You can't reach any of the living cats.", Crowtail meowed.

kittygirl April 14th, 2020 11:30 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
honeyleaf shook her head, "no the medicine cat!" she looked at the cat in a panic, honeyleaf knew about messages and warnings, thats all she had to do!

@Blissie Bliss

Dark Flame April 15th, 2020 09:53 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by kittygirl (Post 664485)
honeyleaf shook her head, "no the medicine cat!" she looked at the cat in a panic, honeyleaf knew about messages and warnings, thats all she had to do!

@Blissie Bliss

Oaksky yawned and turned, seeing a new cat. He strolled over, with his casual smile on his face. “Hey there. You must be a new cat, eh?”

He kept his normal demeanour of smart and charm. The brown tabby chuckled a little. “Oh, I suppose we could introduce ourselves. My name is Oaksky.”

kittygirl April 16th, 2020 02:57 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
honeyleaf turned around, her heart was racing, "I-I'm honeyleaf! and I need to send a message to the thunderclan leader or medicine cat, d-do you know a way?" honeyleaf dipped her head, her sparkling tan fur was fluffed and she had a look of plead in her eyes.


kittygirl April 16th, 2020 05:59 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
honeyleaf let out a sigh of relief, she sat down and waited for flintspirit. Hoeyleaf was glad she found a way to talk to at least the deputy, at last she could explain...


Dark Flame April 17th, 2020 02:58 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by kittygirl (Post 665565)
honeyleaf turned around, her heart was racing, "I-I'm honeyleaf! and I need to send a message to the thunderclan leader or medicine cat, d-do you know a way?" honeyleaf dipped her head, her sparkling tan fur was fluffed and she had a look of plead in her eyes.


Oaksky blinked in confusion. “A message? That’s going to be hard. Getting into a dream with a warning takes time. Or you could wait for them to come to the Starcave. Then again, you don’t know when they’ll actually come...”

He gave a shrug. “Sorry.”

wren April 18th, 2020 12:59 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

There. Coyotesnarl blinked into a blissfully calm territory. One unbeknownst to him. Last time he had visited he'd been standing in his territory as it was engulfed by the jaws of a bloody dog. This was a rather nice replacement. The tabby stood with the sunlight bathing him and the grass gently pawing at his legs. This was beautiful and even he as bitter as he was to the star cats couldn’t help but feel a smile tug on his lips. It was far nicer than his previous encounter.

The tabby plopped down onto his haunches waiting for the other cats when he noticed something... wonderful. Something natural. He scrunched his nose up gently and that’s when it was solidified. He raised his paw to gently feel the right side of his face... full. Restored. He blinked a few times wondering if this was a fever dream. His curiousness engulfed him and before he knew it he was racing across the forest. Puddle. Water. Stream. River something... he needed it. The tabby was leaping and bounding and caught the scent of it.. fresh scent of moss and reeds.. water. He leapt over a decaying log coming to a skidding stop on the pebbled bank. He felt his breath leave his body and he cautiously leaned over the edge- his rippling reflection staring back at him. Beautiful and whole... his scars and deformities faded and gone. He was restored. He almost fought back tears. He didn’t care if the other medicine cats watched him race off in a frantic decision.. he needed to see it.

@Moon Lily @CheetahPelt @SilentLamb

Moon Lily April 18th, 2020 06:21 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

@wren @CheetahPelt @SilentLamb

Irisflame entered the landscape shortly after Coyotesnarl, eyes opening on the beautiful grassy territory. Trees were dotted here and there, and a large indigo sky faded into starlight. The sight made her heart sing. She loved visiting Starclan and it's gems. She just hoped that this wasn't some weird omen. As in, really hoped. Where was her mother? Where was Slatecloud? She ruffled her short blue-grey fur, her lapis hues lighting up in wonder as a starry bird flew overhead. What a show Starclan liked to put on. Hearing the tumbling of excited footsteps, she dragged her gaze from the bird to see Coyotesnarl's pelt dashing towards a stream. What in Starclan's name?

She felt a desperate urge to follow him and see what had gotten into that brain of his, but a little spirit tugged her heartstrings elsewhere. She was falling into temptation, she wouldn't do that. But she felt something like at her, and couldn't help but then around to look. At an uncrippled leg. And a straight tail. Her heart fluttered with sudden joy. Had Starclan decided to heal her? The vision faded, and she was let with her original form. What was going on? She bolted after Coyotesnarl, too consumed by her thoughts to notice the others.
"Coyotesnarl! It's not real!" She yowled. As she skidded to a stop behind the tom, she cautiously padded to his side. She curved her eyebrows in concern.
"Hey. Don't listen to this nonsense. I think you're perfect the way you are. Don't be tempted."

RedHead April 18th, 2020 09:17 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Flintspirit often didn't fall into deep sleeps where dreams could reach him, so he hadn't had too many meetings with Starclanners outside of going to the starcave. He also expected that to just be a medicine cat thing. But when he did wake up in Starclan, the tom took a moment to take in his surroundings, not freaked out but just a little confused. He'd wanted some good sleep tonight, he was so exhausted and had felt overwhelmed for the past.... while. But he sat up anyways, looking towards the Starclan she-cat that was sitting in front of him. "Is... something wrong?" He questioned, tail flicking slightly. He felt like he recognized the she-cat, but he couldn't be completely sure.


kittygirl April 18th, 2020 07:03 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
honeyleaf dipped her head to the deputy and smiled slightly, [COLOR="PaleGreen"]"well...not anymore...my name is honeyleaf...I was the shadowclan warrior that warned thunderclan of the raid..." honeyleafs words trailed off a bit, but she shook her head and smiled again, "i'm so sorry I had caused the raid to launch early..." honeyleaf's ears lowered as guilt washed over her.


CheetahPelt April 19th, 2020 07:53 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
@wren @Moon Lily @SilentLamb

Otterstone materialized in Starclan.
Her eyes were wide, gazing around the clearing they had appeared in, turning to see the tails of Irisfire and Coyotesnarl flashing away. She didn't follow, but wandered a few paces after them, not really going after them but just observing the area around them.

Then she noticed her leg was there. No scarring. It was, there.

Otterstone almost started to cry, but in the back of her mind. She knew it wasn't real. She was asleep, not dead, and when they woke back up she would be back to having three legs.

Leucos April 19th, 2020 10:27 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
@wren @Moon Lily @CheetahPelt

Slowly materializing into the territory of the star cats, Lionwhisker opened his eyes to see Otterstone infront of him. She looked healed...full. He gave a smile at that and looked to where the two others went off to....his ears folded back as he felt sorry for coyotesnarl. las just let him enjoy it!
Sighing he parted from the group but stayed near them so he won't get lost. He was happy for the others who were able to feel joy for what starclan was doing to them. But he didn't really need that ....He was happy with himself .Which explains why he felt bad as he looked in a small pond. His own scars were healed...But ...He wasn't the one needing that comfort and joy right now.

He folded ears at that , he did feel that emotion..buuut...He didn't completely turn it down either! After a bit he gave himself a smirk and a wink "long time no see handsome . " he purred . He was at his full hotness! even his pelt was more shinny and golden . He missed those days... Looking back over at where the group was ,he returned to them
" iris let him enjoy it, I think you all need to have some sort of joy.. But I agree with not getting too lost in it. " he meowed .

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 12:41 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
Yarrowkit opened his eyes, aware of where he was. "Hello..? Starclan..? Is that you?" He couldn't believe it... was he dreaming..? He was starving himself a little bit ago... Oh. I see... The answer struck him as if a hawk picked him up while he was playing in the clearing. I'm dead. He looked around. The trees looked enchanting, while the sky looked the same as ever, but somehow different... This isn't the Dark Forest - this is Starclan! He easily jumped to his paws, feeling alive as ever. He felt as if he could soar over the clouds, alive and at once... happy. He was glad he died, being away from Shadowclan. But before he could get too excited, he realized that he was alone, with no one to guide him. "Help, please!" He called. He waited patiently for an answer...

dino. April 21st, 2020 12:59 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

[ @Flowstream ]

A voice... a voice reached his ears, young and innocent. Too young and innocent. Barkprowl turned his head toward the source of the noise, his heart twisting. Too young, too small, a cat who's chance to see the wonders of the world had been ripped away from them.
The mottled brown tom approached Yarrowkit, eyes gentle and expression kind. "I'm here," he said softly, crouching down in front of him. "There's no need to be afraid."

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 01:05 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Slushie (Post 669828)

[ @Flowstream ]

A voice... a voice reached his ears, young and innocent. Too young and innocent. Barkprowl turned his head toward the source of the noise, his heart twisting. Too young, too small, a cat who's chance to see the wonders of the world had been ripped away from them.
The mottled brown tom approached Yarrowkit, eyes gentle and expression kind. "I'm here," he said softly, crouching down in front of him. "There's no need to be afraid."

Yarrowkit looked up at the cat, surprised. Is that a Starclan cat..? "Why do you care for me..? I ran from home because Icestar killed another cat, AND she attacked Thunderclan because of pride and... oh who knows what else..!" Instead of being hussy like he did to some other Shadowclan cats, he sounded scared. And, as he mentioned Icestar, he flinched, remembering what she did to Honeyleaf. "I wanted to be a medicine cat. But that's all over..." he said silently and sadly. "I starved myself out, hissed at other warriors and apprentices, and I don't like Shadowclan... that's why I'm here." I'm talking randomly! Yarrowkit thought, realizing he was saying his thoughts out loud. @Slushie

Moon Lily April 21st, 2020 06:09 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

[ @Flowstream ]

Irisflame blinked her eyes open, jolting upwards as they opened to starlight. Was she dead? No...dreaming. She had appeared in the grassy clearing that she usually did. She took a deep breath of the fresh air. It smelt so clean, completely free of Twoleg corruption. And the grass was so soft...everything was so inviting. But her wonder soon turned to agitation. She was here for a reason. So, why? Why on earth had she been summoned...here? She cleared her throat.

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 06:17 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moon Lily (Post 669896)

[ @Flowstream ]

Irisflame blinked her eyes open, jolting upwards as they opened to starlight. Was she dead? No...dreaming. She had appeared in the grassy clearing that she usually did. She took a deep breath of the fresh air. It smelt so clean, completely free of Twoleg corruption. And the grass was so soft...everything was so inviting. But her wonder soon turned to agitation. She was here for a reason. So, why? Why on earth had she been summoned...here? She cleared her throat.

Yarrowkit was exploring when he heard the familiar voice echo through the air. He followed the voice, ending up behind an oddly familiar she-cat. "Is that you, Irisflame?" He squeaked with joy. At least someone he trusted in Shadowclan was around. The rest of the cats? Nope. He wouldn't go near them at all. He didn't even like the other cats, calling him mousebrain and not caring about him at all. Well, I HAD yowled stupidly... He snapped back to reality, wondering why Irisflame was doing here.

Moon Lily April 21st, 2020 06:24 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Flowstream (Post 669897)
Yarrowkit was exploring when he heard the familiar voice echo through the air. He followed the voice, ending up behind an oddly familiar she-cat. "Is that you, Irisflame?" He squeaked with joy. At least someone he trusted in Shadowclan was around. The rest of the cats? Nope. He wouldn't go near them at all. He didn't even like the other cats, calling him mousebrain and not caring about him at all. Well, I HAD yowled stupidly... He snapped back to reality, wondering why Irisflame was doing here.

Irisflame jumped as a kit's voice she knew so well erupted from behind her. Yarrowkit? That was impossible. What was he doing here, of all cats? He couldn't be... He just couldn't be dead. Right? She hasn't seen him since the last clan meeting, though... Swiveling around, she smiled at his presence. "Yarrowkit! There you are, kiddo." Her heart broke to see a cat dead so young. Placing her muzzle upon his affectionately, she straightened up. Why was she here? She had no idea.
"I actually don't know. I just...popped up, if you know what I'm saying. I thought you would know."

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 06:32 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moon Lily (Post 669898)
Irisflame jumped as a kit's voice she knew so well erupted from behind her. Yarrowkit? That was impossible. What was he doing here, of all cats? He couldn't be... He just couldn't be dead. Right? She hasn't seen him since the last clan meeting, though... Swiveling around, she smiled at his presence. "Yarrowkit! There you are, kiddo." Her heart broke to see a cat dead so young. Placing her muzzle upon his affectionately, she straightened up. Why was she here? She had no idea.
"I actually don't know. I just...popped up, if you know what I'm saying. I thought you would know."

Yarrowkit locked his gaze on Irisflame, gleams of sadness in his eyes. "I don't know why you're here, either. Maybe some cat's gonna give you a message?" He suggested. Or maybe it's because of me..? Nah. He immediately realized that she was dreaming; when she woke up, she would be able to remember the dream! "Can you do me a favor..?" He waited for the she-cat's answer.
(Sorry if my writing isn't that good - I didn't sleep very well!)

dino. April 21st, 2020 07:06 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

[ @Moon Lily @Flowstream ]

He opened his jaws to respond, but another cat beat him to it. He was surprised to see Irisflame appear, and dipped his head respectfully to her. As Yarrowkit asked for a favor, he tipped his head curiously. "Sure, ask away."

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 11:10 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
Yarrowkit looked at the two cats, then asked Irisflame, "If no one finds my body, it's on the border between Thunderclan and Shadowclan. What if a Thunderclan cat found my body? They might tell every cat that Shadowclan had a dead kit on the borders. They might accuse Shadowclan as kit killers. They might as well rid of it, they don't want to get into another fight with Thunderclan." He would add, they don't have to remember me, but he decided he would rather be remembered than forgotten. @Moon Lily @Slushie

wren April 21st, 2020 12:45 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Coyotesnarl stood crouched at the end of the glistening pool staring at the perfectly whole reflection that looked back at him. All four of them had injuries.. scars.. even lack of a leg. This was beautiful. He supposed he hadn’t had time to check last time he was here.. he’d been fighting for his life than. Though that was a bit of an over exaggeration. The tom say back for a moment bringing a paw to gently embrace the side of his face. The once charred and barren skin was now smooth. Hidden under fur.

“I know it bloody well isn’t real... but I want it to be.” the tom murmured under his breath before Irisflame spoke again. He felt his guard slowly slipping down and the tabby leaned into her shoulder closing his eyes for a prolonged moment. He was aware the other medicine cats were nearby... he didn’t bother addressing them. There was no need.

@Moon Lily @SilentLamb @CheetahPelt

Moon Lily April 21st, 2020 04:49 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

[ @Flowstream @Slushie ]

Irisflame felt her eyebrows knit in confusion as Yarrowkit explained that he had absolutely no idea either. Had she just randomly been summoned to Starclan? No, that couldn't be. If she had been, then there must have been a mistake. But she was sure Yarrrowkit had something to say. When he asked for a favour, she nodded at the other tom's words.
"I'll do that. I'll bury it as well- it's the best I can do." She paused, shaking her head, "I'm so sorry what happened- why didn't you come to me?"

[ @SilentLamb @CheetahPelt @wren ]

Irisflame looked down at the lapis pool. It gleaned so nicely in the sun...but it revealed false truth. Coyotesnarl may have wanted to scars. Lionwhisker as well. Otterstone her leg back. And herself...whole lungs, a perfect tail, and a straight leg was what she'd dreamed of her entire life. But they were swimming in a pool of lies. And that choked her. We're they perfect each time they'd appeared in Starclan? She supposed so. She hasn't had enough time to actually look at herself.

At Lionwhisker's words, she glanced back at him desperately. She didn't want to lose a friend to a beautiful lie. But she was surprised at Coyotesnarl's words.
"We all do..." She murmured, eyes shadowed. As he leaned into her pelt, she winced in surprise. Had that...actually worked? She smiled, rocking gently. The water still remained undisturbed, and she hated that. Perfect water, perfect cat, perfect everything. She growled softly at it.

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 05:15 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moon Lily (Post 670337)

[ @Flowstream @Slushie ]

Irisflame felt her eyebrows knit in confusion as Yarrowkit explained that he had absolutely no idea either. Had she just randomly been summoned to Starclan? No, that couldn't be. If she had been, then there must have been a mistake. But she was sure Yarrrowkit had something to say. When he asked for a favour, she nodded at the other tom's words.
"I'll do that. I'll bury it as well- it's the best I can do." She paused, shaking her head, "I'm so sorry what happened- why didn't you come to me?"

[ @SilentLamb @CheetahPelt @wren ]

Irisflame looked down at the lapis pool. It gleaned so nicely in the sun...but it revealed false truth. Coyotesnarl may have wanted to scars. Lionwhisker as well. Otterstone her leg back. And herself...whole lungs, a perfect tail, and a straight leg was what she'd dreamed of her entire life. But they were swimming in a pool of lies. And that choked her. We're they perfect each time they'd appeared in Starclan? She supposed so. She hasn't had enough time to actually look at herself.

At Lionwhisker's words, she glanced back at him desperately. She didn't want to lose a friend to a beautiful lie. But she was surprised at Coyotesnarl's words.
"We all do..." She murmured, eyes shadowed. As he leaned into her pelt, she winced in surprise. Had that...actually worked? She smiled, rocking gently. The water still remained undisturbed, and she hated that. Perfect water, perfect cat, perfect everything. She growled softly at it.

Yarrowkit's gaze darkened as the gentle she-cat asked the question. "Falcondive didn't care for me. I would've gladly listen to what he said if he was more gentle, but still firm. I would've finally agreed with him, continuing to feel more respect towards Icestar. But instead of persuading me or anything like that, he showed no care. I ran and starved myself out, thinking that would solve anything. It didn't. If only Icestar didn't launch an attack on Thunderclan, or kill Honeyleaf... I don't understand." Yarrowkit's heart broke as he remembered the horrible memories in Shadowclan, able to rip apart his good memories into atoms. He didn't like life there, but he could blame himself for dying just because of that place. He wanted to die, not realizing that the cats he trusted (Irisflame was the only cat he trusted TTwTT) would be left behind him. "The answer to your question... I didn't come to the medicine den because I was being a mousebrain. Falcondive and Sparrowpaw were right. I'm dead, and it's more of a blessing to the clan instead of a loss! (Falcondive had said that T^T)" His voice cracked a little, sad to talk about the cats who didn't care for him, but what they said was true. "I thought... if the clan didn't care if I died, then I would be able to join Starclan without any other cats bothering to help. So I walked to the border, starved myself out, and I ended up... here."

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 05:16 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moon Lily (Post 670337)

[ @Flowstream @Slushie ]

Irisflame felt her eyebrows knit in confusion as Yarrowkit explained that he had absolutely no idea either. Had she just randomly been summoned to Starclan? No, that couldn't be. If she had been, then there must have been a mistake. But she was sure Yarrrowkit had something to say. When he asked for a favour, she nodded at the other tom's words.
"I'll do that. I'll bury it as well- it's the best I can do." She paused, shaking her head, "I'm so sorry what happened- why didn't you come to me?"

[ @SilentLamb @CheetahPelt @wren ]

Irisflame looked down at the lapis pool. It gleaned so nicely in the sun...but it revealed false truth. Coyotesnarl may have wanted to scars. Lionwhisker as well. Otterstone her leg back. And herself...whole lungs, a perfect tail, and a straight leg was what she'd dreamed of her entire life. But they were swimming in a pool of lies. And that choked her. We're they perfect each time they'd appeared in Starclan? She supposed so. She hasn't had enough time to actually look at herself.

At Lionwhisker's words, she glanced back at him desperately. She didn't want to lose a friend to a beautiful lie. But she was surprised at Coyotesnarl's words.
"We all do..." She murmured, eyes shadowed. As he leaned into her pelt, she winced in surprise. Had that...actually worked? She smiled, rocking gently. The water still remained undisturbed, and she hated that. Perfect water, perfect cat, perfect everything. She growled softly at it.

Yarrowkit's gaze darkened as the gentle she-cat asked the question. "Falcondive didn't care for me. I would've gladly listen to what he said if he was more gentle, but still firm. I would've finally agreed with him, continuing to feel more respect towards Icestar. But instead of persuading me or anything like that, he showed no care. I ran and starved myself out, thinking that would solve anything. It didn't. If only Icestar didn't launch an attack on Thunderclan, or kill Honeyleaf... I don't understand." Yarrowkit's heart broke as he remembered the horrible memories in Shadowclan, able to rip apart his good memories into atoms. He didn't like life there, but he could blame himself for dying just because of that place. He wanted to die, not realizing that the cats he trusted (Irisflame was the only cat he trusted TTwTT) would be left behind him. "The answer to your question... I didn't come to the medicine den because I was being a mousebrain. Falcondive and Sparrowpaw were right. I'm dead, and it's more of a blessing to the clan instead of a loss! (Falcondive had said that T^T)" His voice cracked a little, sad to talk about the cats who didn't care for him, but what they said was true. "I thought... if the clan didn't care if I died, then I would be able to join Starclan without any other cats bothering to help. So I walked to the border, starved myself out, and I ended up... here."

Leucos April 21st, 2020 05:26 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
@wren @CheetahPelt @Moon Lily

He couldn't help but smile softly . To be honest seeing coyotesnarl do that was kinda adorable to him. In a friend way of course! Though he felt that emotion once again that he can't quite define... yeah but...y'all are the ones who had suffered more than me..atleast it's what I assume . shaking his head slightly ah....she is right though...I mean...ah you know what I mean!
Huffing only to snort he looked back at Otterstone "what you think las?" . They haven't heard from the she cat in a bit...it'll be nice to hear her speak.

dino. April 21st, 2020 05:54 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

[ @Moon Lily @Flowstream ]

Barkprowl's features hardened, and his muzzle twitched. He crouched down close to Yarrowkit, eyes ablaze with emotion. "Never, ever think that," he said forcefully. "There will ALWAYS be someone who cares if you live or die, I can garuntee you that."
He closed his eyes and sat back with a heavy sigh. "Death can be scary and difficult to understand, but unfortunately it is a part of Clan life. While I agree her methods may not have been the wisest, Icestar was only doing what she thought was necessary for ShadowClan. As for Falcondive... from what I can tell, he's a troubled cat." It was too late to say, don't take it to heart, but he hoped it showed in his eyes.
He glanced over at Irisflame, sympathy sparking in his gaze. He rested his tail over her shoulders. "Burying a kit can be difficult, but I'll be with you the whole way."

Willowfern April 21st, 2020 07:44 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Runningkit opened his eyes, all he remembered was the smelly breath of a cat and pain in his neck...
“Hello?!” He yowled into the beautiful territory around him,”Hello?!”

TeamFlowstream! April 21st, 2020 09:03 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Yarrowkit smiled up at the starry cat, thanking him. "I'll miss you, Irisflame," he squeaked sadly, wishing he never died. I could've left as an apprentice! He thought. If only that happened, he could've ran somewhere instead of dying on the borders of Thunderclan and Shadowclan.
@Moon Lily

Moon Lily April 22nd, 2020 12:32 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

@Flowstream @Slushie

Irisflame felt small beads of water form in her eyes. But she refused to let them fall. She would stand strong for this kit, this cat who had been through so much only to be repaid with a stab in the back. This small tom could have been more than he was now, but half the cats around him were too judgy to realize. If Shadowclan didn't care, they were more heartless than she had thought. She felt a growl ride in her throat, eyes narrowing.
"Yarrowkit, you are one of the bravest cats I've ever met. Please don't do this to yourself. Icestar has committed a great injustice, and she will pay, whether she likes it or not. So many cats care about you. Don't let the haters get in the way of that." She mewed. She knew only too well what being hated by some felt like, "To the Dark Forest with them!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. She didn't care if anyone heard. As the other tom slung her tail across her, she looked to him gratefully. Of all the cats she cared for, this one she had failed. SNiffing, she nodded.
"I'll bury you near my favourite herb gathering spot. Would you like that, Yarrowkit?" She asked, tilting her head. As he thanked her, she felt a spark of joy light up in her chest. She wouldn't fail him again.

TeamFlowstream! April 22nd, 2020 01:00 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moon Lily (Post 670828)

@Flowstream @Slushie

Irisflame felt small beads of water form in her eyes. But she refused to let them fall. She would stand strong for this kit, this cat who had been through so much only to be repaid with a stab in the back. This small tom could have been more than he was now, but half the cats around him were too judgy to realize. If Shadowclan didn't care, they were more heartless than she had thought. She felt a growl ride in her throat, eyes narrowing.
"Yarrowkit, you are one of the bravest cats I've ever met. Please don't do this to yourself. Icestar has committed a great injustice, and she will pay, whether she likes it or not. So many cats care about you. Don't let the haters get in the way of that." She mewed. She knew only too well what being hated by some felt like, "To the Dark Forest with them!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. She didn't care if anyone heard. As the other tom slung her tail across her, she looked to him gratefully. Of all the cats she cared for, this one she had failed. SNiffing, she nodded.
"I'll bury you near my favourite herb gathering spot. Would you like that, Yarrowkit?" She asked, tilting her head. As he thanked her, she felt a spark of joy light up in her chest. She wouldn't fail him again.

Yarrowkit felt a spark of happiness and sadness light up in his heart. "Thank you... that would be great!" He had one more favor, though. "Can you tell the clan that... that I'm sorry for all I did? They don't have to forgive me. I also hope that a Thunderclan cat doesn't see my body, first... things would eventually get really ugly." He imagined Thunderclan at the gathering during the full moon, telling hundreds of cats from other clans about a dead kit with bones showing through matted fur lying peacefully in the grass between the Shadowclan and Thunderclan border. He shivered, imagining what other cats would do if they learned about his tiny, limp body with the scent of Shadowclan all over it... would they accuse Shadowclan as kit killers? Well, at least it would be buried, especially by a kind, gentle, and generous cat that he trusted. He also thought about the cat that snapped at him, but then spoke to him gently as he wandered the borders, saying that he should go back to Shadowclan... "I'm pretty sure Shadowpelt was worried when I roamed the borders... but instead of showing respect, I snapped at him, saying that I didn't want to go back. You don't mind if you tell him I'm very, very sorry about what happened back there..? And speaking of being sorry a lot... I'm sorry about all the favors. I'll do you a favor by being with you, no matter what!" Yarrowkit purred. He also wanted to actually wanted to see Irisflame again while being alive. But now it was too late. He was here in the ranks of Starclan now. He wished he could go back and restart his life all over again... Can I? He decided to ask Barkprowl after, just to see if he could. He wanted to try again, this time, showing more respect to the warriors and any other older cats. And not killing myself, he added in his mind.

Moon Lily April 22nd, 2020 02:17 AM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Flowstream (Post 670838)
Yarrowkit felt a spark of happiness and sadness light up in his heart. "Thank you... that would be great!" He had one more favor, though. "Can you tell the clan that... that I'm sorry for all I did? They don't have to forgive me. I also hope that a Thunderclan cat doesn't see my body, first... things would eventually get really ugly." He imagined Thunderclan at the gathering during the full moon, telling hundreds of cats from other clans about a dead kit with bones showing through matted fur lying peacefully in the grass between the Shadowclan and Thunderclan border. He shivered, imagining what other cats would do if they learned about his tiny, limp body with the scent of Shadowclan all over it... would they accuse Shadowclan as kit killers? Well, at least it would be buried, especially by a kind, gentle, and generous cat that he trusted. He also thought about the cat that snapped at him, but then spoke to him gently as he wandered the borders, saying that he should go back to Shadowclan... "I'm pretty sure Shadowpelt was worried when I roamed the borders... but instead of showing respect, I snapped at him, saying that I didn't want to go back. You don't mind if you tell him I'm very, very sorry about what happened back there..? And speaking of being sorry a lot... I'm sorry about all the favors. I'll do you a favor by being with you, no matter what!" Yarrowkit purred. He also wanted to actually wanted to see Irisflame again while being alive. But now it was too late. He was here in the ranks of Starclan now. He wished he could go back and restart his life all over again... Can I? He decided to ask Barkprowl after, just to see if he could. He wanted to try again, this time, showing more respect to the warriors and any other older cats. And not killing myself, he added in his mind.

@Flowstream @Slushie
[Yarrowkit can only be resurrected with a resurrection token, which I think you can request from the support hotline. But, they are very, very rare and extremely hard to get. Ask BILL. for any more info!]

Irisflame nodded at each of his favours, surprised that he had so little. Was there no cat back in Shadowclan he wanted her to say goodbye to, or send his love to? She tilted her head, she'd thought that There would be at least one...cat... She slowed her thoughts. She mustn't force it upon him. After all, there might not be anyone.
"Tell the clan you're sorry, and tell Barkprowl you're sorry, and bury you in the herb gathering spot. Is that it?" She asked, running over the short list once nore. She wanted to be sure she had everything, after all, this was no laughing matter.

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