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Silverfur & Co December 17th, 2017 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward (Post 440400)
I mean you each get a part of my army to lead i already didvided them into 4 sections the most inexperienced is the army of the dawn, next is army of the dusk, army of the sun, and my most elite is dragos fist" he said looking at drago as he said it "obviously i want you to lead it" drago shook his head "no give me the army of the dawn and i will make them into my fist" he said claw looked surprised but didn't question it "ok then I'll give it to darkwings and you can name it what you want" he said then suddenly his eyes widened "i sense a enemy army crossing into the kingdom 50 miles out from the city to the west you must go now and good luck" he said drago and arya rushed out together gathering their sections of the army and drago relayed his plan to spirit and darkwings through mental contact "We'll meet them at the valley entrance they'll be funneled through the narrow passage the slopes are covered with trees me and arya will take our forces and hide on either side while you and spirit engage them from the front when i give the signal me and arya will spring the trap and we will slaughter them" he said teleporting the armies into position he set his men up within minutes showing his ability to command new recruits and decided to give them a speech for the enemy was far out and they would have time to rest and stuff he spoke loud and clear so all his recruits could hear him "soldiers you know who i am and you know i am bonded to your king which means i usually get the special treatment but this time i gave up that special treatment and chose you guys as my army under my command i expect full respect and obedience and proper punishment will be handed out to those who break my rules, now we face a overwhelming force numbering in the 100's of thousands against our force of only 15,500 but if we plan this correctly and with the combined power of me arya spirit and darkwings we can win this battle so do not show fear do not run fight bravely for you are the soldiers of ELSGUARD AND ELSGUARD DOESN'T RUN DO THEY" he roared they roared back "NO" and he replied "THEN LETS SHOW THE ENEMIES WHAT WE'RE MADE OF ARMY OF THE DAWN" he roared the recruits chanted "dawns light shall break all darkness" then they settled down to wait (now you must talk to your armies i ain't doing aryas lol i will when they are charging into battle btw arya has the army of the sun and spirit has the army of dusk and you equinox get to name your army) ( @Silverfur & Co.) Its also funny that im listening to a song on repeat called the army of the dawn by tenside, christop von freydorf XD)

Spirit nodded and looked at him “the dusk army will attack at dusk and it will be wolves and dragons.” *she was looked at like she was crazy but she looked at claw. She knew what she was gonna do.* *her army looked at her and the dragon part said* “She is nuts this isn’t gonna Work. We can do this what about the wolves attacking us?!” *her wolves that were her friends shook there heads no. She was glad that she knew her friends would back her. She is glad that they have her back.* “dusk arm won’t ever back down will we?!” She raised her arm and the rest of them copied her and daid* “hell no we don’t. Elseguard forever!”

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 22nd, 2017 03:35 PM

@Equinox your army will be blocking the path along with spirits also bump)

Silverfur & Co December 25th, 2017 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward (Post 443833)
@Equinox your army will be blocking the path along with spirits also bump)

Ur to replay dear)

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 26th, 2017 10:54 PM

(@Northern Lights you didnt tell me you changed your name @Silverfur & Co i guess I'll start this) the sun was setting when the enemy army marched into the valley in a triple colum formation the setting sun made their red and black armor shine drago grinned with bloodlust knowing that the red wouldn't just be armor soon it would be there blood he shivered with delight something about the thought of spilling enemy blood made him pumped he contacted all his men through telepathy and got them arrayed in a double line behind him arya did the same on the other side of the valley keeping their armies hidden all the time the enemy army noticed darkwings and spirits army and rushed forward to engage them the armies collided with a defeaning crash and the battle was instanly tipped towards the enemy drago growled and suddenly his set of armor appeared around him for he had been wearing a t shirt and short a second ago and swirled around him then started connecting to him until his full set of the almighty armor was on him the only thing that wasn't on was his helmet which he held he raised it slowly and as soon as he put it on the horn sounded its low booming sound filled the valley, as one the army of the dawn led by drago and the army of the sun led by arya surged forward down the steep cliffs through the trees a battle cry filled the air to the point it drowned out the horn but before drago could hit the ranks of enemy he sensed a powerful being target arya with a ball of death energy he teleported in front of arya and swung his arm his sword materializing mid swing and sliced the ball in half making it blow back at the being who absorbed it, it was hiroga but not the same a resurrected hiroga with more powers than he had before hiroga smiled menacingly "well well well look what we have here the half human half dragon who thinks he can beat anyone just because your bonded to claw and you saved your home planet from a sentient planet doesn't make you more powerful than me" he said drago said nothing just rushed forward faster than the eye could follow and punched hiroga in the chest his arm going through the armor and scales and out the other side with hirogas heart exploding but he wasn't dead yet drago pulled him close "you talk to much" with that he kick him back then with a fist infused with void energy delivered a punch that obliterated hiroga completely

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 28th, 2017 02:23 PM

( @Northern Lights i kept forgetting the R in north XD)

dino. December 29th, 2017 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward (Post 445972)
(@Northern Lights you didnt tell me you changed your name @Silverfur & Co i guess I'll start this) the sun was setting when the enemy army marched into the valley in a triple colum formation the setting sun made their red and black armor shine drago grinned with bloodlust knowing that the red wouldn't just be armor soon it would be there blood he shivered with delight something about the thought of spilling enemy blood made him pumped he contacted all his men through telepathy and got them arrayed in a double line behind him arya did the same on the other side of the valley keeping their armies hidden all the time the enemy army noticed darkwings and spirits army and rushed forward to engage them the armies collided with a defeaning crash and the battle was instanly tipped towards the enemy drago growled and suddenly his set of armor appeared around him for he had been wearing a t shirt and short a second ago and swirled around him then started connecting to him until his full set of the almighty armor was on him the only thing that wasn't on was his helmet which he held he raised it slowly and as soon as he put it on the horn sounded its low booming sound filled the valley, as one the army of the dawn led by drago and the army of the sun led by arya surged forward down the steep cliffs through the trees a battle cry filled the air to the point it drowned out the horn but before drago could hit the ranks of enemy he sensed a powerful being target arya with a ball of death energy he teleported in front of arya and swung his arm his sword materializing mid swing and sliced the ball in half making it blow back at the being who absorbed it, it was hiroga but not the same a resurrected hiroga with more powers than he had before hiroga smiled menacingly "well well well look what we have here the half human half dragon who thinks he can beat anyone just because your bonded to claw and you saved your home planet from a sentient planet doesn't make you more powerful than me" he said drago said nothing just rushed forward faster than the eye could follow and punched hiroga in the chest his arm going through the armor and scales and out the other side with hirogas heart exploding but he wasn't dead yet drago pulled him close "you talk to much" with that he kick him back then with a fist infused with void energy delivered a punch that obliterated hiroga completely

Inside the castle Darkwings was finishing her speech. "As the Army of Shadows, we will rise to bring the light!" She raised her metal shield and shouted, "FOR ELSGUARD."

Her army followed her out onto the battlefield, echoing her with roars of confidence and fury. She entered the fray, using her sword to chop through the necks of the enemy and her shield to block and bash.

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 31st, 2017 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Northern Lights (Post 447237)

Inside the castle Darkwings was finishing her speech. "As the Army of Shadows, we will rise to bring the light!" She raised her metal shield and shouted, "FOR ELSGUARD."

Her army followed her out onto the battlefield, echoing her with roars of confidence and fury. She entered the fray, using her sword to chop through the necks of the enemy and her shield to block and bash.

@Silverfur & Co ) drago didn't have time to think about if hiroga would stay dead or not for the other enemies appeared siroga, seraph, hades (not the greek god lol), Vladimir, destro, and the last one surprised drago for it was fire claws father though it was not really him just a reanimated evil version still very powerful though drago faced them his expression hidden behind his helmet the only hint if emotion was the fire in his eyes arya stood behind him her arms restig on his shoulders and pistols in hand pointed at the enemies the battle still raged around them

dino. December 31st, 2017 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward (Post 448474)
@Silverfur & Co ) drago didn't have time to think about if hiroga would stay dead or not for the other enemies appeared siroga, seraph, hades (not the greek god lol), Vladimir, destro, and the last one surprised drago for it was fire claws father though it was not really him just a reanimated evil version still very powerful though drago faced them his expression hidden behind his helmet the only hint if emotion was the fire in his eyes arya stood behind him her arms restig on his shoulders and pistols in hand pointed at the enemies the battle still raged around them

Darkwings roared was her leg was struck by another dragon opening her mouth she blasted a bolt of black fire at him and felt a curl of satisfaction as he was engulfed in flames with a snarl she blocked an arrow with her shield her red stripes glowed with fury as she stepped beside drago(only doing it this way cause I don't have the motivation to do it my usual way :P)

Silverfur & Co December 31st, 2017 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Drago Victinius Bloodward (Post 448474)
@Silverfur & Co ) drago didn't have time to think about if hiroga would stay dead or not for the other enemies appeared siroga, seraph, hades (not the greek god lol), Vladimir, destro, and the last one surprised drago for it was fire claws father though it was not really him just a reanimated evil version still very powerful though drago faced them his expression hidden behind his helmet the only hint if emotion was the fire in his eyes arya stood behind him her arms restig on his shoulders and pistols in hand pointed at the enemies the battle still raged around them


Originally Posted by Northern Lights (Post 448582)

Darkwings roared was her leg was struck by another dragon opening her mouth she blasted a bolt of black fire at him and felt a curl of satisfaction as he was engulfed in flames with a snarl she blocked an arrow with her shield her red stripes glowed with fury as she stepped beside drago(only doing it this way cause I don't have the motivation to do it my usual way :P)

Spirit had her army outside her wolf sister was in command of while she helped them in the inside and she looked at claws father and her eyes shown knowing this is what he looked like but she looked away knowing that if she looked too long she could easily become corrupted and she didn’t want that. “Get out of here I know your not the same dragon u were but the dusk warrioress will not be defeated.”

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 31st, 2017 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Northern Lights (Post 448582)

Darkwings roared was her leg was struck by another dragon opening her mouth she blasted a bolt of black fire at him and felt a curl of satisfaction as he was engulfed in flames with a snarl she blocked an arrow with her shield her red stripes glowed with fury as she stepped beside drago(only doing it this way cause I don't have the motivation to do it my usual way :P)


Originally Posted by Silverfur & Co (Post 448780)
Spirit had her army outside her wolf sister was in command of while she helped them in the inside and she looked at claws father and her eyes shown knowing this is what he looked like but she looked away knowing that if she looked too long she could easily become corrupted and she didn’t want that. “Get out of here I know your not the same dragon u were but the dusk warrioress will not be defeated.”

Fire smiled menacingly "oh you sure about that" he said turning he blasted fire at her army which would've obliterated the army if claw hadn't appeared to absorb the blast he was wearing a set of armor that gave him access to a small portion of his power though the small portion was still powerful ryze also appeared beside claw sword in hand (oh now the butt whoopin begins) without looking at each other they rushed forward at inhuman speed reaching the 6 stunned enemies in seconds and with claw taking on fire siroga and hades and ryze fighting the other 3 drago grinned under his helmet his armor started glowing and his eyes rolled back arya stepped back in surprise her sky blue eyes narrowed in curiosity them widening in surprise as with a thrust of his open palms drago emitted a burst of power that was potent enough to blast the 6 enemies into the moutains side and out the other side he then pursued them with ryze while claw took command of the battle rushing into battle which the enemy army was currently winning he roared "do not falter men of ELSGUARD you fight not just for your kingdom or king or queen no you fight for your freedom your family and youur lives so FIGHT I SAY FIGHT DRIVE BACK THESE INVADERS SHOW THEM THE TRUE BATTLE SKILLS OF DRAGONS" with that the men rallied and started mercilessly cutting through the enemies army meanwhile drago and ryze chased off the 6 enemies (thats there nicknames now) and returned to the battle drago threw himself into battle alongside his army of the dawn ryze following him drago roared as he slammed into the enemy ranks his men roared with him as morale soared and the army of the dawn went from being a bunch of recruits to being the fiercest army on the battlefield despite the lack of training and equipment the army of the dawn was made up of potent magic users which the army now unleashed balls of fire tore holes into the enemy ranks along with ice blasts and rocks and even a death mist which took out a large group of elves in mere seconds

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