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Empress Of Evil November 16th, 2016 12:46 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 32218)
Just as her eyes bore into the ground, his eyes bore into her as he finished up eating the bird in front of him, the soft crunching and snapping of bones, the quiet ripping of flesh as he devoured the raven could be heard from where she sat, almost painstakingly certain that it was some sort of warning from the tom for his plans for her. But of course she wouldn't know that he doesn't kill random cats, no he kills very particular cats because he has only one rule and that one rule, whether you break it or not, can determine whether he'll end your life or not. There has only been one cat to escape his clutches and they were only able to because another cat just barely intervened. Perhaps he was planning his second and final ploy to kill that cat, perhaps not, perhaps he had settled for something that would end with a much more interesting result and that was causing her to slip into insanity. Or perhaps he would simply let her go. Hannibal was a very complicated cat as many cats would come to know. You could never tell what his next move would be, unless you knew that you had broken his rule.. But some cats had no clue about his rule, and that's a very bad mistake if you ever wish to speak to this tom. One slip up and you'll end up squirming in your own blood as he tears into you. Or perhaps he simply slits your throat and stands back to watch you bleed out. No one has lived to tell the tail of how Hannibal kills, except for that one cat, Illusion, his former trainee, but it would be doubtful she would tell you anyways. She was deceptive and you wouldn't be able to tell if she was telling the truth or not so really, she would be no use.
All of the bird except for the beak and part of the skull was now gone and the dark grey tom simply pushed that aside with a paw before turning to the innards, silently devouring them, taking his time, enjoying the flavor as they seeped into his maw, gaze still boring into Tundra as she got up and seemed to be padding towards the fresh kill pile and when she made it back to her original resting place (after causing the rest of the prey to go tumbling down, causing the pile to be scattered now, quite embarrassing for her), he had finished the rest of the bird that he had set aside and was washing his paws, his orange gaze not even seeming to blink, he had focused on her the entire time. What was going through his head? No cat would know.
After washing his paws and making sure his pelt was in check, he slowly rose to his paws and began to pad towards the white she-cat, his expression as blank and as emotionless as usual. "Greetings Tundra, mind if I join you for a little.. Chit-chat?" Inquired the tom, standing a foot or two away from her, the tip of his tail flicking back and forth slowly as he waited for her to answer. In all truth, he had nothing better to do and so he had decided why not.. Poke at her a bit? Probe her? See what her mind was made of. She looked weak, weak of mind and weak of spirit and could be an easy target should he ever want to.. Pick and push at that brain.. Send it tottering over. But he wouldn't do that now. No, he would simply observe her through conversation, as he did with some cats when he didn't quite feel like going for a stroll.

Tundra settled back down in a comfortable sitting position. Her white, gleaming teeth tore at the soft, mouth watering flesh of the plump squirrel. Crimson droplets of liquid sliding from her sharp teeth, passing her lips and then reaching the fur on her chin. Tundra really did quite find blood quite disgusting, but when she was actually eating the prey....blood tasted a little more....satisfying. Tundra's eyes slowly moved up slightly as she heard the tearing of soft flesh. Flesh that belonged to another piece of prey, not hers. Hannibal's. Tundra wanted to shy away. Was Hannibal making those noises on purpose? Or was that just how the way he ate sounded like? Tundra decided to just keep concentrating on the squirrel in front of her. Her delicate bites becoming more quick and a little less delicate. She kept eating until all that was left in front of her was red tainted bones and a small skull that once belonged to a squirrel. Tundra licked her lips and her chin, tasting the blood on the tip of her tongue. After eating the squirrel her embarrassment seemed to have washed away a little. She still felt fairly embarrassed from her earlier encounter with the fresh kill pile but she had calmed down. She made a mental note to herself to learn how to properly take a piece of prey from the pile without knocking the whole thing down. Tundra unsheathed her claws and starting to dig a small hole into the ground with her right paw. Making a small, neat pile of dirt next to the hole. When she thought the hole was deep enough she used her left paw to swipe the pile of bones into the hole. Then she pushed the pile of dirt back into the hole and patting and smoothing the ground. Once she finished she sheathed her claws back in and sat there, simply staring at the ground, blinking occasionally. When she had nothing to do she tended to do this. What better way to pass the time? A deep and monotone voice suddenly interrupted her staring contest with the ground. She froze and slowly moved her head up to look at the face of which the voice belonged to. Hannibal.
Tundra stared at Hannibal for a moment. But just then. He wasn't here a moment ago. How did he get here?!, Tundra thought, trying not to meet gazes with Hannibal. She decided to focus on his ears instead. Why his ears? No particular reason. How long had Hannibal been standing there? Had he just got there or had he watched her eat her squirrel? Tundra opened her mouth to reply but stopped just as she was about to start. She closed her mouth, trying to ignore the fact she looked like a fish that had a slow moving mouth. How should she reply? She didn't want to have a 'chit chat' with Hannibal. Not one bit! But then if she denied his suggestion he might get mad and try to kill her. Tundra wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. She was way too young to die! But then, how much would it hurt to just have a small chat? Not much right? Tundra kept herself from running away like a coward. For goodness sake! It was just talking to a cat. That was incredibly creepy and fully capable of killing her in a second. Well anyway she was going to find out soon because her mouth opened and the words tumbled out automatically. "Sure", Tundra said awkwardly, trying to sound cheerful but failing miserably. She realised she was still staring at his ears and quickly averted her gaze. Don't kill me. Don't kill me.

oats November 17th, 2016 06:29 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
(open post.)
Tohu wa bohu.

Formless and shapeless; it was what Lazarus wanted him to be ever since his kitting- he only expected the best from his son. He had to be the fastest, the strongest, the smartest. The perfect son to carry on his family's legacy, and ensure their rise to grace in the Dusk Syndicate.Yet it was never enough. Being trained as a Fighter by his father like his father before him, Tohu's upbringing wasn't exactly unique amongst his kin. He was but another sire of another generation of his line. Nothing more, nothing less. Someone had made it well-known that he wouldn't make it anywhere in life.

'You're nothing to me.' He would never impress anyone. 'Just like your father.' It seemed as if brutal honesty was something that ran in the family, as even Tehom expressed his disappointment in him- the healer had wanted her best, her only (The tom had been the only surviving kit in the litter,) to be like her. To break the line.

And yet, he couldn't even do that right.

There was a slight chill to the air that morn, and yet, Tohu was finding it quite difficult to enjoy the weather that usually gave his perception of things a sense of clarity; preparedness was something he appreciated, but ever since he had awoken, there was a grim reminder of past transgressions that had made itself apparent but a few heartbeats ago. He would probably seek someone out to talk about it, but to be quite honest, it was becoming more and more difficult to do anything when he was preoccupied with more important things, like conjuring baseless auguries of mortal peril.
You know, 'important things.'
Anyways, Tohu padded into the clearing with nothing but bleak thoughts in his mind, looking quite despondent.

The Cannibal November 23rd, 2016 02:48 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 35648)
Tundra settled back down in a comfortable sitting position. Her white, gleaming teeth tore at the soft, mouth watering flesh of the plump squirrel. Crimson droplets of liquid sliding from her sharp teeth, passing her lips and then reaching the fur on her chin. Tundra really did quite find blood quite disgusting, but when she was actually eating the prey....blood tasted a little more....satisfying. Tundra's eyes slowly moved up slightly as she heard the tearing of soft flesh. Flesh that belonged to another piece of prey, not hers. Hannibal's. Tundra wanted to shy away. Was Hannibal making those noises on purpose? Or was that just how the way he ate sounded like? Tundra decided to just keep concentrating on the squirrel in front of her. Her delicate bites becoming more quick and a little less delicate. She kept eating until all that was left in front of her was red tainted bones and a small skull that once belonged to a squirrel. Tundra licked her lips and her chin, tasting the blood on the tip of her tongue. After eating the squirrel her embarrassment seemed to have washed away a little. She still felt fairly embarrassed from her earlier encounter with the fresh kill pile but she had calmed down. She made a mental note to herself to learn how to properly take a piece of prey from the pile without knocking the whole thing down. Tundra unsheathed her claws and starting to dig a small hole into the ground with her right paw. Making a small, neat pile of dirt next to the hole. When she thought the hole was deep enough she used her left paw to swipe the pile of bones into the hole. Then she pushed the pile of dirt back into the hole and patting and smoothing the ground. Once she finished she sheathed her claws back in and sat there, simply staring at the ground, blinking occasionally. When she had nothing to do she tended to do this. What better way to pass the time? A deep and monotone voice suddenly interrupted her staring contest with the ground. She froze and slowly moved her head up to look at the face of which the voice belonged to. Hannibal.
Tundra stared at Hannibal for a moment. But just then. He wasn't here a moment ago. How did he get here?!, Tundra thought, trying not to meet gazes with Hannibal. She decided to focus on his ears instead. Why his ears? No particular reason. How long had Hannibal been standing there? Had he just got there or had he watched her eat her squirrel? Tundra opened her mouth to reply but stopped just as she was about to start. She closed her mouth, trying to ignore the fact she looked like a fish that had a slow moving mouth. How should she reply? She didn't want to have a 'chit chat' with Hannibal. Not one bit! But then if she denied his suggestion he might get mad and try to kill her. Tundra wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. She was way too young to die! But then, how much would it hurt to just have a small chat? Not much right? Tundra kept herself from running away like a coward. For StarClan's sake! It was just talking to a cat. That was incredibly creepy and fully capable of killing her in a second. Well anyway she was going to find out soon because her mouth opened and the words tumbled out automatically. "Sure", Tundra said awkwardly, trying to sound cheerful but failing miserably. She realised she was still staring at his ears and quickly averted her gaze. Don't kill me. Don't kill me.

Hannibal ate the same way every single time, being a very methodical cat in his ways, including his grooming habits, so the sounds he was making, though unintentional, were like that every time he feasted. Most cats learned to block out the unpleasant sounds, others were completely disgusted by it, others saw it as a sign that he was warning them that they were to be his next victim. It depended on the cat on how they interpreted it, but unknown to them, Hannibal meant nothing by it.
Waiting patiently after he had spoken, his eye's remained focused on hers, almost as if to lock her into place, trapping her in their orange pits until she answered, then, maybe he would grace her by looking away for even just a few seconds. His tail flicked slowly back and forth as he waited for the white she-cats reply, not making a sound or even a move aside from his tail. His face remained stony as her mouth gaped open and then closed and repeated as if a fish gasping for air, perhaps stunned by his approach to her? Likely. And then after what seemed like a painful time for Tundra, she finally spilled out an answer, an empty purr escaping him, it was filled with artificial happiness that could almost be mistaken for the real thing. "Thank you." Meowed the tom, politely enough, stepping forward to settle down next to her.
"I have to say, I don't think I recall having met you madam. Might I ask your name?" Hannibal began to nonchalantly groom his shoulder, his orange hues focused on her and only her. This conversation was completely harmless for her, unless she happened to screw up and break the only rule he had, but it was beneficial for him. He liked to keep tabs on every cat he came across, storing the information he gathered into his mind palace so that if it was ever needed, he could pull it out and use another day. Should she ever do anything to endanger him, or should she ever commit a crude act, he would use all of the information he gathers on her to determine how he would proceed with her. Some cats weren't worth the time it spent in driving them insane and so he would simply end her if it came down to it, some cats were worth putting the time into torturing them mentally and so he would perhaps drive her into the pit of insanity in which she would never return. Or perhaps she would stay on his good side, if that was even a thing with Hannibal. The conversation they have will determine her fate with him, and if that didn't put some weight on the already heavy atmosphere between them, then I don't know what would.

vos November 30th, 2016 01:42 PM

Into The Woods.
Due to the lack of interest in the Dusk Syndicate during the EE, I'm here to collect a handful of DS cats to travel into the clan territories. By now, the DS should have broken Renn's law and filtered into the main plotline, but no progress has been made as of yet.

That's going to change. Rook will be looking for a minimum of 4 cats to journey alongside him before he heads into the woods. I'm only looking for select cats here to ensure participation. Anyone else is fully welcome to join him.

Rook had always been a subordinate. Outlawing interaction with the clan cats was a rule he could understand at the time, when they had been weak and spindly, sickly excuses for cats -- alone, a member of the syndicate would never have held their own against a cat hailing from a community as tightly knit as a clan might’ve been. Might’ve been, because there’s something unnerving happening beyond their crooked borders.

Today, he graduates from subordinate. Today, he’ll push his kin into action. To be damned with Renn’s law. They are no longer weak.

“It is time,” his baritone rumbles, his unprompted announcement gaining him the attention of a few sets of eyes. Pushing from the ground, he takes a spot on the highest point, claws clambering for footing atop the fighter’s den. The clearing of his throat is loud, purposefully so. A thrum of pleasure pulses through his chest to see a few more heads turn toward him. "Renn has abandoned us. If you still cling onto some false hope that he might return, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the concept of 'reality'. Accept the abandonment, and persevere."

"Who are we to remain under the rule of a commander who has long since vanished from our lives?" Silence falls -- he half-expects someone to call out to him, to disagree. He only finds them to be solemn and accepting. Perhaps processing it themselves. Pale eyes drift away from the faces of the others, turning upwards toward the heavens. A sparrow glides by, far too high up to ever be caught. Rook continues. "...His disappearance aside, the true reason as to why I wanted your attention deserves to be brought to light."

"I trust that I am not the only cat to have seen the flames." The tom jerks his head to the side, motioning towards the horizon, where smoke had bloomed only a few evenings before, clouding above the conifers and choking away a setting sun. "I'll be going out to investigate. Those who are healthy enough to join me, I ask that you will."

"—Know that this venture will not be conducted under malicious intent. No clan cats will be harmed unprompted."

AbsurdJinx November 30th, 2016 02:34 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Augustus was quick to jump to his paws. After Renn's sudden disappearance, he had been doing everything possible to keep his mind off it. ``I'll go!`` He called out. Though he respected Renn, his brother, his best friend, his commander, he needed to move on. Surely the trip Rook announced would succeed in approving Augustus' intentions. He stepped forward slightly, his triangular-shaped head risen towards the sky. His posture was rather impressive, and his thin tail lashed behind him. There was an obvious confidence, and yearning in his eyes. How he dreamed of actually doing something, and now he had his chance. He wouldn't do it in fear, he would do it with courage. It was the least he could offer Renn.

Autumnblaze November 30th, 2016 03:16 PM

Re: Into The Woods.

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 57191)
Due to the lack of interest in the Dusk Syndicate during the EE, I'm here to collect a handful of DS cats to travel into the clan territories. By now, the DS should have broken Renn's law and filtered into the main plotline, but no progress has been made as of yet.

That's going to change. Rook will be looking for a minimum of 4 cats to journey alongside him before he heads into the woods. I'm only looking for select cats here to ensure participation. Anyone else is fully welcome to join him.

Rook had always been a subordinate. Outlawing interaction with the clan cats was a rule he could understand at the time, when they had been weak and spindly, sickly excuses for cats -- alone, a member of the syndicate would never have held their own against a cat hailing from a community as tightly knit as a clan might’ve been. Might’ve been, because there’s something unnerving happening beyond their crooked borders.

Today, he graduates from subordinate. Today, he’ll push his kin into action. To be damned with Renn’s law. They are no longer weak.

“It is time,” his baritone rumbles, his unprompted announcement gaining him the attention of a few sets of eyes. Pushing from the ground, he takes a spot on the highest point, claws clambering for footing atop the fighter’s den. The clearing of his throat is loud, purposefully so. A thrum of pleasure pulses through his chest to see a few more heads turn toward him. "Renn has abandoned us. If you still cling onto some false hope that he might return, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the concept of 'reality'. Accept the abandonment, and persevere."

"Who are we to remain under the rule of a commander who has long since vanished from our lives?" Silence falls -- he half-expects someone to call out to him, to disagree. He only finds them to be solemn and accepting. Perhaps processing it themselves. Pale eyes drift away from the faces of the others, turning upwards toward the heavens. A sparrow glides by, far too high up to ever be caught. Rook continues. "...His disappearance aside, the true reason as to why I wanted your attention deserves to be brought to light."

"I trust that I am not the only cat to have seen the flames." The tom jerks his head to the side, motioning towards the horizon, where smoke had bloomed only a few evenings before, clouding above the conifers and choking away a setting sun. "I'll be going out to investigate. Those who are healthy enough to join me, I ask that you will."

"—Know that this venture will not be conducted under malicious intent. No clan cats will be harmed unprompted."

Patchy jumped up next to Rook and spoke aloud, "Renn was our commander, but he has gone now. But first, I think a new leader needs to be appointed, and a secret needs to be revealed. I think Rook should be commander, and I have secret I can't keep no longer! Remember Maximum, Onyx and Salem's sister? Well after she died, she visited me in the Dark Forest. I know a lot of you don't believe in that, but she told me she'd never leave, and I watched her spirit climb inside of my kit Lake. I am visited by The Dark Forest every night to train. Rook should be our commander! I don't care if have to wait many moons to finally be commander, right now, we need someone we can trust, and I'm not known well by the Syndicate so it'd be pointless to make me commander. Rook would lead us to be great again! And with that said, I will go!" She felt confident spilling her secret among the syndicate cats. She looked around, ready for some feedback.

vos November 30th, 2016 03:47 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 57235)
Augustus was quick to jump to his paws. After Renn's sudden disappearance, he had been doing everything possible to keep his mind off it. ``I'll go!`` He called out. Though he respected Renn, his brother, his best friend, his commander, he needed to move on. Surely the trip Rook announced would succeed in approving Augustus' intentions. He stepped forward slightly, his triangular-shaped head risen towards the sky. His posture was rather impressive, and his thin tail lashed behind him. There was an obvious confidence, and yearning in his eyes. How he dreamed of actually doing something, and now he had his chance. He wouldn't do it in fear, he would do it with courage. It was the least he could offer Renn.

Rook's head bobs in Augustus' direction, accepting the other tom's offer of companionship on the journey. The travel won't take long at all. Perhaps an hour at most. He still continues waiting, eyes narrowed in thought.

They widen considerably at Patchy's unwanted interruption. She tears attention away from him, draws a hiss of a noise from his nose. Biting his words out through his grit teeth, he resists shoving her away from him -- out of his personal space. Instead, he remains as calm as he can be. Leveling a calm, only mildly irritated glance over to the molly, he responds after a beat of silence.


Autumnblaze November 30th, 2016 03:58 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 57307)
Rook's head bobs in Augustus' direction, accepting the other tom's offer of companionship on the journey. The travel won't take long at all. Perhaps an hour at most. He still continues waiting, eyes narrowed in thought.

They widen considerably at Patchy's unwanted interruption. She tears attention away from him, draws a hiss of a noise from his nose. Biting his words out through his grit teeth, he resists shoving her away from him -- out of his personal space. Instead, he remains as calm as he can be. Leveling a calm, only mildly irritated glance over to the molly, he responds after a beat of silence.


"Why can't I come?" Patchy tried to stay calm but she instinctively bristled and unsheathed her claws. "I'm supporting you! I must go! Renn knew I was ready to join, and just Because I used to be ThunderClan, doesn't mean I don't get certain privileges! I fought and killed to get into the syndicate! I killed my mentor and blinded Maximum just to get where I am! I left because they didn't like me, I dont want the same here!" Her eyes glazed over in sadness. She sensed a spirit behind her as Orangeheart walked up. She didn't think the others could see her dead mates spirit, but him being there made her feel more confident. "They won't get rid of you, don't worry" Orangeheart nuzzled her on the cheek then faded away.

Gusty November 30th, 2016 04:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
"Well, well, it sees that there's a journey ahead of us. Well, for some of us anyways, whoever's going on this mission." Shale's voice broke through the texture of the crowd, perking his head and ears up at Rook's grand speech. He was slightly amused by Rook's answer to Patchy, and how subtle his answer had been: 'no'. And because of this, the pitch-black fighter continued walking, raising his rump and padding closer towards Rook and the other members.
But then, his eyes widened. Shale began thinking to himself... What if he were to join on that mission? Oh, the black tomcat really did want to; it was in his greatest desires to get noticed by his fellow syndicate-mates and do something extraordinary. Something that nobody would believe; something that would make him more special than any other fighter in the world! His green orbs moved from feline to feline, observing them and wondering if they'd want to go on the journey as much as he did. Augustus and Patchy surely felt the same, as their voices sprang up quickly.
But Patchy's reaction, however... well, she seemed quite snappy. And probably not the best cat to bring on a journey: but then again, this was only the fighter's mere opinion. What he believed, was that he himself should go on the mission. But for now, he simply stood for a bit, awaiting for Rook's response.

Brunch November 30th, 2016 04:34 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Gazing thoughtfully around the clearing, Talon sighed; the Dusk Syndicate was now without a commander, without leadership. The speckled white she-cat could tell that her home would soon fall into chaos, and she knew that there was nothing she could do about it. Talon's tail flicked suddenly as irritation spread through her; the fighter hated it when she couldn't do anything to help, couldn't do anything to stop the problem. The she-cat paced in a small circle, Talon's mouth was twitching, as though threatening to let out a snarl. Her lash of anger was not at any cats relaxing in the cool clearing, but at the world for letting her syndicate to fall into such discord and disarray. Talon's paws kneaded the soft, cool, muddy ground beneath her, creating large paw prints that only circled in the ground. "Why?" the she-cat muttered under her breath; Talon felt as though she should curse in a slight yowl, though she disciplined herself to stay quiet, to contain herself, no matter how hard. She plopped herself in the middle of the circle she had created out of paw prints. Talon grumbled slightly to herself as she slowly started to clean her paws of the grunge that still stuck to them. Her normally white paws were a light brown-grey, and mudcaked from her recent pacing. The she-cat swiped her tongue over her paw one final time, only to brush it against her face; the anxiety that was stirring slightly in her made the she-cat do the strange things that she had displayed to the clearing. Though the she-cat was worried about the predicament that had arisen in her syndicate, Talon was not going to worry over what cat thought she looked silly doing her strange actions. If she was even going to react to their actions, she would have just swatted them over the face with her paw, and started her strange actions once again.

AbsurdJinx November 30th, 2016 04:43 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Pride shone on Augustus' face when Rook gave him permission to travel alongside him. He knew Renn would be proud of him, if he were here. Unfortunately, for now, he could only imagine the delight on Renn's face. He offered Rook an appreciative look, and then stepped back when Patchy launched herself forward, placing herself beside Rook. Augustus nearly laughed at Rook's expression, but even he felt annoyed at Patchy's actions. The tall, gaunt tomcat rocked back on his haunches, his rat-like tail curled at his right flank. He still carried his impressive posture, his head raised high, and his spine straight. He watched the scene before him unfold. He found Rook's vague response to be amusing, but he revealed little to no emotion. Augustus didn't exactly approve of Patchy's speech of her life story, and he certainly didn't recall Renn walking in just now and approving Patchy of this journey. From the edge of his vision, he noticed Shale nearing, but he didn't act upon this sighting. His blank gaze was locked upon Rook and Patchy before him.

vos November 30th, 2016 04:57 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by narwhalgirliv (Post 57314)
"Why can't I come?" Patchy tried to stay calm but she instinctively bristled and unsheathed her claws. "I'm supporting you! I must go! Renn knew I was ready to join, and just Because I used to be ThunderClan, doesn't mean I don't get certain privileges! I fought and killed to get into the syndicate! I killed my mentor and blinded Maximum just to get where I am! I left because they didn't like me, I dont want the same here!" Her eyes glazed over in sadness. She sensed a spirit behind her as Orangeheart walked up. She didn't think the others could see her dead mates spirit, but him being there made her feel more confident. "They won't get rid of you, don't worry" Orangeheart nuzzled her on the cheek then faded away.

"I hadn't asked you for a story, but thank you." the syllables slip from Rook like velvet, a trickle of disinterest as he struggles to keep himself from touching Patchy's flank with his own. Those pale, pale eyes flick over her form, disdainful. "I hadn't realized that's what you'd requested. I shut you out once you made the decision that I'd be your makeshift leader for the time being."

"For the future...as much as I appreciate it," he doesn't. "I'd find myself more thankful if you didn't try to force me into positions." Gratitude is as hollow as his tone, he allows his attention to slip onto the cats gradually gravitating towards the mound he stands upon. Shale's presence is easiest to pick out, his voice reaching Rook's ears only when the tom lowers his head. He makes no attempt to address Shale just yet, instead speaking to Patchy -- he refuses to fully shift his gaze onto the she-cat, however. Apparently, he'd lost interest in the secret she'd revealed, and she herself.

"To answer you, you're free to come. Just don't cause any issue." He neglects to inject a threat into his leaving sentence, the urge to shove her away from his pedestal still itching at his muscles. "If you inconvenience anyone, you'll be sent home without hesitation. Do you understand?"

BEAR. November 30th, 2016 05:23 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Observing the congregation, Locus kept his distance. With the loss of a third commander in only the span of a few moons, it seemed the home he had been raised in was crumbling; the shadow Neomora left unfilled by her predecessors. It would have been unfortunate, but the steel colored tom hadn't expected much to come from the fall of his friend's empire.

As Rook spoke about Renn's abandonment and investigating the clans, the fighter questionably looked at the other male. Since Neomora, the gang had been instructed to abstain from interacting with the clans, and he'd be lying if the thought of joining the patrol wasn't appealing. The last time he had gotten some action was when he tag-teamed that kittypet with Neo, and he'd been itching to go out - to do something worthwhile.

Guarding the rare hunting patrol had nothing on watching the clans burn.

It was amusing to hear a lesser-known cat declare Rook should be leader, and even more so when her words were shot down by the tom himself. Commanders hadn't improved the Syndicate lifestyle in ages, and throwing a cat that did not want the authority would not help their situation. Neither was her whining about her background - like that mattered when it came to selecting their leader.

Pushing himself to his feet, the powerful male took the few tail-lengths he needed to join the crowd. "I'll come," he all but growled, voice a low and deep rumble as he regarded Rook. "When do you intend on heading out?"

Gusty November 30th, 2016 05:46 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Shale's ears perked as he heard another fighter join onto the patrol, and suddenly, without another doubt in his mind, his voice raised once more. "May I join as well?" He said.
Now, Shale wasn't the type to be polite; he often was sarcastic and didn't much care about others that were below him in rank. But this time was different. He knew he was in a lesser position... even though Rook had stated that he wouldn't want to be the next Commander, he did seem to be in unofficially in charge as of right now. And because of that, he would have to strangle his inner selfishness and do the best for his Syndicate.
Nonetheless, the black-pelted tom was a bit afraid that the roles for the journey would be taken up by the time Rook even put his gaze upon the fighter, and so he put forth his statement in high hopes. If Rook rejected him- which would be quite a shame to Shale, but he'd respect it nonetheless- it would be better than never speaking at all.
He waited for Rook's response, swiveling his ears at the felines around him and hearing his heart beat at each second.

vos November 30th, 2016 06:19 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
"As soon as possible," Rook confirms, a nod of acknowledgment directed down towards Locus. He raises his head to count the cats before him, deeming the collection he has appropriate enough to begin a journey towards the clans fairly quickly. "If everyone's fed, we could likely head out by the next crow's caw and arrive by sundown."

Patchy's presence, so close to him, has finally made his skin crawl for long enough. Swinging his hip to the side -- not hard enough to hurt her, mind you -- he shoves her back down to the bottom of the mound. He clears his throat like he hadn't done anything at all.

"...?" Questioning, Rook looks back down to Shale, listening to the tom speak oh-so-politely, oh-so-fake. He finds himself appreciating the effort, regardless. His stance as leader, currently, is only as a means to force the syndicate back into action. His decline to Patchy setting the commander title upon him was done so because this cat, this mouthy she-cat, is in no position to do so. Besides, he's not too keen on being the one bossed around, is he?

"Yes," back to matters at hand, "you're free to participate. I only request that you remain close until given orders to disperse. We'll be investigating the whereabouts of the aforementioned fires before taking any other actions."

Autumnblaze November 30th, 2016 06:51 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 57395)
"I hadn't asked you for a story, but thank you." the syllables slip from Rook like velvet, a trickle of disinterest as he struggles to keep himself from touching Patchy's flank with his own. Those pale, pale eyes flick over her form, disdainful. "I hadn't realized that's what you'd requested. I shut you out once you made the decision that I'd be your makeshift leader for the time being."

"For the future...as much as I appreciate it," he doesn't. "I'd find myself more thankful if you didn't try to force me into positions." Gratitude is as hollow as his tone, he allows his attention to slip onto the cats gradually gravitating towards the mound he stands upon. Shale's presence is easiest to pick out, his voice reaching Rook's ears only when the tom lowers his head. He makes no attempt to address Shale just yet, instead speaking to Patchy -- he refuses to fully shift his gaze onto the she-cat, however. Apparently, he'd lost interest in the secret she'd revealed, and she herself.

"To answer you, you're free to come. Just don't cause any issue." He neglects to inject a threat into his leaving sentence, the urge to shove her away from his pedestal still itching at his muscles. "If you inconvenience anyone, you'll be sent home without hesitation. Do you understand?"

Patchy sheathed her claws back in and nodded. Though a growl rose in her throat as Rook threw her off. She wanted power, and she wasn't going to give up trying to rule this group of cats. She'd teach her kits to be powerful. Hopefully no one could see into the pale tortoiseshell's thoughts. She would kill to become leader, kill cats until they were scared into following her. A few more moons of training with Orangeheart and she'd receive her power. She'd take over the forest, well, kill off ThunderClan, the clan that betrayed her. She'd take their place. They'ed be the ruthless DuskClan, and worship the Place Of No Stars as the others do StarClan. Just the thought of that pleased her. She wanted a commander that agreed with her, then she'd kill them when no one was around and say they were found dead, and if someone found it was her, she'd kill them.

Fel November 30th, 2016 07:12 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
[I hate makin' choices, so this is up to rook c;]

After Renn had been absent from the Syndicate for quite some time, Lucifren hadn't exactly known what to do without their love by their own side, the guard feeling lost in their own paws as they wandered around the group- catching sight of the Commander's brother, Augustus, for a second, the cat immediately looked away in despair. Every day they hoped he'd come back, that he'd go visit them, to walk with them and have dinner with them like Renn used to do. If you come back, I'll let you call me 'Just Luci'- all you want- please, I'm sorry if I did anything. Just... come back, Renn. I'm head-over heeds in love with you. Their face dropped at Rook's announcement suddenly, but it was true- maybe they could find their love in the clans, despite how the cat around them tried to dispose of the Commander's policies. Maybe he's not coming back, maybe he left us for dead- but he could still be out there, into the mess that was the groups of cats who call themselves 'clans', who live life stuck on a code of honor, an idea that us Syndicate cats have in mind, but don't keep as close to our hearts. They'd made one friend in the absence of their best one, and that was a young healer, one who'd just recently graduated. They both lost a lot, but it was nice to see Hamlet walking up towards them as well, the young tom stopping by the non-binary guard quietly, with a smile.

Listening to Rook's speech himself, Hamlet silently agreed with it- but didn't exactly say anything, the tom's fur ruffling with excitement as he stood. He had been trained under Arrow, and he'd grown from when he was the simple son of Fracture, a cat who was gone by now. His siblings, Wren and Bellatrix- they were gone as well, and though he could keep them in his heart, life was nicer without them around. His father, however? He was amazing, and his disappearance was shocking to the then-younger cat at the time. Fracture encouraged him to be who he was, and after learning about one of the few guards, Lucifren, knew they they might have similar feelings about Renn. Not exactly like the father-son relationship he had with Fracture, or the romantic one Lucifren had with Renn- but they'd both lost their very best friends. They might want to use healing on that journey, or maybe even Luci's protection as well. "We should go." He nudged the guard, but the older cat shook their head in sullen silence for a moment before responding. "One of us should stay, I think."

"Why, Luce? Y'know, we're both useful."

"And that's why one of us should stay here."

That's correct. But... who'll go? It was almost like Lucifren knew what he was thinking, though it was quite obvious to somebody a bit older than he was, at only twelve or thirteen moons. "Whoever he needs most." The non-binary cat stated, with a sliver of hope in their voice, the most that Hamlet had seen since Renn had gone missing. "Hey- one of us can go!" Hamlet proceeded to call out to Rook, gesturing to both himself and the guard. "Whoever... you need most." He smiled, looking back at their new friend as Lucifren nodded. "That's correct."

judas November 30th, 2016 08:01 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Elric sat in the clearing the cat had some if, almost as much experience as a hunter with fighting. Considering he was a healer, made his chest swell with pride. But with the news that Renn had left them for dead, made him back down. Didn't Renn have a mate? He thought. A she cat named, what was it? Lucy? Lilly? No it wasn't his mate, more like a crush Elric thought. The poor cat would be in tears by now. No Renn couldn't just have left them to die, could he? The whole thing was bugging him. Maybe he should give up healing, he was better at fighting anyway. The yellow tom sighed, moving his head until it looked at the ground. What would Twig think? Would she still talk to him? Elric paused for a moment, maybe he could become a fighter, yeah there we go. Become a fighter, he would become a fighter and fight for his respect. Now, who could he fight? Maybe start with a hunter then work his way up. Okay, now he had a plan. Elric let his chest swell with pride once again.

Fel November 30th, 2016 08:02 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by Moonfur (Post 57699)
Elric sat in the clearing the cat had some if, almost as much experience as a hunter with fighting. Considering he was a healer, made his chest swell with pride. But with the news that Renn had left them for dead, made him back down. Didn't Renn have a mate? He thought. A she cat named, what was it? Lucy? Lilly? No it wasn't his mate, more like a crush Elric thought. The poor she cat would be in tears by now. No Renn couldn't just have left them to die, could he? The whole thing was bugging him. Maybe he should give up healing, he was better at fighting anyway. The yellow tom sighed, moving his head until it looked at the ground. What would Twig think? Would she still talk to him? Elric paused for a moment, maybe he could become a fighter, yeah there we go. Become a fighter, he would become a fighter and fight for his respect. Now, who could he fight? Maybe start with a hunter then work his way up. Okay, now he had a plan. Elric let his chest swell with pride once again.

[heh, luce isn't a girl ^^]

Gusty November 30th, 2016 08:09 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
(Oh my gosh I noticed the background of the site changed yayay)

Shale felt happiness spread all over him, as Rook's words were said. Oh, he was accepted! Well, being accepted to go on the journey wasn't the best part. He most likely would've gone whether he was accepted or not. But the real reason was that everyone could see his success. The crowd would see that Shale was being accepted, and that he would become even more known among his fellow syndicate partners. Even so, he coyly smiled at the crowd, and felt his paws twitch in anticipation. Things were working out right so far. It didn't matter to Shale that Rook had accepted everyone so far- and liked some more than others.
Unfortunately, Shale was a bit wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice how Rook pushed Patchy down, although he did see a flash of fur in the corner of his eye. Once the tom interpreted the scene, though, he quickly abandoned his thoughts.
It was a delightful sight, in the fighter's eyes, and he couldn't help but give a mocking smile. His smugly cold expression was flashed towards Patchy, although it was highly unlikely that the molly would see it as of right now. Anyways, there was so much tension going on between her and Rook, that she probably wouldn't pay any attention to the black-pelted fighter at all.
His gaze then turned over towards the two new cats that spoke up, and were debating, sort of. He'd seen both of them around the Syndicate sometimes, but never got to talk. He did remember that one of them- Lucifren, he believed her name was- often hanged around Renn, for reasons Shale didn't know.

judas November 30th, 2016 08:11 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 57703)
[heh, luce isn't a girl ^^]

*Claps* I can't read right yaaay!!!))

JustJoye November 30th, 2016 08:26 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

A blue pair of orbs flicked up from the ground where lay a tangled mess of a skinny hare. Grey paws here propped on the body, a mouth still tugging harshly at the gamey flesh. His ears perked, but Finneous made no effort to stop his meal. He'd heard a tom's voice that had rung out through the swampy clearing. It demanded attention, respect; and their perked up Finn's auidits with intrigue.

Slowly, one by one, every part of the Russian Blue's body came to attention, the loyalist inside him agreeing with the words of Rook. Though he felt beaten down by Renn's abandonment of the Syndicate, the tom's speech brought back light to his darkened world. He smiled.

Upon mentioning to fires, Finn winced. The smoke had been around the camp for days on end. The constant coughing, sputtering and wheezing had done a number on him, and he growled, cursing the flames for their destruction of his ability. But as the male spoke more of an investigation of the flames, Finn grew wary. He'd seen sparks and been singed by the heat, he knew the small pain it caused, but in bulk? Who knows if the fires are still going on, what lay outside the Syndicate's territory?

His gaze hardened to stone. He'd need convincing.

"What's the sense in sniffing around something that's going to burn our noses? My life is something I value, how do you expect every cat to be willing to put it on the line because some people are curious?" The tomcat questioned harshly of Rook's reasonability, he lowered his ears, not understanding.

vos November 30th, 2016 08:44 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 57600)
[I hate makin' choices, so this is up to rook c;]

After Renn had been absent from the Syndicate for quite some time, Lucifren hadn't exactly known what to do without their love by their own side, the guard feeling lost in their own paws as they wandered around the group- catching sight of the Commander's brother, Augustus, for a second, the cat immediately looked away in despair. Every day they hoped he'd come back, that he'd go visit them, to walk with them and have dinner with them like Renn used to do. If you come back, I'll let you call me 'Just Luci'- all you want- please, I'm sorry if I did anything. Just... come back, Renn. I'm head-over heeds in love with you. Their face dropped at Rook's announcement suddenly, but it was true- maybe they could find their love in the clans, despite how the cat around them tried to dispose of the Commander's policies. Maybe he's not coming back, maybe he left us for dead- but he could still be out there, into the mess that was the groups of cats who call themselves 'clans', who live life stuck on a code of honor, an idea that us Syndicate cats have in mind, but don't keep as close to our hearts. They'd made one friend in the absence of their best one, and that was a young healer, one who'd just recently graduated. They both lost a lot, but it was nice to see Hamlet walking up towards them as well, the young tom stopping by the non-binary guard quietly, with a smile.

Listening to Rook's speech himself, Hamlet silently agreed with it- but didn't exactly say anything, the tom's fur ruffling with excitement as he stood. He had been trained under Arrow, and he'd grown from when he was the simple son of Fracture, a cat who was gone by now. His siblings, Wren and Bellatrix- they were gone as well, and though he could keep them in his heart, life was nicer without them around. His father, however? He was amazing, and his disappearance was shocking to the then-younger cat at the time. Fracture encouraged him to be who he was, and after learning about one of the few guards, Lucifren, knew they they might have similar feelings about Renn. Not exactly like the father-son relationship he had with Fracture, or the romantic one Lucifren had with Renn- but they'd both lost their very best friends. They might want to use healing on that journey, or maybe even Luci's protection as well. "We should go." He nudged the guard, but the older cat shook their head in sullen silence for a moment before responding. "One of us should stay, I think."

"Why, Luce? Y'know, we're both useful."

"And that's why one of us should stay here."

That's correct. But... who'll go? It was almost like Lucifren knew what he was thinking, though it was quite obvious to somebody a bit older than he was, at only twelve or thirteen moons. "Whoever he needs most." The non-binary cat stated, with a sliver of hope in their voice, the most that Hamlet had seen since Renn had gone missing. "Hey- one of us can go!" Hamlet proceeded to call out to Rook, gesturing to both himself and the guard. "Whoever... you need most." He smiled, looking back at their new friend as Lucifren nodded. "That's correct."

Rook's gaze falls upon the pair, inquisitive, questioning himself on what use they'd be in their venture. They haven't a healer yet, if he's correct. The decision is clear. It doesn't take him more than a few seconds to nod his welcoming to Hamlet, and Hamlet alone. He'd been accepted, while Lucifren hadn't. Rook feels he's clear enough on that, despite his decision to not voice the acceptance. With a jerk of his head, he motions for Hamlet to join the gathering of bodies preparing to head off.

"We need a healer," he clarifies, though only to Lucifren. Watery eyes remain on the guard for a moment longer than it should've. Calculating, a sort of coldness that only ice holds, unbroken over murky water. They seem to have something on their mind, something plauging them. Rook finds it to be none of his business; he shan't ask here, now. Perhaps he shan't as at all. "Remain behind as a guard. It's your position, isn't it?"

Rhetorical. His attention now is drawn toward the tom rising to his feet, the gangly hare discarded behind him. Rook meets that hard stare with his own.

Ice shatters when he turns away, towards the conifer.

"The fires have ceased. Have you not noticed? There's no longer the scent of freshly-burned wood, nor clouds of smoke blotting out the sunlight."

JustJoye November 30th, 2016 08:56 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
The blue-eyed Elaine narrowed his gaze a little, blue pools swallowing. He was wary of not just the journey, but the cat as well.

"The fires started and ended in Clan territory as far as we know, yes? The Syndicate has been hating on the Clans for as long as I can remember, for as long as my mother and father can remember, what makes you think they'll welcome us?"

vos November 30th, 2016 09:07 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by JustJoye (Post 57791)
The blue-eyed Elaine narrowed his gaze a little, blue pools swallowing. He was wary of not just the journey, but the cat as well.

"The fires started and ended in Clan territory as far as we know, yes? The Syndicate has been hating on the Clans for as long as I can remember, for as long as my mother and father can remember, what makes you think they'll welcome us?"

"Do you think they're in any position to chase us away after being ravaged by a fire?" Rook bites out, returning his gaze to the other tom. "If we don't move now, when will we? An opportunity should be seized when one opens up to us, for we'll not know when we'll find another like it."

"No one's forcing you to come along," he cants his head. "But you're curious, aren't you? That's why you've come to speak to me."

goddess of ducks November 30th, 2016 11:36 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
The pale grey and orange tinted tom cat was interested in the commotion that had begun in the clearing. He stepped forwards, giving a slight shake to his fur to fluff it out. His long fur brushed the ground, but kept him nice and warm as the sun's warmth faded for leafbare. He knew that something had to be going on, no cat ever stopped to talk and make a big commotion about things anymore. Ion approaching the group, he caught snippets of the conversation and decided to listen in. He caught pieces like, 'fires in the clans...' and 'an opportunity must be seized'. He completely agreed with the statements and decided to enter into the group. "Invading the clans? Is what my ears hearing true?" He asked. "I smelled the fires, but had not realized they were inside the Clans territory." He asked coolly and politely. "Name's Calixto, in case any of you were unaware." He added a bit awkwardly.

Hexict December 1st, 2016 06:59 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

A dark brown-ish red tom had been watching the group for some time now, and decided that he too wanted to join them. It had been moons since he;d been around the clans, formerly living in Riverclan but had cut all ties to them as soon as he had washed up near the Syndicate after the floods. But he still wanted to see how the clans were - well, not too true. Storm had grown to hate the clans with all of his dark heart. He was more into seeing how Mist was. He had no way of knowing if she too had survived the flood, if she was still in Riverclan. If she is, than she'd be old enough to be a warrior! He pondered for a moment on what her name would be, and even wondered what his own would've been if he had stuck around....

Storm shook his head. No! The clans are weak. I was lucky to have been washed to the Syndicate during the storms - these cats are strong! Despite the fact that the clans had brought him in what he was a young and helpless kit, he still loathed them. The Syndicate kept promising cats that were useful where the clans hoarded the weak and risked their lives for such cats. Though he did have a soft spot for Mist, his first friend and the one to bring him back to the Riverclan camp when they were both just kits.

But his feelings towards her were complicated, if simpled down to one word.

"Rook...may I join in?" He stepped forward and looked at the cats that seemed to be leading - though had claimed they didn't want to be the leader. Storm wanted to infiltrate the pathetic weaklings that called themselves a clan and had the nerves to use the title 'warrior' for themselves. Plus, he did want to see how Mist was doing. Maybe seeing her one more time would help him figure out if he did love her, or hate her.

vos December 1st, 2016 11:18 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
@Hexict // @Nighty
"Not invading." Rook corrects Calixto sharply, praying his intentions to sate curiosity wasn't misunderstood as intention to rule, or forcefully remove clan cats from their homes. He feels it needed to repeat himself. "No clan cats should be harmed on our inspection, lest they prompt an attack. Cats who attack without reason will be sent back to the syndicate immediately."

"This is not an attack. Don't forget that."

Storm's usage of his name catches his interest immediately. His gray head snaps towards the encroaching tom, suspicious beneath his cold exterior. Cats asking for his permission amuses him greatly, though any hint of entertainment derived from the situation fails to reach his face. A moment of consideration, and he finally nods. Slowly, deliberately. A silent response, similar to the one he'd given Shale. Storm keeps his gaze, and Rook finds himself seeing a vocal response to be necessary.

"Yes. We'll be heading out soon."

Hexict December 1st, 2016 11:33 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
The young tom was a bit disappointed when Rook announced that there would be no fighting. He was looking to claw some clan cats. He was sick of being told to leave them alone, even without a leader or the few cats they had, they were still stronger than those mangy mouse-hearted cats. But he knew it would be stupid to step back now and go. He was a bit glad to have been accepted though. But the tom did have a problem with rejections.

He waved his darker tail and wore a sneer on his face after Rook accepted him. "Are we going to all the clans, or just certain ones?" He tried to make it seem that he was careless about the clan they would visit, but he was hoping at least a peak at Riverclan. Check in on some things, see what's the status with Mist. That's all he was hoping for in this little expedition.

"Also, what are we planning on doing? Like, just walk into the camp? Because that will certainly start a fight - which I believe is what we're trying to avoid," Storm was honestly looking for a fight, but he just wanted to be sure what the plan was before they start to head out. And why do we even need to inspect the clans? He was silent about this point, not wanting his chances to see his former crush one more time slip away.

vos December 1st, 2016 12:06 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
"Each of them. We venture to the territories. A group will be sent into each clan-owned area. We will return to an agreed point upon nightfall and exchange information."

"Find cats out in the territory. Corner a single one if you can, have them take you into the clan themselves. If a fight breaks out, you use the clan cat to keep yourselves safe." He states it as if he's not talking about using another cat as a literal meat-shield. "I suppose that's a good thing about a community. Put one of them in line of danger, and you suddenly have the attention of the others."

"But I stand by what I say. No fighting unless it is absolutely necessary."

goddess of ducks December 1st, 2016 01:14 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
(XD meat shield)
Calixto nodded. "Alright, no fighting, I swear." He replied solemnly, "As long as I get to come with." He too was disappointed in the 'no fighting' rule, but figured he could get over it if he got to actually do something new. He liked the idea of getting to explore he Clans, after his entire life he had been instructed not to go there. He listened to Storm and Rook converse and nodded with the plan. No fighting unless absolutely necessary. he repeated to himself. The worst thing that would happen for him would be to get sent back here.

Caligo Everton December 1st, 2016 01:40 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
(ok so what actually happened to renn? i'm so flipping confused.)

vos December 1st, 2016 01:54 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by Holly (Post 58726)
(ok so what actually happened to renn? i'm so flipping confused.)

His RPer has been inactive for a month without any prior notification of the absence, so he's been removed from his position.]]

Caligo Everton December 1st, 2016 01:57 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 58738)
His RP has been inactive for a month without any prior notification of the absence, so he's been removed from his position.]]

(oh... fuuuun. who will be appointed as new commander and co commander?)

Hexict December 1st, 2016 02:52 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Storm gave a nod to this. He was excited to start, hoping he'd get to go to Riverclan - which was his whole incentive to go on this little 'inspection'. He wondered what Mist would look like. If she would have grown up since the last time they'd seen each other. Wondered what her name was, if it would be strong like her. Wondering if she had even changed at all since the floods had separated them. He hoped that Fallow was now out of the picture - maybe even killed by the flood, if Storm was lucky - that way maybe Mist would realize that he was the only one for her.

But that was all if she was still alive and in the clans.

There was a chance that she had been killed in the flood, or maybe swept away similar to him and had just never returned. If that was the case, than he would maybe even consider going out searching for her. The Syndicate wouldn't need him too much, so he'd have the time to do so.

His dark tail lashed as Rook repeated how they weren't going out for a fight. We get it, all pointless work and not fun - no need to keep up the reminder about it, he thought, getting impatient. His thoughts drifted from Mist and instead towards the idea of what were the chances that the clans would start a fight, even if they threatened their own clanmates.

He still hoped for a fight.

Gusty December 1st, 2016 04:01 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Shale's body trembled with excitement, and his head was held out high. Oh, he was going on a mission with all of these cats; the ones that were brave enough to speak up and willing to meet their bitter enemies! The tom's mood was greatly improved by this point, which was saying quite a lot. Shale wasn't an easy-to-please tom, and he was generally quite sulky towards the general public- but now things were different. His body seemed to radiate happiness from all corners of his body, and the 'no fighting' rule hardly seemed to damper it.

The black-pelted tom never saw the clans before. He'd heard of them, and knew that they were better off dead than alive, but didn't fully understand their structure. But what did that matter? Enemies were enemies, no matter what, and the journey to the clans would help prove it.
What he wanted now was for the meeting to end. The tom swore that if any more cats joined, the whole Syndicate might as well pack up their belongings and start a stampede towards the four clans.

AbsurdJinx December 1st, 2016 04:44 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Augustus discovered excitement crawling along his pelt which made his thin fur rise, reaching towards the sky. He still sat, silently, to the side as he thought over their plan. He did have a few questions, but he figured Rook would find them to be idiotic. Who cares what Rook thinks, He thought with a surge of confidence. ``Shall we discuss who goes where when we get there? Will each group have a leader?`` The thought of leading several cats into unknown territory both excited and scared him, shooting an amazing thrill throughout his body. He visibly shivered at the abrupt burst of emotion. Augustus silent wondered if he should question Rook about the plan. He did notice a few flaws among them, but he came to the conclusion that everything would be okay.

Fel December 1st, 2016 05:12 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Lucifren nodded towards Rook's suggestion, nudging Hamlet towards the group kindly. It's for the best- maybe Renn will come back someday, and I'll be here at camp, waiting for him. It wasn't much to hope for, but it was all that the tabby had at the moment, and it would have to do for now as groups were suddenly being sent into the clans- it was sort of a mess, but they believed that some day, change would come. I haven't even seen Onyx, Lynx, or Salem around too recently, either- am I the only one of us left? Shaking their head, the guard's eyes were slightly prideful as Hamlet was chosen for the patrols.

Looking back towards Lucifren for a few seconds, Hamlet then disappeared into the mess which was the debate- "We're already low on both herbs and healers already- fighting isn't good for us right now." He exclaimed, eyes widening with a fear that they could be attacked by the clan cats on this journey- but that's exactly why he'd been picked. If they did get hurt, the young healer might be their only hope, considering he didn't think any other healers would join the patrol as well. It was their haven, a patrol of fighters leaving the area- they were the ones who did the most teasing towards those who worked with herbs, and it might be why there are so little of them left, because everybody else changes ranks, or leaves in the middle of the night, undetected. "...Wait!" He exclaimed, his gaze lighting up as a sudden thought sprang to the cat's mind. "There are probably herbs in clan territories we don't know about- do they have cats who work with medicine, too? We could try and talk to them undercover, figure more about how to use them and where to look!"

wren December 1st, 2016 05:33 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing
Bones the striking white she cat slipped carefully out of the healers den. Her fur shone out basing the dark hue of the day. Her muscular shoulders flexed with each stride, her claws raked the sand with each passing step. Her paws dragging limply through the dust that covered the clearing seemed weighted. Her striking blue eyes faded like blue pools under the shade of a alder tree. Her chest sunk between her shoulder blades with horse breath she heaved a sigh.

Lately with the disappearance of the leader renn, chaos had been wrecking havoc upon the syndicate. The disorder of things was starting to get on her nerves, which resulted in her grumpy outbreaks. Taking another handful of strides the she cat made her way across the clearing. With no order there is no loyalty and wih no loyalty there is no syndicate and with no syndicate... They were a bunch of snarling maniacs.

All glum and sorry for herself bones lazily swept her gaze across the clearing, from one end to another. She swallowed hard and gave her whiskers a twitch. "These cats couldn't survive a winter" she murmured to herself. Perhaps without no leader no patrols will be sent out therefor no prey will be caught. Which meant they would surely starve. Excellent. If someone is not appointed soon she must branch off, maybe take some of her friends with her. Start another syndicate, some place warmer.

Bones grew bored with her own thoughts and tried to distract herself, sweeping her gaze from the exit she swivelled her cranium to catch the last bit of luciferns idea. Her ears twitched and for a second has remained standing with her tail lowered and her neck cranned. An interest dawned in the she cat and she tunred her body redirecting the objective. She was intrigued. Nothing interesting had lately happened except the disappearance of the leader, which was growing old. And quite honestly to repetitive for her taste.

Trotting toward the group of cats she held her head higher and swept her gaze across the cats assembled dead center of the clearing. But before she reached hem she took a second to think about it. She didn't want to look to desperate for attention taht she would just walk over there and demand to know what's going on. She slowed her pace and veered away from them.

She would listen in. Secretly. Not that it was really a secret now but it seemed a tad more fun to be listening in secret rather then discussing. Besides she would turn to conversation into a screaming fest. Adding in un needed input, going after someone and doubting the idea. That's how she liked it. Complete chaotic screaming instead of settling down to talk.

JustJoye December 1st, 2016 07:06 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 57807)
"Do you think they're in any position to chase us away after being ravaged by a fire?" Rook bites out, returning his gaze to the other tom. "If we don't move now, when will we? An opportunity should be seized when one opens up to us, for we'll not know when we'll find another like it."

"No one's forcing you to come along," he cants his head. "But you're curious, aren't you? That's why you've come to speak to me."

Finn growled and lowered his head. He didn't like how this cat knew what he was thinking, it was odd, like having somebody reading you, gazing more deeply than most. A shiver of icy claws tickled his spine and he pulled back his ears to respond, "You say I have a choice, but it's a leaderless swamp or territories owned by our now weakened enemies. It sounds to me as though common sense in the only sense someone would need to have in order to make a decision."

Finneous smiled and nodded to the larger tomcat. The future seemed brighter in Clan territory, and that inspired him.

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