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Jade13 March 16th, 2021 10:57 AM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

Originally Posted by littlelove (Post 946957)

will update with other submissions later :]

OMG thats so good

Panda1440 March 16th, 2021 11:06 AM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!
The dark grey she-cat pawed her way through the territory- she wasn't technically allowed to be out without a warrior, but curiosity had taken the reins today. So, here Iciclepaw was- standing in a small clearing, and just looking around. She didn't know what she was looking for really, mainly just looking... under a rock, in the ferns [she saw a mouse but it scurried away, unfortunately]. And finally, as the apprentice was about to turn and head back to camp, her green eyes spotted a plant. It was a lonely little thing, no other plants besides a few blades of grass were near it. At closer inspection, it turned out to have four leaves...

"A four-leaf clover!" she meowed cheerfully.


Twilight Wing March 16th, 2021 11:19 AM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!
Blazepae woke up,something was different,her eyes shone in the gloom of the den,but something lay beyond the walls.Wildpaw got up and shook scraps of moss from her fur,she scented the air,it tasted of wild growing things,new flowers,ferns unfurling,wet grass,and Adventure.Her whiskers twitched with excitement,it was finally greenleaf it was here! after the cold hard leaf bare it was finally here,she could tell.Blazepaw padded out,the morning was still chilly,and there was still some snow on the ground,but new life could be found everywhere in the Riverclan camp,birds were singing,patches of new grass were just poking out of the snow,and faint morning sunshine was seeping out of the the camp walls.Some cats huddled in a exited flurry in one corner of the camp Wildpaw walked by and heard a snippet of their conversation,"did you hear the news?"one cat asked,"yes whoever finds a four leaf clover is really lucky I heard it myself"said the second cat,"But that's impossible",the third cat added with a shrug,but Blazepaw didn't stay to hear the rest,because she was already bolting down to find one,"I can do this"she thought with determination,"I will find that clover,and I know just the place".Blazepaw ran as fast as the wind,her breath billowing in the could air like a small cloud,her paws thrumming a fast rhythm on the earth as she went tearing through the reeds.She stopped at the bank of the river and looked around,there were already a few patches of clovers close to the water,the river ice was floating in huge chunks,and the river looked twice its size,"It must be the melting snow"Blazepaw thought as she crouched low to the clovers looking at all of them."One two three not four,one two three not four",Blazepaw repeated as she counted.It was already early morning by the time Blazepaw checked all the clover patches around the river,but the water creeped up on the last patch which was on a small mound,the mount stuck up out of the water a few tail lengths into the flooded river."hey it isn't that far,I'm a riverclan cat,I can swim over there",Blazepaw though as she gently dipped her paws into the icy water.Just as she did her paws slipped from under her and she plunged into the water.The cold shocked her and made her feel numb from tail tip to where the water rose to her belly fur."this is not that bad"Blazepaw chattered,she clenched her teeth and walked closer to the mound,soon the waves were up to her shoulders and then her chin,she had to swim,"I'm doing it I'm really doing it!"she said as she paddled closer and closer to the mound.Suddenly a huge current dragged her away and deeper to the middle of the river,Blazepaw tried to swim but it was too strong,it pulled her under.Everything was black,the river roared in her ears,the water filled her mouth,nose,and ears,"Starclan help me"she thought desperately.Suddenly she felt her claws scrape against something hard,Wildpaw lashed out and hooked her claws into the hard object,thousands of gallons of water pounded over her head churning up the water.Blazepaws head broke to the surface,she gulped up air and spat out all the water.Shivering she groomed her fur and was soon mostly dry.She looked around,she was in a small cave that could fit one or two cats,there were mossy rocks,and sparkling gems that lit out this hole space,a water fall of water glittered and echoed in the small space,the cave was behind the waterfall!.Blazepaws gaze drifted over to the center of the cave,Clovers!,she ran over sna started to sort through them,"a clover,a four leaf clover!"she exclaimed,"and another,and another",Blazepaw found at least two paw fulls of clovers,and even some catmint!,"uh,we need catmint more than clovers"she sighed remembering that catmint could cure white cough,and the dangerous and sometimes fatal green cough.So Wildpaw left a lot of her clovers and picked up the catmint and some of the clovers and slowly picked her way across some stones that led over the water to the river bank.Blazepaw held her head high as she padded back into camp,with fur matted,clovers and catmint in her mouth,her eyes were shining,but she knew that it was worth it,mostly.

here is the pic:


Wintersun March 16th, 2021 11:23 AM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!
Dawnkit, who was bonding around the camp trying to catch a feather, jumped up to grab it but missed and fell into a patch of clovers. "oooh! These are pretty! I wander what they are!" She mewed. She sniffed the small plant and sneezed. "They smell good!" She giggled and sneezed again. She got up and and picked a few, whe would save them for the elders when she went to go give them prey and hear a story! As she was picking them she noticed other patches and some other cats that were around them! "I wonder what they're doing! Meh, maybe instead of a feather I can use one of these. I still don't know what they are tho... Meh! I don't care that much!" She giggled as the clover floated up and landed on her face. She jumped up and shook of scrapes of clover, grass, and some dirt. "I like this plant!" she squeaked happily. She started jumping up and down in them happily. Then she yawned. "I'm going to take a nap..." she said to herself sleepily. She saw a fresh patch of Clovers and curled up in them and fell asleep.

Jade13 March 16th, 2021 12:02 PM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

ravenkit woke up hyper, she wanted to play! but stormkit was asleep and she didnt want to wake him, she then had an idea what if i go look for clovers! as soon as she thought it she was out of the nursery and looking under anything she could think of, rocks sticks, in dens and outside of them, she wanted to find one for her brother. she then walked over to the medicine cat den and stopped, she didnt know if she was aloud in but she went in anyway. she started to look through the herbs making sure to put them in the right spot after she was done, she almost gave up when she spotted one I FOUND ONE she said exitedly she then took another look a four leaf clover? thats so cool! she thought to herself exitedly before taking it back to the nursery

stag March 16th, 2021 01:18 PM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

*-*Magic....*-* :D March 16th, 2021 01:44 PM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!
Using: Halfkit where?: Rivers/streams/ponds

Astraea March 16th, 2021 05:30 PM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

dino. March 16th, 2021 07:13 PM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!
going to be editing this with the other entries as i go along :heartbounce:

*-*Magic....*-* :D March 16th, 2021 07:21 PM

Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

Originally Posted by *-*Magic....*-* :D (Post 946600)

In Camp:

Mosskit woke up, spring was here! Oooo, let’s go find a four-leaf clover! That will be awesome! she thought.

She ran off, she went to the elders den, she looked around. Nothing here she thought.

Then she went to the warriors den, she searched around. She looked under the moss beddings but still couldn’t find anything!

Next she went to the apprentices den, she looked everywhere. But all she found was a bundle of leafs that looked like four-leaf clovers.

Then she went to the nursery. She looked everywhere again! But guess what? There was still no four-leaf clovers!

Then she looked around camp, she looked around a few flower beds, but there was still none, she found a spot where she thought she saw one, so she kept looking in that spot, and guess what? A few hours later she gave up, she was going to the nursery, so as soon as she turned around to go to the nursery she saw a FOUR-LEAF CLOVER! she was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so happy! But a little bit annoyed with herself.

She bounced back to the nursery with the four-leaf clover in her mouth.

:heart: :colorwah: :heart:


Originally Posted by *-*Magic....*-* :D (Post 946868)
In Camp: using: Halfkit Gender/Pronouns: non-binary [they/them]

Halfkit was so so so so board! They wanted to play! Then they remembered spring is coming! “I am going to find a four-leaf clover!” they muttered under there breath.

Halfkit ran out into the camp clearing. They looked under some rocks, they looked in some flowers, but guess what? There were still no four-leaf clovers! They looked everywhere! I mean it felt like it. they thought. They ran to the medicine cats den. They looked in the shelves and stuff. Then as they were about to leave, they looked in the back corner of the medicine cat den and they found a........ FOUR-LEAF CLOVER.

Halfkit ran back to the Nursery, nothing would happen to them now!

The End


Originally Posted by *-*Magic....*-* :D (Post 946920)
Prompt: in Territory: Hazelkit realizes that she can’t find a four-leaf clover because she is blind.


Originally Posted by *-*Magic....*-* :D (Post 947150)
Using: Halfkit where?: Rivers/streams/ponds

These are all my things I did!

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