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The_10th_Doctor December 14th, 2017 06:53 AM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 439041)
Rowena sighed
" Just let him play around it's what he's good at darlings . Now I can be of help by retrieving your list of ingredients dears . But it seems we have a little problem ugh * cough * these " she said and held her hands out meaning the chains she looked at a different direction and hummed a bit

"See, she understands!" Gabriel shot a quick glance at Dean. "I saw we let her help us. Of course, she would need to be under careful supervision, but hey, what's an archangel good for if not that?

Sam looked at Gabriel funny. "Can you even count as an archangel? I mean, you sure don't act like it."

Gabriel huffed. "Well, neither does Lucifer. And besides, I'm way more powerful that Castiel the idiot in the other room."

From the other room, "I can still hear you! And it's not my fault you threw me off a mountain an a fledgling! It kind of screwed me up, Gabriel."

"Stop telling people it screwed you up!" Gabriel shot back. "You meeting Samsquatch and Deano turned you weird, not me throwing you off a mountian!"

"Wait, that actually happened?" Dean looked around at Gabriel, who just nodded his head. He turned his attention back to Rowena. "Fine, we'll let you go get the things we need if Sam, Castiel, AND Gabriel go with you to keep an eye on you. As for me, I need to stay here in case anything tries to break in."

Leucos December 14th, 2017 04:02 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Kyra-Wolfe-666 (Post 439193)
"See, she understands!" Gabriel shot a quick glance at Dean. "I saw we let her help us. Of course, she would need to be under careful supervision, but hey, what's an archangel good for if not that?

Sam looked at Gabriel funny. "Can you even count as an archangel? I mean, you sure don't act like it."

Gabriel huffed. "Well, neither does Lucifer. And besides, I'm way more powerful that Castiel the idiot in the other room."

From the other room, "I can still hear you! And it's not my fault you threw me off a mountain an a fledgling! It kind of screwed me up, Gabriel."

"Stop telling people it screwed you up!" Gabriel shot back. "You meeting Samsquatch and Deano turned you weird, not me throwing you off a mountian!"

"Wait, that actually happened?" Dean looked around at Gabriel, who just nodded his head. He turned his attention back to Rowena. "Fine, we'll let you go get the things we need if Sam, Castiel, AND Gabriel go with you to keep an eye on you. As for me, I need to stay here in case anything tries to break in."

Rowena smiled but it did have a hint of fake
" Why of course darling ! I will be on my best behavior since you so kindly granted me freedom from these barbaric chains . Honestly it's like we're in the dark ages ! " she said and looked at Gabriel
" and it is your speciality after all Gabriel " she added with a slight eye roll

The_10th_Doctor December 15th, 2017 08:06 AM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 439424)
Rowena smiled but it did have a hint of fake
" Why of course darling ! I will be on my best behavior since you so kindly granted me freedom from these barbaric chains . Honestly it's like we're in the dark ages ! " she said and looked at Gabriel
" and it is your speciality after all Gabriel " she added with a slight eye roll

Gabriel shrugged. "They don't call me the Trickster for nothing. Alright, let's get these chains off." without waiting for Sam and Dean, Gabriel unchained Rowena, letting the links of metal fall to the ground with loud, echoing clangs.

"I can't believe I have to suffer through this too..." Castiel walked into the room holding an angel blade.

"C'mon, Cassie! Don't act so depressed to be spending time with your older brother." Gabriel sat down next to the chains.

Cas just rolled his eyes and Sam just started gathering the necessary things they would need for protection. After a few minutes, he had gathered some salt, restocked their witch-killing bullets, and refilled the rock-salt shotgun shells.

"Okay, I think that's everything. Dean, I promise not to destroy the Impala, okay?" Den just nodded and sat down at the table. "Come on." he led them out of the bunker.

Leucos December 15th, 2017 05:03 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Gabriel The Archangel (Post 439919)
Gabriel shrugged. "They don't call me the Trickster for nothing. Alright, let's get these chains off." without waiting for Sam and Dean, Gabriel unchained Rowena, letting the links of metal fall to the ground with loud, echoing clangs.

"I can't believe I have to suffer through this too..." Castiel walked into the room holding an angel blade.

"C'mon, Cassie! Don't act so depressed to be spending time with your older brother." Gabriel sat down next to the chains.

Cas just rolled his eyes and Sam just started gathering the necessary things they would need for protection. After a few minutes, he had gathered some salt, restocked their witch-killing bullets, and refilled the rock-salt shotgun shells.

"Okay, I think that's everything. Dean, I promise not to destroy the Impala, okay?" Den just nodded and sat down at the table. "Come on." he led them out of the bunker.

Rowena smirked and moved another piece of her hair out of the way as she followed them . She had an escape plan in mind but she wouldn't pull it right away just when they least expect it
oh I'll play nice for now my dears , but when you are at the most vulnerable I will make my move
" so what's first on the list? Pork? Cabbage ? Oh how about dead man's blood? " she asked with a tilt of her head that smirk on her face still

The_10th_Doctor December 15th, 2017 05:13 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 440192)
Rowena smirked and moved another piece of her hair out of the way as she followed them . She had an escape plan in mind but she wouldn't pull it right away just when they least expect it
oh I'll play nice for now my dears , but when you are at the most vulnerable I will make my move
" so what's first on the list? Pork? Cabbage ? Oh how about dead man's blood? " she asked with a tilt of her head that smirk on her face still

Sam stopped. "It's been so long that I forgot what we need..."

Cas sighed dramatically while Gabriel climbed on top of the Impala, bouncing on it.

"Gabriel! Get off the car!" Sam grabbed his foot and dragged him off, causing him to land in the dirt. A cloud of dust went up and Gabe coughed before getting back up.

(lol I actually forgot what they need)

Leucos December 15th, 2017 05:27 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Gabriel The Archangel (Post 440210)
Sam stopped. "It's been so long that I forgot what we need..."

Cas sighed dramatically while Gabriel climbed on top of the Impala, bouncing on it.

"Gabriel! Get off the car!" Sam grabbed his foot and dragged him off, causing him to land in the dirt. A cloud of dust went up and Gabe coughed before getting back up.

(lol I actually forgot what they need)

The witch sighed with a roll of her eyes
" ye know what? I'm practically his mother I'll go retrieve him since ya dolts forgotten how to summon the king of hell. Who is by the way again my son " she said and her hand was raised but didn't wave it around yet
"oh Fergus why do you have to make things so difficult. " she said with a smirk yet again

The_10th_Doctor December 15th, 2017 05:29 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 440235)
The witch sighed with a roll of her eyes
" ye know what? I'm practically his mother I'll go retrieve him since ya dolts forgotten how to summon the king of hell. Who is by the way again my son " she said and her hand was raised but didn't wave it around yet
"oh Fergus why do you have to make things so difficult. " she said with a smirk yet again

"What are you up to?" Sam narrowed his eyes.

Gabriel leaned against the bunker door, summoning a sucker from thin air and popping it in his mouth.

Leucos December 15th, 2017 05:38 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Gabriel The Archangel (Post 440238)
"What are you up to?" Sam narrowed his eyes.

Gabriel leaned against the bunker door, summoning a sucker from thin air and popping it in his mouth.

She looked at Sam and pouted her hand was down now and walked up to him
" aww ye don't trust me.... That hurts my feelings Samuel . I'm just gonna retrieve my son . That's all no harm done , I promise " she said with her hand on her heart " I know where he's at any ways probably on his throne thinking about how to make another deal go horribly wrong or what ever he thinks " she said and raised her eyebrow " now do you trust me? " she asked ( forget this I'm gonna be the king of hell and rowena ^^ if that's ok )

The_10th_Doctor December 15th, 2017 05:44 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 440244)
She looked at Sam and pouted her hand was down now and walked up to him
" aww ye don't trust me.... That hurts my feelings Samuel . I'm just gonna retrieve my son . That's all no harm done , I promise " she said with her hand on her heart " I know where he's at any ways probably on his throne thinking about how to make another deal go horribly wrong or what ever he thinks " she said and raised her eyebrow " now do you trust me? " she asked ( forget this I'm gonna be the king of hell and rowena ^^ if that's ok )

(Oh ya that's okay with me)

Sam narrowed his eyes a little. "Okay.

Castiel went and stood next to Gabe, fluffing his trenchcoat dramatically. Gabe just kept sucking on his candy, his lips turning blueish-purple.

Leucos December 15th, 2017 05:54 PM

Re: Supernatural RP

Originally Posted by Gabriel The Archangel (Post 440247)
(Oh ya that's okay with me)

Sam narrowed his eyes a little. "Okay.

Castiel went and stood next to Gabe, fluffing his trenchcoat dramatically. Gabe just kept sucking on his candy, his lips turning blueish-purple.

Rowena smiled and vanished into thin air after a few hours maybe 3 or 6 she came back with Crowley his eyes narrowed hands behind his back looking at his mother and stuck his tongue out , Rowena gasped " Fergus! That's bad behavior naughty boy " she scolded . Crowley rolled his eyes
" it's Crowley darn it! King of hell!! And hello again moose the witch here told me you needed me for something ? " he asked Rowena huffed and crossed her arms " oh sweetheart I was just messing with ye and besides what a lovely suit I mus-" she was cut off by the wave of his hand her voice gone
" oh sorry what was that? Can't hear you cat must have got your tongue " he said and looked at moose " back to business. shall we? " he asked

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