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Gone January 31st, 2019 10:41 AM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 568244)

Mistfall could hear paw-steps, causing her to become a bit stiff. She would have prepared for a fight, but the paw-steps seemed so sure that she believed that it must have been another Riverclan warrior doing a border patrol. She had poor misjudged the situation. The unfamiliar scent hit her and before she could react, the tom stepped out into her view. Mistfall did not recognize the tom at first. He looks older, looked more ragged and his voice had deepened. But his pelt was the same, the missing ear was the same. And the look of pure hatred in his gaze was the same. "Y-Yukon...?"

She was in shock. The warrior had left her life as a rogue behind, not exactly because she was over it or anything like that, but rather because it was too painful and it was in the past. She was aware that it was her fault that Fallow was killed - though she didn't know the true circumstances of what happened despite believing that she did - and it stung her to think about her best friend and first love. Looking back, she did believe that she rushed things. Her and Fallow shouldn't have become mates, or at least they should have waited a few moons, and even wondered if she should have adopted Yukon so quickly. More guilt and doubt settled in as she watched the tom. She wondered how it got this far, how it got to this point. But she understood and winced as he angrily reminded her how she had just ran away after Fallow's death. He tracked me down for this...? Mistfall knew that the tom was heartbroken after the bloody death of one of his mothers. As she stared into his never changing cold gaze, she understood how similar they were, but also how different. He hung onto these horrible things that happened to him, just like her, but he was so obsessed with it that he set out for revenge, while she just struggled to get by. There was complete silence as she thought about what to say.

"Yukon," this time her voice was more stable as she took a cautious step towards him, though her gaze looked uncertain and hurt by the situation. "I am so sorry, but I know that that doesn't change anything, so it may feel as though it doesn't mean anything, but it should because I mean it. I am so sorry about Fallow's death and I am so sorry about running away afterwards.... I couldn't live there anymore. It reminded me of Fallow too much. If we never lived there then she would probably still be alive today and it was so hard to live with that. You hated me and I hated myself. It was my fault. I should have been there for her, should have been beside her, instead... I couldn't even make it there before she died," by now Mistfall could not face the young tom. The silver and grey molly had to look away and fight back the stinging threat of tears. She wanted to get this all out and over with before it boiled anymore.

Yukon glared at her, his green gaze was much different from back then, there was no fear in it anymore, the kit she had once known was pretty much gone, except for the hatred, it hadn't disminished even a little, it had grown over the moons. The tom met her gaze, clearly, the once scaredy cat she had known was gone, nowhere to be seen. The tom had learned to fight by himself, and unlike clan'cats, his intentions were set in stones when it came to a fight... kill. A few scars now covered his once uninjured body, a scent of blood covered him, clearly he had seen- and done a lot to contribute to this. "You ran away from your own responsabilities, you even left a kit behind, do you know how hard it is to live out there, clearly not because you were raised in a clan." The brown tabby growled and his eye turned to a slit as he neared her more.

The loner's gaze was cold, almost sinking into the she-cat like claws. Her apologies didn't seem to reach him at all, they seemed to fuel his anger even more. "And thinking I called you 'mother' when you simply disappeared without even looking for me, you decided to just go like that, you didn't even knkw the territory in the first place..." The tom added with a hiss, there was clearly something else in his voice, it wasn't only filled with anger or hatred, without Fallow, everything had been so different, she had been so kind and caring towards him and now, because of one cat and her foolishness, it was all gone.

"And if you think that it's been easy through all these moons for me, you're wrong, if you think apologizing for it will just cut it and make everything better, you're wrong, because of you, I've turned into this, you made my life hell, you abandonned me and I didn't even know how to hunt or fight for myself, I had to learn how by myself!" Yukon hissed, he was barely a tail-length away from her now, and by the faint scent of blood coming off of him, it was clear, this tom was not against violence anymore like he once was... He wasn't the Yukon she had known back then

Brilliance February 2nd, 2019 05:09 AM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Delta (Post 567544)
Despite the rather undesirable weather, Zinniaspark was nice and toasty in her thick pelt. The cold wind bit at her nose, but she didn't mind. She thought that this leaf-bare snowstorm was beautiful--a glimmering white blanket had fallen over everything, muffling all sound and wrapping everything in a chilly mist. The RiverClanner was currently padding through the territory, just admiring the beauty around her. She had no desire to hunt or patrol the border. The warrior much preferred calmly walking through nature to fighting or killing innocent creatures. She hated hunting, but she knew that she would have to bring something back or others would think she was lazy. Her large paws sunk rather deep into the snow as she padded along. Her green eyes fell on an unfamiliar cat, just visible through the mist, and she sprung forward, excited to talk. "Hi, there!" she called out.

It wasn't like this was Ploverpaw's first leafbare...well, it was his first leafbare technically since he and his brother had been born in the dewy season of Newleaf, and it didn't take them long to age in moons and became apprentices in the late of Greenleaf. So, indeed, the snow was incredible to Ploverpaw. It kept him warm and he had a fun time just admiring his paw prints and other creatures' paw prints when they were pictured in the ground. He had been so focused on going around in circles around some tree that he didn't even notice the new company that appeared. The tom cat had jumped upon the she cat's voice, his fur stood on end, and he almost hissed from his frightened state, but immediately calmed down at the bubbly cat that was in front of him. ''...Hey,'' After his initial shock, Ploverpaw needed a small time to recuperate before he would flick his tail happily in greeting towards the she cat. He gave her a once-over, trying to pick up a few visible things about her, she was probably older than him, maybe a warrior, but that was all he could note. ''Have you seen all this white stuff on this ground!? It's so awesome! I mean, look at these paw prints, they're incredible!" Ploverpaw bounced, like he never seen snow before. Technically, he never had before.

Hexict February 4th, 2019 07:03 AM

Re: RiverClan Territory
[ @.:Raven:. ]

Pale gaze narrowed at his next words. She quickly seemed to change from sorrowful molly to a more cold one, annoyance clear in her gaze now as it replaced the sadness from when she had apologized to him. She felt much regret for what she had done in the past, not just with Yukon, but with everything. The tom did not seem interested in making peace, and Mistfall was ready to accept that - though deep down, it did still hurt that he hated her. "You didn't want me to stay," though her tone was cold, there was not growl in it at all. At least not yet. "If you had wanted me to stay then you would not ave acted that way towards me. It wasn't just Fallow's death that caused me to leave, it was also the way you took it and your hatred towards me." Mistfall blamed herself as much as Yukon did when it came to Fallow's death, but this wasn't her fault alone. She did not blame the tom at all for what happened to Fallow, but he could not stand there and act all righteous and innocent. He glared at her with hatred and blamed her for leaving, acting as if he had no part in driving her away from that and from him.

And how could he complain about being alone? He was the one who decided this! Besides, there were times when Mistfall was a kit that she had wished she would live by herself away from the clans. But she didn't have the courage that her brother did. She stayed. And look where that brought her? "What? Was this some kind of game to you? Don't act like I'm the bad guy for not looking for you. You made it pretty clear pretty quickly that you were done with me. You know something? I actually though you were better on your own. I thought that you'd be happy if you weren't stuck with me for the rest of your life.... Would you have preferred I went look for you? Brought you back to the clans? You do realize that you be forced to face me everyday for the rest of your life, right? If that's what you want why did you act like you completely hated me?" She was confused by his motive. Mistfall truly thought that he wanted nothing to do with her. Why else would he make it clear he hated her and then go off like that? Was it not for his best that she left him behind? But now all of his actions seemed to contradict those of when he was a kit. He had tracked her down throughout those moons and traveled all the way here. Why? For revenge? The tom doesn't seem to realize how much she's suffered all this time, how much she kills herself everyday for what happened to Fallow and Yukon.

It was not fair that he played victim while forcing her to be the villain.

Mistfall wanted so desperately to be the bigger person here. She had grown a lot from when she was the young and reckless cat that Yukon knew. But she still found that he was being unfair about blaming her. "I never expected it be easier for you, I've never stopped thinking about you and what you've been through. But what do you think would have been best? I was not ready to take care of a kit, I wasn't even ready for a mate! I'm sorry for rushing into those things and I'm sorry for what happened," she felt a sting again. If she hadn't rushed into things, then maybe Fallow would still be alive? She could have thought of ways to make it safe for her to stay in the clans and then they wouldn't have had to run away like that. Of course, she would have never met Yukon, but the tom would probably have been better off. "Besides, I didn't leave you alone! You had Stream and Moss and their kits!" The molly was unaware that Stream had died not long after she left and that Moss had brought their kits to the clans before going his own way. She did not know that Yukon was, in fact, left all alone. Her sister was a kind cat, though sometimes oblivious and innocent, and believed that she could make a great mother for Yukon. Plus, Moss was also nice and strong and made an amazing mate for Stream and could prove to be a great father as well. Looking back, Mistfall truly believed that it was best for Yukon if she was not a part of his life.

"Are you going to fight me?" Her gaze warily watch as the tom seemed prepared to fight. He was not shying away from violence, and that become something that worried Mistfall deeply. She wondered what kind of life he had lives if he was so ready to fight her. The molly believed she could beat him in a fight - after all, she's been trained in the Dark Forest to kill since she was a kit - but that didn't mean that she wanted to fight him. Yukon was her son! No matter how much he hated her or how little she spent in his life, she had still taken him in when he was a kit. He was her responsibility no matter how much she messed up and how much better he would be without her. "I understand that an apology will not make up for everything that has happened. An apology will not change what happened and will not make it better. But how a fight do any of that either?"

Gone February 4th, 2019 12:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory
| @Hexict |

Yukon glared at her some more as she told him that he hadn't wanted her to stay. "That's false, you're assuming I didn't want you to stay, you never even bothered to ask or even create a bond with me." The tom hissed as he met her gaze, his voice had been cold since the second he had started talking to her, he had learned things that the code prohibited, and unlike them, it was the way he fought, by breaking the code over and over, but he didn't care much about it, to him, killing was natural now, it was only freeing a space for another cat. "Of course I took it upon you, who else tried to care about me other than her, you've never even shared a nest with the kit you adopted, I always had to sleep with Fallow and that's what you don't seem to understand, you have no right to call yourself one of my parents when you did nothing to help, unlike Fallow who spent most of her time with me showing me around or even how to hunt properly at that!" He growled.

As she added that she hadn't left him alone, he showed his fangs and this time stepped up to her, he was so close that she could feel his breath against her own muzzle. "Wake up! Why do you think you've never gotten any news from Stream?" He asked before finally adding. "She died and Moss left for the clans again, leaving me behind for the second time in like two moons or something." He added, the tom wasn't lying by the looks of it, otherwise he wouldn't have been so serious about it. "I hope you know how it feels to be left alone and having to live through a flood, through winter with basically no shelter, because I've been going through it and no one was there to care for me while you, just like Moss, ran away from your own responsibilities." He mewed, his voice was becoming a little shaky as he spoke. "I trusted all of you with everything I had and you just ended up leaving, one after the other." He growled. "I wouldn't mind fighting you, but I wouldn't leave you alive if I did." He admitted rather bluntly, it was clear as day, he had pretty much admitted into killing cats at this point. "If I were to have remained the same as I was back then, I'd be dead, so I just had to see what a cat's weak point is and I managed to meet a rogue on the way, he had been a Riverclanner too, and I learned stuff that, from what I've heard 'your code doesn't allow', and that's the only way I know how to actually fight, to kill." He admitted, which did sound like stuff from the Dark Forest (Just putting it into context, Yukon trained with an ex-riverclanner called Churchill, who got exiled for killing a clanmate who knew that he trained in the Dark Forest, but Yukon has no idea that StarClan or the Dark Forest even exist and just went with the training since he hasn't planned to join RC yet.)

His gaze was still cold, but it was a lot less than it had been at first, he had, at least, calmed down a little, the tom didn't only have a problem with her, he was in a conflict with himself, with his own emotions because he was refusing to forget his past, the proof was there, he had been hunting her down, driven by hatred, while trying to keep from just breaking down as he spoke, if his mental state wasn't bad enough to show her that he had been through a lot, maybe even worse that what she had been through, what else would do it? His past was haunting him and he just couldn't run away from it now, even if he tried, his gaze roamed around her body, compared to her, with her clean fur, no visible injury, he was the complete opposite, ragged fur, a few scars visible here and there, some had clearly infected but healed anyway, some small spots of fur missing due to rough fights, but he still stood on his four paws.

After a moment of silence, the tom finally decided to talk again. "If you had just told me to change, I would have, but you preferred to always just get away, do you really think I knew better back then, when I was like 3-4 moons?" He finally asked before he became silent again.

Cave February 5th, 2019 04:42 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Stormdream followed Snowsong, his thin frame slipped silently through the bushes. When he got to the other side he stepped softly and quietly, as not scare any prey away.

Crystalwhisker February 6th, 2019 07:14 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by *Lazy Carrot* (Post 567475)
Larkmask had already finished her half. She stared at the sky. "I wonder if anyone is watching over me at this moment.." She murmured to herself.

"I can tell you I know there is." He said with a slight smile.

MessrMoony February 6th, 2019 07:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Greywind (Post 569874)
"I can tell you I know there is." He said with a slight smile.

Larkmask looked over at him and smiled. "I know what you mean" She looked back up at the sky and watched the clouds drift in the breeze.

judas February 9th, 2019 07:45 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

the winter air was nothing but a breeze to wolfdancer, her thick coat protecting her nicely. they were really different, huh? wolfdancers pelt was fluffy and long, dragging on the ground if she crouched justa bit too low. her paws had fur between each toe, making her paw pads warm with every step. though during the summer it was hell to live in, winter just felt like you finally had some AC on to be honest.amber eyes remained lidded and content as she walked, ears perking when snowberry mentioned going off to find some of her own prey. wolfdancer would just have to do the same. opening her maw she caught wind of a bird, eyes catching the sight of it and crouching low to the ground, letting her grey pelt blend in with the off whiteish snow. launching forward her claws scraped its feathers, large claws snipping its throat with ease. picking up the prey she didnt hear anything, assuming snowberry had also made her catch. walking along her trail, she followed them into the bushes she had walked into.
Snowberry's eyes fluttered around, keeping the prey hidden as best as she could. Her blue eyes looked back, noticing how Wolfdancer approached. Her small tail lowered to the ground, ears flattening as she quickly gobbled down the prey. It wasn't much, but she was thankful for it. This winter had been harsh, and she seemed to get thinner by the second. Snowberry tossed the rest into the bushes, flipping around and licking her maw. "W-wolfdancer, didn't see anything over here." She lied, her eyes looking down at Wolfdancer's paws. She kept her best to make sure she wasn't shaking.

Leucos February 14th, 2019 06:30 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

A quick little blast of cold wind blew at her making her shiver even under her fluffy pelt which made her pawsteps slower and more reluctant . BrambleBlaze shook her fur as her paws lifted up off of the cold ground as her paw pads ached, she knew she shouldn't be complaining ...She will be fine but...She hated leafbare! She was amazed that the clans went to the gathering in this weather. Although she hated socializing she was glad she went. She had an interesting conversation with a thunderclanner named Valariansmoke who to her seemed very pompous . But she had fun . With a shudder bramble trotted forward with her nose open as she tried to catch some land prey scents since she figured that the river would be frozen solid by now. And no way was she gonna check. for starclan sake can't leafbare leave early? with a sigh to herself she looked around before settling her attention on some movement in a small cluster of bushes, the Molly swished her tail as she softly padded over and got into a crouch as she waited.

furrensic February 14th, 2019 06:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Pisces (Post 571968)

A quick little blast of cold wind blew at her making her shiver even under her fluffy pelt which made her pawsteps slower and more reluctant . BrambleBlaze shook her fur as her paws lifted up off of the cold ground as her paw pads ached, she knew she shouldn't be complaining ...She will be fine but...She hated leafbare! She was amazed that the clans went to the gathering in this weather. Although she hated socializing she was glad she went. She had an interesting conversation with a thunderclanner named Valariansmoke who to her seemed very pompous . But she had fun . With a shudder bramble trotted forward with her nose open as she tried to catch some land prey scents since she figured that the river would be frozen solid by now. And no way was she gonna check. for starclan sake can't leafbare leave early? with a sigh to herself she looked around before settling her attention on some movement in a small cluster of bushes, the Molly swished her tail as she softly padded over and got into a crouch as she waited.

A squirrel sped out from the cluster of bushes, a white molly soon popping out a few seconds after. Lambdream stumbled over a rock, seeing the squirrel run away.
"I-I was sure I could get that one..." The white cat meowed to herself, looking down at her paws. Lamb soon realized Brambleblaze was there, seeming to shrink a little. As she assumed her friend saw her stumble over the rock clumsily and let the prey escape.
A quiet 'oh' came from Lambdream. "H..Hi Brambleblaze..!" The fluffy molly greeted softly, her voice almost a bit too quiet to hear.

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