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furrensic July 3rd, 2019 09:49 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 600854)
DawnPaw didn't look back at LarkStorm after that,she just kept her gaze carefully on TimberSpark for a moment. The cream Molly knew that either way she couldn't hide this any longer, she heard a hiss echo in her ears and knew CreekTongue was not happy."Timber- We need to talk...".she said quietly as she started padding deep into the territory away from LarkStorm, she felt herself tense up slightly, her views of this Tom changed drastically as hazy memories filtered through her mind."Does he seriously think I will be phased by this?! He's certainly has forgotten how well I train my apprentices...which reminds me the last training session we had was before the move...".her voice echoed slightly in her ears but CreekTongue didn't say anything more and vanished.DawnPaw stopped and nervously looked up to find a confused looking TimberSpark, she spoke softly but quietly."...Uhm...Remember the DarkForest battle?...Where you saw me in the DarkForest? Well I wasn't there just for that I had- been there many many times before...and even now, Uhm-".She was becoming less confident in being able to tell him and somewhat turned around to avoid his eyes."...I- wasn't sure how to tell you back then but- i wasn't who I am now back then...Sadly I always seem to be able to hear CreekTongue speak when I'm awake sometimes-CreekTongue is my Mentor there...I've been training with her since I was 6 moons...Uhm I-I'm sorry that explanation was very scattered all over the place but...I don't think...I want to continue to train there...".She finally looked back at TimberSpark after her very messy and nervous explanation,in simple terms she was trying to say 'I train in the DarkForest and CreekTongue is my mentor- I don't want to do this anymore though- I want to change', but she felt like such a mess with everything that was happening and now this. This was the first time she had looked like a nervous wreck and she merely tried to hide her face by turning it away from TimberSpark."...I'm sorry for not telling you sooner...I just didn't want you to start hating me for it and...I was planning on giving up on the training before I told you but....yeah".Exhaustion,confusion,nervousness and fear were blocking off her thoughts.

Timberpaw followed after Dawnpaw, haughtily to add. He nodded softly, regret flashing in his eyes at the mention of the battle. "Yes....?" he mumbled, brows furrowed. His eyes widened hearing the mollys words. Was this true? Had she been training in the dark forest ever since that young age? He felt a wave of emotions wash over, mostly confusion and disbelief. But, he gave a subtle nod. "I understand." He meowed softly.


Originally Posted by Lilyfur2 (Post 600885)
Spiritflight shook out his pelt, slowly coming to his senses. The world seemed to rotate as he shakily stood up, steadying himself. As he stood up, the ground finally settled to stay still. He looked up, right into the face of Oakflame. He widened his eyes in surprise, smoothing his bushed fur. He glanced in the direction of the mouse. Gone. Drat. Well, never mind! He looked back at his former apprentice, smiling. "Hello, Oakflame." He mewed calmly. "Guess we both went for the same catch, huh?" He remarked, "You have gotten taller!" He exclaimed, observing Oakflame's size. And these are the things that make a mentor proud. He thought happily. He wondered for a moment how Oakflame's mentorship was going. Does he feel that pride too?

(Does Oak have an apprentice? I remember him talking abt. One the last time they met, but I don't remember it well...)

(( Yeah! ))

Oakflame gave a deep purr, it rumbling from within his chest. "I guess we were! And have a i really got that big..?" He asked sheepishly, giving an awkward smile with a laugh. He didn't think he'd grown that much, but he did notice the clear size difference between him and his past mentor.

TawnyNeedsACoffee July 3rd, 2019 10:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 600893)

Timberpaw followed after Dawnpaw, haughtily to add. He nodded softly, regret flashing in his eyes at the mention of the battle. "Yes....?" he mumbled, brows furrowed. His eyes widened hearing the mollys words. Was this true? Had she been training in the dark forest ever since that young age? He felt a wave of emotions wash over, mostly confusion and disbelief. But, he gave a subtle nod. "I understand." He meowed softly.

DawnPaw looked up surprise slightly painted across her face before her brows furrowed a little, speaking in a soft tone."...Look- LarkStorm isn't- you need to be careful okay? He's unfortunately more then just a creep...".the concerned look then formed in a kind smile as she spoke gently."Thank you for- understanding but I gotta say- what exactly were you and LarkStorm talking about exactly?".changing the topic somewhat she asked intrigued as she looked at her Friend.

furrensic July 3rd, 2019 10:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 600895)
DawnPaw looked up surprise slightly painted across her face before her brows furrowed a little, speaking in a soft tone."...Look- LarkStorm isn't- you need to be careful okay? He's unfortunately more then just a creep...".the concerned look then formed in a kind smile as she spoke gently."Thank you for- understanding but I gotta say- what exactly were you and LarkStorm talking about exactly?".changing the topic somewhat she asked intrigued as she looked at her Friend.

Timberspark gave a shrug. "Nothing important" he purred.

Moon Lily July 4th, 2019 07:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 600893)

Timberpaw followed after Dawnpaw, haughtily to add. He nodded softly, regret flashing in his eyes at the mention of the battle. "Yes....?" he mumbled, brows furrowed. His eyes widened hearing the mollys words. Was this true? Had she been training in the dark forest ever since that young age? He felt a wave of emotions wash over, mostly confusion and disbelief. But, he gave a subtle nod. "I understand." He meowed softly.

(( Yeah! ))

Oakflame gave a deep purr, it rumbling from within his chest. "I guess we were! And have a i really got that big..?" He asked sheepishly, giving an awkward smile with a laugh. He didn't think he'd grown that much, but he did notice the clear size difference between him and his past mentor.

Spiritflight chuckled. He smiled as he spoke. "You definitely have. Compared to you, I look like a scrawny apprentice!" He teased. He twitched his tail in amusement. He tilted his head. "You look stronger too..." He noted. He looked back up at his apprentice. " How's your mentorship going? " He asked, extinguishing the gnawing curiosity in his belly.

Madelaine July 4th, 2019 02:59 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory
~ @spinachsprite ~

A small white fluffy cross-eyed kitten padded through Riverclan territory. She felt her paws start to ache after walking for so long. Shell felt her paws give out, causing her to fall. She wanted to try and get up, but she was so tired to stayed on the ground. Shell curled herself into a ball.

spinachsprite July 4th, 2019 03:16 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory
Salmonstrike was cruising through Riverclan territory with a fat trout hanging from his black maw. His head was lifted high so that it's pink tail wouldn't drag on the ground, and his tail followed suit, waving in the air like a proud and violent black flag. He was on his way back to Riverclan, eager to sit and eat his catch in front of the starving skyclan warriors who had yet to be shown around the territory or introduced to their new environment. He almost stepped on the tiny sleeping kitten, and started, staring at the ball of fur in the reed bed. Salmonstrike dropped the fish, and nosed the kitten roughly, trying to determine if it were alive.

Aquilex July 4th, 2019 03:40 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory
{Sorry for posting this early, just wanted to make sure I had this done.}

Truthpaw slipped through a small gap in the camp wall. She stuck to the shadows of the territory, hoping none of the warriors would catch her out on her own. She veered away from the direction of the Training Cave, heading toward the river at the edge of the territory. When she came to a large ditch near the water, she bounded into it and began practicing basic training moves - rearing up on her hind legs to swat at a bush that she pretended was an enemy.

After practicing a couple basic moves, Truthpaw became bored and her gaze drifted towards the river. Though she had never yet learned to swim, she thought it would be best to practice some water-based attacks. After all, what good is it to be a RiverClan cat and not use your specialty to an advantage? Without another thought, she took a running leap and pounced into the river. The apprentice sank like a stone, and in a flurry of panic she kicked her paws around until her head just barely broke the surface. Truthpaw took in a sharp breath of air, panting as she struggled to keep herself afloat in the raging current.


Madelaine July 4th, 2019 06:20 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by spinachsprite (Post 600981)
Salmonstrike was cruising through Riverclan territory with a fat trout hanging from his black maw. His head was lifted high so that it's pink tail wouldn't drag on the ground, and his tail followed suit, waving in the air like a proud and violent black flag. He was on his way back to Riverclan, eager to sit and eat his catch in front of the starving skyclan warriors who had yet to be shown around the territory or introduced to their new environment. He almost stepped on the tiny sleeping kitten, and started, staring at the ball of fur in the reed bed. Salmonstrike dropped the fish, and nosed the kitten roughly, trying to determine if it were alive.

Shell felt a cat almost step in her, causing her to look up to see a tom. She wanted to get up, but didn't have the strength to. The young kitten felt him nose her roughly. "please don't eat me.", she cried, hiding her head in her paws.

appariitiion July 4th, 2019 10:29 PM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Palmdrop was trailing behind Rosewater, ears pricked to hear any signs of prey. He was pretty happy he was working with the she-cat again; she had proven to be a pretty pleasant cat to be around when the two fixed up the leader's den. He glanced at her before following her lead, concentrating on trying to hear or sniff out any prey in the area.

Dust July 5th, 2019 03:52 AM

Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Dipper (Post 599968)

Snowybreeze's breath caught as Frostflight admitted it'd been rewarding, more than he could have ever imagined, and that flattened his ears slightly. "Oh?" he inquired, throat tighter than it was seconds ago. At least Frostflight had come back to RiverClan, sort of... he didn't like to think about what'd happen if the merge didn't eliminate any other outcome. "I imagine so," he said in an echo of an agreement, "but from my understanding, they've no concept of defending borders from other Clans." Predators, perhaps. But that wasn't the same as the constant struggle between Clan over which land should be owned by who. "With what few trees we have, perhaps they'll be able to keep themselves fed. I hope so, as satisfying the additional mouths to feed will not be an easy task..." Trailing off, he shook his head. "However, unlike others within this Clan, I intend to judge them on the merit of what they can add rather than their status as 'outsiders.'" Snowybreeze had already conjured a practical list of how they might benefit RiverClan, versus the drawbacks. Time would tell.

His usually-calculating gaze had a moment of softness when his shoulder was bumped, a fond albeit hesitant smile on his muzzle. It was a rarity and disappeared as quickly as it'd come, but it'd been there. "You're going to help Lionstorm?" The idea had him wrinkling his nose, then scoffing. "Why would you be lending a paw to him when he's been... Ah, he's always been like that, a perpetual state of prickly, endless and exhausting. I do agree the SkyClan cats will require further instruction on RiverClan's lifestyle, but it's unfortunate that the task has fallen upon Lionstorm and Fallenstar."

Snowybreeze let out a bitter puff of a laugh at that, shooting Frostflight a skeptical look. "Do you truly believe that Lionstorm will not goad them into a violent response? I admire Windystar's patience, but I am unconvinced that it'll last indefinitely." He had mixed feelings, genuinely not wanting another conflict but on edge from the aggression; for once, RiverClan hadn't started this but rather ShadowClan cats that were moving the border.

Although about to continue on that subject, everything seemed to halt as Snowybreeze processed with he'd said. Deputy. He was... the deputy? He blinked and stared--more like gawked--in utter shock, dumbfounded by what he'd been told. "That's what this has been about?" he asked, harsher than he'd intended but caught off guard, voice cracking. It was hard to actually comprehend that Frostflight, his friend for moons, had been promoted to SkyClan's deputy - of all positions. But that explained quite a few of the odd occurrences, and everything was clicking into place as he stood there with sheer surprise plastered over his features. Once he'd regained his precious composure, Snowybreeze coughed and amended, "I... apologize, that was an inappropriate reaction. I'd prefer to congratulate you. That's quite the accomplishment, and I assure you that my response to this is not to imply any belief of incapability. I cannot see you as anything but fit for the role." It was still a change that he couldn't have predicted, and it bothered him- the shift itself, the fact that he had been basically blindsided by it, everything. Snowybreeze wished he could find the words to ask a million questions that were circling in his mind, but they were eluding him. Congratulating his friend was all that mattered right now, that and Frostflight's mere presence. Those were good enough.

"No, it's alright," he reassured, the smile returning even if it was shakier this time, rattled by the new knowledge. Much like Frostflight, Snowybreeze was earnest as he went on to murmur, "I understand. And... you've returned, so I suppose I have very little to complain about provided you remain here."

[aaaa sorry this is super long]

Frostflight listened quietly, nodding every so often as Snowy made a good point. He wasn't sure what to think right now... with everything going on in camp... with Lionstorm and now it was only further perpetuated by Snowybreeze's short reply, causing the tom's ears to flatten back. In shame? In guilt? Not quite. In worry was more like it - worried about the actual thoughts going through his friend's head. Frostflight could easily say he knew Snowy, having grown used to his outwardly cold demeanor. When they first met it had drive him wild with anger - he had been in a bad place back then... but so had his companion more or less. Perhaps that's why they had got along in the end. The tom inwardly grinned at the first time they had really connected, his mood elated for a brief moment. Regardless, it was easy to tell that Snowy seemed a bit displeased by the news, even with the reassurance and gentle smile, Frostflight found it hard to bite back the rising sadness in his throat. But as Snowybreeze continued, he felt the fur on his body, that he hadn't even realized was rising, lay flat. The feline let out a shaky sigh, "Honestly I have no clue what I'm doing right now. It seems everytime I want to do something for the clan they reject me... Riverclan, Skyclan, neither of them like me right now." It was true though, not even his new apprentice liked him. He was playing both sides of the fence and it was naive to think he could make everyone happy. "I'm just glad you're here with me." Frostflight trailed off, keeping his eyes downcast on a very clearly interesting piece of dirt.

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