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Hexict October 14th, 2016 06:25 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Ever (Post 9853)
Crimsonmoon gave a nod and shuffled uneasily as she waited for the fish to be returned to her. The both of them seemed to be opening up a little bit to one another now that they had gotten the saltiness out from their meeting. She had caused it, from her sharp tongue and lack of thought, but he seemed to have let that go now that she had begun biting her tongue. She could continue to be nasty and could have not even offered him her prized catch, but something untarnished about her had made her want to share and be kind. She seemed to be lost as to who she truly was still. She bent over the fish and ate, a bit of a frown upon her face as she thought about her small identity crisis. Though she reminded herself that her mother was weak and foolish, that she should try to exterminate most things that came from her influence. Though being open to friends wasn't so bad, and Pastblaze seemed to be enough like Bucknight that they might get along relatively well. She took her time eating, hoping Pastblaze wasn't growing bored, but she just wanted to finish her part of the meal before she pushed the prey back, stomach no longer dying for food. "This was fun, tonight, the competition." The words seemed to tumble mindlessly from her mouth. She hadn't really meant to admit it, it seemed awkward to admit such a thing for her. Her ears flicked back and she looked away, feeling the embarrassment from what she had said settle into her. Her fur raised a little against her spine with the discomfort of the situation. She never said things like this to other cats. She'd never admitted enjoying someone's presence.

Noticing her frown as she went for another bite, and was tempted to ask what was wrong, though he stopped when he was about to since he was unsure if she would get defensive at his questioning. Pastblaze sat in the welcoming silence between him and Crimsonmoon, it wasn't awkward or anything like that since their tension have died down. He closed his green orbs for a moment as the molly near him finished her part of the fresh-kill, and giving him the rest. His orbs opened as this and turned when she admitted that the night had been fun to her. At first he said nothing and even looked slightly surprised at this, but then he realized that she felt embarrassed after saying that. "Me too," Pastblaze's reply was simple and quick, the words felt strange to him as well, but he found himself not wanting Crimsonmoon to feel embarrassed so he had instantly said that. Right afterwards, he returned to the fresh-kill in front of him and slowly finished it, acting as if the small conversation wasn't too much of a big deal despite his pelt warming up to an uncomfortable level.

Hexict October 14th, 2016 06:41 AM

Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by koer (Post 10108)

"huh. haven't seen you a lot. not even in the elder's den picking fleas and ticks from the elders' den. that is a retched job. well, nice to meet you. i'm daisypaw." daisypaw raised her head in disgust and wrinkled her nose at the odor of fish. "ew.. fish." trying not to vomit, she made a spiteful glare at the fish willowpaw was eating before attempting a new conversation. "so. do you usually like to go hunting, maybe get dirty in the mud, or get wet in the water hunting fish [even though you dont like it //huff ]?" the molly began to chew on a piece of her water vole, licking her paws every once in awhile, her white fur staining. "what are you into?"

"I've recently became an apprentice, so I haven't really gotten into the duties yet," she admitted. As they spoke, Willowpaw was trying to observe Daisypaw, unsure who she was. "I'm Willowpaw," the molly felt awkward telling the stranger her name, but understood that this was how people got to know each other, plus, Daisypaw had introduced herself already anyway and it was polite to do the same. The birman was taken aback by Daisypaw's reaction to the fish that she was eating, and flicked her tail. How could a Riverclan cat not like fish? She thought, slightly narrowing her pale blue orbs at the other apprentice. "To be honest, I haven't had much training so I haven't gone onto the territory," unlike many other cats in the clans, she hadn't wanted to sneak out of camp as a kit. This was mostly because she knew she didn't have Riverclan blood in her, so she didn't want to get in trouble with the clan that had become her home. "As for mud... not too much for it," the sticky, wet mud reminded her too much of the storm - not a happy memory. She never swam before, but she was embarrassed about that so she didn't comment for that question. But Willowpaw did find that she had to think of the last question. "Uhh... I don't know," she admitted. She didn't leave the camp and usually didn't do much but hang out with Sunbreeze and talk to Fernpaw. So she never had a chance to figure out what she enjoyed to do.

EliteHotDog October 27th, 2016 09:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@Leaf ) Mudpaw walked into the clearing with some mice and a weird blue bird.

Leaf October 27th, 2016 10:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@EliteHotDog ) Reedpaw followed Mudpaw, the silver fish in her jaws nearly slipping onto the ground. She grasped it carefully, not wanting to get her catch all dirty since some cat was going to eat it.

EliteHotDog October 27th, 2016 10:11 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@Leaf ) Mudpaw was one of the few Riverclan cats who didn't like fish. It seemed too slimy and it was very oily. He neatly stacked his catches in a separate pile to keep the fish off of them. "Why do you eat fish? That stuff is terrible to eat."

Leaf October 27th, 2016 10:14 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@EliteHotDog ) Reedpaw snorted. "Well it is what RiverClan cats normally eat. But I respect that you don't like fish. I'm not a fish fanatic, but I don't mind it either." She mewed, setting the fish down on another fish.

EliteHotDog October 27th, 2016 10:27 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@Leaf )(_) "Fish just tastes too, fishy." He half joked half mused, straitening the fish as he spoke.

Leaf October 27th, 2016 10:40 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@EliteHotDog ) Reedpaw thought for a moment before shrugging.

EliteHotDog October 27th, 2016 10:44 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@Leaf ) Mudpaw finished sorting and stacking the fish. He picked up the bird, and sat down to eat.

Leaf October 27th, 2016 10:58 PM

Re: RiverClan Clearing
@EliteHotDog ) Reedpaw, not hungry, flopped on her back, purring quietly from the sunlight warming her russet fur.

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