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lone June 19th, 2017 04:38 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Sage (Post 292907)
Sagewhisker slightly jumped at the sound of a familiar voice. Obsidiansky. Sagewhisker smiled, she was slightly hoping that she would run into a familiar face. She yawned at got her paws. She turned to the dark colored tom and smiled. "Hi, Obsidiansky. I just need a break from the nursery and being cramped up in there all day." Sagewhisker meowed. "I know that Blazingstar said to not go out alone but i just needed sometime to rest, now that I'll be returning to warrior duties when Rowankit, Brightkit, and Larkkit." She continued. The tortoiseshell molly sat back down on her haunches and smiled. She shuffled her paws and her tail tip twitched slightly, clearly nervous.

"What have you been up to lately?" Sagewhisker asked. She noticed that he was panting from the blazing sun. "Do you want to find somewhere shadier to talk?" The molly commented. She stretched her her front legs out and yawned. Sagewhisker sighed and hopped up, her eyes widened, clearly happy. He looks stressed, I wonder what he just came from?

"Well I hope you're being careful. And don't go near the border - ThunderClan's so cocky, they'd probably attack you on your own side." His voice was scornful as he spoke of their current rival Clan. Snowstar had apparantly blamed WindClan for the death of one of their warriors. What could be done about it now? Did Snowstar believe that they could just... bring the dead cat back to life? Sagewhisker might find his bossier attitude annoying, but at this time of day he thought he was entitled to being a little more of a jerk then normal. After all, the blazing heat of the sun was no friend of Obsidiansky's dark, medium-thick pelt. Nor his eyes or mind, to be honest.
It drove him crazy that there was little shade out here. Her suggestion made his ears pick up. "Yeah... yeah, um..." He glanced around for a sheltered area. Over there! The grasses were taller, and it would provide shade and shelter from the scorching heat of the day. At least, it was scorching for him. Obsidiansky didn't like it at all. Once he had gotten into the grasses, he glanced over towards his friend - assuming she had followed after him, that was.
"This is nice. Sorry, I... I have a lot on my mind, there's been... well... an incident, I guess you could say, and... I'm a little confused right now. Just - why does love always have to be so complicated?" The tom asked with a sigh, putting his head on his paws. This would most likely make them heat up faster, but at this point, Obsidiansky didn't care. His mind was on the conversation with Canineheart. Why did it have to be that way? Why couldn't they just be friends, and stay like that forever? Then again, he was confused about his own feelings as well, to be honest... very confused.
She had him questioning things. And Obsidiansky didn't want to be questioning things, he wanted to be... happy. Happy. A word that he wasn't even sure of it's meaning anymore. He'd felt happy, and he'd imagined she felt the same, but... now it seemed she wanted to take their friendship to the next step. Did he want to be in a relationship with Canineheart? Maybe. Obsidiansky just wanted to be absolutely sure before he told her he was willing to try.

Brilliance June 19th, 2017 04:40 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Little Bird (Post 293223)
Mothkit rolled her eyes. "There's no way I'm bowing down to you." she hissed playfully, not very proud of her remark.

Mothkit tumbled to one side. The female kit lashed her paws in the air playfully. She was definitely enjoying this game. "Hey!" she hissed through gritted teeth, attempting to get back up again. She failed.

When Mothkit fell to the ground once more, an idea popped into her head. "Thunderclan is beaten!" she yowled playfully. "Windclan is superior! Thunderclan retreat!" The she kit purred once she was done, she was proud of coming up with that.

Lynxkit retreated, taking his mouth away from Mothkit as she shouted that Thunderclan had been defeated. Lynxkit lashed his tail playfully, and he entered into a long stretch, dipping his body and hearing a few bones crack. He felt satisfied in that moment. ''I told you Windclan would win.'' He leapt around her in an ecstatic state.

Lynxkit was extremely loyal to Windclan. After all, it was the only place he knew. Even if he didn't see his parents or siblings much. Speaking of siblings, where was Breezepaw? and Sorrelkit? Lynxkit pinned his ears slightly as he once again looked around.

At not noticing anyone, the tom succumbed to his usual upbeat state, and he flopped onto his back, pawing the hair with his legs. ''What do you like to do Mothkit?'' It would be nice to get to know his new friend. He had a feeling that they would be good friends for a long while.

Cosmo June 19th, 2017 05:14 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 293663)

Lynxkit retreated, taking his mouth away from Mothkit as she shouted that Thunderclan had been defeated. Lynxkit lashed his tail playfully, and he entered into a long stretch, dipping his body and hearing a few bones crack. He felt satisfied in that moment. ''I told you Windclan would win.'' He leapt around her in an ecstatic state.

Lynxkit was extremely loyal to Windclan. After all, it was the only place he knew. Even if he didn't see his parents or siblings much. Speaking of siblings, where was Breezepaw? and Sorrelkit? Lynxkit pinned his ears slightly as he once again looked around.

At not noticing anyone, the tom succumbed to his usual upbeat state, and he flopped onto his back, pawing the hair with his legs. ''What do you like to do Mothkit?'' It would be nice to get to know his new friend. He had a feeling that they would be good friends for a long while.

Well that was a hard question. Moth kit had many things she loved to do. She loved to help cats. She loved to play. She loved to daydream. She loved to wrestle, and play moss ball. It was a really hard choice. "Well... Lots of things really." Mothkit started, so not to leave a awkward silence. "I love to play." Mothkit said, picking the most general thing even though it probably sounded stupid.

Now Mothkit, like to keep conversations moving. She didn't like long silence, or short conversations, so decided on asking him a question. "What do you like to do, Lynxkit?" The female kit cocked her head to one side, hoping he would respond to her question instead of asking her to go into more detail.

(Sorry for the short reply, writers block)

Sage June 19th, 2017 05:28 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 293661)
"Well I hope you're being careful. And don't go near the border - ThunderClan's so cocky, they'd probably attack you on your own side." His voice was scornful as he spoke of their current rival Clan. Snowstar had apparantly blamed WindClan for the death of one of their warriors. What could be done about it now? Did Snowstar believe that they could just... bring the dead cat back to life? Sagewhisker might find his bossier attitude annoying, but at this time of day he thought he was entitled to being a little more of a jerk then normal. After all, the blazing heat of the sun was no friend of Obsidiansky's dark, medium-thick pelt. Nor his eyes or mind, to be honest.
It drove him crazy that there was little shade out here. Her suggestion made his ears pick up. "Yeah... yeah, um..." He glanced around for a sheltered area. Over there! The grasses were taller, and it would provide shade and shelter from the scorching heat of the day. At least, it was scorching for him. Obsidiansky didn't like it at all. Once he had gotten into the grasses, he glanced over towards his friend - assuming she had followed after him, that was.
"This is nice. Sorry, I... I have a lot on my mind, there's been... well... an incident, I guess you could say, and... I'm a little confused right now. Just - why does love always have to be so complicated?" The tom asked with a sigh, putting his head on his paws. This would most likely make them heat up faster, but at this point, Obsidiansky didn't care. His mind was on the conversation with Canineheart. Why did it have to be that way? Why couldn't they just be friends, and stay like that forever? Then again, he was confused about his own feelings as well, to be honest... very confused.
She had him questioning things. And Obsidiansky didn't want to be questioning things, he wanted to be... happy. Happy. A word that he wasn't even sure of it's meaning anymore. He'd felt happy, and he'd imagined she felt the same, but... now it seemed she wanted to take their friendship to the next step. Did he want to be in a relationship with Canineheart? Maybe. Obsidiansky just wanted to be absolutely sure before he told her he was willing to try.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. ThunderClan are being such jerks lately. Well. Not all of them, most of them.” Sagewhisker meowed, rolling her eyes. She ignored the dark furred tom’s scornful tone. He is obviously stressed. But what about? Obsidiansky is just worrying about me. I mean, he’s my best friend. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to loose me to ThunderClan, just like I wouldn’t want to loose him to those jerks. But, he doesn’t understand just how much I don’t want to loose him. The tortoiseshell molly shook her head and smiled at her best friend. Why does the sun have to be so....scorching?

“Okay.” Sagewhisker replied. She looked around the area for a shady place to stay, but noticed that Obsidiansky was already heading to a medium sized patch of tall grass. Sagewhisker bounded after him, panting from the blazing sun above. The tall grass was perfect for great shelter from the shade. Obsidiansky glanced behind his shoulder to make sure she had followed him to the tall grass and she smiled. Sagewhisker sat back down on her haunches, ready to rest her aching paws. Her tail swished from side to side.

Sagewhisker listened to the tom, thoughtfully. Love? Wait, was Obsidiansky...in love! With who? What happened? Are they mates? Sage, calm down. There’s nothing to worry about. If they were mates, why would her say incident. Besides, he’s never mentioned loving someone to me, and I’m his best friend. He would have told me if he had a crush on someone. “Love? W-Well I honestly don’t know. I wish it could all be simple.” She meowed. Sagewhisker’s tail twitched angrily from side to side, her paws shuffled nervously, and her eyes narrowed.

Dust June 20th, 2017 12:42 AM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den
Throbbing pain. It had been going for ages now and the kit had been unable to go with out thinking about it constantly. Step. Pain. Step. Pain. It had been interrupting his play, his sleep, his everything and honestly it was beginning to get to him. It had taken more than his mother's persuasion to go see the medicine cat, Surgestorm, for his paw, if anything it was the crippling anxiety that finally urged him to go, and go quickly. Being the cat that he was, he had been up all night thinking about it so naturally the kit was a bit droopier than usual. His small paws quickened in pace as he approached the entrance of the den, his ears swiveling back behind his skull. What if he had an infection? What if somehow he caught green cough in his paw pad? Thoughts like this, no matter how ridiculous, had been swarming in his head, even now as he reluctantly picked his way into the medicine den. It really wasn't as bad as he imagined it. By the way most cats described it, Owlkit had half expected tons of sick cats lined up nose to tail for some sort of treatment. He wasn't quite sure yet what it was that medicine cats did, other than heal. Something with Starclan and leaves?

The kit had never been in the medicine den, that he remembered at least, so the sudden pungent smell of herbs hit him in a large wave of new scent. It was enough to knock an older cat on their side, yet Owlkit remained upright, his face contorted into slight disgust, though the smell was also quite soothing. He had never smelled anything like it, although the nursery was really the only place he ever was. Sharp, tangy, yet sweet and even bitter was the only way he could describe the scent to himself. It sounded reasonable enough. Limping further into the den, the older kit raised his head high, his voice piping up from a hoarse whisper to a mewl filled with false confidence. He was vibrating back and forth in fright. Not necessarily because he was afraid of Surgestorm, but more so that he was afraid that something was actually wrong. How would the medicine cat heal him? What if he died!? Tears stung his eyes at the thought, his breath beginning to quicken as well. What would he do without his mother or his siblings, or his friends? The waver in his voice was as noticeable as his violent shaking when he finally found his voice and called out,

"Hello? Surgestorm?"

@Zero to Hero

Zero June 20th, 2017 11:00 AM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Duststorm (Post 294271)
Throbbing pain. It had been going for ages now and the kit had been unable to go with out thinking about it constantly. Step. Pain. Step. Pain. It had been interrupting his play, his sleep, his everything and honestly it was beginning to get to him. It had taken more than his mother's persuasion to go see the medicine cat, Surgestorm, for his paw, if anything it was the crippling anxiety that finally urged him to go, and go quickly. Being the cat that he was, he had been up all night thinking about it so naturally the kit was a bit droopier than usual. His small paws quickened in pace as he approached the entrance of the den, his ears swiveling back behind his skull. What if he had an infection? What if somehow he caught green cough in his paw pad? Thoughts like this, no matter how ridiculous, had been swarming in his head, even now as he reluctantly picked his way into the medicine den. It really wasn't as bad as he imagined it. By the way most cats described it, Owlkit had half expected tons of sick cats lined up nose to tail for some sort of treatment. He wasn't quite sure yet what it was that medicine cats did, other than heal. Something with Starclan and leaves?

The kit had never been in the medicine den, that he remembered at least, so the sudden pungent smell of herbs hit him in a large wave of new scent. It was enough to knock an older cat on their side, yet Owlkit remained upright, his face contorted into slight disgust, though the smell was also quite soothing. He had never smelled anything like it, although the nursery was really the only place he ever was. Sharp, tangy, yet sweet and even bitter was the only way he could describe the scent to himself. It sounded reasonable enough. Limping further into the den, the older kit raised his head high, his voice piping up from a hoarse whisper to a mewl filled with false confidence. He was vibrating back and forth in fright. Not necessarily because he was afraid of Surgestorm, but more so that he was afraid that something was actually wrong. How would the medicine cat heal him? What if he died!? Tears stung his eyes at the thought, his breath beginning to quicken as well. What would he do without his mother or his siblings, or his friends? The waver in his voice was as noticeable as his violent shaking when he finally found his voice and called out.

"Hello? Surgestorm?"

@Zero to Hero

Surgestorm stared at the entrance of his den for what seemed like hours, though it was probably just mere minutes in reality. His yellow eyes were glazed over with boredom, and he looked geniunely like he wanted to be anywhere else than where he was standing right now. The weather was improving, the birds were chirping, and he felt entirely and utterly confined to his den. In reality, it was such a slow day that he could obviously be out and about doing clanlife-like things. However, he had a duty to stay right here and wait, watching over his niece as she recovered. He didn't want to flaunt his ability to come and go, not while she was in her condition. But... he really wanted something interesting to do. StarClan, pleaaasssseeeeeee. Anythingggg. It probably wasn't really morally right to pray for somebody to get injured, but Surgestorm figured they wouldn't do too much harm.

Low and behold, Owlkit hobbles on in. Thank goodness, but this will the only time I will be happy to see a kit hurting. Surgestorm got to his paws, surveying the kit from afar probably long before the tom kit would notice him standing there. He got to see the kit's transition to obviously trying to act strong in the face of his paw injury, to the edge of a kitten-like breakdown. Here comes the guilt... He cleared his throat after the kitten called out to him, letting a soothing smile replace any traces of boredom. "Hi there, little guy." He meowed, padding over to his only patient of the day, letting the calm aura radiate from him in waves. "I see your paw is hurtin' ya. Why don't I take a look at it for you?" The medicine cat flopped down into a laying position so that he was actually just below eye-level with Owlkit, knowing it would help him not to intimidate.

lone June 20th, 2017 03:20 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Sage (Post 293722)
“I wouldn’t dream of it. ThunderClan are being such jerks lately. Well. Not all of them, most of them.” Sagewhisker meowed, rolling her eyes. She ignored the dark furred tom’s scornful tone. He is obviously stressed. But what about? Obsidiansky is just worrying about me. I mean, he’s my best friend. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to loose me to ThunderClan, just like I wouldn’t want to loose him to those jerks. But, he doesn’t understand just how much I don’t want to loose him. The tortoiseshell molly shook her head and smiled at her best friend. Why does the sun have to be so....scorching?

“Okay.” Sagewhisker replied. She looked around the area for a shady place to stay, but noticed that Obsidiansky was already heading to a medium sized patch of tall grass. Sagewhisker bounded after him, panting from the blazing sun above. The tall grass was perfect for great shelter from the shade. Obsidiansky glanced behind his shoulder to make sure she had followed him to the tall grass and she smiled. Sagewhisker sat back down on her haunches, ready to rest her aching paws. Her tail swished from side to side.

Sagewhisker listened to the tom, thoughtfully. Love? Wait, was Obsidiansky...in love! With who? What happened? Are they mates? Sage, calm down. There’s nothing to worry about. If they were mates, why would her say incident. Besides, he’s never mentioned loving someone to me, and I’m his best friend. He would have told me if he had a crush on someone. “Love? W-Well I honestly don’t know. I wish it could all be simple.” She meowed. Sagewhisker’s tail twitched angrily from side to side, her paws shuffled nervously, and her eyes narrowed.

The tom sighed, uncurling his tail from around his paws. He knew of her more complicated past with love - it hadn't ended well for her before, hopefully the next time it would end up better. Obsidiansky was pretty good when it came to having conversations with she cats, but he drew the line at love. It was a difficult topic to talk about and he didn't like mentioning it that much. Rarely, or around cats that he very much trusted like Sagewhisker would he continue to speak on the subject. But, from her reaction, it was obvious that he had better come up with a quick explanation or at least something else to say. Something that didn't involve falling in love at all, right? Yes. That would be best here. Clearing his throat, Obsidiansky looked down at the ground as he thought for a moment and then an idea came to his mind. "Well, since you're with me now, we could probably go towards the outskirts," He mewed with a thoughtful expression.
"Of course, we wouldn't go beyond the borders."
The dark tom added quickly. What he was proposing was probably a bad idea at this time of day - but it was the only thing he could think of to get off the subject of love and everything that seemed to be bothering Sagewhisker. He would have preferred to ask her what to do about Canineheart... but, until she was comfortable again, he wouldn't bring up the subject. She'll be fine though. I'm sure she'll find a nice, friendly, absolutely perfect tom to take care of her. Of course I'll have to have a talk with this cat. I wouldn't want Sage running off with the wrong cat again. I'll make sure that there's nothing interfering here before I do anything else. The tip of Obsidiansky's tail was twitching as he waited for Sagewhisker's answer to his proposition. Was it just an awful idea and they shouldn't even consider it? That wasn't what he thought, but he supposed it was possible.

Sage June 21st, 2017 09:26 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

The blazing sun above scorched the ground below and storm clouds hovered above the moor, threatening to pour. She smiled and sped up pace, panting from the blazing sun staring down upon her charcoal colored pelt. The ginger patched molly looked up at the blue sky above and she zoned out for a moment. Sagewhisker shook her head and then looked around. She spotted a tall sycamore tree and smiled, that'd be a great place to rest in the shade for a bit. She started to bound over to it, but when she got closer she realized that there was another cat resting under the tree. Great! Possibly a new friend. She smiled and continued on. Wait...that's a kit! Sagewhisker picked up speed and finally reached the giant sycamore tree. There was a small, tabby she-side. The faint rise and fall of the she-kit's belly signaled that she was alive. I should take her back to WindClan, Blazingstar won't mind. Besides, she's a kit and I can't just leave her here to die. Sagewhisker picked the she-kit up by the scruff of her neck and headed on.

- Time Skip -

Sagewhisker sighed heavily and kept on towards camp. My paws are aching! Should I rest for a few moments? She gently sat the small kitten down and looked around. She spotted a cluster of trees just a small walk away from there and turned back to the kitten. She gripped her scruff in her jaws and carried her over to the trees. When the two arrived at the trees, Sagewhisker sat the kitten down under the tallest tree and curled around her. Sagewhisker touched the kitten's forehead with her nose and smiled.

Spirit June 21st, 2017 09:38 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
The tiny ball of fur was lying beneath the sycamore tree, in a position that didn't exactly look comfortable. She wasn't asleep, but unconscious. This small kitten had not rested for days, and had not known she had crossed into clan territory. She did not even know what that was. She didn't know what anything was, for that sake.
She made no movement, no resistance, when she was picked up by she scuff. For all she could know, it could be a predator about to end her life.


As the kitten was put down at the chosen resting place, she began to ever so slowly regain consciousness. Her chest heaved up and down, quicker and quicker, panic rising in her chest. She couldn't think clear, couldn't remember what she had been doing up till now. Where were she? The only thing she could remember was what she was called. For her it was just a normal name. She did not know how or why she had gotten it.
004 opened her eyes, starting to panic even more when a much bigger cat came into sight. What was this!? She had never seen such a huge cat before! All the cats she had been around had been around her size. Wait, who had she been around? Confused, terrified and lost, the kitten brought her paws over her head, and began shaking quite violently.
What was she doing here? Who was this cat? What was this place? Why was it all green, and what was this shining thing on the ceiling? And why was the ceiling blue and white!? Where was she!?


Sage June 21st, 2017 10:00 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 295690)
The tiny ball of fur was lying beneath the sycamore tree, in a position that didn't exactly look comfortable. She wasn't asleep, but unconscious. This small kitten had not rested for days, and had not known she had crossed into clan territory. She did not even know what that was. She didn't know what anything was, for that sake.
She made no movement, no resistance, when she was picked up by she scuff. For all she could know, it could be a predator about to end her life.


As the kitten was put down at the chosen resting place, she began to ever so slowly regain consciousness. Her chest heaved up and down, quicker and quicker, panic rising in her chest. She couldn't think clear, couldn't remember what she had been doing up till now. Where were she? The only thing she could remember was what she was called. For her it was just a normal name. She did not know how or why she had gotten it.
004 opened her eyes, starting to panic even more when a much bigger cat came into sight. What was this!? She had never seen such a huge cat before! All the cats she had been around had been around her size. Wait, who had she been around? Confused, terrified and lost, the kitten brought her paws over her head, and began shaking quite violently.
What was she doing here? Who was this cat? What was this place? Why was it all green, and what was this shining thing on the ceiling? And why was the ceiling blue and white!? Where was she!?


Sagewhisker opened her eyes to see the tny kitten had awoken and was shaking violently. Oh! She must be so scared, I know I would be if I woke up like this. She smiled at the kitten. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt a cat in need, especially a lost kitten. I was about to take you to my clan's camp, is that okay? There very friendly there and you would be cared for." Sagewhisker explained. She gave the small kitten a lick behind the ear. "What's you name?" She asked, hoping the kitten would respond.

{ sorry it was so short, I have to go c: }

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