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gs29513 January 5th, 2021 05:19 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Brightpaw had been a bit farther away than she had expected, having been on the fox when it began to take off. She had managed to get off without being noticed on the ground, and reaching the two warriors again, limping a little bit, she mewed I'm fine. The fox had caused decent damage to her left foreleg and side, but she wasn't in as much pain as she might have thought. Still, it was only a flesh wound and would likely heal quickly. She was limping though, but it seemed she wasn't in the worst shape of the group. @Phoenix Fire @rosetherosey

rosetherosey January 5th, 2021 05:28 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
~ @gs29513 @Phoenix Fire ~

Sunripple looked at both of them. Thankfully neither of them was hurt. "Thank you both for helping" He said dipping his head to them. "We should be getting back to camp now." All of them needed rest, they had fought against the fox hard.
Sunripple turned around, just noticing how cold it was. The cold felt good on his shoulder. Other than that, he was shivering. Glancing over his shoulder he looked at Cedarleaf. The tom could tell he was looking at her fondly, It's not like I 'like' her or anything... She just got help. That's it... I'm just thankful... The warrior was unsure of his thoughts but carried on his walk back to camp.

Exis January 6th, 2021 08:01 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Sunstripe padded out of camp with her, excited to see all the things they could do, mostly hunting. But hey, it would be fun. ”So what’s your favorite piece of prey?”

plum January 6th, 2021 12:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 883782)
Frostpaw narrowed her eyes at Rainywhisker,” Of course I hate you with a burning passion. I had been a warrior for many moons, then just adjusted to my new job and then Buckbranch watched me treat a patient properly and decided he didn’t like the treatment for an infection so he made me a stupid apprentice. ” she scowled,” we can always use marigold...if you even know what it is, on our way back we can scoop up some cobwebs from my cobweb tree just out of camp” she added

The older tom lets out a sigh, following her words up with a rather long stretch of thoughtful silence. She was in a difficult position, this he understood. It must not have felt good to be given her role only to have it taken away soon after. He regards her quietly, electing still to be silent after her commands. She despised him for something he involved himself in. Fair enough.

After long enough had passed, Rainywhisker nods in some direction. "Whatever isn't frosted or dead will be taking shelter in harder to spot places, I assume. Like between roots or under shrubs. Lets start by looking in these places." Without waiting for any sort of approval or reaction at all, the tom pads around Frostpaw to begin looking around for the flowers.

"You should not hate anything you do not know, Frostpaw," he meows after another short while. "And if something went wrong, not according to your plan, then you have to look back and analyze why. Really look at things, not just resume thinking nasty things towards Buckstar or myself."
[ @~Fox~ ]

Astraea January 6th, 2021 12:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by implimm (Post 889983)

The older tom lets out a sigh, following her words up with a rather long stretch of thoughtful silence. She was in a difficult position, this he understood. It must not have felt good to be given her role only to have it taken away soon after. He regards her quietly, electing still to be silent after her commands. She despised him for something he involved himself in. Fair enough.

After long enough had passed, Rainywhisker nods in some direction. "Whatever isn't frosted or dead will be taking shelter in harder to spot places, I assume. Like between roots or under shrubs. Lets start by looking in these places." Without waiting for any sort of approval or reaction at all, the tom pads around Frostpaw to begin looking around for the flowers.

"You should not hate anything you do not know, Frostpaw," he meows after another short while. "And if something went wrong, not according to your plan, then you have to look back and analyze why. Really look at things, not just resume thinking nasty things towards Buckstar or myself."
[ @~Fox~ ]

Okay! Let a gets looking! Hopefully this isn't like looking buried treasure!
~cowtail started her hike and started searching, hopefully she would find some.. This leafbare is not be the greatest , she could feel it Anyways , Rainywhisker how is frostpaws training going so far? ~she just wanted make conversation as they were looking~

dino. January 6th, 2021 04:33 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Panda1440 (Post 881858)
@Slushie (where is the river??)
"Oh- no problem! I was just taking a little walk..." Gravelblaze looked down at his paws, feeling awkward. "You can come if you want?"

"Oh-" That was a surprise. Usually Buckstar stumbled upon some warrior, said a quick hello, and then headed on his own way - it seemed that very rarely was he asked to tag along with them. "Sure, if you don't mind. Been meaning to stretch my paws a bit anyway. Where to?"

Panda1440 January 6th, 2021 05:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory


Gravelblaze chuckled. "Yeah- its been so cold, I honestly spend most of my free time just sleeping... Anyways- I'm just heading down to the river and back." the tom replied.

A few moments later, they where by the river's edge. As they neared the bank, Gravelblaze was too lost in thought to notice a large tree root in his path before he tripped over it. "WOA-" he manged to scream before he was submerged in icy cold water. Underwater, the usually strong warrior was basically done for. The few times his head came above water, you could hear his out-of-breath screams. By the sixth time he was already far down stream. Its over...

Gravelblaze watched his body wash up onto dry land as he floated up to StarClan...

Fuzzy January 6th, 2021 05:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by bmkmb (Post 887085)
// @Fuzzy

His tail raised up in delight when his clanmate agreed to take him hunting. Moons ago, he would've sooner led a revolt than ask a warrior for anything; he despised making a fool of himself and hiding his skills. Felines were always surprised when he bested them in battle, as if apprentices were meant to be weak and second to warriors.

Time cooped up in camp had served him well, however. As long as it would give him an ounce of freedom, he no longer minded playing along. If clan cats wanted to think themselves superior to outsiders, then so be it; they were so badgerminded that not even dire warnings from the stars could change their worst habits for the better.

He followed after Kestrelflame passively, noting that she spoke in a more straightforward manner than most thundercats he'd met. The feline refrained from asking about their destination, replacing the common question with the more advanced inquiry of: "You said that 'extra paws would be useful' which implies that we're gonna be working together. I take it that we won't be doing traditional hunting then?"

Lionpaw observed the warrior curiously, half expecting the phrase to be a simple slip-up with words. He didn't mind trying new things. In fact, he quite enjoyed it. That they would be doing something productive while also experimenting bolstered his mood, even if he might be wrong.

[Apologies this is late, also quoting because this got lost]

Kestrelflame noted how quiet Lionpaw was as they made their way out and into the territory. He so far did not seem to be one for idle chatter, or possibly he picked up that she was not one for it? That piqued her interest as the calico honestly was not the best at figuring out a cat so fast. It took her a while to consider what they were like to discover them. Cat were not always what they seemed, which made her even more curious about the tom she was hunting with. Thinking of it all she knew about him was that he was older, a formal denmate, and was being held back. Strangely enough, his lack of talking made her more curious.

Not often did she spend time with a cat who knew how to shut up when there was no need to be talking. Funny enough Kestrelflame found it amusing how much useless words where thrown around. Words that did not mean anything but were said just for the reaction. She did not like those. Like cats saying they loved someone when they obviously did not or just some overly dramatic cat crying for attention. Those where the kinds of things the calico found useless and annoying. Sure, cats could speak when they wanted but if they could make it so she was not dragged into useless gossip that would be better. Just because she grew up around these cats did not mean she wanted to know everything about them without first investigating them.

Her train of thoughts was ended with Lionpaw’s question. It was not even a boring typical question. Kestrelflame glanced back at him momentarily. “No, typical hunting is boring.” She informed him. “I prefer to use different strategies to catch prey. Regretfully, I have yet to prefect many.” Kestrelflame added with a twist of her ears. She was not the happiest that she had not gotten to try all her ideas knowing that if things panned out as she expected most of them would be a huge success. Outsmarting your prey and having fun while hunting was a challenge she had accepted after figuring out that battle training worked beautifully with unique ideas. "I have a few in mind, depending on what is around." She added, starting to scan the surroundings for signs of prey.

dino. January 6th, 2021 06:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

[ @Panda1440 ;; you don't have to reply to this, just closing it off <3 ]

Oh... oh, StarClan.

Buckstar had leaned backwards as Gravelblaze tripped over the tree root. A chuckle and a joking remark had initially bubbled into his throat at his clumsiness, but it died just as quickly as the warrior pitched sideways into the river. Buckstar stood frozen in shock, mouth open, for a few precious seconds, before he leaped for the edge of the river and perched there, staring desperately into the icy waters. "Gravelblaze! Gravelblaze!"

The tom was pulled downstream by the rapids, and Buckstar followed frantically, screaming his name until his voice was hoarse and his throat felt raw. "Gravelblaze, hold on! Keep your head up!" His cries were in vain, it seemed. Gravelblaze was tugged further and further away, until he vanished from sight beneath the waves. Buckstar bolted down the river bank, searching the water in a desperate panic, until he saw the river push Gravelblaze's limp body onto the shore moments later. Buckstar skidded to a halt next to the warrior, huffing for breath, and shook the corpse as hard as he could. "Come on, come on, wake up..."

Only once he realized Gravelblaze was already dead, did he bow his head, murmur a soft prayer to StarClan, and haul the tom over his shoulders and begin the trek back to camp.

dino. January 6th, 2021 07:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

[ @QueenCuphead ]

Buckstar jerked backward, just out of reach of Beetlepaw's range, then dove forward. One paw was aiming for the apprentice's single leg that was currently balanced, and the other went for the side of Beetlepaw's face in a hopeful attempt to knock him down.

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