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Moonraven March 22nd, 2020 01:56 PM

Coyote Invasion

Night had fallen; paws padded softly through the open moor. In the darkness, coyotes ranged to and fro in the strange land. Enticing scents flood their nostrils most of the smells are unfamiliar but one stood out amongst the others, stronger. The oldest coyote, a male with a kink in his tail, knew it very well. Cat! A loud high pitched yip comes from the lead coyote and it was followed by the others. Hunger drove them out of their territory and into the moor, in their heads, there was one basic primal instinct that fueled them, hunt.


Batglare's ears rammed forwards while he rose from his place beside the warrior's den. His muscles rippled underneath his long coat as he swings his massive head to the side. The leader shoots out of her den like a bullet. She's up on Breezerock, claws unsheathed, fur bristled, and green eyes widen with alarm. He steps forwards as more cats are woken by the loud howls and yips that appear to surround the entire camp. His body is rigid with tension, Twilightstar spots them first and let out a shrill yowl.


They pour in like a wave of mass destruction, jaws parted revealing large sharp teeth. Batglare bunches up his muscles and throws himself at the nearest canine with a fierce snarl, Elderpaw briefly flashes to mind, hot smelly breath near the back of his neck has him evading a second coyote moments before jaws clamp around his body.
"Head to the River."
Twilightstar's yowl catches his attention before a large head and teeth are thrust in his line of sight.

[Reminder: If your cats are missing they're not allowed to be inserted into this plot. Only post with characters who are preexisting!! They must be on the Allegiances to partake in the attack.]

Slatepaw March 22nd, 2020 02:15 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Smokefoot shot awake from his slumber in the warrior's den, fear concern flooding his head as he awoke to the sounds of a scuffle. Racing out into the center, the flash of coyote's filled his golden eyes. Slashing one's muzzle, he frantically raced towards the nursery. He needed to protect the queens and their kits. Taking a stand in front of the nursery, he chirped commandingly, "Get your kits and take them to the river!"
Paleheart raced over to Smokefoot's effort, going to enter the nursery in hopes to help carry some of the kits to safety.

As for Bumblekit, he could hear the vicious snarls of predators outside of the den and he frantically raced to his mother, whining for protection.
@Moonraven @The Shadow Flower

MEAT ANGELS March 22nd, 2020 02:17 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Dawnsong gasped, jumping out of the den. Coyotes were attacking the camp! She quickly ran out, crashing headfirst into one of them. She tried to run, but one of them grabbed her tail. She yowled in pain, slashing at it's eyes until it let her go. She raced to the entrance, more coyotes streaming through. She narrowly missed being caught by one, only to be bit by another. She screeched in pain, dropping onto the ground with a sickening crunch. She had landed hard on her leg, breaking it. She tried to escape, but another coyote had spotted her; weak and exhausted. As it raced toward her, she tried to stand up, only to fail. She stared at the coyote, coming ever so closer, her eyes wild with fear. It seemed she'd be heading to Starclan young. "HELP!" the coyotes jaws were getting closer.

Leucos March 22nd, 2020 02:29 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
shaking, Lambkit stood up and ran as twilightstar told them to. Why did she have to return when there was a coyote problem !?! Ears folded back "mama ! Where are you!? " she yowled in hopes of the molly was ok and was coming with them. " starclan I promise never to leave my clan again!! I'm so sorry !" wailed . Yes she thought it was because of her in a way...a way of karma kicking her tail. Though as she ran....she realized she didn't know where the river was! Looking around frantically stupid coyotes ! With that she ran over to smokefoot and paleheart in hopes that they could help her. She did return from the clan meeting which was why she wasnt in the nursery .
( Hope it's ok?)

BEAR. March 22nd, 2020 02:30 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Foxpudge was crashed in the warriors' den when the yips and Twilightstar's voice stirred him awake.

Coyotes..? Of course, they shouldn't have trusted Coldsong and Brindlejaw to not lead them to camp! Those idiots couldn't even do the patrol in a timely manner!

Hissing as he left the den, Foxpudge didn't waste time in throwing himself at the nearest coyote.

Slatepaw March 22nd, 2020 02:39 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Smokefoot watched the kit race toward them, a coyote coming towards them as he sprung past Lambkit to protect her as he released an aggressive yowl, barrelling his small frame into the beast.

Paleheart looked at the little one with concern, reaching her paw up to push the little one between her legs and below her belly, leaning over Lambkit protectively. Though things were hectic, she spoke in a soft, soothing tone, " Stay there, little one. You'll be safe. We'll find your mother." She squatted on her haunches slightly, making sure her body was a protective armor for the little one. Any time a coyote came towards them, she growled and slashed its muzzle with her claws.

CloverAndCoffee March 22nd, 2020 02:42 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Runningspirit had seen the flood of coyotes, and then hitched a ride on one of them. She/he ( I forgot Running's gender ) would grab their scruff roughly with their canines, then rip most of the flesh in that area out. The coyote was sent off yelping. One down, hundreds more to go. One of the coyotes pinned down Runningpirit roughly, causing the back of her head to bleed. She'd yowl in pain, trying to get help.
PM, or VM me if you have any questions, replies, or want to RP!

The Shadow Flower March 22nd, 2020 02:42 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
DuskWing was shocked, COYOTES? She’d grab BumbleKit and VioletKit and dash.
Somebody save MerlinKit, HawkKit, LilyKit, and DeerKit! Save my kits!
She couldn’t stand leaving some of her kits, but she couldn’t carry them all! @Slatepaw @Fallenpine @Miss kitty cat

Wings March 22nd, 2020 02:51 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
(Anyone whos' kits can't find their mother can follow Lynxstep. Just mention me and she will take care of them)

The queen's head shot up at the loud sounds of yips and howls. She then heard the sound of alarm from the other cats outside the den. "Everyone follow me! We have to get out and to the river!" She picked up Maplekit in her jaws, as she was closest and pawed her other two sons to follow her.
@Shimm @TawnyNeedsACoffee @:Grimm:

(Hope it's okay that I'm throwing the two together @mochi )

The young tom's fur bristled as he saw the coyotes crash through the camp walls. He saw a glimpse of Goatpaw in the apprentice den, his brother, his best friend. Creekpaw pelted over to him. "Come on! We have to get out of here!" A coyote leaped over the apprentice den and ran off to attack a warrior in the clearing. Thank starclan it didn't come into the den.

RedHead March 22nd, 2020 02:53 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

The silver tabby tomcat was out of the warrior's den in a split-second, his blue eyes wide at the sight before him. Coyotes had come under the cover of darkness. Those mouse-brains! Why did they lead him here?!?! He remembered the announcement from the meeting earlier, and was reminded by Twilightstar's yowl. The river. Get to the river. But he had to find Cowpaw first. And the kits... what about the kits? Would Lupinegaze actually protect them?
Get them out safely?
He may not be super interested in them right now but he still held an instinct to protect cats who couldn't protect themselves. Plus, if they didn't live, who was he going to be able to show off to the clan? "Cowpaw! Get your butt over here!" He yowled, glancing around for the familiar pelt of his apprentice. He needed to find the tom as soon as possible so he could get him out as soon as possible. So then he could help Lupinegaze, not that she might even accept it. Quicksilver turned as he heard snarling behind him, and the warrior found himself nose to nose with a snarling coyote. hackles raising, he lashed a paw out at it, stub of a tail twitching in apprehension and fear for what was going to become of Windclan with this attack.


wren March 22nd, 2020 03:01 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

[ Kittens, queens, elders and inexperienced apprentices may join Coyotesnarl as he tries to lead all of the weak and young out of the clan. ]

Coyotesnarl emerged from his den in an instant. The chorus of mangy mutts singing and yipping as the excitement seemed to entice them. For a moment the tom couldn’t feel the fear deep in his chest- for now it wasn’t there. It was anger. StarClan had done this to them... this was his dream. This was real! Coyotesnarl wasn’t a medicine cat.. at least not in his head. Sure he would be but if he needed to fight he’d insert himself into any battle willingly.

Pelting out of the den as quickly as he could he headed for the nursery first and foremost. The throng of cats and mutt was already growing heavy and the scent of blood stung the nostrils but he couldn’t be stressed to focus on that now. He was nearly there when he felt a sharp stinging pain to his side being bowled off his feet and tossed at least a foxlength off his feet. Winded and quite stunned the medicine cat tried to roll up back onto his feet to no avail.. he couldn’t breath. The shortness of breath proved too difficult to get over before the drooling thing was standing over him gleaming eyes matching his own. Great.

duckie March 22nd, 2020 03:03 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Yewpaw's head shot up from her nest at the sounds of yipping and yowling. The skin along her spine prickled even as her eyes adjusted to the dark and she shook off her sleep, slowly climbing to her paws. Adrenaline coursed through her veins but all she could do was stand there and... stare. Not a thought ran through her head just pure, unadulterated fear - Brindlejaw. Brindlejaw. She had to find... Brindlejaw. Where did Twilightstar say he was going to be? Rounding up the kits, queens, and elders, right? That sounded right. Oh StarClan how could this be happening? StarClan, Starclan, how could they let this happen?


Slatepaw March 22nd, 2020 03:06 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Paleheart heard Lynxstep calling for the kits to follow, as well as DuskWing's plea for help and quickly scooped up the little one that was between her legs, Lambkit in her jaws, she raced in. Gathering the scruffs of Lambkit and Deerkit in her muzzle. She then looked to the three remaining kids, grumbling around the mouth of fluff, " Stay near me, we're going to follow Lynxstep. " She nodded, going to follow the queen as she herded the kits protectively.

Smokefoot, attached to a coyote, howled and slashed it as he could, though the monster dug its maul into his back leg and shook him a little. He howled in pain, clawing frantically to try and escape it's jaws.

Bumblekit squealed from his mother's jaws, whining as he watched the terrifying monsters that took thier camp. In a moment he whimpered, "Someone help Lupinkit..." He whined for his friend's goodwill.
@Wings @SilentLamb @The Shadow Flower @Fallenpine @Whiskers

teddy. March 22nd, 2020 03:11 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Lupinkit wasn't as dumb as he (or others) would assume. He heard the sounds of pains and the cries of predators, his flight or fight kicked in without a second thought. His heart was racing, his mother missing and uncle no where to be seen. His threads voice pierced through the cries of the others at the camp. he raised to Paleheart, trembling at her paws.

MEAT ANGELS March 22nd, 2020 03:14 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Dawnsong yowled in pain as the coyote finally reached her and tossed her into the air, letting her fall back down on her injured leg. Dawnsong hit a rock, blood now pouring from a gash under her eye. "H-help.." she said weakly, darkness crowding her vision. There was nothing she could do now. The coyote seemed to have left, and her clanmates were too busy fighting off the others to help her. She let out a moan of pain, blood covering her body from her back, tail, and now her cheek. Her leg was throbbing, and Dawnsong knew if she didn't get it treated soon, it would give her a limp. "Help!" she cried again. She knew she had to stay awake, she just had to. But the darkness was pressing harder, and her vision was blurring.

teddy. March 22nd, 2020 03:15 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Oddear was not a very skilled fighter, he was an odd cat with weird beliefs! but that didnt make him a pathetic warrior. He rushed over to Coyotesnarl, sliding in front of the cat. The tom was much more important than any silly old warrior was, you could replace those a dime a dozen! But the knowledge a medi-cat held was far more valuable. He was slim enough to insert him between Coyotesnarl and the real coyote, trembling but he slashed the dog-like thing on the nose with a frightening, defending yowl of anger.

Leucos March 22nd, 2020 03:17 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
She gave a nod at that, hopefully they can find her..But what she didn't expect was to be grabbed. She let out a yelp as she hung from the warriors jaws. It felt weird...But this was a dangerous time...so she bit her tongue . She looked over at deerkit then at the camp...anxiety was starting to kick in..the left side of her chest felt heavy and painful . Breathing heavily she looked up at paleheart were gonna die aren't we?... which is what her face showed..wait ...what about goatpaw?! And songbird!?! "starlcan help us ...please.." she sniffled . stupid coyotes...stupid leafbare....worst moons ever!

RedHead March 22nd, 2020 03:21 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

The silver tomcat had fought of the first coyote that attacked him, thankfully without a ton of effort. The coyote had been skinny and weak anyways, probably one of the weaker ones of the pack. And his concern for his kits was growing into something he couldn't ignore anymore. So he ran towards the nursery, blue eyes widening when he saw Coyotesnarl get bowled over by a coyote. Oddear showed up a moment late, but Quicksilver could already see the tom didn't really know what he was doing. Bunching his muscles, Quicksilver took a mighty leap towards the coyote and landed on its back, digging his claws into its shoulders. The canine let out a yelp of surprise and started jumping around to get the cat loose, but Quicksilver hung on. He opened his mouth and bit down hard on the coyote's neck, feeling the creature's blood pool into his mouth. He then let go of the coyote, stumbling a little as he hit the ground, but landing on his paws nonetheless. With the injured coyote running, he turned to Coyotesnarl and Oddear, his blue eyes seeming to glow in the dim light. He spotted one of his kits, Lynxkit, near the medicine cat, and ran over to both of them. He spat out some of the foul tasting blood in his mouth, tail stub still quivering. "You two. Take my kit. Make sure she gets out of here. Take all the kits you can and get out of here. I'll cover for you." Quicksilver's orders were quick and sharp, and then he turned around again, launching himself towards another coyote venturing too close for his liking.


Lynxkit had stumbled her way out of the nursery, pushed onward by the other queens and kits inside. She'd lost track of her littermates and her mother, and the small brown tabby was petrified by what she saw in the clearing. There was a tomcat... she didn't know his name, but a coyote had him pinned down. Then suddenly she'd spotted... Quicksilver? Yeah... that was her dad, if she remembered correctly. He'd launched himself at the coyote, and the next moment, Lynxkit spotted him coming closer, blood dripping from his jaws. The kit curled up, trembling in fear, eyes wide as she looked at him. She didn't know what had happened, all she knew was that he looked scary and she didn't know what to do. She could barely hear him speak with the other tom, only tuning in to him ordering the cat to take her out of here. She wanted that. She wanted to leave. Lynxkit stumbled closer to the tom as Quicksilver left again, curling closer to his leg and looking up at him with wide fearful eyes. "Are you gonna protect me?" She asked, shivering a little bit, both with fear and from the cold.


Moonraven March 22nd, 2020 03:23 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

The molly hissed while avoiding another set of jaws aimed at her back. This was a literal mess, too many cats were running around like their heads had been cut off. Twilightstar whipped around to fend off the one to close to her flank, she stuck weaving her way through too large paws to get to her clanmate. She hated being reckless, Twilightstar is swift to intercept a coyote looking for an easy snack. She tenses her muscles and leaps up and on the dumb canine's back, her claws go straight for the eyes. She doesn't get to stay on long as it bucks like mad. She takes a rough tumble to the ground, shakes it off, and darts over to Dawnsong. "Stay awake and get up! I can't carry you." The leader hissed at Dawnsong tugging and pulling at the molly's scuff.

plum March 22nd, 2020 03:24 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
The shrill alarm sounds through the clearing moments before the coyotes themselves arrive, a pack too numerous to keep track of. Elderpaw was trying to sleep in her nest after the Clan meeting, still wondering what the beast everybody was so afraid of looked like, for she didn't even know what a dog was truthfully. The collective terror and panic thickens the air immediately, and it gets the she-cat's heart racing as she slides from the den into the cesspool that camp was becoming. Clanmates, young and old alike, were blind with fear and shouting about who was where or who to find or where to go, and this alone has the lively apprentice standing rigid for a moment before her eyes lock onto Batglare. He was- StarClan, he was trying to fight those gigantic things! The molly's fur rises as she watches him fight.

"Batglare!" the molly shouts, her voice washed away. She needed to help him! Before Elderpaw can truly think her actions through, she lurches towards him, ready to fight by his side and protect her mentor. "Batglare, stop!" Her hollering could just barely be heard as she throws herself into whatever he was trying to fend off. Her actions were stupid, bee-brained, and in no way heroic, but he was all that she had, and she'd decided it'd be the both of them, be it fighting or fleeing.

However, she didn't train for this. They hadn't had the time! Her claws dig into the coyote her mentor was focused on, her grip as strong as she could make it without her small paws hurting. Their fur was so coarse, but she bites into the creature anyway, having landed someplace on its shoulder.

{Open sort of? feel free to rescue this idiot if it isn't out of the way!}


MEAT ANGELS March 22nd, 2020 03:27 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 650776)

The molly hissed while avoiding another set of jaws aimed at her back. This was a literal mess, too many cats were running around like their heads had been cut off. Twilightstar whipped around to fend off the one to close to her flank, she stuck weaving her way through too large paws to get to her clanmate. She hated being reckless, Twilightstar is swift to intercept a coyote looking for an easy snack. She tenses her muscles and leaps up and on the dumb canine's back, her claws go straight for the eyes. She doesn't get to stay on long as it bucks like mad. She takes a rough tumble to the ground, shakes it off, and darts over to Dawnsong. "Stay awake and get up! I can't carry you." The leader hissed at Dawnsong tugging and pulling at the molly's scuff.

Dawnsong stood up slightly, leaning into Twilightstar. She stared at her, her eyes blank and taught with pain. "Wrenpaw?" she whispered. "Is that you? Can I come with you now?" She fell slightly, picking herself up and limping along again, blood dripping down her back and leaving spots on the ground.


wren March 22nd, 2020 03:33 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Things happened quite quickly- a tom who he recognized as oddear appeared in a moment clawing and viciously battling the coyote off and away. Though it wasn’t enough. The snarling creature was quickly to fight back with a fearless determination. Oddear was in a vulnerable position pinned between his own motionless body and that of the snarling mutt. He had to get up. Struggling with quick short breaths the medicine cat tried his best to get a good breath. Though fortunately for him a silver warrior darted across the clearing dodging sparring pair after pair and with a flying leap landed on the mangy things back. His relief was immense.. he had to get up now. Struggling to drag himself to his paws and gurgling for the breath that so escaped him he finally managed to stand on his paws- stumbling but standing. Before he could look up the creature had been batted away and the silver tom who he could now identify as Quicksilver had grabbed a small kitten and scooted her nice and close.

The tabby choked as he spoke still struggling to find his words. It was too late to argue as the tom was already gone.. sure he was startled by being ordered around though he had no words to argue. No mind that. He had other things to deal with. Oddear and this.. kitten for example. Her voice was so small and drowned out by the sounds of howling and fights surrounding them.. but he stooped in close and gripped her scruff between his teeth. “Mm- yes” he offered trying his best to speak clearly. He turned for the nursery cuffing Oddear over the head for him to follow. He poked his head in.. most of everyone had been evacuated. Thank goodness. He spun on his heels and examined the throng of fighting cats.. and there. Twilightstar was struggling with dawnsong. “Oddear- you are-“ he wheezed “coming with me- g- grab Dawnsong! Carry her if you have to.” he scooted towards the pair and butted Twilightstar off of dawnsong with a shoulder. She had other more important things to do. Doing his best with lynxkit still dangling in his jaws he used his other shoulder which still stung to heave Dawnsong over Oddears back

@Moonraven @RedHead @TeamRiverRipple @Bumblebelly

teddy. March 22nd, 2020 03:38 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Oddear kept himself held up high, his back hackles and fur stood on end, brushing up the long fur he had to make himself look twice as big, his height aiding in that. He listened closely to Coyotesnarl, giving Quicksilver a kurt nod of appreciation but the thank yous and what nots could wait until they certainly Not Dead. He raised his snout, noticing Dawnsong. He quickly leaped to the other cat, dragging her away from Twilightstar's side. Their leader needed to focus, and Dawnsong needed to not be a distraction. "I'll be back once she's safe." hs said in a harsh, gravelly snarl. His flank pressed into the side of Dawnsongs body. "Stay low, follow me." He hissed into her ear, leading her away from the clearing.

@Moonraven @RedHead @TeamRiverRipple @Bumblebelly

MEAT ANGELS March 22nd, 2020 03:38 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

Originally Posted by wren (Post 650785)
Things happened quite quickly- a tom who he recognized as oddear appeared in a moment clawing and viciously battling the coyote off and away. Though it wasn’t enough. The snarling creature was quickly to fight back with a fearless determination. Oddear was in a vulnerable position pinned between his own motionless body and that of the snarling mutt. He had to get up. Struggling with quick short breaths the medicine cat tried his best to get a good breath. Though fortunately for him a silver warrior darted across the clearing dodging sparring pair after pair and with a flying leap landed on the mangy things back. His relief was immense.. he had to get up now. Struggling to drag himself to his paws and gurgling for the breath that so escaped him he finally managed to stand on his paws- stumbling but standing. Before he could look up the creature had been batted away and the silver tom who he could now identify as Quicksilver had grabbed a small kitten and scooted her nice and close.

The tabby choked as he spoke still struggling to find his words. It was too late to argue as the tom was already gone.. sure he was startled by being ordered around though he had no words to argue. No mind that. He had other things to deal with. Oddear and this.. kitten for example. Her voice was so small and drowned out by the sounds of howling and fights surrounding them.. but he stooped in close and gripped her scruff between his teeth. “Mm- yes” he offered trying his best to speak clearly. He turned for the nursery cuffing Oddear over the head for him to follow. He poked his head in.. most of everyone had been evacuated. Thank goodness. He spun on his heels and examined the throng of fighting cats.. and there. Twilightstar was struggling with dawnsong. “Oddear- you are-“ he wheezed “coming with me- g- grab Dawnsong! Carry her if you have to.” he scooted towards the pair and butted Twilightstar off of dawnsong with a shoulder. She had other more important things to do. Doing his best with lynxkit still dangling in his jaws he used his other shoulder which still stung to heave Dawnsong over Oddears back

@Moonraven @RedHead @TeamRiverRipple @Bumblebelly

Dawnsong stared hopelessly at the cats as the attempted to help her, trying her best to not show weakness. "I-I'm fine" she stuttered weakly. "I c-can still fight." She shook of the other's, dragging herself over to the battle, unsheathing her claws and getting ready to fight. "For Wrenpaw." she whispered. Licking the blood of her lips, she turned to the others. "I'm fine. And I'm going to go fight for my clan mates." And my sister....

@Moonraven @wren @RedHead @Bumblebelly

Starfall March 22nd, 2020 03:39 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

@TeamRiverRipple @Moonraven

He was almost positive he had never woken up so fast. Jolting awake at the first Yowl the newly named Apprentice scrambled to his feet. Coyotes? What were Coyotes? He'd wished he never asked, the second he poked his head out of the Apprentices den he was struck with fear. Big, snarling, foaming dogs, that's what Coyotes were.

He was rooted to the spot he couldn't move, he'd never seen anything like this before and he was terrified. The cat's he was just getting to know were being mauled and flung in the air as if they were nothing more than play things. He was trembling as yowls and screams filled the air. What was this? What was this? Some of his Clanmates were fighting them, was that what he was supposed to do? Fight them? How?

Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. The weird looking tom, what did they call him again? The medicine cat? Either way it was bad. He was cornered, and Honeypaw wanted to go help, he really did, but his legs wouldn't move, he couldn't. To actually get a paw to move the Golden Tabby bit himself on the shoulder, and he broke out in a sprint.

Before he could get to Coyotesnarl, another warrior managed to get to him first. He felt relieved, but only for a few seconds. Another yelp for help pierced the clearing that was already filled with screams. It was all a blur, honestly. The Apprentice swiveled on heels and quickly made his way to the molly. He was standing over her, fur fluffed up and tears pooling at the corners of his eyes. Letting out a weak hiss the tom swiped his claws at the Coyote's snout.

A little relieved at the yip that came from the Coyote and even more relieved when the mutt ran off Honeypaw began to bawl, hiccups coming from the terrified Apprentice. What was this? Still crying he gently tried to pull at Dawnsong's scruff and drag her out of the camp. "I can-ant." he hiccuped, she was bigger than him, that and he had no muscle.

Peonykit, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. Big blue eyes watched the events unfold, his brain unable to process what exactly was happening right now. He wasn't even a moon old yet. The screams and yowls, however, scared him. They scared him very much. The barking and the Howling. So much was happening, so much movement, so much noise. It was overwhelming for the kit. Which resulted in him begining to wail. Fat tears rolling down the Calliby's cheeks. Where was mom?
@Ever @RedHead

RedHead March 22nd, 2020 03:47 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

Quicksilver only hoped he bought enough time for Oddear and Coyotesnarl to get out of here. Because these coyotes were becoming overwhelming. And the tomcat had no idea if his other three kits were safe as well. He slashed again at the rump of the coyote he was currently attacking, though his blow missed, and the coyote turned sharply. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Quicksilver had been standing too close, and he was knocked into by the coyote's shoulder, sending him flying a bit of a way across the clearing, and landing with a loud thump. The silver tomcat got to his paws, his side throbbing. Bruises were worse than scratches, right? Or is it the other way around? He couldn't remember. The tom took a quick glance around, giving him some time to catch his breath. he glanced towards the apprentice den, and ran towards it after a moment, wanting to make sure everyone was out. He came face to face with Yewpaw, and he bent his neck and nudged her shoulder, trying to get her moving. He didn't know where she was at with her training but she seemed petrified, so the best bet would be to get her out of the clearing. "Come on! Move!" He yowled, his voice harsh and firm. Quicksilver was normally bossy, but it became overbearing in a time of panic and crisis. At leas the usually stayed calm for the most part.


teddy. March 22nd, 2020 03:50 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Oddear watched the wreckless cat jump back into battle, anger jolting in him at how stupid someone could be. "You'll get others killed with your wreckless, unthougtful behaviour!" he snarled at Dawnsong, grabbing her roughly by the scruff again as he hurled the cat away from the clearing. "Jump back I'm again and it's your funeral but you need to get out, NOW!" he yowled at her, once peaceful moon-kissed eyes now filled with fear and rage. He gave Dawnsong one more frightful shove before his attention turned to the cries of a kitten. @TeamRiverRipple

His heart sank as he darted over, no time for silly Molly's and their utterly equally silly behaviour. He gushe her, loathing the whimpers and sobs but there was no time to tend to hee emotional needs when she wasn't going to be phyiscally alive in a minute. his heart was pounding as he wrapped his jaw securely around Peonykit's small scruff and lifted her with ease. Where now? The beach. He moved out of the clearing, briefly looking to see if dawn had listened to a word he said. @Starfall

wren March 22nd, 2020 03:51 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Coyotesnarl had no patience for this, her foolishness was going to get her stupid rump killed before he could utter the word stop. Though he couldn’t go after her.. if she wanted to get herself killed that was her problem. “Get back h- huh- here you bumbling idiot!” coyote snapped at dawnsong as she half dragged herself away from Oddear who was only trying to help. No need to worry about that.. Oddear would catch up if he needed too. Struggling to keep himself from being run into the tom tucked his chin ensuring that Lynxkit was dangling safely out of harms way and started weaving his way through the fighting pairs for the camp entrance. It was so so.. so close. That’s when the coyote emerged from a battle having flung the poor warrior off and too the side.

Ears flattening in panic Coyotesnarl could think of only one thing... Lynxkit. How was he going to get her out? Claws hooking into the dirt the tom set the small she cat down between his paws. “Y- yuh- you stay behind me now.. o- ok?” he stumbled over his words still trying to catch his breath. “N- no matter what.. s- stu- stay underneath me.. unless I tell you to run”

@RedHead @TeamRiverRipple @Bumblebelly

RedHead March 22nd, 2020 04:00 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

The small she-kit had her eyes tightly closed, her legs bunched close to her body as she swayed from Coyotesnarl's jaws. She could still hear the fighting, still smell the blood. She just wanted to be out of there. She wanted to find her mom, and her littermates. This was all too much for her little brain to handle, and she didn't know what to do.
Though the small brown tabby opened her eyes as she was set on the ground, and looked up to see a large, snarling, terrifying animal standing right in front of them. She only let out a pitiful mewl in response to Coyotesnarl's order, going for a nod instead to show him she understood. That's all she understood, was that this tom was supposed to protect her and get her out. Why was it taking so long to get out of the camp then? Why did they have to stop? Where was her dad, last time he'd chased away the terrifying creature. Wasn't that what he was doing? The small kit backed up a little bit, curling up on herself behind Coyotesnarl, closing her eyes as she shivered in fear. She just wanted out.

duckie March 22nd, 2020 04:01 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
The shove and words from Quicksilver was enough to knock some sense back into Yewpaw. She shook the haze away. "Right. Right." She replied, breathless despite the fact she had yet to move an inch. Right. Move. She needed to get out of here. Where in StarClan was Brindlejaw? Wasn't he supposed to be the one gathering everyone up? She hoped her mentor was okay. Starclan, starclan, starclan! If she stood here much longer she was going to freeze up again - she couldn't waste time looking from the brindled deputy, "Thank you, Quicksilver." She meowed quickly before darting towards the camp entrance, weaving through the throng of cat and coyote alike. This was a nightmare brought to life.

MEAT ANGELS March 22nd, 2020 04:03 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

Originally Posted by Bumblebelly (Post 650807)
Oddear watched the wreckless cat jump back into battle, anger jolting in him at how stupid someone could be. "You'll get others killed with your wreckless, unthougtful behaviour!" he snarled at Dawnsong, grabbing her roughly by the scruff again as he hurled the cat away from the clearing. "Jump back I'm again and it's your funeral but you need to get out, NOW!" he yowled at her, once peaceful moon-kissed eyes now filled with fear and rage. He gave Dawnsong one more frightful shove before his attention turned to the cries of a kitten. @TeamRiverRipple

His heart sank as he darted over, no time for silly Molly's and their utterly equally silly behaviour. He gushe her, loathing the whimpers and sobs but there was no time to tend to hee emotional needs when she wasn't going to be phyiscally alive in a minute. his heart was pounding as he wrapped his jaw securely around Peonykit's small scruff and lifted her with ease. Where now? The beach. He moved out of the clearing, briefly looking to see if dawn had listened to a word he said. @Starfall

She hissed at Oddear, tears filling her eyes. "Don't you see?!" she yowled at him, spinning around and digging her claws into the ground. "I want it to be my own funeral! I want to die, and for my clanmates! I'M DONE BEING HERE!" she crumpled to the ground, a wail bubbling at her lips. Her wounds were bleeding harder, her leg was throbbing, but neither hurt more than how she really felt. Done being the wreck she was, she stood up, limping toward the medicine den.

@Moonraven @Bumblebelly @wren @RedHead

Moonraven March 22nd, 2020 04:13 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

Batglare hisses as he racks his claws across the coyote's muzzle. He barely manages to avoid getting his paw caught between those brutal jaws. He was distracted by the sound of his name being yowled, turned his head away, and naturally got caught off guard. Fangs wrap over and under his shoulder, the pain wasn't too bad since it was released almost at once when his apprentice decided to play hero. As the coyote yelped in pain it turned its attention to Elderpaw, Batglare lunged sinking his fangs into the coyote's cheek. Anything to keep it's off of the runt. He released and dropped to the ground when its head rears back with a painful cry. It takes some maneuvering to grab Elderpaw by the scruff and haul her off and away from the injury beast. "Are you insane!" He hissed at the she-cat while dropping her on the ground. He was swift to nudge her to the side as another coyote took the place of the first. They did not have enough cats to deal with this.


Twilightstar was grateful for the assistance as Oddear took over moving the injured Dawnsong. Seeing as Coyotesnarl was nearby with some of her other clanmates, the leader left them be. Assuming that she didn't need to instruct them on what to do. She bypassed the fighting cats and coyotes, eyes searching frantically for one beast in particular. Of course, she had to put that on a halt again, because of the crying apprentice nearby there was also the fact that her medicine cat seemed to have gotten himself into trouble. Where in StarClan's name were her mother and deputy!
"Honeypaw, don't stand around crying you need to move." The leader hissed, springing into action when a nearby coyote lunged at the cat. She made quick work of the coyote, a few scratches and a bite to the nose had it backing off. Her ears turned toward the yowling of Dawnsong, tail lashing with frustration. She didn't have time for drama queens, if the cat wanted to die then so be it. She'd take care of the ones who'd like to live a little longer. The leader nudged Honeypaw towards Coyotesnarl while darting over to help deal with the coyote that blocked their path.
@TeamRiverRipple @Starfall @wren

Estelle March 22nd, 2020 04:29 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Silverkit got quickly woken up by all the commotion, unaware of what coyotes were. She didn't understand what was happening, confusion and fear starting to fill her sences and before she knew it, the silver kitten got dragged along by some queens with their kits trying to leave the nursery. Barely being able to get loose from their rush, the young kit was now lost between the rushing cats.

She was outside now...fighting cats and coyotes coming from all places. Her light blue eyes flew over the clearing, the sharp scent of blood and the sight of fighting adding to her sences of fear and confusion, where were her siblings? Where were was her mother?
"m-mom! Mommy!" the young kit called out in a trembling and squeaky voice "Moooommm!" the she-kit called again between the strange sounds of the coyotes, hot tears starting to fill her eyes,
where were they?!
@Ever @RedHead (are the kits bumped up to a walking/talking age?)

Undertaker March 22nd, 2020 04:33 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
@Moonraven @wren @Starfall
This was the last time she went hunting at night. She leaves for a few minutes and all hell breaks loose. At once Midnightstalker's first instinct is to find her daughter, then she remembers she's got an apprentice too! Great. As luck would have it they're both together, she weaves underneath the paws of a big brute and flings herself on the back of the coyote that had Twilightstar's attention. Ripping at tear at its back with a furious hiss till its yelping in pain. Pain claws itself up her leg when she's flung off and lands awkwardly on her ankle.

"Twilightstar, help me clear the entrance." She snaps at her kit without looks at her, Midnightstalker was more than ready to brawl with the next flea-bag that came through the opening. She assumed Coyotesnarl would not be a bee brain and take his chance to get out with the kit and apprentice while he still could. The amped-up molly howls, gunning for the next coyote that showed its face with sheer enthusiasm and a sweet smile. She meets the coyote head-on as it let out an intimidating snarling roar.

tye March 22nd, 2020 04:37 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

A high pitch screaming came from the black and white apprentice as he dashed toward Quicksilver. A looming shadow tracked behind him with a pair of vicious gleaming eyes set right on him. Cowpaw didn't dare to look back, he couldn't, the first glimpse of the snarling coyote drained all his courage sending him into panic mode. Panting heavily, head high alarming all of his denmates with a horrific screech he slammed right into the silver tom. "Quicksilver, Quicksilver! T-There's a coyote after me!" voice trembled, with little courage left he hesitatingly looked back to see if it still behind him however the dark beast already turned tail to look for another prey. It was all too early for him to sigh in relief though. Before he called out his mentor's name again, he didn't notice that the warrior was fighting a coyote until it growled, snapping it's pointing snout at them. To Cowpaw's fearful green eyes it was like entering death gates. In a blurr, his eyes darted a clear path towards the river but.. Quicksilver-..
He felt cowardly to even think of leaving him to fight them off! Something in him shifted and his round eyes turned narrow, glaring at the wild dogs. Glaring a bit longer, fur bristled and heart hammered in his chest the apprentice stepped in front of his mentor and lunge at its paw when it lashed out again. The coyote immediately backed up releasing a high-pitch whimper when he bit down hard, a taste of iron filled his mouth. Before it could rip him off, Cowpaw let go of it and faced Quicksilver with a muddled expression of shock and horror. "Let's go, let's go, let's go," he kept repeating, pushing the silver tabby so they can make a grand escape while the coyote tend to it's wounded paw.


plum March 22nd, 2020 04:41 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
She does the best she can to keep the coyote's attention divided until it is sent skidding away. She feels her mentor's teeth sink into her scruff and drag her away, and she kicks objectively. "Only as much as you are!" Elderpaw counters stubbornly, casting a brazenly defiant glare up at the tom. He was already badly hurt, and it was quickly becoming obvious that WindClan could not defeat this pack of ravenous monsters. There were so many, so many... Every time one ran, another one or two jumped into its place! The little apprentice scrambles to get to her paws, huffing with every movement. She was yet untrained, muscles far from refined or worked in any sense. They didn't have the chance yet to practice running the territory or border or at all. They hadn't the time now, to worry about that either. "I need you!" Her mew held a tone of desperation to it that wasn't characteristic of the cat in the slightest. "Our Clanmates are running away! Twilightstar is doing her best to save them, you need to get back, too!" She could think of many cats who still needed help, but right now it seemed like Batglare was most in need. These coyotes were brutal. She couldn't keep distracting them forever, but if this hare-brained fool needed her to, she would definitely try. Her body is tense, prepared to dive at the beast snapping at her mentor now. But she held back, hopeful he'd turn tail with her and run like the rest of them.


Fallenpine March 22nd, 2020 04:55 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Violetkit shrieked in terror. Why were there so many cats yowling? What was that gross scent? She went limp in her mother's jaws.

Merlinkit ran out of the nursery and looked for his mother. Where was she?
"How could this happen.." he whispered. "It doesn't make sense for them to attack us..." Then he saw his brother, Hawkkit ( @Radetzky ), his sister, Lilykit, ( @Whisker ), and his adopted sister Deerkit ( @:little roe deer: ). He ran toward them and called, "Siblings! We have to find our mother and head toward the river! Unless, of course, you want to be digested by a coyote's digestive system! He beckoned toward the stream of cats, hoping his siblings would get a hint. Suddenly, warriors appeared out of nowhere and started leading the kits toward the river. He felt relieved that he wasn't responsible for his siblings welfare.

@The Shadow Flower @Slatepaw @Wings

Fallenpine March 22nd, 2020 05:10 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Violetkit opened her eyes and all she saw was coyotes and blood. Suddenly, her eyes caught on a she-cat, bleeding badly by a coyote, who was also bleeding badly. Then, she knew what she had to do. She leaped out of her mother's jaws and ran to the she-cat, pressing herself against the she-cat 's neck to stop the bleeding.
(Mind if she helps, RiverRipple?)
@TeamRiverRipple @The Shadow Flower

Fallenpine March 22nd, 2020 05:22 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion
Violetkit looked up at her with her big, green eyes.
"No..." she whispered. "NO! No cat deserves to die!" She pushed up against the she-cat's neck again. "Besides, I don't want you to die."

We should ask for her eyes o be her mentor! That would be cute! :)
@TeamRiverRipple @The Shadow Flower

MEAT ANGELS March 22nd, 2020 05:25 PM

Re: Coyote Invasion

Originally Posted by Fallenpine (Post 650877)
Violetkit looked up at her with her big, green eyes.
"No..." she whispered. "NO! No cat deserves to die!" She pushed up against the she-cat's neck again. "Besides, I don't want you to die."

We should ask for her eyes o be her mentor! That would be cute! :)
@TeamRiverRipple @The Shadow Flower

Dawnsong opened one eye. "I can.... never be...." she panted, her blood running down her throat faster. "...enough" she closed her eyes again, tears leaking from them. "I... don't.... deserve.... my clan..." she closed her eyes tighter, tears flowing heavily down her cheeks. "I'm.... not...good..."

(OMG yes! I'm getting huge Violetkit/Needletail vibes here!) @Fallenpine

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