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Abyssopelagic February 23rd, 2024 06:49 PM

Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
¤— Coldamber : Death, Upright : she/her
Purrks- World Weaver [T1], Herbal Knowledge [Tier 2] : WindClan Ancestor —¤


Blessed Thistle
Broom (yellow bells)
Juniper Berries

Coldamber waited until nightfall in the living realm, occasionally peaking through the border between her and her intended students for the night. Lately, RiverClan and the chaos surrounding it had taken up the vast majority of her focus and attention, especially with the disappearance of.... What was her name again?
She'd only met the Medicine Cat once, and their meeting had been disrupted, only for her to disappear. Tansypaw, was it?
It sounded about right.
But Birdsnow had yet to even put in place a replacement in her Medicine Cat's absence, and with the battle that just took place.... Well, she figured it would be time for her to take the initiative and step in herself rather than waiting.
The misty furred ghost waited a few moments longer, waiting for the last of her intended students to nestle down for sleep. And then, she pulled them all into her carefully crafted dreamscape.
She'd hoped that by making the landscape around them look similar to their home, it would subconsciously make the group feel more at ease.

She allowed the group a moment to catch their bearing before she spoke. It would undoubtedly be a stressful experience for the lot, given they've no reason to suspect they'd be pulled into a dream and she'd prefer not to spook them by hastily promising they aren't dead.
"I apologize for the abruptness of this meeting," she began, keeping her voice soft.
"I am Coldamber. I was once a Medicine Cat many seasons ago, and it is because of my experience I have brought you all here. RiverClan has been without a Medicine Cat for awhile now, and while I do not have the authority to name a new one, I do not wish for you to be without healing for much longer."
She gave them all a soft smile, and gestures for them to approach.
"I have selected each of you to teach, because you show an aptitude for healing, or at least an interest. My hope is that with the knowledge I impart tonight, your group can tide the Clan over until a new Medicine Cat is selected."

//Struggled to think of a title lol\\
[ @poppy. , @Bean , @Theraphosa , @starry , @Katiethewolfchild , @finley.exe ]

Katiethewolfchild February 24th, 2024 09:27 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Wishkit was a bit confused when she saw the starry landscape, though it did otherwise look similar to RiverClan. Was she in StarClan? But... she was only six moons. She was too young to have died in her sleep. Wasn't she? She saw some other cats that she recognized. Then the only cat she didn't recognize spoke. Apparently she was Coldamber, a former medicine cat who had pulled them into a dream because RiverClan didn't currently have a medicine cat. Well that made sense and wait she was going to learn about herbs?! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! She was silent despite her excitement. @poppy. @Bean @Theraphosa @starry @finley.exe @Abyssopelagic

Bean February 24th, 2024 09:30 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
II She/Her II 23 Moons II RiverClan Warrior II
[ Herbal Knowledge T1 ]

The Bengal warrior had settled into her nest. The recent battle had posed a threat with RiverClan's lack of a medicine cat. She looked around the warriors den, the moonshine peering into where she rest. She closed her eyes and let herself fall to her dreamscape, which often included nightmares from her past. Spottedstream's recent interest in healing had caused her to have more nice dreams, prehaps because she had moved on from the past, and focused on the now. She expected to be greeted with her dreams, but was instead welcomed with an unfamiliar cat, and... her clanmates? Spottedstream was confused for a moment before realizing that the strange cat must have pulled her into a dream. Spottedstream's face showed interest in the strange cat as they started talking.

The Riverclanner did not expect it to be a former medicine cat, to say the least. Spottedstream was excited that she would get to learn healing herbs from a former medicine cat. She was glad that someone had noticed her interest [and not-so-great skill] of healing. She did amputate a cat's tail for stars sake, and Spottedstream felt like a ghost. But now she was learning from one. She dipped her head in greeting to Coldamber once they finished speaking. "It is an honor to be here, and I am glad you will help RiverClan in this time of need," she said calmly, sweeping her spotted tail to cover her paws.

[ @Abyssopelagic - idk if i was supposed to mention others or not soooo ]

Dolomedes February 24th, 2024 09:51 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
He/him | Riverclan Warrior | Moons: 15 | Purrks: Sweet as a Flower | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

Seabreeze suddenly found his paws hitting solid floor and with a gasp his eyes snapped open. The world was light, blinding against his eyes compared to the world of dreams he was usually sent. Movement caught his eyes and the Riverclan warrior whipped his head towards it.

A medicine cat of long past, some of his clan mates waking in this new space….was this Starclan? Well of course it was, don’t be dumb Seabreeze, the medicine cat introduced themself as a dead cat. What other options were there? His traitorious mind supplied him with a few but Seabeeze winced and shook his head against the thoughts.

At least…at least he wasn’t in that dreadful dead space anymore. The tom’s ears flicked in the direction of speaking and sighed again. The fur along his spine finally, slowly starting to lay flat.

Seabreeze sat down and took a deep breath, air that he couldn’t access just moments before filling his lungs nicely. Looking down at his back paws and flanks, there were no claw marks. But it felt so real…Seabreeze whined in his mind.

The sandy grey-blue feline looked to the others. Medicine, yeah, he thinks he could do that. He would, he wanted to learn but also anything was better than that dreadful place.

Breathless still, Seabreeze nodded to Coldamber, “I will…do my best. Thank you…thank you for the opportunity.

Though if this is Starclan, perhaps he could see his sister….

(Forgive me on quality, it’s really not good right now /w\ I am on mobile right now) @Abyssopelagic

starry February 28th, 2024 12:48 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
~ Mistypaw ~
She/her // RiverClan // 36 moons

The silver tabby drifted into sleep, breathing deeply in and out. She was expecting to just slumber peacefully, or perhaps have some sort of dream about current events, but no. A starry landscape began taking shape in front of her, and immediately shock was evident in her one deep amber orb. It couldn't be her damn mother again.. no, why would Gorseflower be so cruel to her.. She squeezed her eye shut and prayed to StarClan the voice that sounded wouldn't be the one of her "mother". If she could even call her that.

...It wasn't. Mistypaw looked up in surprise and realized there were some of her clanmates here. Birdsnow, Wishkit, Spottedstream, Seabreeze and Cobwebpaw... what was this supposed to be? She didn't recognize the starry cat that had summoned them. However, that was made clear to her pretty quickly. So this was Coldamber who was once a medicine cat. The molly's head tilted curiously. Oh.. she'd be teaching them some herbs? That was nice! Mistypaw nodded eagerly. Herbs and healing had been quite interesting to her recently, and she was always happy to add to her knowledge. She only knew horsetail and poppy seeds, those weren't even the bare minimum. All the others were expressing their gratitude for this opportunity, so she supposed she should do that as well.

Mistypaw gave Coldamber a respectful dip of her head. "Many thanks for this opportunity, I'm always happy to learn more," she mewed with a small flick of her tail. Then, she settled into a more comfortable position and waited until the lesson started.

[ @Abyssopelagic ]

Abyssopelagic February 28th, 2024 11:23 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
¤— Coldamber : Death, Upright : she/her
Purrks- World Weaver [T1], Herbal Knowledge [Tier 2] : WindClan Ancestor —¤


Blessed Thistle
Broom (yellow bells)
Juniper Berries

Coldamber surveyed those before her, gauging their reactions to being brought into a dream by a stranger. She did not see any animosity, and instead seemed to be met with genuinely grateful chattering from those in attendance.
Though, it seemed her final guest was not feeling talkative. That was alright, she wouldn't push if she didn't feel the need to speak.
She let out a soft breath, preparing to give one of the long speeches, only to decide against it. Today, perhaps, she'd need to keep it simple.
It was quite different to get long winded when it's the job of the individual she's speaking to, to remember the information. It was quite another to overload an entire group of warriors.....
So, she opted to keep it as simple as she could. She wasn't sure she was good with simple, but she'd try.

She'd start with dandelion.
Without another word, she outstretched a paw toward the ground at her audience's own paws' and between herself and them, a small meadow of low growing and flat headed yellow flowers grew from the ground. The petals were vibrant, and simple, and could almost be described as being puffy where it wasn't flat.
"This is dandelion. It is to be chewed into a poultice and applied for skin based pains, such as bug bites and burns, as it numbs the area of skin it's applied to. It is exceptionally good for bee stings."
Coldamber didn't let her gaze leave the crowd, carefully studying each of them, looking for someone who might need help or be confused. She gave them time to voice their questions, if they had any, before moving on.
"They are very common and quite plentiful. You will find them just about anywhere, but the banks of waterways would be a good place to begin any search for them."

Once it seemed the group was ready to move on, she had the dandelions retract back into the ground. Moments later, distinctly star shaped flowers bloomed in their place, its stalks tall, with many long, broadly ovate leaves, and tufts of multiple flowers at the end of each stalk.
They appeared in a variety of blues and pinks, each colour peppered in among the loose cluster so the others knew it came in both colours. Smiling, she continued.
"This is borage. Unlike dandelion, it comes in several colours, like the pink and blue ones shown here. Its leaves are eaten by your patient to help ease fevers. The most potent leaves are about halfway up the stock and have a distinct and zesty scent."
Describing where to find them was a harder task. Technically, they were found where recent Two-leg activity could be found, but she didn't want to unintentionally be the reason one of these cats risked their lives or were captured. She mulled over in her mind what it was about these sites that the plant seemed drawn to.
"You will find borage where the soil has been recently disturbed on a large scale, most likely because they enjoy the loose dirt. Woodlands work well for this search, as there are often many burrowing animals that will leave suitable earth for these plants, or old and abandoned sets once dug by badgers and foxes.... But I do not recommend going alone, in the event something has made a nest of the old nest."

Ah, the daisy....
It had been awhile since she last told someone about these plants. They were cute in their simplicity, and she was more than happy to clear out the borage and replace them.
The small flower, with delicate white petals, a soft yellow center, and spoon-shaped, oblong incised leaves that formed a rosette at the base of the plant. Single stemmed, and growing close to the ground..... The more she thought about it, perhaps the reason she liked daisies was for how much they resembled her.
Not that she'd ever admit it.....
"Daisy leaves are to be chewed and applied to areas with excessive swelling or stiffness or pain in the joints.
They thrive in short grasslands and meadows, and grow in rather large clusters despite being single flowered plants."

She paused, and allowed herself a break, and her attending students to ask any questions they may have, and a few moments extra to absorb all that she'd laid before them.

//Next teaching post will be sometime on March 3rd\\
[ @poppy. , @Bean , @Theraphosa , @starry , @Katiethewolfchild , @finley.exe ]

Dolomedes February 29th, 2024 12:06 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
He/him | Riverclan Warrior | Moons: 15 | Purrks: Sweet as a Flower | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

Seabreeze quickly turned to the Windclan molly as soon as she started to speak. The information that was to be given was valuable in a time such as this for Riverclan. As she spoke, Seabreeze muttered a summary of each plant beneath breath, attempting to commit everything to memory as well as he could. It would do Seabreeze well to go on herb patrols whenever he could and recite the information to narrow it down in his scattered brain.

While practical training and applying the information would likely only come as a last resort, other cats were much better for the role of medicine cat than he was. Though in things like battle or accidents away from camp there was no telling how much tme a cat had until it was too late. Like Cloverpaw.

Seabreeze tried not to physically wince at the harsh reminder of why he needed to be hard on himself when it came to what Coldamber was teaching. Seabreeze wouldn't know what he would do with himself if he let another young soul die out just because they weren't able to make it back to camp in time. With a shake of his head, Seabreeze turned his attention to each of the plants and where they grow.

"Dandelion, found most places, especially river banks. Poultice to be applied directly to skin, good for numbing pain. Bee stings, burns, bug bites." After repeating the knowledge, Seabreeze pondered a moment before opening his eyes, though he didn't remember closing them,
"Excuse my interruption, but..." Seabreeze started in a slow, nervous tone. No, this was okay, Coldamber was likely expecting questions, given how much information she was throwing at them. "I can't help but notice that for your description of dandelions that the examples you gave were closed wounds...well you didn't fully describe burns, but they tend to be more closed, right? Does that mean applying dandelions for their numbing abilities would harm or otherwise not affect open wounds like scratches or cat bites?"

After a moment the tom added onto the question swiftly, adverting his gaze away from the medicine cat and the rest of the group, his claws digging into the floor beneath them in a nervous habit, "S-sorry if that's uhh- silly. I just...don't know a lot about herbs."

While waiting for a reply, Seabreeze went over the rest in his head as well. Ah, he sould've reviewed all the information first so he could ask all his questions at once versus being all broken up and disorganized, "Actually, if- if you could, let me think on the other herbs first so I can ask all my..silly...questions all at once. Sorry." Ducking his head and watching the floor intently with his eyes sheepishly, Seabreeze quickly went through the rest of the information given to him.

Okay, after dandelions was....borage! Yes, the pink and blue plants. Coldamber said that they are good for fever right? Seabreeze took a moment, humming his eyes as went through his memory. Yes, fever sounded right and the last one was daisy leaves for swelling...pain? Swelling, stiffness, and pain in joints. That sounded right. Subconsciously, the tom wagged his nub of a tail in a brief flash of happiness in response to remembering everything. Though questions flooded his mind for them as well.

When Coldamber explained daisy, she said daisy leaves, leaves specifically. Then said that borage was most potent in the leaves, did that specification mean that other parts of the daisy have no effect or that it can be harmful. Anxiety built in his chest, bubbling and threatening to spill out his eyes in the form of tears. The warrior bit his tongue, he was such a mess right now, worse than normal. He was allowed to ask questions.

The tom looked up at the medicine cat, meeting her gaze, and immediately his confidence crumbled and he glanced away before mumbling his questions,
"You said daisy leaves and borage that the leaves are the most potent, is there any part of the plants that could be dangerous for a cat to ingest? Also what is the best way of separating the daisy leaves from the stem, I am not used to plant work, forgive me. Th-then also my, um, my dandelion question. S-sorry, again."
(Anyways I am eepy, I will check for editing errors and the such tomorrow o7)

Abyssopelagic February 29th, 2024 01:39 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Coldamber looks up as Seabreeze asks a question.
She gives a reassuring smile as she mulled over his questions and how best to answer them.
"It's hardly a silly question. I'd rather you ask than stay quiet."
Her smile faded as she thought about the burns mentioned by him. She'd never seen a burn that left an open wound, but she could only imagine the immense amount of pain such an injury would cause, and it was not one she wished to see. Or one that she wished for anyone to see.
"Dandelion simply numbs the pain, and does not address or heal the root cause. Poppy seeds are generally better for treating injuries that are caused by trauma to the skin, especially when paired with marigold. Dandelion can cause stinging in open wounds, and in my experience does not prevent or treat infections. As for burns, specifically, especially a burn that causes an open wound, initial treatment should be cool water. Not cold, not warm if you can help it. Allowing the affected cat to lay in a stream or pond would be best, but a water moss is a suitable substitute.
The paste would be applied to numb the pain while treatment is performed to less the pain of your patient."

She gives him a small nod as she finishes.

She smiles once again as Seabreeze asks about borage and daisy. She liked him, she found.
"Fret not, these are marvelous questions. I am more than happy to answer.
All of the borage plant in particular can be used, the flowers are simply less potent than the leaves. I also recommend simply harvesting the leaves rather than the whole plant, as the leftover plant will be able to replinish it's leaves by growing more. Some plants you can't avoid this with, as you need the whole plant.
Daisy is similar in this way. However, as the leaves are smaller and aren't simply eaten, it doesn't hurt to chew the flower to make it easier to spread the poultice. It is also easier to harvest if you take the whole plant. As they are hardy plants that propagate swiftly, it does not hurt to take the flower as well.
To address a concern you did not specifically ask, none of the herbs I will be teaching you today have the potential to be harmful. I opted to impart the simplest remedies for this reason."

And now, the whole class has now learned more than they would have if Seabreeze hadn't asked his questions. She actually couldn't remember the last time she had someone actively engage in her lessons.
She found it rather refreshing to not simply be parroting her memories at people.

[ @Theraphosa ]

starry February 29th, 2024 03:37 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
~ Mistypaw ~
She/her // RiverClan // 36 moons

So - first was dandelion. Surprise filled her eyes as the flowers grew out of the ground, and it made her smile a little. StarClan was a beautiful place, actually, if the dream visit was with the right cat. Not her horrible “mother”. Anyways. She made careful note of the plant’s appearance - it had yellow petals and was flat headed. The dandelions were pretty low growing. Mistypaw nodded along as Coldamber spoke, making a note of everything. It could be used for skin-based pains, like burns and bug bites. It numbed the area of skin it was applied to and was exceptionally good for bee stings. Dandelion was a common plant, but the banks of waterways were a helpful place to start the search for the flowers. Right, she had no questions here!

Seabreeze appeared to have some, though. Mistypaw curiously turned towards him. So he was asking if burns were closed or not, and if applying dandelions would harm or not affect open wounds? Coldamber’s answer provided the group of them with a lot of extra information, that was for sure. So dandelions only numbed the pain but didn’t heal the root cause. So, poppy seeds were better for that, especially when paired with marigold. Dandelion could make open wounds sting and didn’t prevent or treat infections. So, when a burn was an open wound, the first treatment should be cool water. Not cold and not warm. Letting the cat sit in a stream or so was the best, but if not, soaked moss could be used. The paste would then be applied to lessen the pain of the injured while treatment was performed.

Alright, that seemed sensible enough. After that the dandelions seemed to be swallowed by the meadow, and other flowers took their place. They were tall with many long leaves, and a bunch of flowers were at the ends of each stalk. She noticed they had a star-like shape where they bloomed. They were blue and pink in color. Mistypaw carefully listened as Coldamber explained. So, this was borage, which came in many different colors. The leaves were eaten to help against fevers, and the most powerful leaves had a distinct scent and were halfway up the stalk. Borage was found where the dirt was looser and where the earth had been recently disturbed, so woodlands were good as well as old and abandoned sets from badgers and foxes. It was a good idea not to go alone. Right, she would remember not going on a search for borage by herself then - even when she was a warrior. Putting her life at risk for a herb was not a good idea.

Next was a small flower with many thin white petals and a yellow center. It had only one stem and grew close to the earth, having long oval shaped leaves. So daisy leaves were helpful against swelling or stiffness and pain in the joints. Daisy was found in grasslands and meadows, and it grew in large clusters. That didn’t seem too complicated. However, she wondered if it was okay to apply daisy to open wounds or if the herb was like dandelion. First though, Seabreeze had another question. Was there any part of the plant that could be dangerous if ingested? And what was the best way of separating daisy leaves from the stem? Yeah - those were both helpful questions. Mistypaw turned to Coldamber and wondered what the answer would be.

So, all of the borage plant could be used, but the flowers were less strong than the leaves. It was possible to just harvest the leaves and they would regrow. For daisy however, it was better to just take the whole plant. None of the herbs Coldamber was teaching could be harmful - that was good to know. She supposed it was time to ask her question now, even though it felt a little ridiculous and too simple. “Is daisy like dandelion, in a way that it should not be applied to open wounds directly or is there no worry there? Say, we have a really swollen open wound - is it good to use daisy for that or no?” The medicine cat didn’t seem to be annoyed by Seabreeze’s questions so Mistypaw hoped she would answer hers as well.

[ @Abyssopelagic ]

Dolomedes February 29th, 2024 09:10 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
He/him | Riverclan Warrior | Moons: 15 | Purrks: Sweet as a Flower | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

As Coldamber's reassuring tone made its way to the tom's ears, Seabreeze relaxed a fraction and gave a small smile. Well, his questions went well received and allowed him plenty of new information. No, dandelions do not work well with open wounds, they can cause stinging and don't treat the root issue at hand. Though, what does, would be poppy seeds and marigold. Ah, she didn't mention how they are applied and which one does what thing. She said that poppy seeds are good replacements for the dandelion, does that mean the poppy is the painkiller?

Seabreeze thought back to his experiences at the med den, pointedly ignoring some of the memories, but based on that limited knowledge, poppy seed is used as a pain killer as well as other things…that he can’t remember right now. That means that the marigold is likely what treats the infection. Without knowledge of their means of application, Seabreeze certainly wouldn’t even be thinking of attempting any sort of use of knowledge, but maybe he could ask some of the others here. The warrior looked over to the rest of the other cats here, some he recognized and others that he didn’t. Shaking his head, Seabreeze returned his focus to the task at paw.

Burn treatment, if light, rinse with medium water then use dandelion poultice directly on skin. If horrid, continue to soak the wound with water logged moss or by having the cat directly at the stream, then apply the paste for pain ease during treatment. Perhaps marigold is also used as a poultice, that makes sense, but it was dangerous to assume in a field where one mistake can cost a life. Seabreeze winced as a shiver went down his spine at the thought. Hopefully, though unrealistically, he wouldn’t need to use this information at all.

The molly began to answer his next questions and Seabreeze quickly looked at her. All of the borage is usable, but the leaves were better than the flowers. Best to only harvest the leaves, as borage would make more leaves later. That would be helpful given what Coldamber said about the dangerous spots you could find borage in, maybe Riverclan can protect one or two spots and keep animals away so that borage would be safer to find. He had no idea how much was used daily though, so maybe one or two plants wouldn’t be enough. Well…it certainly wouldn’t be enough during leafbare. Seabreeze! Focus!

Daisy is used in a poultice, leaves have stronger effects, but chewing the flowers helps with the poultice as well. Harvest the whole plant, they bounce back swiftly. That was all good information! The Riverclan tom smiled slightly, happy that his questions received such thought out answers and he mewed his thanks to the medicine cat with a respectful dip of his head before flicking his ears to Mistypaw as she spoke another question.

Seabreeze tilted his head, that was also a great question. In the tom’s, inexperienced opinion, knowing the dangers of each herb could be just as important as knowing the benefits. You can only attempt to prevent things you don’t know but can prevent things you do know, for the most part. Seabreeze purred slightly at Mistypaw, she was so confident but anyone can get nervous while talking to Starclan so he tried to wordlessly comfort her just in case. After that, the warrior turned his attention back to Coldamber.

Seabreeze was happy that the she-cat informed them that none of the plants taught can have any terrible uses as well, it eased his anxiety just a bit. His tail twitched, his memories swirled, ones he didn’t want but Seabreeze continued to keep his focus.

Katiethewolfchild February 29th, 2024 11:52 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Wishkit nodded, the small six moon old listening quietly. So dandelion numbed pain, borage eases fever, and daisy helps with stiffness in the joint? She would remember that. Oh, and after Seabreeze asked his questions she learned that cool water helped with burns, dandelion didn't prevent infection from setting in and wasn't good for open wounds, and that you should harvest just the leaves of borage, though it was okay to harvest the whole daisy plant because they reproduced swiftly. Reproduce was what propagate meant right? Oh, and Mistypaw had a question that hadn't been answered yet. Wishkit couldn't think of any questions to ask. @poppy. @Apyssopelagic @starry @Bean @Theraphosa @finley.exe

Bean March 1st, 2024 06:54 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
II She/Her II 23 Moons II RiverClan Warrior II
[ Herbal Knowledge T1 ]

Spottedstream has had an interest in herbs for quite some time, and now Coldamber would teach her more, so the spotted cat made sure to pay attention. The first one the passed medicine cat explained was Dandelion. The spotted cat remembered Adderpaw getting them for her, she never knew they had a use. Although, she did find it quite odd that it helped burns. The next one was borage she payed close attention to the flowers, they would help her find it later. The zesty scent would also help her remember it. last was daisy, which she found very pretty, and yet they were nice for aching joints. That would certainly help the elders, she thought to herself.

[ @Abyssopelagic - sorry if I did anything wrong !! ]

Abyssopelagic March 3rd, 2024 03:37 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Coldamber pauses and considers Mistypaw's question. She's never applied daisy to an open wound before. She'd only ever used it for elders with swollen joints and ligaments.
She couldn't say for certain whether or not that was a good idea, but she was unsure that she wanted such untrained paws doing experimental work.
She let her teeth worry at the inside of her cheek as she thought. Surely, it wouldn't do any real damage. Technically, there was nothing wrong with putting dandelion on an open wound, as it mostly only caused stinging. It wasn't like it'd suddenly become toxic if applied to broken skin.
Eventually, she simply sighed.
"I'm not sure, actually. I've never tried it myself. I think we should keep our uses strictly to unbroken skin, in the meantime. I am unsure if it would be a good idea to ask your group to try your paws at experimentation."

[ @starry ]

Dolomedes March 3rd, 2024 01:45 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
He/him | Riverclan Warrior | Moons: 15 | Purrks: Sweet as a Flower | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack."

Seabreeze thought to Coldamber's response about daisies on open wounds before glancing back at his own tail, or lack thereof. It was still a mostly open wound and it constantly ached though the tom couldn't tell if that was due to phantom pains or actual pain. Looking back towards Mistypaw and then Coldamber. Seabreeze agreed at experimentation should not be done by a group like theirs, not enough knowledge to know what to predict anything quite yet, but Seabreeze understood the risk and was curious himself.

He turned to Mistypaw, "If you're curious, I'd be a willing test subject. Coldamber said that the herbs we're learning shouldn't be dangerous so I shouldn't be too hurt afterwards if things go wrong and then we'd know for future reference. My tail is still a mostly opened wound, it hasn't scabbed over all the way, and it aches all the time, so I'd feel any effects. Up to you though."
(Short sorry, not a lot to say this time. @starry )

Abyssopelagic March 7th, 2024 03:16 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
//I am so so so sorry for how long this took me to get around to, I've been so busy and so tired because of real life stuff, thank you all so much for your patience with me\\
¤— Coldamber : Death, Upright : she/her
Purrks- World Weaver [T1], Herbal Knowledge [Tier 2] : WindClan Ancestor —¤

Coldamber furrowed her brows at the seemingly unanimous confusion about the functions of poppy seeds and marigold. It was something that seemed to be common knowledge in every other Clan she'd, was this a result from the lacking presence of Medicine Cats that their warriors did not know the basics? This was.... Concerning, to say the least.
And it needed to be fixed.

She immediately supposed red poppies, the centers that held the precious seeds a seeming black and slightly fuzzy mass. Besides them, the cloud like marigolds also sprouted, in a variety of shades of oranges and yellow.
"Small detour, dearies. These will be your staple herbs for any healing. The red flowers are poppy. But it is not the flower that you use. Inside the folds of the petals are dark little seeds. These seeds are to be eaten by your patient, but only give them one or two.
It will ease general discomforts and pains, helps calm emotions - especially shock, eases muscles that are spasming, and assists in sleep. Do not give them to pregnant queens, or kittens under 4 moons of age, as you run the risk of harming the little ones. I know that is scary, but this is an important herb to keep at paw.
The orange and yellow herb beside it is marigold. The flower is chewed into a fine poultice and applied to open wounds, it prevents infection, but does not rid the body of one that has already set in, but it can keep the infection from spreading further or getting worse, but you will want to use other herbs to be rid of the infection altogether."

With that over with, she moved on to her pre-planned teachings.
After a moments consideration, she grew a broom brush. Straight, and pointy looking branch-like appendages sprouted from the ground, made less menacing by the vibrant, yellow flowers that grew along the entire length of the each limb. It had taken her awhile to identify the little bush based on a mere description, and one as wildly misleading as "looks similar to bluebells".....
In her honest opinion, they looked more similar to a particular species of orchid or pea-flowers, but she doubted a Clan cat would have ever seen, much less connected the dots on certain flowering fruits and nuts for that last one to make sense if she explained it to them.
"This is broom. It's use was discovered by one of RiverClan's Medicine Cat's from only a fair few seasons ago named Fawnlight. It's use is almost identical to marigold, as the flowers are to be chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds to prevent infection. They do not, to my knowledge, combat infection that has already taken hold."
She was rather glad she didn't have to try to describe this plant. It would be a mess to try to articulate this bizarre little thing that looked like few other plants she'd ever seen before, and certainly nothing like any other herbs she knew.
"You'll find them on dry hillsides, forest clearings, dry scrublands, and dried up riverbeds. I would recommend the hills and old riverbeds to be the first areas you look, as it's where I've found them most, but they are not uncommon in the other mentioned places."

Since she'd ended up teaching two other herbs, she decided to pause here, to allow everyone a moment to catch up, and ask their questions before moving on.


Blessed Thistle
Juniper Berries

[ @poppy. , @Bean , @Theraphosa , @starry , @Katiethewolfchild , @finley.exe ]

starry March 7th, 2024 04:34 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Hm.. so Coldamber wasn’t too sure on Mistypaw’s question. The RiverClan molly gave an understanding nod, knowing this cat couldn’t know everything. “Right, okay.” Before she could ponder any more Seabreeze’s idea came, which really interested her. He’d allow her to experiment on him? Well, if he was alright with it, she wouldn’t say no. It would be an interesting thing to know in the future, for both her and Seabreeze. ”If you really don’t mind... that would be great. Can be useful sometime in the future,” she mewed with a small smile to the tomcat.

Oh, so Coldamber was giving them a quick rundown on the staple herbs for healing now. Mistypaw tipped her head curiously and listened closely. First was poppy. She knew what it did and that it was a red flower, but no more than that. So she should only ever give one or two to anyone she was treating, and it helped with discomfort, pain and helps calm emotions. The scarred tabby nodded at the warning to not give them to pregnant queens or kits under 4 moons. She didn’t want to harm anyone. She did not find it too scary, actually, but she supposed some might. One question was still stuck in her mind though. “Poppy makes cats sleep, depending on the amount given, right?“ she questioned. While healing in the raid she’d already gathered some experience with poppy seeds but she would rather ask the question and make sure before accidentally harming a cat. Her deep amber eye was fixed on the poppy flowers and she noted every possible detail. They had a bright red color and a darker black-ish center, where the seeds were situated. There was also a small pop of light yellow color int he middle. The stems were super thin and they had leaves that looked similar to ferns, along with some buds growing out of the flower. She would make sure to remember that.

Next was the herb beside the poppy, which Coldamber described as marigold. It had yellow-orange flowers and many leaves around its stem. Mistypaw pricked her ears as WindClan’s former medicine cat spoke. So, it was supposed to be chewed into a fine poultice and applied to open wounds. It prevented infection but didn’t rid of infections that had already started. However it could stop the infection from spreading further and getting worse. To get rid of the infection alltogether, however, other herbs should be used. She didn’t have any questions for this herb, it seemed simple enough and could be applied on open wounds so no trouble here. Mistypaw still enjoyed using horsetail though, as it also had an effect on stopping the bleeding instead of simply preventing infection. It was always helpful to know other herbs though, incase the herb storage was ever low and didn’t have her preferred herbs.

After that, another plant grew out of the ground. This one also had flowers but not big, full ones, rather small ones that grew along the whole length of the stems. It was a pretty straight, pointy and thick bush. As Coldamber spoke she was prepared to listen, but something in her snapped at the mention of Fawnlight. Her sister, her ray of sunshine, dead. Like all of her family, like all of the cats she loved. A single teardrop rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away with a paw and pretended it never happened. So many cats came back, why couldn’t Fawnlight, Blizzardwind, Stormtalon, and all the rest of them come back to RiverClan as well? They deserved it. Mistypaw’s breath was caught in her throat and she tried to let out a sigh, but soon gave up and forced herself to pay attention to the herb lesson again. Maybe that would make her more relaxed. Broom’s flowers were also used by chewing them into a poultice, and applied to wounds to prevent infection. Oh yeah, that was pretty much marigold. So broom was found on dry hillsides, forest clearing, dry scrublands, and dried up riverbeds. “Understood,” she mewed quietly. Using her voice helped her pick up a normal breathing pattern again, but there was still a lingering uneasy feeling weighing her shoulders down.

@Theraphosa @Abyssopelagic

Katiethewolfchild March 7th, 2024 04:35 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Wish kit listened closely, nodding at the answer to Mistypaw's question. So no dandelions on opened wounds? When Coldamber began teaching them some more herbs she listened closely. So poppy seeds was good for discomfort and pain, helped calm emotions, especially shock, eased spasming muscles, and assisted in sleep, but shouldn't be used on kits under four moons of age or pregnant queens and should only be used one or two at a time. Marigold prevented infection and could keep an infection from getting worse spreading, but didn't cure infection . Broom could prevent infection, but as far as Coldamber knew didn't combat infection. She couldn't think of any questions to ask, so the small grey tabby six moon old she-cat remained silent. @poppy. @Bean @Theraphosa @starry @finley.exe @Abyssopelagic

finley !! March 7th, 2024 08:13 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
ᗢ cobwebpaw ᗢ

purrks ; the collector , herbal knowledge tier 2
she/they . rc . 14 moons . one lame leg . tags ; @Abyssopelagic

[ 125 posts ]

trigger warnings for this post: none
ah stars, she was late. cobwebpaw scrambled to her paws after landing in the dream, seeing the other cats busy working. ' er.. i'm sorry- I fell asleep late after working in the den- i'm sorry. what did I miss? ' she yelped out an explanation, leg aching from the work she had done during the day. ' just a quick refresher. of what we learned. '

Dolomedes March 7th, 2024 06:59 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
He/him | Riverclan Warrior | Moons: 15 | Purrks: Sweet as a Flower | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

A detour? Seabreeze wondered why Coldamber was taking the lesson off the original track but wasn’t complaining when it answered his earlier questions on poppies and marigold. Poppies, small red flowers, the seeds are the useful part which are held in the middle. Only giving one or two to help with pain, shock, calms emotions, but also induces sleep. Seabreeze made a bright and flashy not to give any to kits under four moons or any queens. He wondered why. Were the effects of poppy seeds so potent? Well, surely they are given the fact that it only takes one or two for such powerful effects. The warrior pinned his ears for a moment when he realized what that could mean if the wrong cat got their paws on it before he growled and bit his tongue. Why was it that his mind always turned to the worse.

The next is marigold, as Seabreeze suspected the flowers were chewed into a poultice and applied to open wounds to prevent infection but doesn’t do anything besides stopping spreading once infection already sets in. The next herb was similar- Seabreeze turned his gaze as he heard a sudden change in the ambient noise of his companions. Mistypaw seems distressed, why was she distressed? Then he caught her eyes for a brief moment and then looked at Coldamber. The medicine cat had mentioned someone named Fawnlight, and how they found broom. Fawnlight wasn’t someone that Seabreeze had been very familiar with but then he put the puzzle pieces together and realized that was likely the only reason to Mistypaw’s sudden switch in behavior. Looking to the she-cat again, Seabreeze noticed how she had refocused and the brief moment of vulnerability was gone but now Seabreeze could put a name to it. Grief.

The very thing that constantly haunts Seabreeze, the reason why Seabreeze was even here…Mistypaw, someone so much more brilliant than him was facing the same threat of drowning in such an emotion. That’s…of course, Seabreeze knew other cat’s have gone through the same things that he is currently going through but to have that person right next to him, to be someone he knows was. Strange. For a moment, the warrior felt less alone than he had in moons, as awful as the reason for unity is. Would Mistypaw appreciate company? She seems to be trying to pretend it didn’t happen. Though Seabreeze knew of the pain of being alone. Even worse, being alone in a crowd of cats all around you. Slowly, the tom got to his paws and quietly approached Mistypaw.

Seabreeze took a new seat beside her, giving her space but close enough that his presence was there and noticeable. For a few more moments the tom looked to her, hoping that he was helping and that his, honestly very unclear, message was passed along. The tom didn’t want to say anything about it as it seemed Mistypaw wanted to move on, distract herself maybe like he does when he gets caught up in the past, but he didn’t want her to feel alone despite that. Then in the next moment, Seabreeze focused back on the lesson, though keeping some of his attention on Mistypaw. Broom was about the same as marigold’s use,

Coldamber, is there a reason that you should use marigold over broom or vice versa? Or are their uses that similar?

Broom was found in dried river beds, dry hillsides, forest clearings, and dry scrubland. Look at the hills and dried river beds first. Bright flowers on such a sickly looking stem. Simple enough, Seabreeze thought but his train of thought has been a bit clouded from herbs to concern, he could always discuss any questions he had with Mistypaw or one of the others here later if he needed. As Seabreeze finished his thoughts, a sudden voice from behind them caught his attention.

Looking back, Cobwebpaw was seen making her way over to the group of cats, Seabreeze smiled distantly at her, “I can help catch you up later if you want, though after the lesson, I don’t want to interrupt Coldamber.” Closing blue eyes, Seabreeze recounted the herbs taught prior, “So far we’ve done dandelion, daisy, borage, and we just went over poppy seed, marigold, and then broom.
[ @starry - Mistypaw, @finley.exe - Cobwebpaw, @Abyssopelagic - Coldamber]

finley !! March 19th, 2024 10:23 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]

purrks ; the collector , herbal knowledge t2
she/they . rc . 14 moons . one lame leg . tags ; @starry , @Dolomedes

trigger warnings for this post: none
cobwebpaw, still a bit unsteady on her feet, dipped her head thankfully to seabreeze and then settled herself between mistyshard and seabreeze. ' dandelion, daisy, borage.. i know borage.. then poppy seed- know that- marigold.. and broom. know that. ' she murmured under her breath, considering these. alright.

Abyssopelagic March 22nd, 2024 02:42 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Coldamber blinked as Cobwebpaw appeared before her out of thin air. Ah, she'd been so sure she'd gotten them all the first time, but it seemed to not be the case. She nods to the cat that offers to fill her in. She's almost done and she did not wish to have to go back over it all again.
She already resembled a broken record as it was.
Her eyes glanced back over Mistypaw as she asked a question.
"Yes, poppy seeds can, it is an occasional side effect of the relaxing quality of the herb."
She had not seen it often in her own time, if she was being honest. She could only assume that some were more susceptible to drifting off to sleep than others, as well as their state of mind and the extent of their injuries.

Next, Seabreeze had another question.
Her ears twitched as she shifted her attention, and then sat as she considered his words.
"To my knowledge, yes: they are interchangeable."
She wanted to give a mini speech about how this does not discount one herb or the other in terms of usefulness, but decided against it. She had too much to get to, and too little time.
Besides, there did not seem to be a trace of believing that one herb was entirely useless for having a similar purpose.

She took a moment to bring up the image of a juniper shrub in her minds' eye, focusing on the small and distinct details of the plant before willing forth a shrub, it's trailing branches and needle leaves giving it a round shape despite the way it sat low to the ground. The needles were a pale green and almost sickly looking if compared to any other plant, each bushel of scaley needles protected a few, bruise coloured berries.
She did not have the shrub grow to be much taller than the tallest present cat, not wishing to exhaust herself on this little party trick when she was so far from being done.
"This is a juniper bush. The berries, hidden beneath the needle-y leaves, are eaten by your patient to soothe stomachaches. The bush grows year-round, and will produce fruit during even the harshest of leaf-bares.
They grow in areas where there is less plant life, seemingly to escape possible competition as the soil conditions seem to be inhospitable for most.
I've found them in dry, and rocky soils as well as more acidic types of soil. The common denominator I've noticed is they like places that allow for good drainage of water, seemingly not appreciating soil types that hold water."

After a few moments, allowing for her students a chance to memorize what they needed from the lesson, Coldamber clicked her tongue. This led to the rapid retreat of they shrub back into the holy grounds on StarClan, and allowed another, smaller plant to sprout forth.
The plant had very large oval leaves with heart-shaped bases and rounded tips, a few of the lower leaves sported red stems.The edges of the leaves appeared to be slightly wavy. The bundle of leaves, rather than connected, each grew individually from a center point in the ground in a small, but dense patch of greenery.
The leaves themselves were smooth, hairless, and a dull-green with distinct white midrib down the center.
"This is a dock plant. It is placed in the nest of a cat suffering from certain internal injuries: such as broken bones, wrenched joints, pulled muscles. In addition to encouraging healing, it seems to offer some pain relief and aids in falling asleep and getting more restful sleep that would otherwise be interrupted by their pains.
It grows in many places, to name a few: meadows, ditches, shorelines, riverbanks, woodland margins, and forest clearings. There does not seem to be anything in common with the types of soil and environment they choose to grow in, from my experience."

The next plant was a large, tall-growing plant, with large leaves and clusters of drooping, tubular purple flowers, much like bluebell flowers if one squinted while looking. The veins in the large, oval, and long leaves were heavily textured and made a distinct, raised pattern on the skin of the leaf in addition to the fine fur that seemed to line the stem of the plant.
"Comfrey. Unlike the last few herbs, this one has a variety of uses. Firstly, I feel the need to address the hairs on the plant: they are not dangerous and do not pose any long lasting discomfort when touched unless you are particularly sensitive to textures.
The roots of the plant can be chewed into a poultice and applied onto wounds, burns, and skin irritation, as it relieves topical pains and itchiness.
The leaves are to be harvested unbroken, as you will use the whole leaf to wrap around broken bones and drenched joints to promote healing and soothe inflammation.
The flowers die during leaf-fall and leaf-bare, but the leaves can survive all but the harshest of colds. They love sunny spots, and prefer to grow in the bottomland forests, moist upland forests, and banks of streams and rivers, especially where the soil quality is particularly rich."

While she would normally pause here and allow everyone to take in the knowledge she'd imparted, she felt an uneasy prickle beneath her fur, as if she was running out of time.
So onwards she pressed.
Next, she brought forth a ground-covering vine-like plant with small round leaves and sparse, tiny white flowers.
"Eating the leaves can lessen and sometimes cure the symptoms of white cough. I am unsure of the effectiveness against green cough, but I do not recommend experimenting in such a way unless you have absolutely no other options.
It likes damp areas, almost similar to marsh lands. They are most prevalent around the colder moons, such as late leaf-fall and into early leaf-bare before the leaves go into hibernation for the year."

Coldamber quickly sprouted, a green, leafy stalk of a bushel like shrub poked through the earth where the chickweed once lay, thin sprigs of aromatic leaves reaching for the star strewn sky.
""This pungent little plant is rosemary and one of the few herbs that the patient chews rather than you. They're excellent for many conditions concerning the mouth. Chewing on any part of the plant will help the body fight off against viral and bacterial infections of the mouth, and is especially effective against other conditions such mouth sores, ulcers, and scratches. It can be safely eaten, and it does have benefits in and of itself, but unless you're tight on available herbs, I'd recommend using your usual to help with headaches and fevers, as it is significantly weaker in potency.
They like to grow along hills and prefer sunny, sheltered spots, in well-drained soil."

The good part was, at least once a shrub was found, as much of it could be picked as necessary for an individual trip, as these bushes grew to be quite large compared to other shrubs that might be found.

For a final time, the misty grey nebelung allowed the plants in attendance to return to their earthen homes to sleep, and only a single plant would come to replace them.
A wicked looking plant, it's flower covering in hairs that almost looked like those that graced the stinging nettle, the yellow flower within, safely tucked away, nestled in its wire-y bedding and protected by the protrusions that surrounded it. The leaves were wavey, rippled, frilly, and made up the majority of the plants mass.
"This is blessed thistle. It has many uses, and is a wonderful addition to any herbal stock. The flower, when eaten, can stimulate milk production in heavily pregnant or nursing queens and can also increase productivity of the liver, helping with indigestion and loss of appetite by stimulating the production of bile and saliva. The leaves can be eaten to help with coughs, fatigue, brain fog, and internal infections.
The leaves can be applied topically in a poultice to decrease swelling and for open wounds. The flower should only be used on the skin for boils or to draw out poison in an abscess, as it tends to sting due to the strength.
It is also incredibly bitter and many a kit might complain about the taste if there is ever need to have them eat it.
This plant loves full sunlight and prefers soil that will drain rather than hold water. As for the soil type, it's not very picky and will even grow in poor quality or even rocky soil."

//I am so so so so so sorry about how late this is; in an attempt to expedite the process, I've crammed the last six herbs into one post instead of splitting it into two part. Thank you for being so patient with me\\

[ @Bean , @Dolomedes , @starry , @Katiethewolfchild , @finley.exe ]

Dolomedes March 26th, 2024 01:06 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
He/him | Riverclan Warrior | Moons: 16 | Purrks: Go with the Flow | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”

Seabreeze nodded to Coldamber as the molly answered both his and Mistypaw’s (As i am pretty sure this takes place before her warrior ceremony?) scooting over to give him more space as Cobwebpaw attempted to get between him and Mistpaw. They seem to be friends so hopefully Cobwebpaw can comfort Mistyshard more than Seabreeze who was essentially a stranger to both cats. Poppy seeds have a side effect of causing relaxation. Could they be used for insomnia? Or inducing sleep for taking care of more painful injuries? The tom opened his mouth to ask his questions but then the medicine cat continued so he thought he should just wait until the end. The molly continued to go over several herbs in rapid fire succession. Seabreeze frowned but focused on committing as many details as possible to mind before she continued onto the next one.

The first of many was a low, nettled shrub that didn’t look the most healthy in his opinion. Along the nettles were small purple berries that Coldamber explained were juniper berries and the focus of the plant. The berries soothed stomachaches, the plant was around year round, and are overall not very picky plants which was nice. Found in places with soil that drains more, so things that are sandy? Or rock filled? Nowhere near the river is likely. Seabreeze found that he didn’t have many questions on juniper berries but that was perhaps because he didn’t have much time to really think on the information being thrown at him as almost as soon as he fully processed the juniper berries the shrubs was disappearing and a new plant took its place and Coldamber continued. Large oval with a heart shaped base, there was some red on the stems and each of the slightly wavy leaves, it was called dock, the leaves were what was used. These had a lot more uses; after placing in the nest of the injured cat, dock leaves encouraged healing of internal injury like broken bones, hurt joints, and muscle issues. It can also provide pain relief, help with sleep, and more restful sleep. It grows in a variety of spaces like meadows, riverbanks, shorelines, and woodland margins. They kind of can show up anywhere. Seabreeze had more questions but they were less practical and more just curiosities though it could be good to know for other things…like how exactly does the presence of dock leaves help internal injuries? Not even eating but just being nearby? Is there a way to make it more effective? Like is it scent? Would it be better performing if you cut into the herb if it was through scent/air born? No matter…

Up next was comfrey, it was more unique than most of the other herbs seen in this dream. Tall, had large leaves, odd purple flowers that drooped. The veins in the leaves were very apparent and there was some…sort of fur on the stem. The fur had no issues associated with it, which was going to be one of Seabreeze’s questions so he checked that one off and continued to listen, shuffling his bi-colored paws beneath him and flicking an ear. The roots of the comfrey could be used as a poultice for wounds, burns, and skin irritation, it relieves topical pains and itchiness. Leaves need to be harvested unbroken and could be used to wrap around broken bones and wrenched joints. The leaf wraps encourage healing and soothing of inflammation. The flowers die in leaf fall and leaf bare but the leaves remain which is good to hear. They like the sun and water!

Coldamber moved on, Seabreeze struggled to keep up but watched carefully and instead just dug a claw into the soil beneath his claws as it shifted, dragging a line that sharply turned in one direction to remind him of his questions but focused on the next plant. It was some sort of ivy-like plant, spread across the ground like snakes with little white flowers along it and small round leaves. The warrior tilted his head a bit, lifting his blue eyes from the plant to Coldamber for a second as she started to explain the uses and such but seemed to forget the name of the plant. Ah, that one was important enough to interrupt right? Did he just miss it in his quick sketch on the ground? “Coldamber, sorry to interrupt, I didn’t catch the name of the herb you just explained-” He pointed a bi-colored paw down at the ivy-like plant, “S-sorry.” While waiting for a response the tom continued with his listening, when eaten the leaves can lessen or sometimes cure white cough which was great! Though she wasn’t sure what it would do against green cough. It was still a good back up, last case kind of thing. Damp areas, most prevalent in colder moons before hibernating for the rest of the year. How odd, the opposite of most herbs.

A new bush that was slightly similar to juniper berries but also only because they were nettled shrubs. It was called rosemary and it had a strong smell and was simple in use. It was to be chewed by your patient for many mouth issues like viral and bacterial infections, sores, ulcers, and scratches. It was safely eaten which was pleasing to hear. Eating also has other benefits but nowhere near enough to replace any of the herbs that matched the benefits respectively. Found on hills, in partially sunny spots. The last herb that was named was a fascinating plant, a yellow flower almost caged in by nettles with little hairs covering it. The leaves were all sorts of things, almost like a river, rippled and wavy and the plant seemed to be almost entirely leaves. Coldamber followed swiftly with the uses and explanation of the plant. Can help queen’s with milk production, then also help with liver, digestion, loss of appetite for the flower. For the leaves, after eaten, they can help with coughs, fatigue, brain fog, and internal infections. The leaves can also be used in a poultice for swelling and open wounds. The flower could be used for wound use as well for things such as poison and boils but isn’t advised as it is strong and can cause stinging. It was also bitter, but maybe it could be paired with something a bit sweeter to help balance like a bit of honey or maybe it could be taken with prey? Full sunlight, doesn’t really care about soil but prefers draining soil.

After all the information that was thrown at him, Seabreeze felt a bit overwhelmed and almost sort of didn’t want to say or do anything after this but it was good information, Seabreeze needed to know this just in case things went wrong. The cat sighed silently to himself and gave Coldamber a grateful smile, it felt like that was the last one by her tone, and something tells him that there was a likely reason that she started to rush. Was the dream coming to an end soon? How unfortunate, as much as the lesson sort of was a lot, it was a million times better than his usual dreams. Well, if you could call them that, they were mostly nightmares. The warrior thought back to the herbs listed could dock leaves worked to help restful sleep but that was because it dulled injury but maybe he could- yeah, no, using herbs just for some nightmares wasn’t worth it. There were others in much worse conditions compared to him. Though a cat could dream of a good night’s rest.

He took a moment to peer at the cats around him, gauging their reactions to the mass of information curiously. Did they feel the same as him? He was grateful for sure and would do his best to make sure that he didn’t forget anything that Coldamber took to tell him. Perhaps he could practice on himself? For the small things of course, someone with more experienced paws would do better in the case of something worse.
[I am too tired to edit rn ;-; but let me know if there is anything major enough to need editing :3]

Katiethewolfchild March 29th, 2024 09:59 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Wishkit listened. So juniper berries were good for stomachaches, grew places that most herbs couldn't, and the bushes kept producing berries in leafbare, dock helped with healing from certain internal injuries and offered pain relief, comfrey roots were useful for wounds, burns, and skin and skin irritation, the leaves were wrapped around broken bones or drenched joints, comfrey grew in sunny spots and preferred damp areas, and the flowers died in leafbare, but the leaves could survive all but the harshest leafbarw, the plant she didn't mention the name of, perhaps she didn't know was useful for whitecough, rosemary was useful for anything inside the mouth, and could be used for headaches or fevers, if necessary, but should be used for headaches and fevers as a last resort, and blessed thistle's flowers helped with milk production and could help with indigestion and loss of appetite, the leaves were useful for coughs, fatigue, brain fog, and internal infections if eaten, could be used on the skin to reduce swelling and on open wounds, was incredibly bitter, and it preferred sunny spots and dry soil and didn't care about the quality of the soil. (This takes place before she was apprenticed, which is why Wishpaw is being referred to as Wishkit) @Bean @starry @Dolomedes, @Abyssopelagic @finley.exe

Bean March 30th, 2024 02:51 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
spottedstream listened as the next few herbs were explained. Poppy seeds, Marigold, Broom, Juniper, Dock, Oh look she already knew Comfrey, Rosemary, and Blessed thistle. It was a lot to take in, but it was expanding her herb knowledge, so she was thankful Coldamber pulled her into this dream to learn it.

[ @Abyssopelagic - rah late and short but i did it ;-;]

Abyssopelagic March 31st, 2024 11:26 PM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Coldamber looked up once she was done explaining, and noticed how overwhelmed poor Seabreeze appeared to be. With a sheepish dip of her head, she padded forward, closing the gap between her and the warrior.
"My apologies, dear Seabreeze. Chickweed, is the name of the herb you asked about. I must have skipped over it in my haste."
She tilted her head.
"Was there anything else you wanted me to go back over for you? Perhaps something else I might have missed?"

[ @Dolomedes ]

starry April 2nd, 2024 10:14 AM

Re: Stormy Seas in the Milky Way [Private]
Mistypaw nodded when Coldamber confirmed that poppy seeds could make a cat sleep. She would remember that if it should ever be needed. Then, the next herb appeared, a shrubb with needle leaves which sat low on the ground. The needles were pale green and protecting blue-ish berries. So this was called juniper and could be eaten by patients to soothe stomachaches. Juniper berries even grew in leafbare - that was practical. This leafbare had been fine with not necessarily an abundance of herbs but not too less, either. Regardless, she made a note of juniper berries being “usable” during leafbare in case she would ever need that information.

So juniper grew in areas with less plant life, that made sense. Usually in dry, rock and acidic soils, as well as not around water… Okay. Mistypaw made sure everything was stuck in her mind before Coldamber moved on to the next herb. It was smaller than the juniper bushes and have oval leaves. The bases were heart shaped. Some of the lower leaves had red stems and the edges of the leaves were a little wavy. The leaves grew independently and were a dull green along with a white middle. Dock. Mistypaw pricked her ears as the medicine cat explained its’ functions. It was placed in nests of patients suffering from internal injuries like broken bones, wrenched joints and pulled muscles. It offered pain relief and helped with falling asleep.

Grew in many places, but some examples were meadows, ditches, shorelines, riverbanks, woodland margins and forest clearing. Since Coldamber mentioned there was no common pattern with the types of soil and environment Mistypaw figured that they grew in lots of places and one could probably look for them anywhere. That was all understandable; she didn’t have any questions for those two herbs. She repeated everything in her mind, then watched as the next herb grew out of the starry ground.

It was a large tall plant with big leaves and tube-like purple flowers. The veins in the leaves made a distinct pattern and there appeared to be something fur like lining the stem. So that was comfrey. Mistypaw bobbed her head and listened curiously. It had a variety of uses, that was practical. The hairs weren’t dangerous and didn’t pose any discomfort unless the patient was very sensitive. The roots could be chewed into a poultice and applied onto wounds, burns and irritated skin, because they relieved pain and made things less itchy. The leaves should be harvested unbroken because the whole leaf was used to wrap around broken bones and drenched joints.

So far, comfrey seemed like the perfect herb for lots of things. Oh… so unfortunately the flowers died during leafbare. Well, that didn’t matter too much if the roots and leaves were used, right? Comfrey loved sunny spots and preferred to grow in the bottomland forest, moist forests, and riverbanks… That should be easy to find in RiverClan territory then. There was plenty of moist, rich soil due to the clear water and occasional sunny climate.

Seemingly Coldamber was in more of a rush now because she went on to the next herb without much of a pause. Mistypaw did not mind too much. She was able to hold on to knowledge and concentrate at a steady pace pretty well. This time, the plant coming out of the ground covered it and had a vine-like look to it. It had small round leaves and tiny white flowers. The medicine cat started explaining but didn’t name the plant… Misty tilted her head but kept on listening. Eating theleaves could help against white cough, but she did not know about the effectiveness against green cough. It grew in damp areas like marsh lands and was mostly prevalent in late leaf fall or early leafbare. Coldamber answered Seabreeze’s question and mentioned the herb was called chickweed.

Now came a green leafy stalk which came from a bushel like shrub. There was a prominent, aromatic smell and the sprigs of leaves were pretty thin. Rosemary. It was a herb which the patients chewed and could help with conditions in the mouth. Helped the body fight off infections in the maw as well as mouth sores, ulcers and scratches. It could be safely eaten and had benefits but for headaches and fevers other more stronger herbs should be used, unless there weren’t any available. Rosemary grew on hills and preferred sunny, sheltered spots in well drained soil.

Mistypaw went over the information in her mind once again before turning her attention to the next herb. An odd plant which flowers were protected in hairs and nettles. The leaves were wavy and rippled, making up most of the plant. So this was blessed thistle. It had many uses and was a good additions to the herb storage. The flower could help queens with milk production and assisted the liver when there was loss of appetite or indigestion. It did this by encouraging the production of saliva and bile. The leaves could be eaten to help with many things such as cough, fatigue, brain fog and internal infections.

The leaves were applied into a poultice to decrease swelling in open wounds and the flower should only be used on the skin in the case of boils. The flower could also draw out poison, as it tended to sting. It was pretty bitter so a kit might complain about the taste. The plant loved sunlight and liked soil that would drain, although it wasn’t too picky about the soil type and even grew in poor quality and rocky soil. Okay, that was lots to take in but Mistypaw made sure to cling to all the details. Something gave her the feeling this dream would end soon.

[aa this is messy]

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