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BEAR. October 4th, 2016 12:39 AM

Herondive Hollow

Random Melody October 6th, 2016 07:18 AM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
(First post aahhh XD)
(For Gustystreak)
(Sorry it took so long x3)

"Im sure its twolegs wil come..." Snowpaw sounded slightly uncertain as she shook her fur out, looking around for a moment before shrugging.
"Well, back to the hunt then, Minty?" She asked, the ThunderClan she-cat pricking her ears as she gazed into her territory, glancing at the ShadowClan Tom beside her.

Gusty October 6th, 2016 02:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
(Omg haha I forgot about this rp. Nearly.)
{I'm the second to post on this thread which is a good #accomplishment I guess x3}

Mintpaw nodded. "Yes, the hunt!" He wriggled his tail in excitement. "So, what delectable prey do we have in this forest?" The tom cocked his head and scanned the surroundings.

Random Melody October 6th, 2016 03:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border

"Mice, squirrels," Snowpaw listed a few things, her black tail flcking. "Birds, voles, lots of stuff." She paused, ears pricking, and opened her mouth slightly to taste the air; The scent of mouse hit her almost immediately. "Mouse." She mewed, lowering her voice.

Gusty October 6th, 2016 04:29 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw flicked his tail in agreement and quieted down. He wasn't sure if mice were the type to run away at noises or movement, so he paused for a second. "Catch it!" The tom whispered to his companion. This was an opportunity that he didn't want to miss.

Random Melody October 6th, 2016 07:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Snowpaw gave a small nod, her ears swiveling around as she lowered herself into a crouch. Her belly fur brushed the ground and she slid a paw forward silently. She ducked her head down, pricking her ears forward before folding them back against her head. The scent of mouse hit her again, but she took another step forward calmly, easily spotting her target scurrying in some leaves, closer into the forest. Right....Now! Snowpaw bunched her muscles and launched forward, unsheathing her claws and feeling them sink into something warm. The mouse let out a shocked squeak, looking up with wide, beady black eyes as it tried desperately to pull away from her grasp. Snowpaw ducked her head and gave its neck a quick nip, tasting the warm blood on her tongue in an instant.

Gusty October 6th, 2016 09:12 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw held in a gasp of relief. This ThunderClanner could definitely hunt well; he could catch every slight moment through her body. Padding towards Snowpaw and her catch, the tom worked up his game. "Oh, dear Snowy," he cried gratefully. "You caught it!"
The ShadowClanner flicked his tail towards the mouse. Even though it wasn't the largest piece of prey in the world, he might as well praise her. "You are simply amazing at hunting."

Random Melody October 6th, 2016 09:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Snowpaw straightened up, dropping the mouse at her paws as she looked at Mintpaw, a small smile appearing on her muzzle. "Thanks." She purred, flicking her tail and swiping her tongue over her jaws.
"Do you want to try?" She asked the ShadowClanner, pricking her ears slightly and opening her mouth to try and scent some more prey.

Gusty October 7th, 2016 02:33 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Yeah!" The tom answered, pawing the ground with his front left foot. He opened his mouth to scent something, and the sharpest scent was one of a vole. "Shall I hunt that?" Mintpaw's tail flicked towards the mammal, which was a few tail-lengths away from him.
He looked at Snowpaw briefly for confirmation, while staring at the prey in the corner of his eye.

Random Melody October 7th, 2016 02:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Snowpaw's ears twitched, her ice blue gaze resting on the vole. Ears pricking slightly, she gave a small nod in response to Mintpaw, her gaze fixed on the creature.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 09:12 AM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw steadied himself, crouching down into a hunting position similarly to when he was hunting ShadowClan prey. Voles were not common in his part of the territory, but he knew that he had the ability to catch one.
In a fiery start, Mintpaw leaped forwards, falling just a whisker-length short of the prey. The vole scurried away at this moment, suddenly aware that a predator was chasing it. The tom bounded once again at the mammal, but just a second too late- the catch had gone down into its burrow.
Frowning in his disappointment, Mintpaw swiveled around towards Snowpaw. "Oh, I could've caught that. I was just underestimating it." he shrugged.

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 12:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Thats alright Minty," Snowpaw mewed cheerfully. "Voles arent too easy to catch. You'll get the hang of it." She smiled at her friend before shaking her fur out.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 01:41 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"You think?" He said, flashing a smile towards his companion. "Well, usually I'm quite good at hunting. If I may say so myself. But, you know, there are certain rare occasions." This was partly a lie, since Mintpaw wasn't the best at hunting. "Say, shall we try again?"

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 01:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Well we're not quitting now!" Snowpaw replied cheerfully with a teasing tone, lifting her tail and giving her ShadowClan friend a grin. "What else can you scent?" She prompted, opening her mouth to taste the air.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 01:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
A chirping noise in he background made Mintpaw smile. "Well.." his gaze was lifted up towards the azure-blue sky, where there were a couple of songbirds upon a hazel branch. "I don't know how to climb trees, or jump that high. But it would be cool if I could." He flicked his tail towards the birds.

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 02:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"I could teach you how to climb," Snowpaw offered, her gaze lifting up to the birds. Her ears flicked, a smile appearing on her muzzle, and she glanced at her companion, waiting for his reply.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 02:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"But if we climb," he countered. "Wouldn't that scare away the birds?" He shrugged. An idea suddenly burst into the ShadowClanner'a mind. "Unless we climb faster than they could fly away." Now, that made sense.

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 03:10 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"I'll show you." Snowpaw said with a smile as she padded forward lightly. She passed the tree that the birds were on and instead stopped at the one beside it. Tensing, she backed up, then ran forward and launched herself high into the air, sinking her claws into the bark of the tree. Glancing down at the ground, she looked back up and clawed her way up the tree until she reached a branch, steadying herself by sinking her claws into it. Her eyes landed on the birds on the branch in the next tree, a little higher up than where she was.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 04:55 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw looked from below, watching Snowpaw's precise moments and memorizing them. "Can I follow you?" He asked, hoping that his question would not break his companion's concentration.

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 04:57 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Snowpaw looked back down, the branch dipping under her slightly. She steadied herself before replying, "Yep, come on up." She tried to keep her voice low, so she didnt frighten the birds as she looked back up, ears flicking.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 05:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw didn't respond to her statement. Instead, the tom nodded and steadily climbed up onto the tree. It was a slight struggle to keep balance on the rough surface, and his back paw slipped a little, but the apprentice finally held on.
Finally, the ShadowClanner was right by Snowpaw. The branch seemed to sway under the excess weight, but he braced himself.

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 05:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Follow me, and dont fall," Snowpaw murmured, then sprang up, grabbing onto the branch above them with her claws and hauling herself up. Steadying herself, she looked into the other tree where the birds were; They were still a few branches higher.

Gusty October 8th, 2016 07:28 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"I've never been this high up before." Mintpaw mumbled quickly, looking down at the ground. The tom didn't have a fear of heights, but instinct told him that he may fall and break his back if he went any higher. Ignoring his previous thoughts, Mintpaw climbed up onto the next branch. This one seemed a bit sturdier than the other one, and didn't sag under the combined weights.

Random Melody October 8th, 2016 07:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"You can go back if your scared," Snowpaw mewed. There was no mocking or teasing or jeering tone to her voice; She sounded genuine, slightly concerned. She looked at the ShadowClanner beside her before leaping up onto the next branch, steadying herself quickly before looking down at the Tom. Not too far now.

Gusty October 9th, 2016 10:49 AM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw stared up at the ThunderClanner. He wasn't frightened at being up high, but the way Snowpaw spoke softened his heart. It was as if Mintpaw knew her ever since they were kits; that they had known each other before today's meeting. "No, it's okay. I'm not scared. It's just that this is a new experience for me." He boldly climbed up the next branch, as if to prove his statement.

Random Melody October 9th, 2016 12:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Snowpaw gave him a small smile. It almost felt as if they'd known eachother for a long time, even if they were from different Clans. But did the Clan really matter, honestly? "Alright." She replied. "I know climbing is kinda hard at first, and can seem a little scary, but its not that bad once you learn how." She mewed, smiling before leaping up to the next branch. Sinking her claws in slightly, she looked over at the birds. Only one branch higher.

Gusty October 9th, 2016 02:23 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw nodded. "But hey, I'm not doing too bad for my first time, right?" He said, cocking his head as his paws gripped the next rough branch. His green eyes blinked cheerfully. "I suppose I'm nearly a natural at this." Pushing himself forwards, the tom's head swiveled towards the ground. "Wow, we're really high up. I'm tempted to tell everyone about this."

Random Melody October 9th, 2016 02:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Your actually doing alot better then I did on my first try, and I didnt even go this high then!" Snowpaw giggled, ears pricking up as she looked down, eyebrows raising. "Wow, we are high up. And you could totally impress your friends back in ShadowClan when you come back climbing trees!" She purred, then tensed and leaped up onto the last branch. Sinking her claws into the wood, she looked across into the other tree to the branch where the birds were, ears flicking.

Gusty October 9th, 2016 03:55 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw was genuinely surprised. "So," he started, hoping for a little story. "What exactly happened the first time you were climbing? Anything interesting? A mishap?" He grinned. The tomcat's paws reached upwards to the next branch recklessly, almost toying with the branch.
"Boy, if this really works out, I have a big story to tell." This last part he mumured to himself, as his chest burst with swelling pride.

Random Melody October 9th, 2016 04:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Snowpaw let out a soft laugh, trying not to scare the birds. "Well," She meowed, chuckling softly. "I had the day off, and was feeling pretty daring. And, the one part of my training my mentor hadnt taught me yet was climbing." She steadied herself on the branch. "So, I went through the forest, and came across the tallest tree i'd ever seen in my life. It was huge, i'll tell you that--Even its branches were long." A purr rumbled in her chest. "So, still feeling daring, I managed to get up onto the lowest branch. It was a struggle, i'll tell you, I kept slippin' and fallin'." She chuckled. "So, I stayed on that branch for a while, before deciding I wanted to go higher. So I did, but before I could reach the...Was it the third...Yeah, third branch," She made a face. "It actually took me quite a while to get there, honestly. Like I said, it was my first time, and I was horrible at climbing. Anywho, I heard some kind of weird bird call and looked up and there it was; A hawk. Creepy thing, swooping through the air just a little way above the tree. It wasnt anywhere near me, of course, so I didnt get too frightened until I saw the nest." Snowpaw let out a small laugh, then tensed and leaped up onto the next branch; Now she was one branch higher then the one the birds were on in the other tree, perfect. "Apparently that tree was where 'Momma Bird' laid her eggs. And, from some elders' tales," she raised an eyebrow. "I knew not to mess with, or even go near, a hawks nest, so I tried to get outta there real quick, however, climbing down a tree is even harder then climbing up it!" The memory made her smile. "But, birdy wasnt havin' it, even though I had no intention of hurting the eggs. The hawk was furious, im telling you! It swooped right down for me. So, I did the most logical thing I could think of; I whipped right around, leaped off the branch, and took off as fast as I could." Snowpaw laughed as she finished her story. "Lucky I didnt break a leg...So, I learned a lesson that day; Dont go near a hawks nest because they get mad."

(That. Was. So. LONG. XD)

Gusty October 9th, 2016 05:48 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
(Omg xD)

Mintpaw widened his eyes as the story went on, gasping at the climax and chuckling at the ending. "Well, I suppose you did learn a lesson." He laughed. "But, I do see that the hawk incident didn't make you afraid of climbing. That's good." The tom added. "Or else, I wouldn't be here right now." He paused for a second, thinking about what he had just said.
All the meanwhile, Mintpaw levied himself up onto the next branch. He could see the songbirds chirping a sweet melody. The prey was only a few paw-lengths away... He could almost feel the winged mass in his mouth. He could nearly feel the warm beat of the feathers against his chest.
Even so, he held back. Just a simple move could make the prey out of his grasp, and make the whole climb for nothing.

Random Melody October 9th, 2016 05:54 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
(I know XD)

"I sure did learn a lesson that day," Snowpaw let out a small laugh, the ThunderClan she-cats tail flicking slightly. "Nope. As long as theres no hawk's nest in the tree im climbing, im good." She chuckled softly before falling silent, peering down at the birds just one branch below on the other tree. "Ready?" She whispered to the ShadowClanner beside her, smiling all the while.

MaskedBandits October 9th, 2016 07:44 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
(@echofur) Limoncello padded through the trees. He was acutely aware of all the scents and smells of other cats, but wasn't afraid. There's no way I can get killed. All those clan cats are too weak to even try anymore!

echofur October 9th, 2016 08:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
[MaskedBandits;5534](@echofur) Limoncello padded through the trees. He was acutely aware of all the scents and smells of other cats, but wasn't afraid. There's no way I can get killed. All those clan cats are too weak to even try anymore![/QUOTE]
Echofur paused opening her jaw to drink in the air. She had decided to go hunting by herself. She could smell the thunderpath not far in the distance, its stench making it harder to pinpoint prey. The she-cat moved on moving more towards tallpines, flinching as the inevitable roar of a monster sounded not to far off.

MaskedBandits October 9th, 2016 08:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Limoncello moved swiftly through the oaks, confidently putting his paws down on the rich soil. The cat scent was growing stronger, but again he didn't care. So be it. I can fight. The roar of the Thunderpath grew louder with each step, yet still the yellow tom continued on. Suddenly, he spotted a shape up ahead, moving through the pines. Limoncello couched down and crawled onto the undergrowth. Cat!

Gusty October 9th, 2016 09:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 5354)
(I know XD)

"I sure did learn a lesson that day," Snowpaw let out a small laugh, the ThunderClan she-cats tail flicking slightly. "Nope. As long as theres no hawk's nest in the tree im climbing, im good." She chuckled softly before falling silent, peering down at the birds just one branch below on the other tree. "Ready?" She whispered to the ShadowClanner beside her, smiling all the while.

Mintpaw lowered his head, and began to whisper excitedly. "Yep. Are we just going to jump over?" He asked. The birds were now only a few lengths away, and his paws were itching to pounce onto them. Eyeing the winged prey carefully, Mintpaw steadied himself and prepared for the next move. It would've been a waste of time to climb the tree of the birds flew away anyways, so he would have to make every next move precise.

Random Melody October 9th, 2016 09:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Yup." Snowpaw tensed her muscles silently, then sprang forward at the birds. She snagged ones wing in her claws, her other paw reaching up to grab the branch above her. She sunk her claws into the wood, hanging in the air by her paw as she drew the bird to her with her other paw, biting down on its neck and ending it quickly.

Gusty October 9th, 2016 09:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
Mintpaw watched as Snowpaw fled into the air, landing precisely onto the hazel tree branch and slashing a bird with her mighty paw. Well, now he had no time to waste. The tabby tom fled forwards, soaring in the air for the briefest of seconds. The wind ruffled his long fur slightly, making it a bit messier than usual. Nonetheless, he still managed to land with Snowpaw and hold a gray songbird within his grip. Twitching his lips into a sly smile, Mintpaw watched the prey struggle for a second, and twisted its neck with a snap.

Random Melody October 9th, 2016 09:26 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border
"Great catch, Minty!" Snowpaw purred through the bird that she had in her maw, hauling herself up onto the branch she was hanging from. She steadied herself before grinning. "That was fun."

echofur October 9th, 2016 09:43 PM

Re: ThunderClan | ShadowClan Border

Originally Posted by MaskedBandits (Post 5609)
Limoncello moved swiftly through the oaks, confidently putting his paws down on the rich soil. The cat scent was growing stronger, but again he didn't care. So be it. I can fight. The roar of the Thunderpath grew louder with each step, yet still the yellow tom continued on. Suddenly, he spotted a shape up ahead, moving through the pines. Limoncello couched down and crawled onto the undergrowth. Cat!

Echofur scented the air, noticing an unfamiliar scent beneath the stench of the thunderpath. She dropped into a crouch, taking cover in the tall grass ready to attack the trespassing cat. She noticed a yellow tom a few fox lengths away, starring right at her and she shiver slightly.
"Who are you?" She growled, baring her teeth in warning to the stranger cat. "What are you doing on Thunderclap territory?" Echofur stayed low to the ground, ready to attack.

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