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-   -   Haven Springs (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45924)

vellichor November 7th, 2021 11:34 PM

Haven Springs
Haven Springs

Home to two natural hot springs, that are filled with hot water. To get to it, cats will have to cross a rather rundown looking Twoleg bridge that goes over an empty streambed.

Perfect for a day of relaxation, especially in the colder moons. Surrounded by smooth pebbles and rocks with a mound stretching above, providing an overhanging ledge. This is the one source of water that doesn't seem to freeze over...

Not much water prey can be found here, but a few birds, lizards, and some land prey can be seen scurrying about. A perfect place to hang out, relax, and great for warriors to unwind after a strenuous day.

spade November 7th, 2021 11:34 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Things in RiverClan had been flowing much more smoothly as the days went on. Kestrelstar had headed out rather early in the day to get some hunting down out near Cattail Pond. With a few trout now buried near the bank, the tom had made a detour on his way home.

Cutting quickly through the Thicket and towards the base where the real journey to Lionsrange began, the leader found his attention was drawn by... was that fog? Bits of mist swirled around his paws and the tom halted, confusion crossing his expression. The sun had risen into the sky and was making it's descent already, so any sort of fog was baffling. Still though, Kestrelstar decided to veer off and allow his white paws to traverse the terrain, jaw parted slightly and ears alert for any signs of predators nearby.

After a bit of walking - and a quick determination that he was somewhere between the Thicket and Lionsbeach, Kestrelstar halted. Nose twitching, head ducked low as he stalked forward, passing underneath some excess foliage to reveal... a weird looking Twoleg bridge of sorts covered in moss, and beyond that two ponds?

Cautiously, the RiverClan leader crept forward, examining the moss-covered bridge before him before crossing it and coming to a stop at the edge of the first pond. Even from where he was Kestrelstar could feel the heal warm his chest, the temptation to dip a paw in rather strong. Slowly he eased one forepaw in. The hot water was shocking at first until it gave way to a general feeling of relaxation washing over him. It took a few moments, but soon the gray tabby was slipping up to his shoulders, muscles instantly relaxing. Something about the water seemed so comforting and welcoming, and he allowed his yellow eyes to close as he just floated.

Such peace... serenity... And in the heart of RiverClan territory as well. "This would be a nice place to have come leaf-bare..." the leader thought to himself, opening his eyes to glance around. He stayed in the pond for a few more moments, noting the scenery around him. Pebbles littered the pathway as marsh turned into smooth stone. Behind the first pool he was in was a little rise, marked by the incline of wet rocks leading up to yet another pool. A tall mound reared up in the back, providing an overhanging ledge where springy wildflowers dotted the rather empty space.

A smile came to his face as he nodded, emerging from the pool and fluffing his fur out against the now even chillier breeze. That would take some getting used to, but the pros for obtaining this as part of RiverClan territory far outweighed any cons. With a final nod to the territory and a quick marking, Kestrelstar turned and set off on a rather quick pace back towards camp.

spade November 8th, 2021 12:08 AM

Re: Haven Springs

Event [#event]

[Prior to this: Kestrelstar returned to the Clan to announce he had something exciting to show the rest of the Clan, and a reward for all of their hardwork. Those who wished to join were welcome to follow!]

As Kestrelstar led his Clan through the thick of the territory on a rather well trodden path, he couldn't help but smile. Sure, things could definitely be going better for the leader - memories of his back to back blow outs with Skysplash and Morningpaw still lingered in his mind. But he was beginning to latch onto the moments that made him proud to be RiverClan's leader; his talk with Plumstorm, being able to lean on Snakeheart and Splashleap once more. Slowly but surely, things in RiverClan were returning to normal, and to cement it the leader wanted to take a moment to provide relaxation for RiverClan.

Snaking his way around a few reeds and over scattered pebbles, Kestrelstar came to a halt. Beyond his paws stretched the long journey to Lionsrange, but he wasn't interested in going back out there again. Instead, he took a right and continued through a rather thick patch of foliage. Ducking under a frond, he emerged into a rather spacious outcropping, where the soil turned to pebbly rocks and the steam from a few ponds up ahead mingled with the crisp air. He gave a nod to those behind him to state that it was okay as he gingerly crossed the rotted, moss-covered twoleg bridge, jumping down onto the other side.

Kestrelstar signaled with his tail for the rest of the Clan who had decided to join him to wait where they were as he trekked on ahead, leaping up to one of the more larger stones. "Cats of RiverClan! I want to introduce you to a new section I have claimed for RiverClan's territory: Haven Springs! These pools you see around me are not like those you'll find at Cattail. These are warm, providing extra heat and warmth despite the bone-chilling air leaf-bare usually brings. Take your time slipping into them as they are hot, but once you've warmed up they can be quite relaxing. I want to take the day as a Clan to relax. Share tongues, tell stores, laugh. Recognize how each and every one of you are valuable warriors of RiverClan, and who have pledged their loyalty. I know the past few moons... have been challenging. A lot of that falls on my paws. But today is not about me; today is about celebrating RiverClan and all we have been through."

Kestrelstar paused momentarily to let his gaze sweep the gathered crowd. He hoped that a majority of the Clan had showed up, minus kits and a few queens since this was pretty far outside of camp. He was sure they were getting along just fine back inside the safety of the camp walls what with a majority of the Clan gone.

"Apprentices, you're welcome to create games for each other to play. Warriors, feel free to pass along any skills you have. But for the most part, I want you all to take a moment to breath. You are the best part of RiverClan, and furthermore make me proud to be a leader of such exceptional cats. Now, enjoy the day!"

With that the gray tabby leapt off the large rock towards the middle and weaved his way back into the gathered crowd.



Home to two natural hot springs that have been claimed by Kestrelstar as part of RiverClan's territory.

This event is open to all Warriors, Apprentices, and Elders! Queens and Kits are required to remain in camp during this event

It is an open event where apprentices can all mingle together and share training progress, warriors can share tongues. Some ideas for your cats to do:

- Set up a game of moss ball
- Recall stories of Clan history
- Share and teach different training techniques
- Relax in the hot springs and just breathe

Every 24 hours I will be making a post with Kestrelstar making his way around and speaking to everyone participating. Those who's characters participate will get a simple headshot* of their character drawn and doodled by yours truly. This is to drum up activity for this new location in RiverClan territory!

This event will run from 11/7/2021 until 11/14/2021. I will be ending it at 11:59pm PST next Sunday!


*Headshot limit one per user. If you have more than one character participating, I will select which character gets the headshot.


Dizerel November 8th, 2021 12:26 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Excited murmurs all around as they were being led. Kestrelstar had said it was something good. Something good for the entire clan to see? She was definitely excited as she was hanging around the middle of the pack. Hearing the creaking of the boards from the run-down twoleg bridge underpaw as they traveled. Eventually the air got a bit steamier, hotter, and she was wondering if there was a fire nearby!

Then, she saw it. The hot springs! Absolutely amazed, it was such a wonder that the earth could just naturally produce something like this! She looked around at her clanmates. Some would likely be hesitant to step in, so she decided to set an example.

Stepping away from the group, then letting out a yowl as she charged forward! Straight past Kestrelstar and took a huge dive off the overhanging ledge, her paws flailing as she not so majestically soared through the air! With a huge SPLASH! Sending waves of hotspring water flying out from the pool, more than likely splashing some of those that were unfortunate enough to be standing close.

Appearing back out from under the water. It certainly was pretty hot, and she was worried it was going to burn her, but as she started swimming towards the edge of the pool, her body acclimated to the temperature and it felt juuuuuuuuuuuuust right. "Cmon in everyone! Its perfect!"

(Open to everyone!)

Dirtfur November 8th, 2021 12:41 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Cricketsting followed his leader to an unknown area that he had never seen before in his life. He watched Kestrelstar leapt on a large rock. Listening to the start of the announcement, the young warrior grumbled quietly. “Why couldn’t you say that at River Streamstone instead of walking tree-lengths here!” His ears laid back to his skull in frustration. Did the leader seriously have an empty life that he must take a loonnngg hike to an area that could’ve been mentioned at camp? Listening closely to the second part, he fell his eyes onto the pools that let out steam.

Hmm maybe I’ll give you an exception for once, Kestrelstar of the great RiverClan. Cricketsting mused to himself. His paws itched and stretched the grass floor to leap into one of them, but it would be disrespectful to not pay attention to the leader’s words. Warmth filled his stomach as he heard that it was time to relax for once, for RiverClan! Maybe, just maybe, Cricketsting could take a break from making up tales to frighten apprentices.

The light-cream tomcat pressed his right front paw to the water surface. It stung his toes a little and flinched. After licking it, he does it again. This time he made himself hold his ground. Soon the sting became nothing more than a memory that Cricketsting had forgotten. Soon, the warrior used his other front paw onto the surface, but it was far from the slope, and the young tabby fell in. He floated inside the pond until he lifted himself and pushed to the wall. He licked his chest fur to hide embarrassment.

Loneliness growled inside his heart. Sure it was nice to relax, but he was used to conversations, mainly with Codpaw and his new apprentice, um… Fishpaw? What truly matters is that Cricketsting really needed someone to talk to!


Pitou November 8th, 2021 01:03 AM

Re: Haven Springs

The chance for an adventure would never be turned down, but there was something even sweeter about the leader suggesting the adventure. Codpaw smiled at the thought of going exploring without the looming risk of getting into trouble for it. This would be a completely legitimate and warranted outting. So of course, he was more than happy to follow Kestrelstar out of camp and over the path through their territory. He hopped willingly, trusting, onto the old twoleg bridge and followed their leader to an expanse of rocks surrounding a couple of steaming ponds. He cocked his head curiously, keeping his eyes on the curious ponds as Kestrelstar hopped onto a rock and made his announcements. New Riverclan territory, so he wouldn't even have to sneak off to come explore the place on his own, it was his territory now."Are we sure the twolegs won't return for this?" He mumbled mostly to himself. He wasn't worried, if the twolegs did return they could address it then, more so simply thinking aloud.

Codpaw took Kestrelstar's release and padded curiously towards the water. The steam billowing up danced in odd swirls into the crisp leaf-fall air. It had a sharp scent but it wasn't of twoleg. He'd never seen anything like it and it seemed unnatural that it was water that wasn't cold. A cat whisked past him and leapt into the water, sending a warm spray over him, contrasting unnaturally to the cold air. He shook his spotted pelt out and grinned. He slowly slipped one paw in then another and lowered himself gradually into the hot water. He figured he still preferred the refreshing bite of the cold water but this warmth was sending a sort of looseness through his muscles. Alright, maybe there were some decent benefits to this hot water. He settled into the water and let his eyes take in everything happening around him.

alaskaa November 8th, 2021 01:35 AM

Re: Haven Springs

Hazelpaw looked up, frowning slightly, as she heard Kestrelstar's call.She carefully eased it off her face, replacing her frowny expression with a neutral one.

The apprentice glanced around. She spotted her good friend Codpaw resting in one of the pools, and some other cats. Taking a deep breath, Hazelpaw padded to one of the pools, and stepped back as she spotted a silvery stuff that seemed to be rising from the cool-blue surface. She hesitated, and then casually dipped her paw in.

It was scalding hot, but after a few heartbeats, the heat sent little sparks of warmth along Hazelpaw's pelt. She hadn't noticed she was cold until that. There was only one moon left until leaf-bare rolled around once more, and the winds whistling through the trees were already chilly.

Hazelpaw climbed in, the surface rippling as she felt the ground with her paws. The height of the pool wasn't too tall, and Hazelpaw sat down, watching as water eddied around her pelt. It was nice, feeling this warm. She hadn't been so comfortable in moons.

Kestrelstar should've called this Heaven Springs, she thought as she closed her eyes for a moment, letting her own stressed self relax.

She felt kinda sluggish nd lethargic though, just sitting here. Slowly, Hazelpaw slunk out, dripping water droplets onto the ground. Frowning again, she shook herself vigorously, spraying water drops everywhere.

Shade. November 8th, 2021 02:12 AM

Re: Haven Springs

Lotusheart wasn't expecting this in the slightest. The massive cat was used to Kestrelstar shouting about ward and training and stuff, not relaxation. She wasn't sure what to think. When Junipersong seemed to have confirmed it was safe, Lotusheart dipped a paw. And then another. It was quite nice actually. The huge white cat had floofy fur that floated everywhere.
With a pang of pain she realized Gingerfrost would have loved this. But she didn't like swimming, did he? She was suddenly weirded out by herself. She hadn't thought about him in a while. Why remember now? It pained her, honestly. She wanted to distract herself. So she turned to Junipersong. Man, it was refreshing to not have to look down to look someone in the eye. The two were approximately the same size.
"Wonder what's making them warm." she said.

Lizardfrost was very very confused. She had no idea what was happening. Where was the training? Did the leader say relaxation? That can't be right. She walked around the pools and poked them curiously. Warm. She still didn't know what she was expected to do. All the things Kestrelstar listed seemed unnececarry. She turned to Junipersong, confused.
"What is everyone doing? How are we supposed to train with this?" she asked.

Dizerel November 8th, 2021 02:34 AM

Re: Haven Springs

Originally Posted by Shade. (Post 1093261)

Lotusheart wasn't expecting this in the slightest. The massive cat was used to Kestrelstar shouting about ward and training and stuff, not relaxation. She wasn't sure what to think. When Junipersong seemed to have confirmed it was safe, Lotusheart dipped a paw. And then another. It was quite nice actually. The huge white cat had floofy fur that floated everywhere.
With a pang of pain she realized Gingerfrost would have loved this. But she didn't like swimming, did he? She was suddenly weirded out by herself. She hadn't thought about him in a while. Why remember now? It pained her, honestly. She wanted to distract herself. So she turned to Junipersong. Man, it was refreshing to not have to look down to look someone in the eye. The two were approximately the same size.
"Wonder what's making them warm." she said.

Lizardfrost was very very confused. She had no idea what was happening. Where was the training? Did the leader say relaxation? That can't be right. She walked around the pools and poked them curiously. Warm. She still didn't know what she was expected to do. All the things Kestrelstar listed seemed unnececarry. She turned to Junipersong, confused.
"What is everyone doing? How are we supposed to train with this?" she asked.

Perking her ears as the first of her clanmates approached. "Hmmm. Im not really sure. When I stand on my back paws, the rock at the bottom feels a bit hotter than the water. So maybe its heating it up? but why would rock be hot?" Awkwardly standing on her back feet in the deeper part of the springs. Big cats like them would be some of the only ones who could 'stand up' at practically any part of the spring.

While standing on one's back paws in the water was good for strengthening the legs and improving balance, Junipersong was not here for training. So walking away from the deeper parts of the springs to somewhere she could relax and not exert herself. She wasnt content just to find a nice spot, though. Starclan as her witness, she was going to find the coziest damn spot possible in the hot springs and then likely come here very often to relax in it.

Rxcket_p November 8th, 2021 04:35 AM

Re: Haven Springs

She yawned, this was a pleasant surprise, she jumped to her paws, running into the crowd. "Duck! Duckslip!" She mewed, trying to find the cat she held so dearly. She soon ran out of energy considering the fact she had been expecting for awhile now, she huffed, looking up,
turning to see a few cats she recognized. She shook her head, she atleast needed to find Greypaw, the poor apprentice didn't even know she wouldn't be able to train him soon.

Madelaine November 8th, 2021 05:01 AM

Re: Haven Springs
The normally cheerful cat was now near the back of the crowd. Her father was missing and it was breaking her heart. Without him she felt truly alone. Even this event so far couldn't bring her any joy. As apprentices started making up games she just kept her head low. She didn't want to be part of them, not without Blizzardsky. Petuniapaw looked at Kestrelstar with a weak smile before laying down. Her eyes scanned the new territory. It wouldn't been nice if she wasn't in such a gloomy mood.
This cat on the other hand followed right behind her clanmates. Now look at this. It was so pretty. Even more pretty than starclan. Starclan was pretty yes, but this was better. Hawkpaw jumped right into the nearest pool, but felt how hot it was and jumped right back out. It wasn't just that though she thought she would sink. It was scary.

// both open \\

Raven~ November 8th, 2021 05:33 AM

Re: Haven Springs

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 1093270)
The normally cheerful cat was now near the back of the crowd. Her father was missing and it was breaking her heart. Without him she felt truly alone. Even this event so far couldn't bring her any joy. As apprentices started making up games she just kept her head low. She didn't want to be part of them, not without Blizzardsky. Petuniapaw looked at Kestrelstar with a weak smile before laying down. Her eyes scanned the new territory. It wouldn't been nice if she wasn't in such a gloomy mood.
This cat on the other hand followed right behind her clanmates. Now look at this. It was so pretty. Even more pretty than starclan. Starclan was pretty yes, but this was better. Hawkpaw jumped right into the nearest pool, but felt how hot it was and jumped right back out. It wasn't just that though she thought she would sink. It was scary.

// both open \\

(For Petuniapaw)
Frostpaw strolled up to Petuniapaw. She seemed to be enjoying the sun on her fur or something. Frostpaw wasn’t entirely sure why she was here, but it was something to do. “Hi,” Frostpaw meowed, deciding to mingle. Besides, Petuniapaw liked miserable. Only Frostpaw was allowed be be that miserable.

CatontheMoon November 8th, 2021 05:52 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Flaremist slowly padded into the spring pool. The hot water warmed his paw pads and soothed them from their constant aching. The tabby tom slipped the rest of his body into the water. His head still felt the cold chill of leaf-bare air and the breezes but his bottom half floated comfortably in the warm waters.

"I wonder how Kestrelstar got this territory." He mewed, half to himself and half to the other cats around him. "Did anycat help him while he was granted access to the territory?"

Or was he even granted access at all? Perhaps we're lounging around in some band's territory. He thought, eyeing Kestrelstar as he weaved through the pools, chatting to other cats.

Silverfur & Co November 8th, 2021 06:34 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Snowstripe stand by a pool of water and stood there paws deep only to start with and started purring after wards. Featherpaw looked around wandering who to play moss ball with {open}

DeltaDace November 8th, 2021 07:33 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Bearspot ran right into the spring pool, shouting with delight! He couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. How long was it since he felt the warm water on his body? 4, maybe 5 moons? He swam around, as happy as a little kit.


WinterMara November 8th, 2021 07:45 AM

Re: Haven Springs
| Whitepaw of Riverclan |

She followed the clan, a bit hesitant, but it was good news, right?-. Whitepaw took no more time to think as they arrived, and Kestrelstar explained what it was, a place for relaxation? Hmmm, she could use it, I mean she could always use it, come on now, she totally did the most work in the whole clan!

As everyone began going in, she did as well, putting her paw in, it was hot, the stinging kind, but Kestrelstar had mentioned that before. After taking a deep breath, she went in, for real this time. It wasn't...how she'd expected it to be, then again, she didn't know what she expected, but it was nice.

| Open!

Singing Jay November 8th, 2021 07:53 AM

Re: Haven Springs

~ Silvernight ~

Her deep blue eyes glittered with amusement, joy and curiosity as she delicate she-cat followed her leader on soft paws. When he had first called that he had something he wanted to show them she had been more confused but as she dissuaded to follow with some of the others of her clan-mates her curious nature had taken over and she was now one of the first behind her leader. Silvernight had never been an super energetic cat, being manly driven by her heart and loyalty, but even she had to admit she could feel the same excitement as her clan-mates. Even Kestrelstar himself who usually was so calm (when he was in the right mental state at least) was smiling and clearly hurrying to get there. The crossed some kind of twoleg thing that seemed to be made of wood...

He stopped as they arrived. She listened calmly and respectfully as her leader showed them the new place and nimbly moved to the side of him so she could see... and oh it was beautiful! The silvery she-cat gasped a little, quickly took in a breath as she took in the beauty of his wonderful place.... Smooth little pebbles with two springs, warn to the point of steaming a little. The place seemed free from lizards and frogs unlike some other ponds and small streams around here.

Silvernight moved forward to one of the springs and carefully dipped her paws in, the sitting down and letting her whole for legs rest in the warn water. It hot but only at first and her skin soon got used to it and she quite enjoyed it. Kestrelstar had been right that it was relaxing. She could hear other cats *cough cough Lizardfrost* wounder what the point of relaxing was but she merely chuckled softly to herself, after all the war she though the deserved not to think about clan maters, fighting or Shadowclan and Thunderclan, for just tiny a moment.

She slipped into the water and took a little swim around before finding a place where the water was shallow enough for her to lay down with her head on the pebbles beyond the water and the rest of her body in the warm water.

Wildwhisker November 8th, 2021 08:41 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Skysplash flicked her tail at Kestrelstar. Their skirmish in camp was still fairly recant, and she instinctively watched the grey tabby. Maybe she should relax, should forget all of her problems and sit down. No, she was not the type to do that. Skysplash watched Kestrelstar with narrowed eyes. This was not ending. Not yet.

Skysplash scanned the area. Apprentices wrestled, warriors chatted, and elders relaxed in the springs. Jealousy pricked her like a thorn. Yes, she should, should forget her troubles and just have fun. Skysplash padded to the nearest spring, cautiously wadding in. It smelled horrible, like rotting twoleg trash. And it burned her skin, causing her to leap out. Eventually, after many attempts, she finally got used to the heat and swam deeper. (Open!)

~whirl~ November 8th, 2021 08:57 AM

Re: Haven Springs

This looked nice! Running over to a small pool, she dipped her paw in it. Ivypaw was suprised at how hot it was. Well, time to try a new pool! Ivypaw went to another, and deemed it still too hot, even though it wasn't too hot. Sighing a bit, she jumped in. It was sorta nice? Turning to a random cat, she mewed, "This is nice , isn't it?"

( open )

Spartan-117 November 8th, 2021 09:06 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Eaglepaw looks at the cats around him as he continues to walk, following his mentor. He hangs his head low and he cringes. 'I hope this place is... Going to be better than I though. He looks at Cricketsong. "Hello." He says softly.

windtail November 8th, 2021 09:21 AM

Re: Haven Springs
silverstripe looked around at the place and thought about exploring it

Galaxy_ November 8th, 2021 09:42 AM

Re: Haven Springs
STORMPELT and Bramblepaw

Both tom's walked in and looked at the water it was HOT! Stormpelt purred. Bramblepaw slashed into the water as stormpelt sat down.

duCky November 8th, 2021 09:45 AM

Re: Haven Springs

The apprentice quickly followed their leader in excitement, wondering what cool thing Kestrelstar had planned for his clan last time. Some cats seemed excited, but the majority of them seemed a bit unsure, and Fogpaw wasn’t sure why. Kestrelstar was great! Why be unsure about anything?

Fogpaw got a bit startled at the sudden announcement, but they quickly looked around in awe at what the leader was presenting before them. Hot springs!! Kestrelstar had found hot springs!

The apprentice quickly ran over and dipped their paw in the soothing hot water. Yes, it was definitely super hot at first, but now they could finally get their swimming training done without being freezing! Stepping fully into the water, Fogpaw sat down on one of the rocks, completely unaware of the chilly air moving around them.

“Thanks Kestrelstar!”, they exclaimed, “You’re the best!”

Peril November 8th, 2021 09:49 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Cherryflight :heartbounce: | Open | by a pool
The brown warrior made her way through the crowd. Reaching a spring, she lay down gingerly beside it. Her muscles ached, she'd been doing too much work lately. She'd forgotten her apprentice. She'd worried over the other Clans too much to be healthy for her mind. She'd worried about her own Clan even more. She just wanted to curl up and sleep for moons on end. She closed her eyes as the warm steam dampened her fur, sighing in content.

[ @im a cat, if you want Lightpaw to come by and say hello you can. Cherry'll most likely apologize lots.]

poppy November 8th, 2021 09:51 AM

Re: Haven Springs
| @Angelique :heartbounce:|

It was unlike the massive silver and white tom to take part in social events such as this. He didn´t ever see the point in being social, it just caused stress and anger, and his toleration and patience for those emotions and the cat who caused them was... very low. Blizardwind slunk into the new slice of territory, watchful slate blue eyes fixed steely on Kestrelstar. That same shame bubble up inside him. He left. Him. A senior warrior who hadn´t been away from this territory for longer than two days in the 65 moons he had been apart of RiverClan for, left. To find his dumb, wayward apprentice and his bratty siblings. And now, here he was again. No family, no apprentice. His skin prickled with coolness, but he also noticed how as he got closer to the springs, he began to warm. To sweat. Fuuun.

He was lonely. It was easy to identify his emotions to trace them back to loneliness. He growled under his breath. It was his fault he lost Petuniapaw, but didn´t Kestrelstar leave, too? And he had an apprentice at that time too, an active one, one who hadn´t left the Clan, and Kestrelstar left. He left, not because he wanted to find those important to him, but because he needed time to ¨collect his thoughts¨. It made Blizzardwind.... angry. His blood began to heat, and he set his jaw firmly. No, he wasn´t going to make a scene. He would be mature about this, even if it infuriated him beyond belief. He had left the Clan, after all. But because Petuniapaw was gone, he had no ties to the Clan, therefore... therefore he could go where he needed to go to find her.

All of these thoughts were very stressful, so he shoved them to the back of his mind, and sank into the water, the warmness shooting shots up his veins. He groaned, body quickly adapting to the warmth. This was nice. Could he stay here forever?

Cracking on eye open, he looked around, and then saw a familiar, small white cat. Unconsciously, his slate blue eyes widened and he almost didn´t recognize her. Petuniapaw. He pulled himself out of the spring, and quickly padded over to her. ¨Petuniapaw.¨ He said, sidling up to stand a fox length away from her side. There she was. He thought she was dead, until Kestrelstar informed him that she was, in fact, alive. Joy sparked beneath his pelt, and he couldn´t help the grin.

But his smile faded almost immediately when he saw how troubled she was. What had happened to her?

dino. November 8th, 2021 09:52 AM

Re: Haven Springs
Tumblepaw warily followed after his mentor, unsure of where in the world he was taking them. A small part of him couldn't help but wonder if this was another raid, but the rundown stretch of a rotting Twoleb bridge told him otherwise. This wasn't part of the usual territory, as far as he was aware - but if Kestrelstar was excited about it, then it was probably going to be good, right?

He scooted his way to the front of the crowd to peer at two pools, ears perked up in interest. They seemed shallow enough to stand in, so swimming wouldn't be a problem, at least around the outer edges. Kestrelstar said games were welcome, but a moment to relax was just as tempting. Tumblepaw padded forward and cautiously dabbed at the water with a forepaw. Warm, but not overwhelmingly so. He slipped into the pool, shuddering involuntarily as the water slipped over his shoulders, but resorted to resting his chin on the stone lip with a sigh and closed his eyes. Stars, I could get used to this.

Rani November 8th, 2021 12:50 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Sunsetbloom had decided that Junipersong defiantly had the right idea. The maine coon molly was going to create the biggest splash possible into this warm oasis because there was only one thing to do in the water on a day like this.... Start a splash fight! So after galloping forward and flinging herself into the air Sunsetbloom landed with a large splash creating a wave of water headed right to her fellow giant cat. She quickly resurfaced with a rancorous laughter joy ringing out over the springs for all to hear before calling out. "Beloved! Come join me this is fabulous! I still havent re-payed you for beating me in that splash fight during our first meeting~ I am declaring a watery fight the likes of which the world has never seen! I am the queen of the spring and all those that wish to challenge me will fall to my mighty splashes!" Perhaps it was a bit silly for a full grown warrior to start a splash fight but the brown and white molly was know for being a tad silly. What did it matter though, this was a time for fun and joy Kestrelstar said it himself so a splash fight in such wonderful warm water was totally fitting. Waiting for her darling Palehound to respond Sunsetbloom didnt waste any time grinning wide at Junipersong and sticking her tongue out at her hoping to bait the molly into a water fight.

@Rainquail @Dizerel (open to anyone who wants to water fight!)

Rani November 8th, 2021 01:19 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Padding hessitently towards the spring Snakeheart stopped a cats length away cocking his head at the body of water. It was steaming? And warm apparently.... This was strange so strange how could water be warm if the area around it wasnt, it was leafbare or nearly so, how could the pools be warm without the sun to heat it? Ever a cat trained to think the tom scooted forward slowly before gently dipping a paw in before he retracted it in shock. It was warm! Like actually warm how was this possible???? Snakeheart was right next to the ponds now huddled on the lip of the overhang and one pawstep from going in but he refused to. He was too busy sniffing the water trying to figure this whole thing out, noting the strange but not bad scent the water had. A pink tongue flicked out to taste it and nose barley a mouse length from the edge the tom hummed in confusion as the odd taste he couldnt place. It wasnt strong enough to be a worry but it was obviously something odd to do with the waters strange properties! What was even going on here?!?!

Snakeheart perched at the lip of a small overhang, one hard shove from flying into the water was completely unaware of the world around him. Captivated with this puzzle in front of him.

(Closed for grim)

marshy November 8th, 2021 01:48 PM

Re: Haven Springs
// @Rani


Sparrowskip was excited to see the reward Kestrelstar had planned for the clan and was surprised to see, a hot spring?? Sparrowskip wasn't even sure how Kestrelstar had managed to find such a place but, it wasn't like he was complaining or anything. As he looked around he saw Snakeheart standing nearby and he decided that it was as good a time as ever to catch up with the young tom. As he neared closer though, the kit inside him laughed maniacally as he noticed how close Snakeheart was to the hotspring. Sparrowskip wasn't usually one to do this buut, he hadn't had any real fun in a while and this might just be his chance. He put on the warmest smile he could muster and padded up to Snakeheart. "Snakeheart hey! Its been a bit, how're you holding up?"

error November 8th, 2021 02:33 PM

Re: Haven Springs

At the call of her gray leader, the silver smokey she-cat padded over, and listened intently on the announcement of the springs. She smiled. Some warm pools to just lay in? Finally, something relaxing. Slipping in, she sighed, letting the hot water warm her pelt. Stars, it has been a long time since she had lay to calm down.



As the announcement was made of the warm pools, her eyes it up. The russet-colored she-cat had such a thin pelt, she had been freezing this past month. She gently padded in, letting the pool warm her body. She grinned, closing her eyes in satisfaction.


Courage November 8th, 2021 03:32 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Riverstripe sat in the springs and relaxed. ahhh it was warm and comfterble, qite diferent from the cold day. The springs where pleasantly warm and the vegetation was beautifull. Riverstripe padded up to Maplepaw and said "So hows yuor training coming long?" @error

gs29513 November 8th, 2021 05:14 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Wow. That was all Splashleap could think, just......wow. How had she not known about this? It was practically perfect, a bit of Starclan on earth, or how she imagined Starclan might be anyway. Beautiful, with crystal clear pools and soft grass, and functional, with the steaming water that seemed to be transforming the cats that slid into it into younger, happier versions of themselves. WELL. That was something she wanted to try! But.....she was still suspicious. Sure Kestrelstar had brought them here, but steaming water......that was not normal.

Pawing quickly at the surface, she was pleased to find that it did not immediately scorch her paw into oblivion. Yes! Holding the paw in for a few moments this time she was pleased again to discover that it was little more than a wet warmth invading her fur, and after a few more experiments with various limbs she slid into it with a soft sigh as it closed over her head. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. THIS was nice.

Resurfacing with a soft burble as her nose was cleared of water, the deputy looked around. It seemed she wasn't the only one enjoying the water, almost every face seemed content. So she just.....relaxed for a while. Floated, suspended in the warmth. A hazy memory of something warm like this fluttered through her mind, something warm and dark before it was suddenly light and cold. But these memories were quickly banished by a wave smacking into her closed eyes.

Shaking her head and peering about, she soon spotted the culprit. Sunsetbloom! Who seemed to be looking for a water fight? While she didn't have the mass to be thrown around that the larger molly had, she wasn't completely useless in the water. She wouldn't be Riverclan if she was!

Creeping out of the pool with a shiver, Splashleap moved quietly along the bank until she was close enough to the warrior that she thought she could reach her if she jumped strongly enough. And then, backing up for a running start, she launched herself into the air.


Falling short of her intended target, breath knocked out of her in one, big huff, Splashleap sunk dazedly through the water for a moment before pushing off the bottom to resurface, spluttering slightly. Immediately, she directed her attention to the large molly. Did I get you? she inquired, ears perked as she treaded water. The indignity of it all would surely occur soon enough, but for now, acting like a kit was FAR more enjoyable, and if someone else was doing she was surely going to follow along! @Rani

wolfie November 8th, 2021 05:58 PM

Re: Haven Springs
// open for interaction!!
As they trailed further and further away from camp, a buzz of anxiety was swarming inside the warrior's busy mind. Worry about whether or not this was a wise trip but curiosity chewed at him with the promise of something exciting. It came clear to Wormbite that they were entering onto a new part of their territory and every pawstep became more and more cautious. His blind gaze fixated on the blurry ground as they traveled. The soil transformed into pebbles and the oriental began to slow down his speed, his tail flickering back and forth with mild distaste. Across a.. twoleg bridge and they came to a halt. Their destination.

His misshaped ears perked up at quiet awes and in return he let out a confused honk. The air was warm and moist here. Wormbite listened to Kestrelstar's words and did decide to not input something sarcastic. (It was tempting) He was trying and that really was something. The fact their leader went out of a way to bring them here to have them just.. relax. Relaxation was a foreign idea to him at this point but he couldn't help but feel intrigued. A small smile wiggled it's way onto his face, the idea of soaking in water did sound amazing at the moment. Just,, just a little bit questionable?

The Dark Lord was quick to paddle up to the strange pools, hesitantly he poked a paw into the hot water. He tilted his head, his whiskers twitching in confusion. It was not a lie. Wormbite leaned down to stare intensely at it. Maybe Snakeheart knew the answers to this. Hmm.. Another interested honk escaped from him and he slowly slip into the pool, emerging himself into the warm water. Relief washed over his aching body. Wormbite mrrowed happily, completely disappearing under said water. Only what remained was a pink nose poking out, misshaped ears, and a dark ominous shadow in the water.


he wondered if he could sleep in here..

Sklee November 8th, 2021 07:41 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Amberpaw looked around the area, hugely excited. A whole new area for Riverclan! After listening to Kestrelstar, she quickly began swimming in one of the pools. They were just as warm as promised, and she quickly adjusted to the temperature. As she was swimming around, she bumped into another apprentice. "Oh, sorry! Who are you?"

@error (You don't have to do one, but you said you're open so I figured I'd try)

Rani November 8th, 2021 07:45 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Snakeheart nearly jumped at the sudden voice he wasnt expecting barely holding in the movement that'd send him into the drink as his head whipped around to look at the disturbance. "Oh, its just you, hey Sparrowskip. Im doing alright considering, been feeling less jumpy and more normal latley. Want to join me? Im trying to figure out why the waters warm but Im having no luck...." He was completely oblivious to Sparrowskips mischievous plans or the watery fate he was soon to meet. Nope the cause for the joy his ex mentor was expressing was simply taken in stride and not paused on for long, the older tom had always been the cheerful one of the duo so the suspicious warmth wasnt examined as it should be.... Nope he just went back to sniffing at the steaming water, unaware.

Rani November 8th, 2021 07:55 PM

Re: Haven Springs
A challenger approached! And it was the deputy, a worthy opponent!
Sunsetbloom, more then large enough to stand in this semi shallow lip they were on shook herself like a dog spraying the water Splashleap had tossed at her everywhere laughing as she did so. With a faux haughty bellow she stood tall declaring, "You may have got me but not for long! I am the undefeated tyrant and your petty splashes are only turned to my advantage! Mwahahahaha! I advise you to rally your troops oh deputy, for it shall take an army to defeat me!" putting on her best 'evil shadowclan dictator' voice (read: goofy Dawnstar imitation) to challenge both Splashleap and anyone who was even remotely close to her. To hopefully taunt more cats into joining the waterfight she shook herself again spraying anyone in the vicinity with water droplets flying off of her thick fur.

@gs29513 (also open to anyone who wishes to join the water fight!)

plum November 8th, 2021 07:58 PM

Re: Haven Springs
[ open? - @Zero in case you want Iris in c: ]

How had he managed it? Plumstorm was fashionably late to the party, having been a little more than preoccupied with being injured. But she didn't want to lay around all day! She ambles to the hot springs after poking around camp for Irispaw, hoping to have found her to bring her out as well. Just a little quick look!

But the scene before her as she arrived was unexpected. She finds herself frozen in place staring as Clanmates around her frolicked. A small chuckle escapes her maw. "You've outdone yourself," she mutters under her breath, before beginning to limp around the new location. Time to explore the dry land!

vcrdant November 8th, 2021 08:51 PM

Re: Haven Springs
(( open for interaction with anyone!! :heartbounce: ))

Following the rest of the clan with his head high, Ryebelly suddenly came to a complete stop upon reaching the new piece of territory. As Kestrelstar began to explain this new land, excitement filled the young warrior up to the brim, as he was itching to just go ahead and dash into the springs. After all, this was huge news! A new location meant a new place to explore, which Ryebelly always looked forward to. As soon as the leader finished his talking, Ryebelly immediately shot forward towards one of the springs. A loud noise of excitement escaped him as he neared it, his paws thudding against the ground. Of course, nothing new there; he was pretty much known for his enthusiasm and sometimes childish manner. The tom slammed one of his paws into the water before swiftly bringing it back. “Woahh! Hotter than I expected!” Laughing it off, he slowly entered the pool, beginning to understand why Kestrelstar recommended entering the springs slowly at first. Once he was fully in the pool, the tom splashed some of the water around, letting out some giggles and laughs. The warmth did make him feel a bit relaxed, but he still had a bit of his restless and energetic nature left in him.

Pitou November 8th, 2021 08:53 PM

Re: Haven Springs

Originally Posted by Papaya (Post 1093346)
Tumblepaw warily followed after his mentor, unsure of where in the world he was taking them. A small part of him couldn't help but wonder if this was another raid, but the rundown stretch of a rotting Twoleb bridge told him otherwise. This wasn't part of the usual territory, as far as he was aware - but if Kestrelstar was excited about it, then it was probably going to be good, right?

He scooted his way to the front of the crowd to peer at two pools, ears perked up in interest. They seemed shallow enough to stand in, so swimming wouldn't be a problem, at least around the outer edges. Kestrelstar said games were welcome, but a moment to relax was just as tempting. Tumblepaw padded forward and cautiously dabbed at the water with a forepaw. Warm, but not overwhelmingly so. He slipped into the pool, shuddering involuntarily as the water slipped over his shoulders, but resorted to resting his chin on the stone lip with a sigh and closed his eyes. Stars, I could get used to this.


As his muscles relaxed into the heat of the water, Codpaw sighed and let his eyes open lazily. He watched the cats around him checking out the new place, conversing amongst each other, enjoying the water. His green eyes settled on Tumblepaw, seeming to be in a sleepy trance induced by the warm water. A smile popped across his mouth and he waded through the water until he was near the other apprentice. Relaxing back into the water, he meowed, "This was a neat find by Kestrelstar, huh? I wonder how he found it."

duskfire1 November 8th, 2021 08:55 PM

Re: Haven Springs
Shallowstep stared his mouth slightly gaped open as he stared at the Springs, the mist swirling around him, lightly disturbing his fur in the most gentle way possible.
He breathed in the warm air, his sinuses suddenly clearing.
Shaking out his fur, he looked around, studying the warm, soothing pools that stood before him.
His heart leaped in fear when he saw a looming shadow in one of the pools, and he backed away, his ears flattened.
He looked around to see if anyone else noticed it, but everyone else was taking to themselves, or chatting it away with another cat. Some were even doing "battles" or water fights.
He quickly strode twoards the pool, his fur fluffed and his ears pricked.
He spotted a nose poking up, and some out of shape ears jabbed out of the waters surface.
He relaxed a little once he noticed it was a cat, and nervously stared at it.
"Uhh, hello?"

[ @x ghostie ]

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