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dino. May 20th, 2023 08:50 PM

ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
Settled between the nursery and apprentices' den, and large enough to hold several warriors, the healers themselves, and the herb storage—the medicine den shelters under the roots of an old, sprawling tree and stretches under the earth itself. The stream that runs through the middle of camp circles through the main portion of the den.

elaif May 25th, 2023 05:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Trying to even out unsteady raspy breaths, Crackle'paw shoved himself in to the Medicine den. The many cuts along his torso stung to high heaven, but being the brave and fearless cat that he was, he didn't dare show it. The golden pair of eyes flashed paranoid looks around the den before stomping himself all the way inside. Shaking out the white pelt that was now streaked in blood, the sinewy apprentice announced his presence. "Medicine cat! I demand your assistance! " The rough voice ended in a few signature coughs, before he plopped down onto the ground; blood stained paws impatiently clawing at the ground.

// I'm sure if should mention anyone lol \\

littlelove May 26th, 2023 08:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Leafí (Post 1423565)

Trying to even out unsteady raspy breaths, Crackle'paw shoved himself in to the Medicine den. The many cuts along his torso stung to high heaven, but being the brave and fearless cat that he was, he didn't dare show it. The golden pair of eyes flashed paranoid looks around the den before stomping himself all the way inside. Shaking out the white pelt that was now streaked in blood, the sinewy apprentice announced his presence. "Medicine cat! I demand your assistance! " The rough voice ended in a few signature coughs, before he plopped down onto the ground; blood stained paws impatiently clawing at the ground.

// I'm sure if should mention anyone lol \\

This new medicine den felt... Emptier. Even after the apprentice had taken the liberty of decorating it, hanging moss between the entrance that lay between the main and quarantine part of the den, it still felt empty. The whole camp felt empty, actually.

But Cinderpaw didn't have the time to really dwell on that right now. Especially not when the pale form of an apprentice burst into the den, fur very noticeably stained with blood. The tabby's face turned grave, rushing to steady Cracklepaw should the wounds be severe enough to make him collapse.

"Let's lie down. What or who did this to you?" She asked, urgency lacing her voice. She attempted to guide the young tom to a nest where he'd hopefully rest, and disappeared past the moss curtains for a moment to gather what she needed - marigold, and a couple cobwebs that Gentledoe and Spiderthroat had brought back.

Beginning to chew the plant into a poultice, like she'd done with Ospreypaw before, she began examining the troublesome tom's injuries. The one above the eye seemed to be the worst.

Was she wrong in thinking this was from a fight? He was definitely something of a provoker - Cinderpaw had heard the things he'd said to Winterpaw, after all. Him getting into a scrap with a denmate definitely wouldn't be beyond belief. Still, she remained silent as she moved to spread the poultice across the gash carved in his forehead.

[ - 2 marigold, - 2 cobwebs ]

[ also please mention me!! ty! ]

elaif May 26th, 2023 10:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Annoyance burning his pelt more than the bloody cuts, Crackle'paw bit back a hiss of defiance. The medicine cats guidance was unwanted, so he jerked away from the shoulder that attempted to assist him. " Gah! I'm fully capable of walking there myself! " he snapped the words a bit more bitterly than expected. He wasn't a cripple! He had his own legs, and he certainly didn't need to be coddled like some child! Huffing out a growl he followed Cinder'paw to a nest and took a seat.

Flicking his whip like tail over his paws, the apprentice flattened his large ears in response to the question. Should he tell her the truth? Would she snitch on his actions? Now that he thought of it... Yes she most certainly would tell everyone, and then he'd be in deep trouble. Not wanting to let his guard down, he automatically snapped out a quick response " Nothing of your concern! Stick to your job and let me be!" hunching his shoulders, he was amply aware of how defensive he sounded. All the more suspicious to someone who was looking for answers. Answers that he wasn't willing to give fully. Regaining his composer, Crackle'paw winced as she slathered the weird looking slop into his cut. He once again bit back an aggressive snarl by clenching his jaw firmly.

Letting the silence slide by for a few more heartbeats he opened his mouth and restated his answer, " But, if you must know, I got into a fight with a... Rogue.."Yup it was definitely a rogue. " They crossed our border and became a problem, so being the warrior that I am," he stated proudly " I removed the problem." A small smile that wavered on the edge of pure insanity and quiet humor, formed across his maw. " You needn't worry about it though, they won't come back. Ever." A soft giggling rolled in his throat as the memories of whatever happened replayed in his mind. He had technically told the truth... He just twisted it ever so slightly to fit his needs. As far as he was concerned this dim wit didn't need to know about his personal business, she could stick to her own business. And that was tending to theses wretched wounds.

// @littlelove \\

littlelove May 27th, 2023 10:24 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Leafí (Post 1424229)

Annoyance burning his pelt more than the bloody cuts, Crackle'paw bit back a hiss of defiance. The medicine cats guidance was unwanted, so he jerked away from the shoulder that attempted to assist him. " Gah! I'm fully capable of walking there myself! " he snapped the words a bit more bitterly than expected. He wasn't a cripple! He had his own legs, and he certainly didn't need to be coddled like some child! Huffing out a growl he followed Cinder'paw to a nest and took a seat.

Flicking his whip like tail over his paws, the apprentice flattened his large ears in response to the question. Should he tell her the truth? Would she snitch on his actions? Now that he thought of it... Yes she most certainly would tell everyone, and then he'd be in deep trouble. Not wanting to let his guard down, he automatically snapped out a quick response " Nothing of your concern! Stick to your job and let me be!" hunching his shoulders, he was amply aware of how defensive he sounded. All the more suspicious to someone who was looking for answers. Answers that he wasn't willing to give fully. Regaining his composer, Crackle'paw winced as she slathered the weird looking slop into his cut. He once again bit back an aggressive snarl by clenching his jaw firmly.

Letting the silence slide by for a few more heartbeats he opened his mouth and restated his answer, " But, if you must know, I got into a fight with a... Rogue.."Yup it was definitely a rogue. " They crossed our border and became a problem, so being the warrior that I am," he stated proudly " I removed the problem." A small smile that wavered on the edge of pure insanity and quiet humor, formed across his maw. " You needn't worry about it though, they won't come back. Ever." A soft giggling rolled in his throat as the memories of whatever happened replayed in his mind. He had technically told the truth... He just twisted it ever so slightly to fit his needs. As far as he was concerned this dim wit didn't need to know about his personal business, she could stick to her own business. And that was tending to theses wretched wounds.

// @littlelove \\

"Alright, alright. Simmer down, would 'ya?" He was... certainly a spicy one, wasn't he? Still, Cinderpaw refused to let up on her questioning - Even if the tom smelt mostly like Thunderclan, something so faint it was almost unrecognizable clung to his pelt. She took a few moments during his recount of his story to analyze it.

As she applied cobwebs to the wound over his eye, it clicked. "You know, you aren't supposed to be out alone, let alone by Shadowclan border." Cinderpaw normally wouldn't particularly care, but bouncing around by their border with them was no joke at this point, not after Dawnpaw. Still, the information was troubling. She knew their border markings were probably weak thanks to the whole... camp getting swallowed by the earth thing, but nobody caught a rogue until an apprentice did? Stars. She continued in applying the ointment and pasting cobwebs over the smaller wounds. "I'll be letting Thrush-- star know to do something about all of that."

"You won't be steppin' a paw out of camp until all of this--" She paused, to gesture at the wounds across his back and face that she was almost done bandaging. "--is healed. You hear me?"

Besides the fact she doubted he would give the wounds time to heal judging his personality, the way he spoke about... removing the rogue made something within her feel... off. It wasn't his job to be running rogues off the territory anyway, and she'd train him personally if he felt being confined to camp was halting his training. Some of these kids just needed an eye kept on them, because of all they'd experienced. "Aaaaaaand... you're done. Make sure the cobweb over your eye doesn't fall off." She knew how hard it was to get it to stick on faces.


It wouldn't stop bleeding. All the scratches and tears along her back had clotted and dried up into scabs thanks to her grooming, but the one along her foreleg hadn't. She lapped at it again, metallic tang of blood against her tongue overwhelming, and pulled back to inspect it again.

Near-instantly, more blood came forth to stain her fur, and she let out an irritated groan. Sure, it wasn't a big deal, but it was annoying to go around bleeding on everything! She'd already dribbled a line of it across the camp clearing, much to her embarrassment. No way was she wasting any herbs on herself either - she'd already used up more moss than she wanted trying to soak it away. Not to mention it was beginning to sting with how many times she'd poked at it in impatience.

In her waiting for it to stop, her mind drifted to what they actually had in stock. They had more cobwebs now, thankfully, more marigold than they'd hopefully need for a while, and... well, Spiderthroat had brought in these bright red flowers. Roses, probably? She'd never heard of any use for them before from Sundust, so she just kind of assumed they'd end up wilting away in the back of their stores.

... She peeked her head through the moss and into the shadows of their new herb stores, and at the crimson flowers. A couple had already fallen off, strewn across the stones and appeared almost like pools of blood in the darkness.

They'd rot away anyway. She wasn't a wasteful cat, most of the time. She was the only one that she could test them on. At least, that's what Cinderpaw said to herself as she dove into the darkness to grab a clump of petals off of the flower head (that was the least thorny part, and she'd like to at least delay the whole "more pain" thing) and pasted a couple onto her wound. Worst case scenario, they didn't work. Well, worst-worst case scenario, they'd actually poison her and die. But she'd never heard about them being toxic, and at least that'd be a funny way to go.

After a few minutes, she lifted it off of her wound, only to find still-wet blood staining the underside. Dammit.

Could she think for a moment? How many times had she had to use entire petals or leaves before? ...Well, she hadn't been doing this for very long yet, but it was usually that she had to chew them up before they did anything. At least, that's how you used marigold, and that was also a flower, so maybe all flowers worked like that. She didn't spend a whole lot of time looking at flowers, if you could tell. The tabby went to pluck the other half of petals off of the flower's head, leaving it bare.

Making things into a poultice was what she knew best, and as she spread the sweet ointment onto her wound she wondered where her exploratory spirit had gone. Was she still the cat who snuck out of camp and brandished a centipede against her denmates and walked for seasons just to track down some star in the sky?

Probably not, but she was supposed to be. When she scraped the poultice off to find her cut had clotted over, she figured she should try this sort of thing more often.

Maybe she'd try the stem sometime later, much to the chagrin of her mouth. You couldn't have prosperity without suffering, or something.

[ -1 rose ]

stag May 29th, 2023 08:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
They/Them | Thunderclan Warrior

The first place they went to look, blue eyes scanning even deeper as they went further into the dena Ms even in the herbstorage in case Rainfall was hiding back there. When the warrior could locate them in the den, they exited and moved onto the next spot of their search for Rainfall.

Shade. May 30th, 2023 11:50 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

The medicine den felt like an old friend to Roseraven. She hadn't realized how much she missed this place. The herby smell was strong but nostalgic. But she could not allow herself to linger. The adrenalin was wearing off, and she needed to do as much as she could before breaking down.

The young cat made a B-line for the herb storage, with brisk steps. Some of the plants were a bit stale but they would do. It seemed they were a bit low on borage and burnet, and had no dock leaves, though admittedly those were optional.

The tabby grabbed a wad of moss and dipped it in the medicine den stream. She walked over stiffly to Spiderthroat and began dabbing up the wounds on his pelt. If he were to protest she would just glare at him. She wasn't sure why he was wounded. He was a violent ruffian, maybe he was out fighting people for no reason.

The she-cat's paws worked fast, with medical precision. After cleaning up his wounds, she added some marigold and closed them up with cobwebs.

"Done. Do you feel like going out to get some herbs or would you rather I wait for you to feel better." she asked with an even tone.

( -2 marigold, -2 cobwebs)

Starfall June 1st, 2023 11:23 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den


The Calico watched as the stand in medicine cat patched him up. Ears twitching, a million questions running through his mind. Much like 'why are you so dramatic?' and 'why's that smell a little bitter.' and 'did I properly bury the body?' The things that most cats think about on a day to day basis.

"So. You wanna tell me what the yellow flower does or do we want me to mess around and find out?" he asked as he looked down at where it was wrapped.

Than she asked about herbs, and the Warrior lifted his head. "I can send em out, I've had enough outings for the day. Thanks for the patchup." he chuffed.

Shade. June 3rd, 2023 07:36 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 1426843)


The Calico watched as the stand in medicine cat patched him up. Ears twitching, a million questions running through his mind. Much like 'why are you so dramatic?' and 'why's that smell a little bitter.' and 'did I properly bury the body?' The things that most cats think about on a day to day basis.

"So. You wanna tell me what the yellow flower does or do we want me to mess around and find out?" he asked as he looked down at where it was wrapped.

Than she asked about herbs, and the Warrior lifted his head. "I can send em out, I've had enough outings for the day. Thanks for the patchup." he chuffed.

Roseraven was happy to at least be a bit useful. She was surprised that she'd been able to slip into the routine of healing. She thought she'd never heal again. It was nice. But it would end eventually. It would be good for others to know how too.

"It's marigold. You mush it up and put it over wounds to prevent or heal infection."
she explained.

"I didn't think it we were low enough on herbs for a full patrol, but I suppose it would be good anyway. Very well, we'll need borage, burnet, cobwebs and dock leaves." she declared coldly.

dino. June 8th, 2023 07:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
[ @Omari @ares ]

Bumblestar hadn't visited this den yet following the rebuilding, but there was always a first for everything. Following the meeting, she had lingered back to give the new healers space, but she was bored now, and now was really as good a time as any. The cream and brown tabby side-stepped the stream that trickled into the opening and poked her head inside, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the dimmer light.

"Yo, Drizzlecloud, Springpaw. You guys good to have that chat right now?"

Omari June 8th, 2023 08:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

It was only fair for her to be anxious right now, right? Certainly Springpaw–and perhaps Alderstep, too–were feeling the same after the recent meeting. Despite her anxieties, she tried her best to put up a relaxed front. It was less for her sake, more for Springpaw’s.

In comparison to the warriors den, this one felt… More empty. The fact that she had a companion, her apprentice, who would also be staying here, made her feel a bit more at ease.

At the sound of Bumblestar’s voice, Drizzlecloud trilled before she turned her attention towards her. Was she expecting her arrival? Yes. Did her arrival still kind of spook her? Most definitely! “Yes, I believe so.”

[ @ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]

iliri June 8th, 2023 08:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Being inside of the newly built medicine den for the first time felt… strange.

Springpaw’s eyes trailed around the dimly lit atmosphere as her oceanic hues took in every vibrant color of what she could see. It felt so quiet in contrast to the loud chatters of the apprentices in the apprentice den. Her nose twitched from the scent of vagrant herbs that had formerly remained untouched. Yet, against the silent quiet atmosphere she felt in this den, she could still feel a wave of unease cast itself among her shoulders. Anxiety churned itself in her chest as it weighed itself like a heavy barrel, ears tucked back as her eyes continued to glance around in the den. The fact that she now received Drizzlecloud as a mentor and a companion felt… surprisingly good? She barely knew the molly, yet she felt better receiving her as a mentor due to her kind-hearted nature and her soft spoken demeanor. It felt somewhat right to the pastel calico.

A quiet yelp escaped her throat when Bumblestar suddenly popped her head into the den, Springpaw whipping her head to face the direction of the cream-and-brown tabby molly. The apprentice quickly shifted herself around so she could properly look at the leader, watching her paw-steps so that she didn’t accidentally make a fool of herself and slip into the small stream. That would’ve just been embarrassing. Her ears then quickly twitched in the direction of Drizzlecloud as she listened to the medicine cat speak, Springpaw casting a small glance towards her mentor. Within in realization that she was going to need to speak, the pastel calico quickly swiped her tongue across her lips to cast some sort of moisture over them as they felt embarrassingly dry, and slowly nodded her head. ”Y… Yeah ma’am, we believe so.” Springpaw felt embarrassed that her words sounded meek, clearing her throat and standing up taller to straighten herself in a better position. She didn’t want to look like a fool in front of her own leader. Especially when she was the new medicine cat apprentice.


@dino. @Omari

dino. June 8th, 2023 10:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
[ @ares @Omari ]

Oh, good, they were both here. Bumblestar gave a snort of amusement at Springpaw's greeting. "Don't call me that, 'm barely a warrior myself."

She took a seat to the side of the den, tail curled neatly around her paws. Her posture was much more relaxed than it had been at the meeting, expression softer as she glanced them over.

"I just wanted to go over what I expect to see from you both here." Nothing major, just a simple rundown. "You're new to this, I get it, so I'll give you time to get settled in. But if it's been a few moons and I haven't seen anything—no patrols, no learning, no healing getting done—we're gonna have big problems. I didn't give you both these positions just to watch you sit around on your asses all day, 'n I'm not opposed to completely disregarding whatever StarClan tells me if I feel like it. You're in charge of keepin' my Clan healthy. Understand so far?"

Omari June 9th, 2023 05:28 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud shifted slightly so that her body would be fully facing Bumblestar, although she sat near Springpaw's side, oddly enough finding comfort in the young she-cat's presence.

Bumblestar's rundown was fair–it made sense, and she kind of expected most of the things that she said. It was their job to heal their clanmates and take care of the herb storage, make sure that things were in order. Her main concern was learning how to be an effective Medicine Cat, and how she was going to pass that knowledge down to Springpaw. She supposed that she'd have to start reaching out for help.

"Yes, we understand."
Drizzlecloud nodded, offering their leader a reassuring smile.

[ @ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]

iliri June 9th, 2023 05:36 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Springpaw felt a little bit relieved that Bumblestar didn’t want her to call her ma’am, however, her muscles were still tensed as her tail was tightly curled around herself. Her ears took in Bumblestar’s words, slowly nodding her head along with each of them. Of course they were going to need to learn how to heal the sick and weak and get settled in, Springpaw was well aware of that. However, she couldn’t help but feel a question wonder in the further depths of her mind, causing her brows to furrow slightly as she tilted her head.

“Well… B-Bumblestar, I know that Roseraven had been a medicine cat before and we could use her knowledge, but could we possibly go to the other clans to learn more about how to heal the sick and weak as well? In case Roseraven doesn’t know about all the properties and knowledge of herbs?” Springpaw questioned, confidence leaning into her voice. She felt like that was well-needed, and honestly? It was. Springpaw didn’t know how to properly handle herself if her confidence just constantly went down-hill.


@dino. @Omari

dino. June 12th, 2023 10:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1431106)

Drizzlecloud shifted slightly so that her body would be fully facing Bumblestar, although she sat near Springpaw's side, oddly enough finding comfort in the young she-cat's presence.

Bumblestar's rundown was fair–it made sense, and she kind of expected most of the things that she said. It was their job to heal their clanmates and take care of the herb storage, make sure that things were in order. Her main concern was learning how to be an effective Medicine Cat, and how she was going to pass that knowledge down to Springpaw. She supposed that she'd have to start reaching out for help.

"Yes, we understand."
Drizzlecloud nodded, offering their leader a reassuring smile.

[ @ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]


Originally Posted by ares (Post 1431107)
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Springpaw felt a little bit relieved that Bumblestar didn’t want her to call her ma’am, however, her muscles were still tensed as her tail was tightly curled around herself. Her ears took in Bumblestar’s words, slowly nodding her head along with each of them. Of course they were going to need to learn how to heal the sick and weak and get settled in, Springpaw was well aware of that. However, she couldn’t help but feel a question wonder in the further depths of her mind, causing her brows to furrow slightly as she tilted her head.

“Well… B-Bumblestar, I know that Roseraven had been a medicine cat before and we could use her knowledge, but could we possibly go to the other clans to learn more about how to heal the sick and weak as well? In case Roseraven doesn’t know about all the properties and knowledge of herbs?” Springpaw questioned, confidence leaning into her voice. She felt like that was well-needed, and honestly? It was. Springpaw didn’t know how to properly handle herself if her confidence just constantly went down-hill.


@dino. @Omari

Bumblestar's attention darted to Springpaw as she she-cat spoke up. "That'd be preferred, yeah. See what Roseraven knows first, then try the other medicine cats. WindClan is the least of our worries right now, so it might be smarter to go there first. Of course..."

She trailed off for a moment, debating. "I've picked up a couple of things, too, so after I'm done here, if you two want some learning right off the bat's wing, I'm more than open."

Now, to another point she wanted to make. She returned her gaze to Drizzlecloud. "I didn't reassign Ospreypaw during the meeting again 'cause I wanted to see what you thought of this before makin' any decisions, but if you wanted to keep doing warrior duties—trainin' apprentices, participating in battles, that kinda thing—while you're doing this, that's fine by me. If not, that's fine, too; it's up to you. Just let me know what you wanna do, and I handle Ospreypaw if I need to."

Omari June 13th, 2023 08:18 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Figures, Drizzlecloud thought. Roseraven would certainly be their first cat to go to. She personally didn’t hold any awful opinions about her–she didn’t have any right to. Sure, be careful and all, she knew that, but she didn’t really have any rough opinions on the molly in question.

“Really?” Drizzlecloud blurted out, leaning forward with slightly wide eyes. After a couple of awkward blinks, she sat up straight, fixing her posture. “Sorry, ehm–I just really want to jump on learning as much as we possibly can as soon as possible.”

Ah, right, Ospreypaw. The excitement of her new rank and all of the responsibilities that came with it made her forget about Ospreypaw’s mentor reassignment–that mentor being her. Although she would certainly be busy with getting accustomed to her new role in the clan, along with also trying to find ways to teach Springpaw about this new job of theirs, she was certain that she’d have enough time to train Ospreypaw as well. If she couldn’t though, she’d just go to Bumblestar, like she said. “I’d like to give it a shot, first. I wouldn’t want to shoot down the opportunity of training another warrior without at least trying to first.”

[@ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]

iliri June 13th, 2023 12:16 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Springpaw slowly nodded her head to Bumblestar’s explanation as her straining muscles loosened themselves. Okay, since they had the rights to go to different clans to learn about herbs, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right? Of course, with Bumblestar’s input for that WindClan was a safer option first, Springpaw quickly implanted the thought in the back of her mind. Going to WindClan would be one of her first options after they have spoken with Roseraven. Her eyes darted towards Drizzlecloud from her mentors’ reaction of Bumblestar offering to teach them a couple of things that she had learned. Springpaw stayed silent for the most part, partaking in a small, brief smile as she glanced up at the leader.

“I wouldn’t mind being taught what you know,” she explained, waving a paw slightly, “It might be something valuable for us to know and it’ll help us get started.” A small bit of her felt a little bit awkward from her mentioning that the information could be valuable. As, obviously, it will be. Every bit of information on for them to learn how to heal their clan-mates would be just as useful as the rest.


@dino. @Omari

dino. June 18th, 2023 04:11 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
[ @Omari @ares ]

Bumblestar snorted in amusement at Drizzlecloud's surprise. Was it really so hard to believe she had done some dabbling of her own? She'd spent enough time in the old den to pick up on a few things, anyway. "Yes, really. And, good—if it gets to be too much on you, let me know and you can stick with just the healing stuff."

She gave Springpaw a nod. At least they seemed to be on-board with it and willing to learn right from the get-go. That gave her a good feeling. She moved to the herb storage to nose around for a moment, and carefully pulled out two heads of marigold, making sure not to damage them. The last thing they needed right now was to lose perfectly good herbs due to carelessness.

"I'm sure you know the basics, like poppyseeds and cobwebs," she started as she set the plants down, "and I'm sure you know about deathberries, so I won't be going over those. But to start off, this is marigold. I learned about this from Sundust. You can find it near sources of water—think Sunkissed Creek—and you can use it to treat infections if you chew it into a paste and spread it onto an injury."

She nudged the two plants close to the others, letting them get a better look before moving on.

"We don't have these, so I can't give you a visual, but ragweed, burdock root, and mushrooms. Bear with me for a second.

"Ragweed kinda looks like ferns, but it's a little pointier. If you eat it, it's a strength- and energy-booster. Good for giving cats a pick-me-up if they're too weak to get going by themselves.

"Burdock root is attached to these tall-growing thistles. The thistle itself is usually purple, and it's got these dark green leaves. Smells and tastes bitter. You can dig the roots up and chew 'em into a paste to apply to rat bites to help those heal. Make sure you wash it off first, don't want dirt getting into anything and makin' it worse.

"Lastly, mushrooms. These are a little different. A lot of 'em don't look the same, but you can tell that they're poisonous if they glow at night, so I suggest you only go looking when it's dark out to avoid grabbing something that's gonna kill you. If you eat these, you die. You can use 'em to give someone an easy out if they aren't gonna make it and you don't have deathberries on paw, or to take care of someone causing more trouble than they're worth. They're subtle, too. Not likely to be noticed, unlike deathberries, so if you really need to get rid of someone... go the mushrooms route."

She poked a claw into the dirt and glanced the pair over. "You got all that?"

Omari June 20th, 2023 05:51 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud’s eyes trailed after Bumblestar as she made her way over to the herb storage, and once she returned, she had two flowers with yellow petals with her.

The blue-grey spotted tabby nodded her head. The basics, of course, they knew that much. ‘Don’t eat deathberries’ was practically one of the first things she was taught as a kitten, curious as she was and without being able to completely depend on sound alone, as a kitten she often resorted to the sense of touch alone and… Unfortunately, that included ingesting a lot of things that she probably shouldn’t have.

“Marigold, treats infections…” She repeated softly, more-so to herself, even though she couldn’t even hear her own voice when she spoke so quietly. Drizzlecloud dipped her head, nosing at the marigold and gently sniffing at it, just to try and get used to it’s scent, and hopefully commit it to memory.

With Bumblestar’s next explanations concerning ragweed, burdock root, and mushrooms, Drizzlecloud tried to imagine the herbs in question in her own mind. It… Probably wasn’t the most spot on image, she thought to herself, but she had the verbalized characteristics of these herbs memorized, so certainly she’d be able to find them! Her eyes drifted over to Springpaw for a moment before she looked back to Bumblestar. Perhaps, after this, she and Springpaw could take a quick run out into the clan’s territory to try to actually find these herbs. There would be no harm in it, right?

“Mhm, got it.” Drizzlecloud nodded her head as she returned her full attention to Bumblestar. “Thank you for starting us off. Confidently speaking for the both of us, we appreciate this.” She offered her leader a smile, hoping that the simple act would aid her in expressing her thanks.

[ @ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]

iliri June 21st, 2023 07:23 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


The pastel calico silently watched as Bumblestar spoke with Drizzlecloud, the young molly remaining civilly silent during the small ordeal. Of course, it wasn’t much to think about, just her leader speaking with the new medicine cat and confirming how she knew a couple of herbs like the back of her paws. Springpaw wondered how exactly Drizzlecloud would be able to handle such tasks. Training both a normal apprentice and then her, the newest medicine cat apprentice. Unless Springpaw could find herself other ways to learn how to heal, there wasn’t much she could do except just await for what could come next in the future. She hoped that ThunderClan could carry on a bright future ahead of them with Bumblestar as their new leader. She had good intentions, as the calico hoped, and she hoped that it would stay that way for a long while.

Springpaw’s eyes directed towards the golden herbs that Bumblestar gently plucked out of the herb storage with a claw, narrowing her oceanic hues to get a better look at the plant. She took in a tiny whiff of the herb’s scent, almost gagging silently from the bitter stench it gave off. Did all herbs smell like that? Good StarClan she hoped not. She wasn’t even certain of the taste that it’ll give off either. Blegh. Other than that, at least she learned that marigold is well-suited for infections if chewed into a paste and smeared onto an injury. Got it. Well, she could use marigold beneath some cobwebs for any injury that could be deemed serious. Like any major wounds among a body part. It would definitely be beneficial for the cat themselves and it’ll hopefully help them get better. At least she learned that the herb would be located at Sunkissed Creek, making it more simple to search for it in case they were low.

Then Springpaw’s ears perked up directly at Bumblestar when she began to inform them about other specific types of herbs, eyes narrowing as she listened. Ragweed gives others strength and kinda looks like a fern. She could possibly give that to a cat that’ll need it for a long journey. Or, maybe to a birthing queen in case their energy was low. But… she wasn’t all certain if ragweed could be usable on a queen in case it would risk any harm to the unborn kits. She didn’t want to risk that happening. She had the heavy temptation to ask in case the herb could be applied for such a situation, but she held herself back. It would probably be best to ask Roseraven first beforehand since she was one of the former medicine cats. It would be best for both Drizzlecloud and her, afterall.

Burdock root? From how low the chances of rat attacks are, the necessity for the herb may be rather low. However, Springpaw would want to be prepared for anything to happen to the herb that may come in handy. She listened carefully to Bumblestar’s words and gave the large molly a brief nod of understanding. Clean off the roots after being dug up with the stream of water in the den before using the herb on rat bites. Got it. However, Springpaw couldn’t help but feel her nose scrunch up from the mentions of mushrooms and their uses. So mushrooms are used to… kill off someone? Like deathberries but not as horrid? Springpaw could feel herself barely using that herb on anyone. She didn’t want to risk accidentally killing off any of her clan-mates because she accidentally gave them one of the mushrooms. She never had the thought of giving anyone any of them in the first place.

“I think I got it, Bumblestar.” She spoke, nodding her head once head as she focused back on the leader, giving her a short nod once more. She glanced briefly towards Drizzlecloud as her mentor spoke, mentally glad that she was able to speak out more for the both of them than Springpaw could. She wouldn’t know how to properly explain it to the leader herself.


@dino. @Omari

Jayvines June 21st, 2023 04:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Skittering back into camp and bee-lining directly towards her destination, Mistheart quietly poked her head into the medicine cat's den with her stick wrapped in webs.

"D-drizzlecloud?" she called out, gently placing her gift just inside the den entrance (being careful not to place the webs in the dirt of course). "I uh... Found these while I was tidying up Willow's Rise... Thought you might need them more than the tree..."

Was that an attempt at humor? Stars, she wouldn't be trying that again soon.

"Let me know if you ever, um... Are short on anything. I'm a good finder, love collecting things, and I can, uh... usually find... stuff."

Oh boy, she was rambling. Time for a swift exit...

"A-anywho, I'll get outta your fur. Hope you can, uh... Use the webs!"

Quickly pulling out from the den, Mistheart scampered off to a quiet corner to escape.

[ @Omari A gift from Mist :heartbounce: ]

dino. June 21st, 2023 07:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1435352)

Drizzlecloud’s eyes trailed after Bumblestar as she made her way over to the herb storage, and once she returned, she had two flowers with yellow petals with her.

The blue-grey spotted tabby nodded her head. The basics, of course, they knew that much. ‘Don’t eat deathberries’ was practically one of the first things she was taught as a kitten, curious as she was and without being able to completely depend on sound alone, as a kitten she often resorted to the sense of touch alone and… Unfortunately, that included ingesting a lot of things that she probably shouldn’t have.

“Marigold, treats infections…” She repeated softly, more-so to herself, even though she couldn’t even hear her own voice when she spoke so quietly. Drizzlecloud dipped her head, nosing at the marigold and gently sniffing at it, just to try and get used to it’s scent, and hopefully commit it to memory.

With Bumblestar’s next explanations concerning ragweed, burdock root, and mushrooms, Drizzlecloud tried to imagine the herbs in question in her own mind. It… Probably wasn’t the most spot on image, she thought to herself, but she had the verbalized characteristics of these herbs memorized, so certainly she’d be able to find them! Her eyes drifted over to Springpaw for a moment before she looked back to Bumblestar. Perhaps, after this, she and Springpaw could take a quick run out into the clan’s territory to try to actually find these herbs. There would be no harm in it, right?

“Mhm, got it.” Drizzlecloud nodded her head as she returned her full attention to Bumblestar. “Thank you for starting us off. Confidently speaking for the both of us, we appreciate this.” She offered her leader a smile, hoping that the simple act would aid her in expressing her thanks.

[ @ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]


Originally Posted by ares (Post 1435488)
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


The pastel calico silently watched as Bumblestar spoke with Drizzlecloud, the young molly remaining civilly silent during the small ordeal. Of course, it wasn’t much to think about, just her leader speaking with the new medicine cat and confirming how she knew a couple of herbs like the back of her paws. Springpaw wondered how exactly Drizzlecloud would be able to handle such tasks. Training both a normal apprentice and then her, the newest medicine cat apprentice. Unless Springpaw could find herself other ways to learn how to heal, there wasn’t much she could do except just await for what could come next in the future. She hoped that ThunderClan could carry on a bright future ahead of them with Bumblestar as their new leader. She had good intentions, as the calico hoped, and she hoped that it would stay that way for a long while.

Springpaw’s eyes directed towards the golden herbs that Bumblestar gently plucked out of the herb storage with a claw, narrowing her oceanic hues to get a better look at the plant. She took in a tiny whiff of the herb’s scent, almost gagging silently from the bitter stench it gave off. Did all herbs smell like that? Good StarClan she hoped not. She wasn’t even certain of the taste that it’ll give off either. Blegh. Other than that, at least she learned that marigold is well-suited for infections if chewed into a paste and smeared onto an injury. Got it. Well, she could use marigold beneath some cobwebs for any injury that could be deemed serious. Like any major wounds among a body part. It would definitely be beneficial for the cat themselves and it’ll hopefully help them get better. At least she learned that the herb would be located at Sunkissed Creek, making it more simple to search for it in case they were low.

Then Springpaw’s ears perked up directly at Bumblestar when she began to inform them about other specific types of herbs, eyes narrowing as she listened. Ragweed gives others strength and kinda looks like a fern. She could possibly give that to a cat that’ll need it for a long journey. Or, maybe to a birthing queen in case their energy was low. But… she wasn’t all certain if ragweed could be usable on a queen in case it would risk any harm to the unborn kits. She didn’t want to risk that happening. She had the heavy temptation to ask in case the herb could be applied for such a situation, but she held herself back. It would probably be best to ask Roseraven first beforehand since she was one of the former medicine cats. It would be best for both Drizzlecloud and her, afterall.

Burdock root? From how low the chances of rat attacks are, the necessity for the herb may be rather low. However, Springpaw would want to be prepared for anything to happen to the herb that may come in handy. She listened carefully to Bumblestar’s words and gave the large molly a brief nod of understanding. Clean off the roots after being dug up with the stream of water in the den before using the herb on rat bites. Got it. However, Springpaw couldn’t help but feel her nose scrunch up from the mentions of mushrooms and their uses. So mushrooms are used to… kill off someone? Like deathberries but not as horrid? Springpaw could feel herself barely using that herb on anyone. She didn’t want to risk accidentally killing off any of her clan-mates because she accidentally gave them one of the mushrooms. She never had the thought of giving anyone any of them in the first place.

“I think I got it, Bumblestar.” She spoke, nodding her head once head as she focused back on the leader, giving her a short nod once more. She glanced briefly towards Drizzlecloud as her mentor spoke, mentally glad that she was able to speak out more for the both of them than Springpaw could. She wouldn’t know how to properly explain it to the leader herself.


@dino. @Omari

Good. Great. Almost perfect, even. Bumblestar tucked the marigold away so that they wouldn't get ruined before moving back to the pair of healers. Off to a fantastic start, they were.

"Starting to get a pretty decent feeling about you two," she remarked with a half-hearted shrug. "Don't disappoint me, or I actually might be a little bit sad. That's all I've got for you, but if you've got any questions for me, let me know 'n I can do my best to answer before I go. If not, I think we're all good here."

Shade. June 23rd, 2023 02:46 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Roseraven followed the excited apprentice to her old haunt. She was almost envious, she'd never gotten the chance to get excited about her new position. When she was declared medicine car apprentice, it was exclusively a negative experience because of the then current political climate in ThunderClan and her own bad luck.

"Okay, I'm here to give you what knowledge I have. First, what do already know?" she asked the medicine cats.

Omari June 23rd, 2023 06:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud was a bit surprised by Bumblestar’s sentiment–if she could call it that. She decided that for the sake of her own heart and joy, she would view it as a sentiment. “I.. Can’t think of any questions for you, at the moment. If I do manage to think of any, I’ll come to find you.”

She tilted her head to look at Springpaw, instead, as if to say, ‘the floor is yours’. If she had any questions, this would be the time to do so, it seemed!

[ @ares - Springpaw , @dino. - Bumblestar ]

The sudden call of her name had shocked her, although she almost hadn’t caught it at all. Thankfully, she was sitting in a way so that her left ear was facing the entrance to the den, twitching when she heard the voice.

“Hm?” She trilled, turning her head to view Mistheart, who had entered with.. A gift, it seemed! A quiet chuckle escaped her at the comment that the molly made, finding it quite funny herself… But that was the only response that she could make before Mistheart had scampered out of the den, almost as quickly as she came.

With a smile, she padded over to the entrance of the den to pluck the cobwebs off of the ground. I’ll have to give her my thanks the next time I see her!

[ @Jayvines ]

Roseraven’s appearance had shocked her a tad bit, not expecting her appearance… Ah, it seems Springpaw had gone off to fetch her for some help–lovely! “Roseraven, hello!” She greeted simply.

Their knowledge was quite limited right now, so the list was.. Short. “Oh, not much at all.. Sticks, cobwebs, poppyseeds, and deathberries. Bumblestar taught us what she knew–marigold and how it can help with treating infections, ragweed and the energy boosts that you can get from eating them, burdock root helping with rat bites.. And how to find out which mushrooms are poisonous.”

[ @Shade. ]

[Decided to just cram these into one post because I didn’t wanna clog up this thread ehehe]

iliri June 25th, 2023 02:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Springpaw couldn’t help but cast a short smile in the direction of the leader from her words themselves. Bumblestar started to have a good feeling about both her and Drizzlecloud, that was good. Perfect, even. Springpaw didn’t want to let her own leader down just from lack of acknowledgment from her new rank. Hell, she didn’t have any intentions with wanting to disappoint her leader from suddenly failing to succumb to certain tasks. Springpaw then quickly casted a glance towards Drizzlecloud see what she had to say, only to see that she didn’t have much questions to ask the leader and seemingly giving the young calico the floor to speak. Which, in all honesty, Springpaw didn’t have much words to say or even think about. She was heavily thankful for the leader’s help of her knowledge, and Springpaw felt like those herbs would be very useful once she and Drizzlecloud found them while taking or stroll, or even a herb patrol finding them.

Quickly clearing her throat, Springpaw focused back up towards Bumblestar and casted her a short, sideways smile. “I’ll try not to let you down, Bumblestar. I’ll do my best to become a good medicine cat for the entirety of ThunderClan. Thank you for your short knowledge of herbs though, they might come in handy. I’m sure both Drizzlecloud and I will find them while strolling through the territory or sending out a herb patrol. Other than that, I don’t think we have any questions.” she was feeling pretty confident about this. Maybe they both wouldn’t fail as medicine cats? Maybe they’ll succeed? Only time will tell, but Springpaw had hopes for it.


@Omari @dino.
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Springpaw was more than pleased to lead the former into the medicine den itself, entering the den with swift ease as the young calico promptly walked up towards Drizzlecloud, standing beside the ticked tabby. As oblivious as the eight moon molly was, she didn’t want to cause any trouble making Roseraven feel envious about the whole situation of the new medicine cats. Or, even, from the simple fact that she had been demoted long ago. The thought made the young apprentice’s smile falter slightly, but she still seemed to keep it bright enough for them to have this little lesson go on about. Her ears quickly angled themselves in the direction of Roseraven as she asked what did they both know. Jaws wide, Springpaw had gulped in enough air to answer her question only for herself to quickly quiet down once Drizzlecloud responded, nodding promptly along with every word that spewed out of the tabby’s mouth.

“That’s correct,” Springpaw spoke, glancing back towards Roseraven once more, “that’s as much as we know, as our knowledge is rather limited at the moment. But I feel like you could help us out with figuring out what everything else in the herb storage is? Maybe even including any herbs that aren’t currently in the storage and what they look like? Or, maybe even some diseases that can be treated with them?” the question felt rather abrupt and obvious, but the young apprentice was eager to learn and learning what herbal mixes would do both medicine cats good. Springpaw didn’t want to risk both her and Drizzlecloud losing their clan-mates due to their lack of herbal knowledge. That just sounded frightening.


@/Omari @Shade. [cramming two posts into one go brr]

Shade. June 28th, 2023 02:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

The former medicine cat combed through her own mind, picking out the bits of herb and healing knowledge she'd accumulated over her moons as medicine cat apprentice.

"Well, one of the most vital herbs is catmint. Cats may be tempted to consume it frivolously because of its appealing taste and smell and its ability to make them joyous and playful. However, it is rare and vital to clan survival, as it is the main and most effective way to cure diseases like greencough, whitecough and so on. Do not waste it."

She walked past the other two, suddenly and unceremoniously, and pulled out a bit of catmint from the herb storage. The tempting smell barely affected her anymore. She placed it down to show it off.

Omari June 28th, 2023 07:02 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud’s eyes followed Roseraven as she walked by, going straight for the herb storage. It didn’t alarm her, simply staying but while she allowed the molly to look through the herbs to find what she was currently speaking of… Catmint. Used to cure diseases such as whitecough or greencough. Very useful information, as she knew just how detrimental it was for a medicine cat to know how to treat diseases such as those. The fact that one day, she and Springpaw would have to do that made her feel a tad bit anxious.

“Oh, I see. Catmint…” She leaned down, inhaling the herb’s scent. Appealing scent, indeed. She hummed thoughtfully before she looked up towards Roseraven. “It does smell nice, I see why someone would feel the need to eat it from that alone..”

She sat up straight, nudging the herb gently over to her apprentice so that she could take a look at it, as well.

[ @ares - Springpaw, @Shade. - Roseraven ]

iliri June 29th, 2023 04:23 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Well, at least Roseraven wasn’t too irritated or angry about teaching them what she knew… at least, that was how Springpaw saw it. It wasn’t like she was a simple mind reader or anything like that. Her eyes followed the marbled tabby as she walked over towards the herb storage, ears perked up as she silently listened to her talk about the herb catmint. So that was the herb that smelt really good and made her mouth feel like it was watering. Which, now that she was thinking about it, was a little bit of a weird habit, but she didn’t really think too much about it. Tossing the short thought aside, the molly began to silently think about the uses of the useful herb. So it wasn’t very common to find, which will be a rather unfortunate outcome in case their clan was in a mild case of either greencough or whitecough. Well, at least it currently seemed that they had a good plentiful amount of it, as that was what the medicine cat apprentice thought, at least.

Other than that, the calico quickly eyed the sharp-smelling herb as Roseraven put it to view and from the fact that Drizzlecloud nudged it her way. She began squinting her eyes as her nose occasionally twitched from the rather sharp smell that eliminated off the herb. Wow, she can really see why cats would want to eat this herb, but at least she was more aware of the properties of the useful herb so she wasn’t that needy. “Huh, I see why cats would want to eat it.” she mumbled softly, repeating after her own thoughts as she stared at the herb for a good few seconds, before raising her eyes back up at Roseraven and her mentor, awaiting to see what else she would teach them. There was a bit of herbs in the herb storage that had caught her attention, some of them being a bit confusing to think out more than the last. She noticed that there was some… different berries other than deathberries in the herb storage. Wait, why would death berries be in the storage? Wasn’t that dangerous?


@Shade. @Omari

SuspiciousMindz June 30th, 2023 10:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den


The tom hadn't hesitated when Drizzlecloud told him to carry the warrior back to the medicine den. For him, in that moment, Gentledoe weighed nothing. He easily hoisted her up onto his back with her head resting on his shoulders and her body splayed across his back so her legs hung down. In this moment, he was glad for his size, it wasn't always beneficial when the trees and underbrush were dense, but this was good. He made his way quickly to the camp, ensuring she didn't jostle around too much on his back.

Once there, he awaited Drizzlecloud to tell him where to place Gentledoe then proceeded to do so as gently as he could. He swiftly moved out of the way so they could work.

"I'm going to make sure everyone makes it back to camp okay. If you need anything, just call for me. I'll hear you," he insisted, quickly touching Drizzleclouds forehead -- respectfully -- with his nose and turning to dart out of the den.

@lio -- Gentledoe | @Omari -- Drizzelcoud | @ares -- Springpaw | @dino. -- Bumblestar

Shade. July 2nd, 2023 12:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

The two new medicine cats seemed to be soaking in her knowledge. Good. She grabbed the cat mint and brought it back over to the herb storage, returning instead with a pawful of blue berries.

"These are juniper berries. One or two berries can help with stomach ache, breathing problems and have a calming and strengthening effect." she explained, stepping back to let the other two observe the berries.

iliri July 2nd, 2023 02:28 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Ah, so those blue berries were juniper berries? Okay then, that’s going to be easy to memorize. Especially since with the fact that there was deathberries in the herb storage… which, why would there even be deathberries? Weren’t those dangerous to eat? A small shiver suppressed through the calico, her ears twitching daintily as she quickly distracted herself, silently observing the berries in front of her. Well, at least they won’t have to waste any poppy seeds in case someone was going through an anaphylactic shock… which she hoped wouldn’t be so common to witness. Then again, maybe they could be used in case someone was having trouble breathing after in case, the events of a fire? That would surely be useful. Smiling briefly at the thought, Springpaw shifted her gaze to focus back up towards the marbled tabby. “So juniper berries could be used for stomachaches and to soothe anyone going through an anaphylactic shock? Sounds simple to remember.”

Well, that was easy to get off her chest luckily. Now, to wait to see if Drizzlecloud understood if the berries were used for these type of things. Hopefully, in the calico’s mind, that she did. Springpaw wouldn’t know what else to do if she didn’t. Then again, how would she not know? The molly was practically smart than most cats that she knew—except Dovefluff and Alderstep—so it shouldn’t be an issue, right?


@Omari @Shade.

Omari July 3rd, 2023 06:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud kept close to Sparrowpelt on their way back to camp, sticking to his side to ensure that Gentledoe wouldn’t fall off by any chance. She trusted Sparrowpelt, but she was here to support him just in case Gentledoe began sliding off of his back.

“Right here is good–try to be gentle,” Drizzlecloud murmured to Sparrowpelt as he placed her down into the moss bed that she had pointed him to. It was the moss bed that was closest to the ones that Drizzlecloud and Springpaw slept in. She thought that it would be best for her to rest there, just in case she woke during the night and needed assistance, the medicine cats would be as close as they could possibly be.

“Thank you, Sparrowpelt. I.. Truly appreciate your help.” Her voice was quiet, barely above a whisper, and she dipped her head to the tom as he disappeared out of the den. Before, the pair had been positive acquaintances–bordering on friends, perhaps. Now though, Drizzlecloud was certain that she could trust him and depend on him, which rightfully earned him a spot as her friend.

Back to the task at hand, though.

“Springpaw, let’s switch out her cobwebs now, apply more marigold.. Since we’re back at camp, we can try to clean up her wound better with some moss.” She offered her apprentice a thankful smile, seeing as Springpaw was the one who had suggested that in the first place. “If you wish, I can try my best to clean it up myself and apply the marigold and cobwebs, but you’ll have to help me wrap it all into place once I’m done.”

As much as Drizzlecloud wanted to preserve the innocence that Springpaw so clearly had, she would have to learn these things some day… But she would give her the chance to make that decision for herself, for now. She had seen enough today, after all. Even so, if she wanted to help out a bit more, then of course Drizzlecloud would allow her to do so–but she was more than willing to deal with the worst of it herself.

[ @lio - Gentledoe, @ares - Springpaw, @SuspiciousMindz - Sparrowpelt. ]

Ah, juniper berries! So that’s what those were! She had been wondering about those–half inclined to test them out herself, but what good would that do? She didn’t have any ailments to be dealt with, so her experimentation would only result in knowing whether or not the berry tasted good.

“Ah, so that’s what those do..” She nudged a couple of the berries towards her apprentice with her paw before she leaned down to sniff at a few herself. Hopefully she’d be able to commit Roseraven’s explanation to memory. “I see.”

[ @Shade. Ares i won’t mention you double but YOU are here too mwehehe]

[yet another double rp response crammed into one reply]

iliri July 4th, 2023 12:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


Following in close behind, the calico rushed herself into the den and stood beside Drizzlecloud, eyes welled with empathy as she watched as Sparrowpelt placed Gentledoe’s body down onto one of the extra moss-beds that their den had. The sight of Gentledoe’s body only terrified the young medicine cat apprentice, her ears pinned against her head as oceanic hues glanced over the brown-furred molly. How was she ever going to recover from such a traumatic experience? How was she going to learn to get used to using only one eye instead of both? Sighing, the apprentice was quick to wash off her paws with the stream of water inside the den, the usual white vibrant color of her fur coming back to her paws. They’ll probably get some sort of murk on them again here soon, but she wanted them to be clean in-case she were in need of helping her mentor again.

Which, speaking of, the apprentice’s head was quick to pipe up when Drizzlecloud called her name, ears fully erected in her direction as she carefully listened to her words. She was about to approach the ticked tabby, before quickly stopping on her tracks as a small glint of light shined in her eyes. “I-I can get the moss real quick! I was told to put some water on it so it could clean off the wounds much easier. I’ll go get some moss real quick so we have it at the ready.” Springpaw offered, tail raised as a short smile was quick to grow along her face. At least that was something that Coldamber taught her, and it was definitely going to be beneficial for the both of new medicine cats, that’s for sure. With that being said, the medicine cat apprentice had already began to make her way towards a small bundle of moss, being careful with taking a small bit of it out.

After she took out the small bundle, she held it up delicately by her jaws so she could make her way towards the small stream of water in the den, occasionally dipping the moss into the water so that it could have some water soak into its green depths. After a few quick dips in the water, the calico was quick to make her way back towards Drizzlecloud, holding onto the newly-dampened bundle of moss delicately by her jaws as she awaited for her mentor’s next set of instructions of what to do.


@Omari @lio @SuspiciousMindz

Omari July 6th, 2023 03:49 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Drizzlecloud nodded her head as Springpaw went to get the moss that they needed, and while she did that, the Medicine Cat decided to wash off her own paws, too. As best as she could, at the very least. The water was tainted with a dark red as she rinsed her paws before it was replaced with clear water once more. A quiet sigh escaped the blue-grey molly as she turned away from the water, instead returning to Gentledoe’s side.

It was devastating–deeply troubling in a way that she could hardly even comprehend. The weight on the shoulders was there again, looming above her and pushing her down until she felt like she would leave some sort of welt in the ground by the time she stood up again. It was stressful and frightening, even for a cat who had partaken in dozens of battles before. She had harboured injuries and given many, too–yet, she was still so disturbed.

Springpaw returned to her side in no time, it seemed, and the young molly’s presence lifted the weight from her shoulders, if only for a moment.

Drizzlecloud turned her head to look at her apprentice, head tilted ever so slightly to the side, although she didn’t say a word–not yet. She leaned over to her apprentice, gently touching her nose to Springpaw’s forehead. It was less formal than when Sparrowpelt had done it to Drizzlecloud a few moments before–perhaps a bit more affectionate, appreciative and tender. Without a word, she lifted her head and focused on Gentledoe again instead.

“Would you like to help me clean her up, or would you prefer for me to do that, instead? I would understand if you didn’t want to see, and in all honesty, I don’t want you to see, either… But if you wish to do so, I cannot deny you the learning experience.” Drizzlecloud spoke slowly as she leaned over Gentledoe, carefully beginning to loosen the cobwebs in order to remove the bandage that they had put together.

[ @lio - Gentledoe, @ares - Springpaw]

iliri July 7th, 2023 09:45 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


A quick pulse of warmth rushed through the calico as Drizzlecloud nuzzled her head, her eyes shutting as her tail rose up affectionately. Physical contact like that were things that the young molly would be used to, and even if it was brief, it still brought her a shockwave of acceptance and encouragement for something as crucial and important as this. Springpaw briefly smiled through the dampened moss up towards her mentor before glancing down towards Gentledoe, mentally grimacing and preparing herself for witnessing the grave wound upon the molly’s face. “I… I’ll help you clean it up. I don’t want you to do alone.” she added in, focusing her blue eyes up towards Drizzlecloud’s deep green. It was true, at least. The young calico definitely didn’t want her mentor to do something as gruesome as this alone, and she’ll learn how to fix some wounds that are just as grave as… that, for the future. ”What do you want me to do first? I can help take off the bandages if that is what is needed.”


@Omari @lio

tulin July 9th, 2023 12:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
@Omari @ares

The trek back to camp had been... a lot more difficult than Flightpaw thought it would be. As soon as she made it through the entrance she had shoved Dapplepaw away with a growl and limped towards the medicine den. Her green eyes had a fierce look to them that were locked on her destination, paws not stopping until she finally hobbled her way in. Normally she would've gone right to her nest were it not for the deep gash in her chest. Her throat wound was shallow, and the bite on her foreleg was only causing a slight limp - but her chest still burned.

"I need some help," she huffed out impatiently as she sat down, praying to whatever forces above that Bumblestar would not come in here - at least, not until she had been patched up and given time to catch her breath. She knew she was in for a berating, but it didn't make her frustrated. If anything, perhaps it would get her mentor to finally pay attention to her unlike how she had dismissed her at the meeting.

iliri July 9th, 2023 02:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


The last few days have been rather havoc, far too havoc to the calico’s liking. The recent battle had still left a minor strain on her shoulders, and it had some seemed to worsen as time passed by. Her shoulders sagged and her posture had worsened; her eyes were hazy as bags had formed beneath her blue depths. Everything from here lately had seemingly begun to take its toll, and Springpaw had only been holding herself back from asking for help. She needed her mother or someone close to her to help her through her mental instabilities. Not just help, but guidance as well. Sitting here in the darkness of the medicine cat den didn’t help much with her declining mental health, but it was the most that she could manage without cats looking in her direction and being worried about the physical state of their medicine cat apprentice. It was what her clan needed, after all.

Oriental ears perked up at the sound of a voice near the entrance of the den, whipping her head around to face the direction of the feline that had entered the den. Well, the word ‘help’ seemed plenty enough for the calico molly to understand the situation. It was either that the cat themselves were injured, or that someone outside of the den was injured. It was either one or the other. Huffing silently beneath her breath, Springpaw lifted herself onto all fours and slowly scaled her way towards the newcomer, hazy eyes narrowing to get a better look at who waltzed into the den. The faint scent of both blood and ShadowClan began to mingle in her nostrils, almost making the molly want to puke. Did this cat have some sort of skirmish at the border? Clearing her throat, Springpaw vividly focused her oceanic hues up towards Flightpaw’s own, fighting away the haziness that attacked at her system. ”Flghtpaw,” she spoke, setting herself down on her haunches as her eyes got a better look at the wounds on the cat in front of her. A small part of her brain had begun to implicate what the apprentice had to tell, but she might as well ask what had possibly happened to her to have earned these types of wounds. “What seems to be the problem?”



Shade. July 10th, 2023 06:44 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Roseraven nodded as the medicine cats examined the juniper berries.

"You have to remember, though. Don't feed them to someone while they're unable to breathe. Find a time window in which they can calmly chew them up and swallow them. Otherwise, they could choke. It's more about chronic breathing issues rather than bursts or shocks. Those might require....chest massages." The words sounded oddly painful, and a flash of regret crossed Roseraven's face. She shouldn't be the one reaching them this. Look how we'll the last time she tried doing chest compressions went.

The small tabby returned the berries and came back instead with a bit of borage, with pink and blue blossoms and fuzzy leaves.

"This is borage. Chewing up and eating the leaves helps queen's produce milk. Outside of that, it can be used for stomach-aches, fevers, and tight chests." she explained.

Omari July 10th, 2023 04:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

A soft hum escaped the blue-grey spotted tabby, peering down at her apprentice with thoughtful green eyes. If it were Drizzlecloud that was the apprentice here, she would have been cowering away from this mess as a whole. Cowardice was a common roadblock for her during her own moons as an apprentice–and it was one hindrance of many. Springpaw however, no matter how frightened and nervous she may be, she tried her very best to stick it out. In a way, Drizzlecloud envied her for that–or perhaps it was the apprentice that still found a home within her own heart that did.

“Let’s take the bandages off and see how she’s doing, and we’ll simply go from there. How does that sound?” The question that she asked was a hypothetical one, they would have to start at that point one way or another after all. With a small sigh escaping her maw, she leaned over to tug at the cobwebs that covered the entire half of Gentledoe’s face with her teeth. Taking the bandages off was the easy part, it was looking at her after that was so hard for her.

“I just feel so awful,” She muttered, more so to herself. She found herself gazing down at Gentledoe’s mangled face, a deep frown carved into her face. “I wish you didn’t have to see any of this.” There was no point in lingering on things that could clearly never happen now, though. “...Let’s begin with getting her cleaned up, yes?”

[ @lio - Gentledoe, @ares - Springpaw]

The sight of Flightpaw was certainly shocking to say the least. The medicine cat peered at the apprentice, brows raised in surprise at the state of her. What could have happened? Where had she gone off to in order to get these kinds of wounds? “Flightpaw,” Drizzlecloud began, her voice stern, probably sounding like a queen who was about to scold a kitten in the nursery. “How did this happen?”

As she let her question–and Springpaw’s similar one–hang in the air, she toddled off to go and grab a ball of moss, dipping it into the stream that ran through the medicine den to soak it with water.

[ @tulin - Flightpaw ]

She supposed that did make sense. If a cat is already having some sort of breathing issue such as choking, why would you try to make them eat something? It just wouldn’t really work out–not in a good way, at the very least.

Drizzlecloud’s eyes softened for a moment, noting the expression that crossed over Roseraven’s face. It made her chest feel a bit heavy, feeling.. Guilty. With a small shake of her head, the feeling was gone. She doubted that Roseraven wanted her to be taking pity on her, after all.

Borage! Drizzlecloud’s tail flicked behind her as she leaned over to scent the colourful herb that Roseraven presented them with. She nodded her head, nosing gently at the petals of the flowers, trying her best to memorize the scent and the herbs uses, of course.

[ @Shade. - Roseraven ]

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