Warrior Cats Online

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dino. May 5th, 2023 04:19 PM

ThunderClan Clearing
An overgrown, mossy clearing, hidden underneath the ferns and brambles that grow along the outer edge. The ground is mostly bare, though patched through with thick grass and the occasional bunch of ferns. An extremely tiny stream of water runs through the center.

lio May 22nd, 2023 09:29 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
tiny, fluffy she-cat with red fur and yellow eyes.

Russetpaw sat curled up in the clearing, a disgruntled expression twisting itself onto her face. She looked around with uncertainty blatant in her eyes. Although all of the dens had been fixed up, she still felt... off being here. Like something wasn't right. Like... like she wasn't supposed to be here. Ugh, what an awful feeling.

It was a safe place to live, wasn't it? So why did she feel so off about it?

bubble[error]. May 22nd, 2023 09:33 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

{ Open }

The young Tom summersaulted his way into the new clearing. He had gotten used to using his back legs for help to push himself forward. So this is the new camp. It was gonna take some getting used to but hey, it should be easy, right? The small black tom looked around, his yellow eyes scanning the new landscape around him.

wolfie May 22nd, 2023 09:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
「❀」 THE MENACE 「❀」
they | them ✿ fluffy brown cat with darker brown flecks and a stubbed tail; orange eyes ✿
Something sad rested in their heart to know the place they had spent moons in was no longer, a figment of their memory, another event in history. Asterdance has had many names, and many homes. Sometimes, the only place they felt they belong was with their family. Amber eyes flickered across the overgrown clearing. At some point, the term family started to be used for Thunderclan as a whole instead of a select few. It was too complicated to explain - she cared for them all, and maybe that was all that really mattered. Was this healing?

After having created a nest, the bobtail slowly pulled it to the entrance of the Clearing. They were the guard, and that was where their place was. They would fill it back up with the trinkets that had gathered over time. Soon, Asterdance would begin to prepare a hunting patrol .. but right now, their thoughts swarmed about. And they simply guarded.

poppy May 22nd, 2023 10:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

The scrawny tortie had felt slightly more confident as of lately. She had a family- a literal family- now, and she now walked into the new camp. This wasn't home. But it also didn't have the terrible memories that she had learned to associate with the old camp. So many cats lost a home, but she gained one the second Asterdance invited her to join their family. Deciding not to bother the cinnamon colored warrior, Fireflykit just sat off to the side, at last content with being alone. She didn't feel sad that she was alone. She felt... more whole now. Less insecure, because she didn't feel like she had to fight anymore. because she didn't, right? She didn't have to fight for love anymore. Because she had found it.

Now... she just needed to find some friends.

[ open ]

PINEGREEN May 23rd, 2023 05:53 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
PinePelt sat down looking at the kit sighing~ i wish i was younger like her~ then he looked away~ old camp looked better he mumbled~hmph~

sol. May 23rd, 2023 06:10 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Lightningkit looked around, tilting her head. She whined again. Where were her siblings?


Spookez. May 23rd, 2023 05:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

When Frogkit Stumbled in, he looked around confused. This new camp looked surely Awful. It didn't look anything like the old camp he knew and loved.

He hated the idea of having to make a new nest All alone again. He didn't have any Parents, so he mostly did everything alone. Not that he was a weak little kit who needed Momi and Papi to come to save them. He was just fine doing everything by himself.

He wanted to do something fun. Something that would get his hopes up. Then, he realized something. What if he climbed to the top of the nursery? That seemed like a fun idea. "Hey everyone!" He yowled out to the small number of cats that filled the clearing. "Look at this!" He yelped, then began to scrape the edge of the nursery cave. Scraping to climb up and get on the top. He fell down a few times, but after a while, he managed to start to slide up. He wasn't anywhere near the top, and he knew it would take him work. But he would try.

Jayvines May 23rd, 2023 09:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Large paws padded into the vaguely familiar clearing as Lioncrest shouldered his way through the slightly unkept ferns and brambles that made up their old camp entrance with a pair of voles in his jaws. It had been many moons since he had ventured out to this location, but the feeling of *home* still permeated this space. This was his childhood camp; he was born and raised in this space... While the past destruction was still visible, (a piece of charcoal here, a scorch mark there) he knew it's walls and dens like the back of his paw.

Purposefully walking towards the prey pile, the large golden tom smirked towards a kit working it's way up the wall of the nursery. Some queen was going to have their paws full with that one, but hey, at least they were practicing their climbing skills early.

Depositing his catch, Lioncrest quickly turned and made his way to a sunny spot near the entrance of the camp. He had some bits of foliage caught in his fur from his hunt, and it wouldn't do to have them get tangled up through the rest of the day. No sir; he was a respectable warrior of Thunderclan, not some rogue who cared for nothing but his next meal! With a low, disgruntled chuff, the long-haired tom settled onto his haunches and began to methodically groom out his fur from tip to tail.


poppy May 23rd, 2023 10:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

After taking a far too short nap in the new warriors den- she liked to claim that she was making sure it was appropriate for her denmates when in reality she hadn't slept in a day and a half- the lanky auburn and charcoal black molly left the den and surveyed the clearing for anyone to chat with. Perhaps a new friendship could sprout from the ashes, like this location had redeemed itself as a suitable home after becoming a blazing deathtrap? To prove that the past few days hadn't been total crap?

Settling on approaching a golden warrior she identified as Lioncrest, the molly's deep orange eyes darted in the direction her fellow soldier was looking, peering at young Frogkit who was.... climbing up the nursery wall? Her eyes widened slightly, but she took the liberty to not intrude in the queen's territory per se, and try to step in. Children hated her anyways. Never listened, gave her panic attacks, etc.

Relaxing into a sitting position near Lioncrest, she nodded in greeting, watching as he groomed and smoothing her own sleek fur in self consciousness, feeling like a slob next to this magnificent tomcat. "I'm glad some cats still have energy. Can't say the same for myself." She murmured softly, glancing over at him to gauge whether or not this was a cat who appreciated humor. "His future mentor will be pleased that he already knows how to climb, though."

[ @Jayvines :heartbounce: ]

Jayvines May 23rd, 2023 10:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by jupiter (Post 1422686)

After taking a far too short nap in the new warriors den- she liked to claim that she was making sure it was appropriate for her denmates when in reality she hadn't slept in a day and a half- the lanky auburn and charcoal black molly left the den and surveyed the clearing for anyone to chat with. Perhaps a new friendship could sprout from the ashes, like this location had redeemed itself as a suitable home after becoming a blazing deathtrap? To prove that the past few days hadn't been total crap?

Settling on approaching a golden warrior she identified as Lioncrest, the molly's deep orange eyes darted in the direction her fellow soldier was looking, peering at young Frogkit who was.... climbing up the nursery wall? Her eyes widened slightly, but she took the liberty to not intrude in the queen's territory per se, and try to step in. Children hated her anyways. Never listened, gave her panic attacks, etc.

Relaxing into a sitting position near Lioncrest, she nodded in greeting, watching as he groomed and smoothing her own sleek fur in self consciousness, feeling like a slob next to this magnificent tomcat. "I'm glad some cats still have energy. Can't say the same for myself." She murmured softly, glancing over at him to gauge whether or not this was a cat who appreciated humor. "His future mentor will be pleased that he already knows how to climb, though."

[ @Jayvines :heartbounce: ]


Ears flicking up as the sound of paw steps approached his resting place, Lioncrest's amber eyes flicked briefly towards one of his peers (Butterfly...kiss? Probably. He'd go with that) before returning to a rather annoying bit of tree bark that had gotten caught in his ruff. However, a low and rumbling chuckle emanated from his chest as the she-cat attempted a small joke about the adventurous kit across the clearing.

"They certainly seem to have more than their fair share," he agreed, pausing the rough stroked of his tongue for a few moments to inspect the kit as it hauled itself upwards with a stubbornness and determination that only kits could produce. "If I could have that much energy for a day, I think I'd be able to catch enough prey for the clan twice-over before moonhigh."

Stars, he'd probably be able to catch an eagle if he had the same amount of energy that he'd had as a kit, but no matter, he was plenty energetic for a Thunderclan warrior. Any cat could see that.

"Proactiveness is good to see in one as young as them," he continued, turning back to his peer with a glint in his eye. "If that continues I have no doubt they'll be a fine warrior one day... Is he yours? You seem to be pleased with his progress."

A quick glance at the molly near him didn't show... many signs of resemblance to the industrious fur ball, but perhaps they had a mate with stronger similarities.

poppy May 23rd, 2023 11:03 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Relieved to hear the purr rumbling in her companions chest, she relaxed, settling into a more comfortable position and drawing a paw over tufted rust colored ears. Letting out a soft laugh, she ducked her head slightly before looking back up as the child victoriously crowed from the side of the nursery. Chuckling as she turned back to face the tom as he spoke, Butterflykiss tilted her head to the side. "If I had that much energy, I could rebuild the camp all by myself without needing a nap afterwards." She was in no way a lazy cat, of course. Anyone who knew her would understand that, but she also valued sleep and enjoyed it as a hobby whenever it was appropriate.

Mulling over possible ways to position herself so she didn't look like a stiff, she eventually decided on propping herself up with two front paws and blinking over at Lioncrest. The dappled warrior decided to try and straighten the fur on her tail, feeling the need to also fidget with something so she wouldn't look like the only one not being productive. And like stroking her tail tip was being productive.

Nodding in agreement, she prepared to reply when he asked her a... surprising question. Not offending, per se- it took a lot for her to get offended, more like... confused? Maybe a little excited by the idea of being a parent, even if she felt like she was too young for such a responsibility? "I'm sure he will. He isn't mine, though. I'm not even close to getting to that stage in my life." She both wanted to be a parent and didn't want to go through the heartache she had seen so many cats go through. It was a messy, complicated subject, though luckily she had seasons ahead of her to figure it out.

"I don't think any child of mine would be that outgoing, unless the apple fell freakishly far from the tree, if you know what I mean." She had never been the type of cat to draw attention to herself. More like, she preferred to just... fade into the background as everyone's supportive friend and let the less awkward and timid cats do their thing. While she wasn't against the spotlight, she just wasn't a fan. Unlike young Frogkit, it seemed.

[ @Jayvines :heartbounce: ]

Jayvines May 23rd, 2023 11:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by jupiter (Post 1422708)

Relieved to hear the purr rumbling in her companions chest, she relaxed, settling into a more comfortable position and drawing a paw over tufted rust colored ears. Letting out a soft laugh, she ducked her head slightly before looking back up as the child victoriously crowed from the side of the nursery. Chuckling as she turned back to face the tom as he spoke, Butterflykiss tilted her head to the side. "If I had that much energy, I could rebuild the camp all by myself without needing a nap afterwards." She was in no way a lazy cat, of course. Anyone who knew her would understand that, but she also valued sleep and enjoyed it as a hobby whenever it was appropriate.

Mulling over possible ways to position herself so she didn't look like a stiff, she eventually decided on propping herself up with two front paws and blinking over at Lioncrest. The dappled warrior decided to try and straighten the fur on her tail, feeling the need to also fidget with something so she wouldn't look like the only one not being productive. And like stroking her tail tip was being productive.

Nodding in agreement, she prepared to reply when he asked her a... surprising question. Not offending, per se- it took a lot for her to get offended, more like... confused? Maybe a little excited by the idea of being a parent, even if she felt like she was too young for such a responsibility? "I'm sure he will. He isn't mine, though. I'm not even close to getting to that stage in my life." She both wanted to be a parent and didn't want to go through the heartache she had seen so many cats go through. It was a messy, complicated subject, though luckily she had seasons ahead of her to figure it out.

"I don't think any child of mine would be that outgoing, unless the apple fell freakishly far from the tree, if you know what I mean." She had never been the type of cat to draw attention to herself. More like, she preferred to just... fade into the background as everyone's supportive friend and let the less awkward and timid cats do their thing. While she wasn't against the spotlight, she just wasn't a fan. Unlike young Frogkit, it seemed.

[ @Jayvines :heartbounce: ]


He truly was a trend setter wasn't he... As his clanmate began to follow him in the task of grooming and straightening their appearance, a small spark of pride lit up in Lioncrest's chest. He was a wonderful influence to his peers. Perhaps one of the best, if he was honest about it. However, his silent praise was suddenly cut short as the she-cat next to him informed him of his misstep.

Oh. Oh, he had made too deep of an assumption hadn't he. Giving his ruff a few licks to prevent a flush of embarrassment as he mulled over her response, the golden tom merely hummed in affirmation.

"I apologize. I did not see a resemblance, but it is good to see cats keeping an eye on kits even if they are not their own blood," he started, giving his head a shake before glancing back to Butterflykiss with a curiously tilted head as her words sunk in. "You do not think your litters would excel? That is certainly a curious way to perceive yourself and your abilities... Personally, I am certain that any kit of mine would be receptive to being molded towards success, even if they were not an exact duplicate of myself."

Certainly Lioncrest's future kits would do marvelously in Thunderclan; there was no possible way for them not to be with him as their sire. Ah, he was getting ahead of himself again. One had to first find a suitable mate before kits were even a possibility.

lio May 24th, 2023 01:52 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
messy-furred brown she-cat with heterochromia.

[ Cloning ]

Having returned to camp, multicolored eyes were already seeking out a familiar pelt the moment she was free. Ah, it would be strange to see this camp every day instead of the other one. Though... there wasn't much that could be done, was there? The other camp was gone, and they had to move for the safety of everyone. Still, it would take some getting used to.

Change wasn't necessarily her thing, really. For as long as she could remember, Gentledoe had been the same. Having the same routine every day, calling others the same pet names with every conversation, grooming her pelt in the same exact way every time (and failing all the same as well(, she wasn't a cat who was particularly fond of change. It was... off-putting, almost? She didn't know how to describe it, just that big changes were, well, different. Something to adapt to. Changing, adapting, growing, gah, it was quite a bit to think about. Gentledoe would much rather lay back and enjoy some sunshine and perhaps a game of mossball. Ah, the dream.

In the back of her mind, she was aware she hadn't particularly done much for her Clan. Sure, she was there when needed, but she had yet to take initiative, save for the mini herb patrol she had done. That was less than revolutionary, however. It was simply as though she was just another face in the Clan. Motivation came to her then plummeted, her need to hunt and fight little to none. Ahh, so much effort. Couldn't she just take a really, really, really long nap and forget about duties for a day or two? Even now, tiredness pulled at her paws, aching from the activities of the day.

Ahh... right, she was getting off track.

Humming, Gentledoe returned to her search, hoping she hadn't picked a bad time to complete a check up. Upon finally spotting the familiar pelt she had been looking for, the messy-furred she-cat pranced over.

"Greetings, love. I have returned from my little task of herb collection," she purred, lips pulling into a sweet smile, "How are you? Please do be sure to rest if need be, sweetheart, we don't need our dear deputy collapsing of exhaustion, no, no."
[ @dino. ]

BEAR. May 24th, 2023 02:33 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Wolfkit scampered out of a den, more energetic now that he napped. Noticing a piece of charcoal on the ground, he began to bat it around, squeaking happily.

[ open ]

perseus. May 24th, 2023 03:17 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Ospreypaw was looking around at his new home. While it was nice he still missed his old one…it is where he had grown up so to leave it hurt him.


MockingRabbit May 24th, 2023 07:35 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Harefire licked his choppers to remove all evidence of the mouse he had just eaten.

beau May 24th, 2023 11:24 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Sundust, preparing himself to drag a warrior out of camp and force them to assist in what many might call the worst kind of patrol, was counting the herbs they had. Thankfully, the whole store had been saved from the camp collapse, but that wasn’t saying much. “Hey, Cinderpaw!” It would be good to debrief her on what herbs were left in case she wanted to go on her own herb patrol.

[ @littlelove - one liner reply is perfectly fine for this! ]

RavensCall May 24th, 2023 11:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Darkpetal and Echopaw had reached the clearing. "We're here," Darkpetal breathed.

dino. May 25th, 2023 12:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by lio (Post 1422753)
messy-furred brown she-cat with heterochromia.

[ Cloning ]

Having returned to camp, multicolored eyes were already seeking out a familiar pelt the moment she was free. Ah, it would be strange to see this camp every day instead of the other one. Though... there wasn't much that could be done, was there? The other camp was gone, and they had to move for the safety of everyone. Still, it would take some getting used to.

Change wasn't necessarily her thing, really. For as long as she could remember, Gentledoe had been the same. Having the same routine every day, calling others the same pet names with every conversation, grooming her pelt in the same exact way every time (and failing all the same as well(, she wasn't a cat who was particularly fond of change. It was... off-putting, almost? She didn't know how to describe it, just that big changes were, well, different. Something to adapt to. Changing, adapting, growing, gah, it was quite a bit to think about. Gentledoe would much rather lay back and enjoy some sunshine and perhaps a game of mossball. Ah, the dream.

In the back of her mind, she was aware she hadn't particularly done much for her Clan. Sure, she was there when needed, but she had yet to take initiative, save for the mini herb patrol she had done. That was less than revolutionary, however. It was simply as though she was just another face in the Clan. Motivation came to her then plummeted, her need to hunt and fight little to none. Ahh, so much effort. Couldn't she just take a really, really, really long nap and forget about duties for a day or two? Even now, tiredness pulled at her paws, aching from the activities of the day.

Ahh... right, she was getting off track.

Humming, Gentledoe returned to her search, hoping she hadn't picked a bad time to complete a check up. Upon finally spotting the familiar pelt she had been looking for, the messy-furred she-cat pranced over.

"Greetings, love. I have returned from my little task of herb collection," she purred, lips pulling into a sweet smile, "How are you? Please do be sure to rest if need be, sweetheart, we don't need our dear deputy collapsing of exhaustion, no, no."
[ @dino. ]

bumblebreak === >
Bumblebreak was exhausted.

She had managed to get a minimal amount of sleep earlier in the day, but it hadn't lasted long, and it hadn't been at all relaxing. Despite the size of the log Thrushstar had chosen for the den, the close proximity—or even the thought of it, honestly—made her incredibly uncomfortable. The discomfort coupled with the anger she felt for the leader currently had made her bundle up her nest the moment she awoke and haul it outside.

That was what she was doing now: crossing the clearing to the warriors' den with her nest in her jaws. Until she crossed paths with what was possibly the single pelt she would be even remotely happy to see at the moment, other than Asterdance and maybe Softsky.

Bumblebreak set the bunch of moss next to her paws and leaned forward so that her forehead could rest briefly against Gentledoe's curly fur. "Hey," she murmured softly. "I'm walking, so... I'm okay. Are you?"

littlelove May 25th, 2023 12:23 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by naiad (Post 1423192)
Sundust, preparing himself to drag a warrior out of camp and force them to assist in what many might call the worst kind of patrol, was counting the herbs they had. Thankfully, the whole store had been saved from the camp collapse, but that wasn’t saying much. “Hey, Cinderpaw!” It would be good to debrief her on what herbs were left in case she wanted to go on her own herb patrol.

[ @littlelove - one liner reply is perfectly fine for this! ]

Tail twitching as she heard her name called, Cinderpaw sidled up towards Sundust. "What ya' got in mind?"

xavier. May 25th, 2023 01:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
• × | Shimmerbeak | × •

Shimmerbeak had been laying about in the clearing. How bored it was, how they wished to have something to do. That's when Bumblebreak seemed to have pulled the silvery cat right out of its bordom. Oh goody!! A hunting patrol!! Shimmerbeak stood up and stretched before quickly making its way to the entrance of the camp. The black splotched cat sat and looked around the clearing.

"Oh, Echopaw!~ Let's go hunt!~"

Shimmerbeak said in a sing-song tone of voice. Shimmerbeak would sit here for a moment to see if the apprentice would show up, it not then Shimmerbeak would leave on its own

| @Octavia! - Echopaw |

RavensCall May 25th, 2023 06:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by xavier. (Post 1423479)
• × | Shimmerbeak | × •

Shimmerbeak had been laying about in the clearing. How bored it was, how they wished to have something to do. That's when Bumblebreak seemed to have pulled the silvery cat right out of its bordom. Oh goody!! A hunting patrol!! Shimmerbeak stood up and stretched before quickly making its way to the entrance of the camp. The black splotched cat sat and looked around the clearing.

"Oh, Echopaw!~ Let's go hunt!~"

Shimmerbeak said in a sing-song tone of voice. Shimmerbeak would sit here for a moment to see if the apprentice would show up, it not then Shimmerbeak would leave on its own

| @Octavia! - Echopaw |

Echopaw stared at Shimmerbreak. "Ok!" she chirruped.

Starfall May 25th, 2023 10:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

@naiad ; @Rose

The Calico had jumped into the Clan Clearing. His coat was covered in dirt, and he had an open gash on his shoulder. Blood still trickling. His fur was messed up, and disheveled. His pawpads were even bleeding. Taking a moment to catch his breath the Warrior looked around the Clearing. Ears flicking.

He didn't want to make a scene, ThunderClan didn't need this added stress. If things went wrong, he would inform...well...whoever was doing anything. He didn't even care if it was that Medicine Cat.

"Oi. You two. Come with me." he barked, it was an order. There wasn't any room for argument. "Sundust had fallen in a Tunnel Collapse. The territory is still in a weak state. I need help finding him, he fell in on my watch." he explained.

Hopefully, that would do it. Spark enough interest for the two of them to follow his lead. He'd take them towards the ShadowClan border. He didn't even wait to see if they were following, simply turning heel, swiftly making his way back out into the Territory.

BEAR. May 25th, 2023 11:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by CreeperLover649 (Post 1422183)

{ Open }

The young Tom summersaulted his way into the new clearing. He had gotten used to using his back legs for help to push himself forward. So this is the new camp. It was gonna take some getting used to but hey, it should be easy, right? The small black tom looked around, his yellow eyes scanning the new landscape around him.

Forgetting the charcoal, Wolfkit's paws twitched with anticipation as he crouched down, his tail flicking wildly behind him. Sharpeye was standing nearby, and Wolfkit couldn't resist the temptation any longer and decided to launch a surprise attack.

With a burst of energy, Wolfkit propelled himself forward, aiming straight for Sharpeye's tail. But as he soared through the air, his aim faltered, and he misjudged the distance. His tiny paws missed Sharpeye's tail, leaving him awkwardly mid-air.

Wolfkit let out a surprised yelp as he landed with an undignified flop, his tail flailing furiously as if trying to make up for his failed attempt. He quickly scrambled to his paws, his ears flattening in embarrassment.

BEAR. May 26th, 2023 12:08 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by jupiter (Post 1422197)

The scrawny tortie had felt slightly more confident as of lately. She had a family- a literal family- now, and she now walked into the new camp. This wasn't home. But it also didn't have the terrible memories that she had learned to associate with the old camp. So many cats lost a home, but she gained one the second Asterdance invited her to join their family. Deciding not to bother the cinnamon colored warrior, Fireflykit just sat off to the side, at last content with being alone. She didn't feel sad that she was alone. She felt... more whole now. Less insecure, because she didn't feel like she had to fight anymore. because she didn't, right? She didn't have to fight for love anymore. Because she had found it.

Now... she just needed to find some friends.

[ open ]


Originally Posted by sol. (Post 1422279)
Lightningkit looked around, tilting her head. She whined again. Where were her siblings?


Wolfkit had found a hiding place in undergrowth near the nursery, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He had been planning this ambush the second he spied Frogkit on top of the den, and he couldn't wait to see the look on Frogkit's face when they sprung their trap. He let out a low, barely audible purr as he called over to Fireflykit and Lightningkit, voice broken squeaks. "Help-" what was the word? "a-bush Frogkit!" He'd never know what hit him!

[ @Kay~ ]

Madelaine May 26th, 2023 02:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Still stuck in camp due to still being a kit Wildkit just hung by himself, starring at the ground. His tail lashed. It wasn't fair. Look at him he was almost 8 moons old and still considered a stupid baby. If only there was a way to get those requirements done faster. All the cats were all too busy. He wanted to be too busy too. He wanted to be busy training just like all the cats his age.

( open if you want to interact with the grumpy butt )

bubble[error]. May 26th, 2023 06:39 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by BEAR. (Post 1423775)
Forgetting the charcoal, Wolfkit's paws twitched with anticipation as he crouched down, his tail flicking wildly behind him. Sharpeye was standing nearby, and Wolfkit couldn't resist the temptation any longer and decided to launch a surprise attack.

With a burst of energy, Wolfkit propelled himself forward, aiming straight for Sharpeye's tail. But as he soared through the air, his aim faltered, and he misjudged the distance. His tiny paws missed Sharpeye's tail, leaving him awkwardly mid-air.

Wolfkit let out a surprised yelp as he landed with an undignified flop, his tail flailing furiously as if trying to make up for his failed attempt. He quickly scrambled to his paws, his ears flattening in embarrassment.


(Heh heh... Oh so cute(my exact words to reading that adorable post))

Sharpeye heard a yelp and a thump and turned his head. It was little Wolfkit, who seemed to try and pounce on him form behind. Smiling, the Caretaker shifted himself so he would be closer to the little kit. "Try again, little Wolfkit. I'm sure you will get it right again." The small black tom encouraged the kit.

Doom May 26th, 2023 09:40 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
[open to all!]

After collecting the nesting materials, Hawkshade high-tailed it back to camp. The tiny black tom made his way to the center, dropped the wad of moss and feathers at his paws, then called out to his Clan. "If anyone needs any nesting material, I got some for you!" He'd offer a warm smile to anyone who approached him, tail gesturing toward the pile of moss before him. It should be enough for a nest or two all together, but anyone could take little bits of it and add it to their current one to freshen it up a bit.

Rose May 26th, 2023 12:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 1423749)

@naiad ; @Rose

The Calico had jumped into the Clan Clearing. His coat was covered in dirt, and he had an open gash on his shoulder. Blood still trickling. His fur was messed up, and disheveled. His pawpads were even bleeding. Taking a moment to catch his breath the Warrior looked around the Clearing. Ears flicking.

He didn't want to make a scene, ThunderClan didn't need this added stress. If things went wrong, he would inform...well...whoever was doing anything. He didn't even care if it was that Medicine Cat.

"Oi. You two. Come with me." he barked, it was an order. There wasn't any room for argument. "Sundust had fallen in a Tunnel Collapse. The territory is still in a weak state. I need help finding him, he fell in on my watch." he explained.

Hopefully, that would do it. Spark enough interest for the two of them to follow his lead. He'd take them towards the ShadowClan border. He didn't even wait to see if they were following, simply turning heel, swiftly making his way back out into the Territory.

She/They | A lilac blotched tabby with hazel eyes - American Curl

After having been relocated to ThunderClan's new camp with the rest of her Clan, Lilackiss had not had much to do. Sure, she could lend a helping paw here and there - but meh, no one really knew her, so no one really asked for help from her. So when Spider-ominous-throat wandered up to her and another and told them to accompany him, the marbled tabby hopped to her paws, following without a question.

After all, they were merely on a mission to save the poor poor medicine cat from his tunneled-in fate. What could go wrong?

[ @naiad ]

elaif May 26th, 2023 02:57 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Hearing this, Crackle'paw stopped his restless pacing and turned to the offer...Hmmmm, he was get quite sick of sleeping on hard earth... And the materials were already there... So why not? Marching right up to whatever this guys name was, Crackle'paw gave a dissatisfied sniff and addressed his arrival. " I've come to accept your proposition, fool." flicking his tail, the little rat gestured at the pile materials. " This stuff better not be infested with fleas... "

// @Jester \\

Rose May 26th, 2023 03:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Jester (Post 1423906)
[open to all!]

After collecting the nesting materials, Hawkshade high-tailed it back to camp. The tiny black tom made his way to the center, dropped the wad of moss and feathers at his paws, then called out to his Clan. "If anyone needs any nesting material, I got some for you!" He'd offer a warm smile to anyone who approached him, tail gesturing toward the pile of moss before him. It should be enough for a nest or two all together, but anyone could take little bits of it and add it to their current one to freshen it up a bit.


It was only once she'd taken a good look at the nursery and came to terms with the fact that she needed to move her currently non-existent nest there did Mapleface realize.. she was a Queen. She was a mother, for crying out loud! Or at least, she was going to be. The thought made her antsy. Being a parent sounded difficult.

Brow furrowing with worry, Mapleface was only brought back to reality when a familiar voice sounded nearby - Her brother. Half-brother, mind you, but Mapleface loved him all the same. "Be nice, Crackles." The tortie point chided, rising to her paws to amble over unsteadily. The bulk that was her stomach was getting harder and harder to maneuver with. "I think I need nesting material too." She said, turning her attention to Hawkshade.

[ @Leafí - Crackles (: ]

dino. May 26th, 2023 03:12 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Jester (Post 1423906)
[open to all!]

After collecting the nesting materials, Hawkshade high-tailed it back to camp. The tiny black tom made his way to the center, dropped the wad of moss and feathers at his paws, then called out to his Clan. "If anyone needs any nesting material, I got some for you!" He'd offer a warm smile to anyone who approached him, tail gesturing toward the pile of moss before him. It should be enough for a nest or two all together, but anyone could take little bits of it and add it to their current one to freshen it up a bit.

bumblebreak === >
Fighting with her terribly-made nest to get even a decent night of sleep was starting to grow old, and it had only been maybe a couple of days since the disaster. She stabbed it angrily with a claw, nose wrinkled. It hadn't been built very well in the first place—maybe it would be worthwhile to just start all over again.

Ears pinned back, Bumblebreak exited the warriors' den, just in time to hear Hawkshade's call echo across the clearing. (The fake clearing, she wanted to call it. This was too overgrown, too unwalked. She hated it.) WIth a breath of relief, she quickly redirected her path and hooked a few scraps of moss and a single feather with a claw, tossing the warrior a grateful look. "You mind?"

Doom May 26th, 2023 10:43 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
"Oh yes, go right ahead." Hawkshade chuckled as Cracklepaw muttered something about the moss being flea-infested, turning to the red-faced molly that defended him. "No worries, it's not flea infested. I wouldn't have comfortably carried flea-infested materials in my mouth..." He trailed off, quickly canceling the thought in his mind. A chill crawled its way down his spine, spiking the fur along his back. Eeugh. Stars, no!

When the deputy approached him, Hawkshade straightened and shook his head. "Not at all, please help yourself." He returned her grateful look with a genuine smile. Bumblebreak was one of the few cats he admired and respected around here. He hadn't even seen Thrushstar since the sinkening...which was annoying, since he had something he wished to discuss with him. Thoughts clouded the warrior's mind as he watched his Clanmates gleefully pick the materials he collected.

Then his eyes lit up.

"Oh, uh, hey Bumblebreak-" He mewed, ears perking. "I apologize to bring this up so informally, but...do you know why we don't have any Keepers besides Flameheart at the moment?" His eyes wandered the overgrown clearing, briefly searching for the large molly. "I've been meaning ask Thrushstar about it, but I haven't seen him around really..." His eyes gravitated back up to the cream-and-brown tabby, dilating with curiosity.

Hawkshade did not care to beat around the bush. If something needed to be done, he did it. If something was on his mind, he says it. And with ThunderClan in such a vulnerable state right now, he had no interest in twiddling his paws like some of his Clanmates. There was work to be done, and with their lack of leadership and role models, ThunderClan's building plans are gonna go slower than dirt.

@Leafí @Rose @dino.

alkaline May 26th, 2023 11:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
alderstep did some very cat things (aka lounging) in the clearing. he rather liked the overgrown bits. it made him feel safe. while it may look like he was lazing about, he was quite actually open to helping anyone if they wished him to. boredom had his claws itching to do something.

Rani May 26th, 2023 11:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
It had been a bit of time after the sinkhole and for thunderclan things slowly seemed to be returning to normal.

Not that Buzzy would know. They just got here.

Ah but they werent Buzzy anymore! The tripod kept having to remind themselves! Upon returning to the clan and meeting that leader guy (Finch?... Starling?... Ah whatever the star dude who apparently was now leading thunderclan. Whatever happened to deer guy or stripy lady?) Buzzy had gotten a new name! It hurt a little to leave behind the old one, Buzzy or Buzzkit was important to them, it was the name their mother gave them, but it was one that no longer fit. Buzzkit was a girl, a child, and they.... werent that. And Buzzy was a rogue, an outsider, not a thunderclan cat. So the tripod being here, being who they were and being thunderclan once more all at once warranted a name that fit that.

So they requested a change and it was one they got. Mudhound. The new warrior rather liked it. They were themselves and unique but had marking of their family in their name still.

Changes for a changed clan, it fit.
Speaking of that thunderclan had changed. The leader was different Mudhound had just discovered that, the deputy was different they were told long before arrival by Houndspirit's spirit (hehe) and even the camp was different! Apparently the old one had sunk? Mudhound didnt get it. The new camp wasnt bad though, it was nice to not be in a place they last remembered for being location of the end of their mother, and Mudhound knew that could come to call this home.

That wasnt important right now though! The large cat was here for one reason and one reason alone! They had come to thunderclan for this reason even, leaving comfort and (probably angry) family behind! Mudhound was here to recover a long lost sibling! Bum-bum was apparently a deputy now! And Bumblebreak! (The flop eared cat didnt get the name but eh whatever not their name not their business) And a girl! Good for her!

This sibling had been without Mudhounds happy company for too long and it was time to fix that! It was reunion time~

Now just to find Bumblebreak.... That might be harder then anticipated.

You see it'd been years and Mudhound didnt exactly fully remember what their littlemate looked like. It had been so long and all memories faded into a blur eventually.... Mudhound knew scent lingered longer however.

So here they were, snaking back and forth across the camp probably looking mad tail wagging wildly in the air in excitement. The giant tripod cat didnt care if their (new? returned?) clanmated thought them a loon they were looking for that whiff of scent they knew to indicate they'd found their sibling. And eventually they did, head snapping up to stare at the smaller cat entering the clearing.

A ecstatic grin grew... and grew... until the new warrior exploded into motion happily charging at the deputy with a swinging tail to leap into the air into an attempted tackle hug. Ok maybe it was more of a tackle squish but with Mudhound's enthusiasm and comparative size it was inevitable if the affection landed.


The joy was deafening.


BEAR. May 26th, 2023 11:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Admittedly, Wolfkit didn't know what was going on, but he saw his favorite cat just above the overgrown leaves and wanted to visit with her!!

The tiny warrior bounced through the brush, aiming to crash into one of Bumblebreak's legs. "Bumba!" He may have developed the ability to talk, but it was faaar from fluent and endlessly squeaky. "help?" She seemed busy, so he'd be busy too!

Oh, there was another cat here that wasn't his Bumbleparent. Wolfkit blinked at Hawkshade before looking back up at Bumblebreak with wide eyes. With limited understanding, he was more comfortable with the guidance of her than the less familiar cat. "help!!"

[ @dino. @Jester ]

BEAR. May 27th, 2023 12:01 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by CreeperLover649 (Post 1423827)


(Heh heh... Oh so cute(my exact words to reading that adorable post))

Sharpeye heard a yelp and a thump and turned his head. It was little Wolfkit, who seemed to try and pounce on him form behind. Smiling, the Caretaker shifted himself so he would be closer to the little kit. "Try again, little Wolfkit. I'm sure you will get it right again." The small black tom encouraged the kit.

Determination shone in his eyes as he rolled back to his paws and crouched low, muscles quivering with anticipation. "Squeaaak!" Wolfkit let out a war cry before launching himself toward Sharpeye once more, attempting to catch the older cat by surprise.

... His aim was off, and he succeeded in catching dirt just past Sharpeye's tail. The force of his body crashing into the ground made him audibly OOF, but Wolfkit was still quick to try to get back to his paws.

bubble[error]. May 27th, 2023 09:30 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by BEAR. (Post 1424244)
Determination shone in his eyes as he rolled back to his paws and crouched low, muscles quivering with anticipation. "Squeaaak!" Wolfkit let out a war cry before launching himself toward Sharpeye once more, attempting to catch the older cat by surprise.

... His aim was off, and he succeeded in catching dirt just past Sharpeye's tail. The force of his body crashing into the ground made him audibly OOF, but Wolfkit was still quick to try to get back to his paws.


(Your Wolfkit is so cute)

Sharpeye kept one eye on the little Wolfkit as made a cry and tried to pounce on him. He looked over at the kit as he caught dirt instead of his tail. The young Caretaker moved closer and put his tail in front of Wolfkit. "Try again! You got this! You are a mighty warrior!" The black tom again encouraged the kit.

Shade. May 27th, 2023 09:40 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
@x ghostie

Roseraven had kept a low profile ever since getting demoted. Nobody paid much attention to her anymore, though she still got dark looks once in a while. Those looks made her mad. Mostly at herself. After conversing with Albatrossflare, she was certain that, had she carried herself with confidence, had she not acted as if it were her fault, she would have kept her position and nobody would care. Ooops, this one queen and her kits died because the queen was very sick. Oh well, too bad. Instead she had to go and act like a martyr. When you acted like a martyr it was about time people started treating you like a scapegoat.

The small warrior spotted the familiar pelt of her sibling. She'd been distant, even before the incident, and regretted it. She approached, rubbing her shoulder against theirs before standing in front of them to clearly display her mouth for them to read.

"Hey, It's been a while and I can't catch anything. Wanna go help me hunt?"

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