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-   -   Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private) (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12514)

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 09:25 PM

Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)


You've seen Kila the werewolf
You've seen Waasi the demon princess
You've seen Paris and Africa
You've seen places to never even exist

but now we take it to a whole new level.........

This thread will consist of many alternate universes (AUs) So that the story of our Characters will go however we want. Or at least close to the x3. When that plot it over, we create a whole new untouched universe to start a whole new story. This means our characters can be whatever, be born to whoever, date whoever, die or survive however. You basically name it. Whenever we start a new plot, One of us will post a summary of it so you can have an idea and follow along. I WILL ALSO INFORM WHEN WE ARE CLOSE TO ENDING ONE.

With that all said and done, I just have some rules:

  1. NO OVERPOWERED CHARACTERS. Especially if it's in a world where powers do not exist. You character can be more advanced in fields, or possess an element that is naturally stronger than another element, but nothing crazy
  2. Only have as many characters as you can handle. I need to follow this one A LOT. I get too carried away XDD. All of your characters will have a chance of being the star since we do not stay in one universe. Don't worry about someone not getting as much attention, because they will end up getting that attention.
  3. Once we make a plot, we should probably stick to it. If we try and throw a whole bunch of ideas into it, it'll lead to the plot being too long of having the same problems as before. We should finish a plot before adding in another plot.
  4. Be respectful to one another. I know I really don't have to say this because we're such close friends, but it's nice to have a little nudge in the right direction :3
  5. Have fun!! Don't let this make you think you have to dull out your imagination. That's the last thing I want. Remember, this thread and the LG thread is for all of us. Let's make it count and live it to the fullest!

With that final thing said....
This IS private unfortunately. If you honestly want to join that bad, we can talk one on one in the PM. Honestly, I'd love to see if people are interested! I want to make me online family wider! ^-^

And now the mentions

@Random Melody @Shadomaru @Rubinaito


Random Melody November 19th, 2017 09:34 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

red_inactive November 19th, 2017 09:35 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
We're beginning with the Robo world, correct? Are there any specific characters you'd like to see in the roleplay, because I may create new ones for this specific plot besides Atazi and Ruby.

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 09:43 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
For now, we only need regular people and the bionic children. Later on there will be robots and underground rebels and many more. Don't worry, I'll let you guys know x3

red_inactive November 19th, 2017 09:47 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by The Black Cat (Post 424442)
For now, we only need regular people and the bionic children. Later on there will be robots and underground rebels and many more. Don't worry, I'll let you guys know x3

Is it alright if Zircon has an older Bionic sister who helped her escape, but was caught in the process?

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 09:48 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Sure! I like that actually!

red_inactive November 19th, 2017 09:57 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by The Black Cat (Post 424449)
Sure! I like that actually!

Yay <3

Sorry if my replies take awhile, I've gotten into the Main Warriors Roleplay and have put them as a priority recently. I've been working hard in an attempt to get a high rank.

Random Melody November 19th, 2017 09:58 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Soooooo excited for this!
When can we start o3o

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 10:05 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
That's totally fine!
Alright! Everyone can now start posting! Everyone's character's will be unaware of Julian's plans until Zircon arrives in Clawsdale x3

Random Melody November 19th, 2017 10:37 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
(Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy :3)
"You're late again," Kion called as Koja rushed back and forth down the hall. He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes after his brother.
"I know!" Koja yelled back, sifting through a few drawers in the bathroom before groaning and heading back down the hall to his room.
"Very, very, very late, Koj'," Kion added as his older brother rushed past him. His gaze darted toward the clock.
"I know!"
"Good," Kion sighed. "So if you know, why are we late?"
"Shut up." Koja grumbled.
"Just pointing out facts," Kion sighed. "First day, and we're late. This is going to set great first impressions--"
"Kion Eugene Veyo one more word and I will ground you!"
And with that Kion snapped his mouth shut, but he was smirking.


"I'm tired." Kila sighed as she walked beside Vexy, rubbing her eyes.
"I hate walking," Vexy squinted ahead. "We're late."
"We could've run.."
"That's cheating, Kila."
"Ugh." Kila glared ahead. "I hate today,"
"And it's still early." Vexy smirked over at her, and Kila giggled.
(This is all I got)

Ainz Ooal Gown November 19th, 2017 10:43 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
(Simba is still his normal self right?)

red_inactive November 19th, 2017 10:43 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Ruby swept through the diner, the cocoa-skinned female humming a soft melody as she picked up dishes and spun through the kitchen with a melodious chiming coming from her key-chain. She placed the dishes into the sink before picking up a few platters, drifting back out and placing them in front of their respective owners. A couple of patrons got up, leaving behind a ten-dollar bill which Ruby took up in her hand with a smile. She waved to them, calling out a goodbye, and a greeting to a group coming in after them. She continued humming along to the song, collecting dishes and tips and serving patrons both rude and polite. "Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars~" She sang out, leaning against a wall while gazing dreamily out of the kitchen window. "Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Ma-ars~" She leaned her head onto her hands, the dishrag slipping into the sink with a little 'ping'. "In other wo-ords, hold my hand~ In other words, darling kiss me..." She turned back to her dishes, humming the rest of the song with a jaunty little tap to the sink as a beat. The young man on her mind was none other than Chaka Prime, someone who had been on her mind and in her heart for a week now.
"Still obsessed over Prime?" Atazi chuckled, walking in and grabbing her apron from the wall. "Your shift had been over for a couple of hours, by the way." Atazi added, smirking at her friend.
"Really?" Ruby murmured dreamily. "I didn't notice..."

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 10:45 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Big bro!" Sade poked her head out of her room and grabbed Koja's arm as he ran by. "You dropped it in my room last night." She held up a red sneaker.
"WE'RE LATE BECAUSE YOU LOST A SNEAKER!?!?" Tsuki shouted from down the stairs.
Suddenly Kila's phoe buzzed. A notification came up, showing ten unread messages from Uzuri.
"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kopa screamed into Kiara's ear.

Random Melody November 19th, 2017 10:52 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Done. I'm done. Done!" Kion threw his hands up in defeat and headed down the stairs, grumbling to himself.
"Oh my God thank you Sade!" Koja exclaimed, hugging his sister and ruffling her hair before quickly putting his shoe on, along with the other one he had already found. "Guys, relax!" He yelled down to the boys. "We'll get there, okay?!"
"Late," Kion grumbled.


Kila hummed and looked down at her phone, eyebrows raising.
"Who's it?" Vexy peeked over her shoulder.
"Uzuri," Kila smiled slightly.


Kiara jerked awake screaming. "I KNOW MY RIGHTS!!!"

red_inactive November 19th, 2017 11:14 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Shadomaru (Post 424488)
(Simba is still his normal self right?)


Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 11:14 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Let's just go!" Tsuki grumbled, pulling on his jacket
"Um, we still have a small problem," Sade said nervously, her body still behind the door.
"What now!?" Tsuki called up as he slung his bag over his shoulder. He doubted anything could be worse than this.
"Kion forgot to wake me up again," Sade completely opened the door to reveal she was very much still in her pajamas, which was just a large t-shirt she stole from Koja's dresser. Her bare feet pressed together on the cold tile.
Tsuki blinked, then turned and glared at his brother.

As if saying her named summoned her, the young girl crashed through the window. Yes, crashed. She landed hard on Kila's bed, window shards in her bushy hair.
"Idiot," Kopa laughed, flicking her forehead "You're lucky we live so close to the school, or we would be late."

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 11:17 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Shadomaru (Post 424488)
(Simba is still his normal self right?)

Yes x3

Random Melody November 19th, 2017 11:20 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"No, no, no!" Kion pointed at Koja. "It was Koja's turn today!"
"Dammit," Koja mumbled, rubbing his forehead. "Alright--"
"Nope. Know what? I'm walking to school, screw this, it's not that far!" Kion groaned. "I am not going to be like an hour late because I have a forgetful older brother." With that he grabbed his bag and jacket andrushed out of the house.


"Oof," Kila blinked down at her. "Dang, girl."
Vexy shrieked and leaped back. "Jesus Krusty Krab Christ!"


Kiara blinked. "We have school?" she looked at the calendar on the wall, then groaned and leaped up. "Ohhh dang it!"

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 11:36 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Peace!" Tsuki rushed out after him.
Sade let out a yawn and walked slowly to the bathroom.
"I GOT ACCEPTED!!" Uzuri shrieked, jumping up and down on Kila's bed. Widow shard flew out of her hair in all directions.
"I'm taking you're car if you're not out in five minutes!" Kopa whistled, turning and walking out of the room.

Random Melody November 19th, 2017 11:41 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"I hate this," Kion sighed, putting his jacket on before pulling his bag over his shoulder. "Late on our first day. Awesome."


"God.." Koja sighed, closing his eyes.


Kila blinked at her, then her eyes lit up. "Wait - Really?!"


Kiara watched him go, then groaned and quickly headed into her bathroom to get ready.

Stario&Co. November 19th, 2017 11:55 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Hey," Tsuki elbowed him with a grin "At least we don't have to hear the cheesy music Koja puts on the radio."
Just as his eyes closed, a small, dainty kiss was planted on Koja's nose. "You're not that forgetful," Sade giggled. before turning and skipping back to the bathroom.
"REALLY!!" Uzuri squealed, jumping up and down on the bed. "I'M GOING TO NEW YORK!"

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 12:08 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Kion let out a soft laugh at that, his lips tugging up slightly. "Yeah." He bumped his shoulder lightly against his twin's. "I--"
"Yo new kids!" Bunga fell into step with them very suddenly, making Kion jump. Bunga grinned, teal eyes flickering over both Kion and Tsuki, and liking what he was seeing. "Twins. And cute... It's my lucky day," He tilted his head and flashed a grin.
Kion just blinked at him, then glanced at Tsuki and raised an eyebrow.


Koja blinked his eyes open and stared after her, then allowed a soft smile to cross his face. "Thanks, baby girl," He chuckled after his sister.


"That's amazing!" Kila pulled her into a hug, not minding the glass. "Congratulations!"

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 12:13 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 424489)
Ruby swept through the diner, the cocoa-skinned female humming a soft melody as she picked up dishes and spun through the kitchen with a melodious chiming coming from her key-chain. She placed the dishes into the sink before picking up a few platters, drifting back out and placing them in front of their respective owners. A couple of patrons got up, leaving behind a ten-dollar bill which Ruby took up in her hand with a smile. She waved to them, calling out a goodbye, and a greeting to a group coming in after them. She continued humming along to the song, collecting dishes and tips and serving patrons both rude and polite. "Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars~" She sang out, leaning against a wall while gazing dreamily out of the kitchen window. "Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Ma-ars~" She leaned her head onto her hands, the dishrag slipping into the sink with a little 'ping'. "In other wo-ords, hold my hand~ In other words, darling kiss me..." She turned back to her dishes, humming the rest of the song with a jaunty little tap to the sink as a beat. The young man on her mind was none other than Chaka Prime, someone who had been on her mind and in her heart for a week now.
"Still obsessed over Prime?" Atazi chuckled, walking in and grabbing her apron from the wall. "Your shift had been over for a couple of hours, by the way." Atazi added, smirking at her friend.
"Really?" Ruby murmured dreamily. "I didn't notice..."

Little bump for Chaka~ I'm assuming they're seniors? (Cause the seniors at my school only have four classes x.x)

Stario&Co. November 20th, 2017 12:19 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Tsuki didn't meet his brother's eyes. His face was immediately a shade of slight red. He wasn't used to being called cute. He was really a calmed down version of Kion. He was just a toned with muscle, but his hair was shaggier and stood out a little more. He was regretting wearing a sleeveless shirt today.
"I can't believe it!" Uzuri squeezed Kila right back. "A field trip to the biggest academy that teaches mechanical medicine? Only juniors and seniors get accepted usually!"

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 12:30 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
(Oh XD)
"Oh boy," Kion mumbled, an amused smile tugging at his lips. He looked at Bunga. "Who're you?"
"The name's Bunga." Bunga replied cheerfully, winking. "And who might you two be?"
"I'm Kion," Kion laughed, honestly amused by the flirting attempts. He then nodded to his brother. "This is Tsuki. Who is apparently now very shy."
"I get that reaction alot," Bunga smiled at Tsuki.
"No you don't," Ono grumbled, suddenly walking beside Bunga now.
Bunga shot him a look. "Yes I do."


"You totally deserve it!" Kila squeezed her before letting go. "I'm so proud of you!"
Vexy suddenly turned her head and pouted. "My brothers are singing without meeee..."


Chaka was leaning back against the wall outside the diner. strumming on a beautiful pitch-black guitar he had. He was actually playing a song, one of his favorites. He knew he was late for school, but he wasn't really in any rush. School was the least of his worries.
Vincent was beside him, humming along.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,
Angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun.."

Chaka smiled at the people who stopped to listen, ducking his head slightly as his face reddened.

"Get out your guns, battle's begun,
Are you a saint or a sinner?
If love's a fight, then I shall die,
With my heart on a trigger," He looked up at the sky.

"They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fightin' for.
Well, baby, you are all that I adore.
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be," He nudged Vincent to join in, smiling.
Vincent grinned at him.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, fightin' till the war's won,
I don't care if Heaven won't take me back." The brothers sang.

"I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe,"
"Don't you know you're everything I have?"

"And I....
Wanna live, not just survive,

Stario&Co. November 20th, 2017 12:43 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
(And now.....)
"Years, Rocco," Julian chuckled. As he turned one final dial, the machine's whirring ceased. Bursts of mist exploded from vents on the sides. "After years of studying, I've finally finished my greatest invention."
The capsule shaped machine opened, and a cloud of steam flooded out of the tight space. From the thick fog emerged what seemed like a human like machine. It looked very much like a person, only it was made completely of steal and bolts. It's "eyes" flickered a calm red.

"Ummm...." Rocco, Julian's assistant blinked, staring at the robot. "What is it exactly, boss?"

"My key to world domination, you halfwit!" Julians voice was filled with a childish glee as the robot walked around the room "A human entity contained in a machine. I have created immortality!" He lifted a hand to a locket on his chest. "With enough of these, and those bionic brats that I have developed, Robotopolis will finally become a reality..."

"But boss," Rocco pushed his glasses up against his face. "What about the two that escaped?"

"My daughter and her friend?" Julian scoffed dismissively "Zircon is a child. They all go through that rebellious faze. She'll be back within a week when she remembers Taco nights."

"If your so confident then why did you send a team after her?" Rocco asked

"Because she's a six year old with super speed and a laser arm running out there like a buffoon."


Remember what Big sister said.
Zircon held tight to Moyo's hand as she walked down the street. Find help. But what help? Who could possibly help us.
"Zirrrrrc," Moyo whined. Zircon blinked and looked over at her friend. The little girl was dramatically clutching her stomach "I want foooood!"
"Moyo!" Zircon groaned, but blinked when a rumble noise came from above her abdomen as well. She blushed and looked at her feet. "Actually....we should find some food."
"Or food can find us!" Moyo pushed up Zircon's chin so she could see what Moyo was talking about.
Zircon took one look and her heart dropped to her stomach. "This won't end good."

Stario&Co. November 20th, 2017 12:54 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 424516)
(Oh XD)
"Oh boy," Kion mumbled, an amused smile tugging at his lips. He looked at Bunga. "Who're you?"
"The name's Bunga." Bunga replied cheerfully, winking. "And who might you two be?"
"I'm Kion," Kion laughed, honestly amused by the flirting attempts. He then nodded to his brother. "This is Tsuki. Who is apparently now very shy."
"I get that reaction alot," Bunga smiled at Tsuki.
"No you don't," Ono grumbled, suddenly walking beside Bunga now.
Bunga shot him a look. "Yes I do."


"You totally deserve it!" Kila squeezed her before letting go. "I'm so proud of you!"
Vexy suddenly turned her head and pouted. "My brothers are singing without meeee..."


Chaka was leaning back against the wall outside the diner. strumming on a beautiful pitch-black guitar he had. He was actually playing a song, one of his favorites. He knew he was late for school, but he wasn't really in any rush. School was the least of his worries.
Vincent was beside him, humming along.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,
Angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun.."

Chaka smiled at the people who stopped to listen, ducking his head slightly as his face reddened.

"Get out your guns, battle's begun,
Are you a saint or a sinner?
If love's a fight, then I shall die,
With my heart on a trigger," He looked up at the sky.

"They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fightin' for.
Well, baby, you are all that I adore.
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be," He nudged Vincent to join in, smiling.
Vincent grinned at him.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, fightin' till the war's won,
I don't care if Heaven won't take me back." The brothers sang.

"I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe,"
"Don't you know you're everything I have?"

"And I....
Wanna live, not just survive,

There's two!?!?! Tsuki was internally screaming in his head.
"Don't start you two," Fuli was suddenly behind both Ono and Bunga, and swatted them hard across their heads.
"I wouldn't be where I am if you didn't cheer me on," Uzuri's face slightly reddened across her freckles. She slid off the bed with a smile "Come on. I called in and said we would be late so we could go get something to eat!"

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 01:11 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Ow!" Ono and Bunga yelled at the same time, rubbing their heads. "Fuli! Don't do that!"
"Ugh," Bunga grumbled, then turned to Ono. "Twins."
"I can see that." Ono sighed, giving Kion and Tsuki an apologetic look. "I apologize. Bunga can you stop terrorizing the new kids?"
"I'm just being friendlyyyy," Bunga pouted playfully.
Kion studied them for a long moment. He wasn't really sure what to make of the group, but they interested him, to say the least.


"You are an angel," Kila informed, leaping up. "Vexy, you wanna come?" she asked, looking at her best friend.
"Nah, I'm good," Vexy smirked at them. Love Doctor in the house. "You two have fun. I've gotta go kill my brothers painfully," With that she headed out.
"Bye," Kila called after her, then nudged Uzuri's shoulder with her own. "Just you and me then,"

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 10:22 AM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 424516)
(Oh XD)
"Oh boy," Kion mumbled, an amused smile tugging at his lips. He looked at Bunga. "Who're you?"
"The name's Bunga." Bunga replied cheerfully, winking. "And who might you two be?"
"I'm Kion," Kion laughed, honestly amused by the flirting attempts. He then nodded to his brother. "This is Tsuki. Who is apparently now very shy."
"I get that reaction alot," Bunga smiled at Tsuki.
"No you don't," Ono grumbled, suddenly walking beside Bunga now.
Bunga shot him a look. "Yes I do."


"You totally deserve it!" Kila squeezed her before letting go. "I'm so proud of you!"
Vexy suddenly turned her head and pouted. "My brothers are singing without meeee..."


Chaka was leaning back against the wall outside the diner. strumming on a beautiful pitch-black guitar he had. He was actually playing a song, one of his favorites. He knew he was late for school, but he wasn't really in any rush. School was the least of his worries.
Vincent was beside him, humming along.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,
Angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun.."

Chaka smiled at the people who stopped to listen, ducking his head slightly as his face reddened.

"Get out your guns, battle's begun,
Are you a saint or a sinner?
If love's a fight, then I shall die,
With my heart on a trigger," He looked up at the sky.

"They say before you start a war,
You better know what you're fightin' for.
Well, baby, you are all that I adore.
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be," He nudged Vincent to join in, smiling.
Vincent grinned at him.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, fightin' till the war's won,
I don't care if Heaven won't take me back." The brothers sang.

"I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe,"
"Don't you know you're everything I have?"

"And I....
Wanna live, not just survive,

Ruby walked out of the diner, stopping to listen to the song. She smiled, turning to compliment the duo when she froze. Heat rose to her cheeks, darkening her color slightly as she stared right at Chaka. "Eep." Was all she could manage, dropping her purse to the ground.

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 01:19 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Chaka looked up when he heard Ruby, and smiled slightly at her as he stopped playing. "Hey,"
Vincent bumped his shoulder against Chaka's, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. "Chaka and Ruby sittin' in a treeee~"
"Grow up," Chaka mumbled.

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 01:28 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"H-Hi. I mean, uh, hey." Ruby stammered. Her gaze darted to the ground nervously, trying to figure out what to say as her face heated up more.
Atazi poked her head out of the window. "Hey, Cha!" She called, waving her hand. "You should ask Ruby out!" She suggested, grinning at Ruby like the Cheshire Cat.
Ruby hid her face in her hands with another 'eep'. "Ta-az..." She whispered harshly.
"What, big bad Ruby can't handle a date with Chaka Prime?" Atazi teased, patting Ruby on the back.
Ruby stuck her tongue out at Atazi, her face darkened with a furious blush.

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 01:35 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Chaka laughed slightly, but he was clearly blushing as well. "Well,"
"Alright, hang on." Vincent pulled his phone out. "We need--"
"The Love Doctor," Vexy sang, dancing up to them. "Oops, I did it again~"
"Nevermind," Vincent put his phone back in his pocket, rolling his eyes in amusement.
"Oh what's going on here?" Vexy looked at Ruby, then at Chaka. "You're both blushing." She suddenly smirked.
"Yeah here we go," Chaka leaned back and crossed his arms.

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 01:56 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Ruby blinked in surprise, dread settling in her stomach. She knew Vexy all too well, and if one Cupid was around, the other was soon to follow. "Oh dear." She whispered, checking her phone nervously. "This is not going to end well."
"Whatever do you mean, darling?" Valentine purred, popping up from behind Ruby and placing his hands on her shoulders. "This will end perfectly with my help, my dear sister." Valentine was a very feminine looking male, which he embraced to it's fullest. He was attractive to both men and women in his own ways, which made it easy for him to get things that he wanted- not that he used his charisma in a manipulative way anyways. The twins were an iconic duo, familiar faces in the hallways of the Clawsdale Highschool. "I dare say," Valentine continued, raising his slender hand to point at Chaka. "That your feelings are returned in the fullest, Ruby."
Ruby blushed furiously again. "Dammit Val, why do you always pop up when I'm around Chaka?" She groaned, hanging her head forward.

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 02:05 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Ooh yay~" Vexy clapped her hands. "Now we've got two Matchmakers,"
"Go on and kiss the girl~" Vincent hummed to Chaka, then ducked down, quickly avoiding having a guitar smashed into his head.
"Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to ask someone out on a date when other people are dancing around like idiots?!" Chaka exclaimed, glaring at his siblings, who both cocked their heads to the side.
"What do you mean Cha?"
"I give up!" Chaka held his hands up in exasperation, leaning back.

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 02:23 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
Valentine glanced over at Vexy and smiling, flicking a card out from his pocket. "Valentine Amour at your service, Mademoiselle." He handed her the card, smiling warmly at her. "I've heard much about you, Vexy Prime. You're the 'Love Doctor', a master at matchmaking and romance. It's a pleasure to meet you, and in person nonetheless." His lips quirked up in a smile, his dark curly hair falling briefly into his eyes as he looked down at his smaller twin and pushed her forward. "Why don't you and Chaka find a bench somewhere." He suggested, subtly handing Chaka a rose and pushing them towards a bench a few yards away, just out of earshot.
Ruby blushed furiously again, marching over to the bench. "Stupid Valentine, obsédée par les dîners aux chandelles et les pétales de rose..." She muttered under her breath, sitting down on the wooden bench and giving Valentine one of her more deadly death-glares, gritting her teeth- before looking down at her feet and blushing again.

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 02:30 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
"Pleased to meet you as well," Vexy hummed, scanning the card before handing it over to her brother. She was interested in love, yes, but only for other people. She had no intentions on falling in love anytime soon. Though she knew it still couldn't be stopped, she wasn't boy crazy at all. She was just love crazy - Love crazy when it came to hooking other people up. Still, though, didn't mean she wasn't interested in making friends.
"Mm," Vincent looked down at the card, eyebrows raising.


"Siblings," Chaka sighed, sitting beside Ruby. He looked down at the rose, then handed it over to her. "Here,"

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 02:39 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 424714)
"Pleased to meet you as well," Vexy hummed, scanning the card before handing it over to her brother. She was interested in love, yes, but only for other people. She had no intentions on falling in love anytime soon. Though she knew it still couldn't be stopped, she wasn't boy crazy at all. She was just love crazy - Love crazy when it came to hooking other people up. Still, though, didn't mean she wasn't interested in making friends.
"Mm," Vincent looked down at the card, eyebrows raising.


"Siblings," Chaka sighed, sitting beside Ruby. He looked down at the rose, then handed it over to her. "Here,"

(Quick, I need a reference picture of human Chaka, stat!)

Ruby smiled at Chaka, looking at the red petals. Her blush had faded to a light pink coloring her cheeks, no longer making her as red as a tomato. "They can't take a hint." She murmured, looking up at the bright blue sky. "Sorry about my brother, he's kinda crazy." She muttered, setting the rose down beside her, between her and Chaka. "He was born on February 14th, and thinks it means he's destined to help people fall in love." She waved her hands slightly, leaning back. "But he never thinks about himself." She looked at Chaka. "What about you?"

Random Melody November 20th, 2017 02:56 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)
(Uhhh okay hang on XD)
Chaka smiled slightly in amusement, looking around for a moment. "Vexy's kinda the same way. Everyone calls her the Love Doctor - She's a love fanatic. Likes to help people fall in love." He glanced toward his siblings. "Though she's not interested in falling in love, herself. Vincent's kind of just... An idiot who likes to annoy me."

red_inactive November 20th, 2017 04:26 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 424744)
(Uhhh okay hang on XD)
Chaka smiled slightly in amusement, looking around for a moment. "Vexy's kinda the same way. Everyone calls her the Love Doctor - She's a love fanatic. Likes to help people fall in love." He glanced toward his siblings. "Though she's not interested in falling in love, herself. Vincent's kind of just... An idiot who likes to annoy me."

Didja find it?

Ruby moved a little closer, looking up at him. "You're the only person that's made me such a shy and nervous mess you know." She frowned. "I blame you for ruining my tough-girl image." She joked, smiling again.

Stario&Co. November 20th, 2017 09:24 PM

Re: Clawsdale: When One World Becomes Many(Private)

Originally Posted by Random Melody (Post 424519)
"Ow!" Ono and Bunga yelled at the same time, rubbing their heads. "Fuli! Don't do that!"
"Ugh," Bunga grumbled, then turned to Ono. "Twins."
"I can see that." Ono sighed, giving Kion and Tsuki an apologetic look. "I apologize. Bunga can you stop terrorizing the new kids?"
"I'm just being friendlyyyy," Bunga pouted playfully.
Kion studied them for a long moment. He wasn't really sure what to make of the group, but they interested him, to say the least.


"You are an angel," Kila informed, leaping up. "Vexy, you wanna come?" she asked, looking at her best friend.
"Nah, I'm good," Vexy smirked at them. Love Doctor in the house. "You two have fun. I've gotta go kill my brothers painfully," With that she headed out.
"Bye," Kila called after her, then nudged Uzuri's shoulder with her own. "Just you and me then,"

Heyo :3

"Sorry about them," Fuli gave an apologetic smile "Bunga can be an idiot, and Ono is an egghead. My name is Fuli, by the way!"
"Tsuki," Tsuki finally regained his composure, exchanging a firm handshake with the lean yet muscled girl. "It really is a pleasure--WHOA!" Tsuki let out a yelp as his feet were lifted from the ground. He and Kion were both suddenly lifted into the air by the backs of their collars.


"Just keep your hands to yourself," Uzuri teased, a giggle slipping from her lips. She hopped off of the bed and headed over to Kila's closet.

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