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BEAR. February 16th, 2018 02:55 PM

Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Please do not post until your respective Clan leader or deputy has.

ONLY ThunderClan and ShadowClan should be posting here. DO NOT post any outsiders or cats from another Clan. Kits should not be attending the Gathering and should not be posted in this thread. Elders and queens can fight.

The fight will take place outside of Clan territory when ThunderClan and ShadowClan cross paths while heading to Seastones for the gathering.
A verbal argument breaks out between the leaders and deputies and it becomes violent after Passionblaze [ @Constellation ] attacks Goldenstar.

Once Passionblaze has started the physical fight, both Clans are welcomed to join in.

@Random Squip
@.:Blue Wishes:.

:blue: February 16th, 2018 08:31 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Goldenstar was padding torwards the gathering, quietly wondering what would be waiting for him there. Dozens of cats, of course, but what would they be like? It was like his first gathering all over again, but with less anxiety over what he would be doing, and more about what the other clans were doing. Shadowclan was still recovering, most of their cats had healed, but they were still recovering. What Daydream had told him continued to echo through his mind. He kept wondering if he had made the right decision, and every pawstep was an hour of thinking. He figured he would get over it soon enough, but every other part of him seemed to say otherwise. There were clouds dotting the sky, ones that usually signified that rain was coming. The leader could only hope that nothing bad would happen.

He felt himself stiffen for a moment, thinking he could smell the scent of Thunderclan, but told himself it was his imagination acting up. Sure, Thunderclan could be coming, but it wasn’t something to get your tail in a twist over. At least, that was what it was like a majority of the time. With the recent battle, every clan seemed turned against each other, and, even on the night of the truce, you never knew what could happen. The Dusk Syndicate had attacked during a truce, so it was obvious some cats weren’t afraid to do it. Continuing to pad torwards seastones, he tried his best to calm down, and put his anxieties away for one night, just to not overthink anything for once.

Brilliance February 17th, 2018 01:36 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Another gathering...his second one as deputy. Sometimes it was always a little awkward for him because he was a naturally awkward feline. Additionally, he didn’t like crowded areas very much. His muscles may have looked tensed as he awkwardly (tried his best to be confident) trailed along after Snowstar. His head, held high, showing that he still had a little bit of confidence left. One good thing about going to the gathering was the peace it held. No fighting, minimum bickering - most times, and the wonderful knowledge that all cats could make friends with the other clans, without being interrogated about their loyalty. Upon the though, immediately Auroraflame appeared in his mind. Last gathering, he had met her and enjoyed her company. Albeit, it was cut short since the surprised battle with the Syndicate happened.

Hopefully, this gathering will have more of a...chilled vibe. He couldn’t predict what outrageous exclaims Blazingstar or Goldenstar would cause. All of a sudden, Passionblaze’s ginger pelt spiked up, heavily as he realized this gathering was going to be filled with tension. From thunderclan’s smug expressions from their victory, and Windclan’s desperation to prove they were “unbeatable”. What if another fight erupts?Passionblaze loved fighting! It was one of his favorite activities whether it be sparring or play fighting or even a full on battle, but the continuous violence was not something the deputy appreciated.

The familiar scent of Shadowclan wafted into his nose. Wiggling it, and narrowing his eyes he thought he could detect the wily clan. Still slightly bitter over their alliance with Windclan, out of impulsion and reckless thinking he would had stomped over there, but out of obedience and heavy respect for his leader, he trailed alongside her; hackles raised and a steady eye on the opposing clan.

Charmer February 17th, 2018 03:13 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Morningblue trekked along on the path to the gathering, not far behind Passionblaze. His ears plastered flat against his head involuntarily. If the deputy had only listened to him... If Snowstar had only given him the time of day to make his case for making Riverclan an ally soon. Perhaps Shadowclan would have followed out of feelings of indebtedness to Riverclan for offering them shelter. Perhaps the attack on their camp could have been avoided altogether. There was a reason the tom kept to himself. It seemed no cat listened to him even when he did speak his mind. Now, bitter and irate, not just from this but with his skirmish at the Shadowclan border with that snake-tongued apprentice, Sharppaw, he found himself going to yet another gathering where yet more tension and supposed peace-talk would no doubt stir up new problems. His sister, Jaystorm, was lingering nearby. She had asked to join, made the argument that her kits were old enough to be left alone for the evening with other queens to look after them. He ignored her. He didn't want to hear any more complaints about the battle. He just wanted to get this night over with.

Just then, the rank scent of Shadowclan passed his nostrils. His hackles were up at once. He glanced back at Jaystorm, Sharppaw's threat echoing in his ears...

"Then, I’ll go and kill your little family, with the help of all of ShadowClan."

A growl escaped him as he inched closer to his sister, fighting to keep his claws in as he kept his eyes and ears open for that miserable apprentice.

@Aura @blue jellie

Charmer February 17th, 2018 03:33 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
@king kaleb!

Nightpaw padded along with her clanmates in silence, keeping close to Daydream. The medicine cat had returned the Shadowclan camp after a long, long walk that had started to make Nightpaw worry if her friend was ok. It turned out, she had been right to worry. Daydream had returned to camp about as far from ok as a cat could get, and had shared the horrible truth that Geckoleaf, Juniperpaw's old mentor and Daydream's closest friend... practically a parent, had died at Daydream's paws. Since then, the usually grouchy but soft-hearted cat had been...broken somehow. Nightpaw had been at a loss trying to comfort them. Nothing she said could make this better. She couldn't say or do anything to bring Geckoleaf back, or even stop her friend's pain... As they walked, Nightpaw kept her tail draped over Daydream's back, sparing the occasional worried, sideways glance at the enby as she tried to hold the utter helplessness she felt gnawing away at her insides. Daydream... can't I do anything to help? It's just not fair that this keeps happening to you... I'd fight away your grief with my own claws and teeth if I could. Just then, the scent of Thunderclan caught the young shecat's nose, and she lifted her head, trying to spot then in the dim light. A sudden breeze swept past her face and nearly blew her ears inside out as she did and she squeezed. It smelled like rain was coming.

Midgefur February 17th, 2018 04:06 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
With legs too long for his lean ShadowClan body, Stiltpaw had to take smaller steps to keep in line with his fellow apprentices. It was going to be the young tom's first ever gathering and the thought of seeing so many cats at once gave him butterflies, thought not once did his smile falter the whole walk across the territory.
After a while of focusing on the snow squishing under his toes, the tom glanced around to try and make out what the other apprentices thought of it all. His bright amber eyes stopped on Nightpaw for a moment. Confusion struck him, she looked distressed, and not just like she was nervous about meeting so many cats. Stiltpaw didn't want to get caught staring, but when the gust of wind blew her ears inside out, he couldn't hold back a quick snigger. Oblivious to the scent of ThunderClan lingering in the air, he whipped his head back towards the front of the group and tried to keep a straight face.

GingaFan2249 February 17th, 2018 04:30 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Lightpaw felt nervous. She had no idea how to fight since no one was interested in mentoring her. Poor Lightpaw had learned nothing, and she just stared at all the cats in confusion.

wolfie February 17th, 2018 04:43 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Snowpaw didn't like this, for once in his lifetime he didn't want to go to the gathering. For him, the gathering was a place for peace. Not from the last gathering, he didn't attend that one luckily. His wounds were still healing while his shoulder would scar his white pelt. He didn't mind. He didn't care. For Starclan's sake he just wish it was over. Snowpaw never want this, no cat want this. Snowstar and Blazingstar should solve this on their own. They did what they had to survive. A small sigh came from him. Why, just why couldn't Riverclan and Shadowclan stay out of this? At least Skyclan had enough brains to. Snowpaw scowled at himself, thinking these thoughts became a regular thing. He felt like his wounds were infected, making his thoughts become sour. He seem to stop in his tracks when he smelled the scent of Shadowclan. His face twisted into a unmiskately worried face. The tensions were high enough as it is. Snowpaw rolled his shoulders, desperate to get to the gathering where the truce was. But what would stop them from another fight for breaking out? The dark thought crept into his head. His claws dug into the ground, trying to settle his breathing before carrying on. Snowpaw needed to block his thoughts. Be emotionless. Yet the tom had so much emotions, the thought of suppressing them just made the emotions more wild.

Leaf_tail February 17th, 2018 06:39 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Leaftail usually loved Gatherings--it was the only place she could talk with other Clan cats without feeling like she was being disloyal. Today, though, she couldn't imagine anything worse. The battle was still fresh on everyone's minds. Leaftail didn't want to witness the second-hand awkwardness as everyone glared and sniped at one another. Maybe I should have skipped it, she thought fervently to herself.
It wasn't just that, either--the pulled-back ears, the clenched jaws. There's danger in the air.

Brokencreek padded behind the rest of the ShadowClan cats, his gaze flicking between the cats walking in front him. The scent of ThunderClan wafted by, and he felt a growl form in the back of his throat. Privately, he relished the opportunity of a fight. I'd love to show those ThunderClan cats who won that battle. His gaze scanned the clearing, searching for the unfamiliar faces of ThunderClan cats.

pomegranate February 17th, 2018 06:50 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Watertail leapt over a branch, her heart racing. The grass was cold, and Watertail relished the chilly air. No one talked in this weather, and the last thing she wanted was to talk to... her. Amberfire was so oblivious! She didn’t care that Watertail disapproved! Or that she wanted to stay close to her. The last thing that compassionate Amberfire cared about was her sister. Tonight was going to be rough, not only just her own bitter squabbles. The clans had just been at war, Why so near to the gathering? Her blue sleek form darted among her clanmates, and her breath misted in the moist atmosphere.


Radler February 17th, 2018 07:19 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Mistwing padded silently behind Snowstar's entourage, feeling indifferent to the tensions of her clan mates. Mistwing's silver pelt glowed ever so slightly in the tiny amount of moonlight that filtered it's ways through churning clouds. As Mistwing walked, she unsheathed her claws every few steps, sinking them into the cold earth, and wrenching them out with a dull tug. As she glanced around at her clanmates, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of anticipation they felt? Would they want a fight if Shadowclan started one, to avenge the lives they lost in the earlier fight, or had they learned from those mistakes. Even though Thunderclan had been victorious, their unrest was obvious. @Owl

Leopardpaw trotted along at the rear of the throng of cats. This wasn't her first gathering, nor would it be her last in her life, but lost in her own mind, she thought this could hopefully be her last gathering as an apprentice. Leopardpaw made that vow to herself, next time she came she would absolutely be a warrior by them. (Open)

Owl February 17th, 2018 08:20 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Radler (Post 471945)
Mistwing padded silently behind Snowstar's entourage, feeling indifferent to the tensions of her clan mates. Mistwing's silver pelt glowed ever so slightly in the tiny amount of moonlight that filtered it's ways through churning clouds. As Mistwing walked, she unsheathed her claws every few steps, sinking them into the cold earth, and wrenching them out with a dull tug. As she glanced around at her clanmates, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of anticipation they felt? Would they want a fight if Shadowclan started one, to avenge the lives they lost in the earlier fight, or had they learned from those mistakes. Even though Thunderclan had been victorious, their unrest was obvious. @Owl

Leopardpaw trotted along at the rear of the throng of cats. This wasn't her first gathering, nor would it be her last in her life, but lost in her own mind, she thought this could hopefully be her last gathering as an apprentice. Leopardpaw made that vow to herself, next time she came she would absolutely be a warrior by them. (Open)

Rowanblaze padded beside Mistwing, he walked close enough that their pelts brushed. He nosed her ear, "Are you okay?" He asked, concern laced his deep voice. The russet furred tom stared at her with worried green eyes. He, too, could feel tensions rising as they approached the spot where Thunder met Shadow. If there was one Clan he despised most, it was ShadowClan. ShadowClan cats had an attitude about them and were always like vipers, spitting remarks towards other clans and talking about them. His ears flicked, suddenly his eyes grew hard, serious. If a fight were to break out tonight, he'd defend Mistwing with his life for sure. He wouldn't think twice about protecting the feline he cared most about.


Radler February 17th, 2018 08:28 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Owl (Post 472004)
Rowanblaze padded beside Mistwing, he walked close enough that their pelts brushed. He nosed her ear, "Are you okay?" He asked, concern laced his deep voice. The russet furred tom stared at her with worried green eyes. He, too, could feel tensions rising as they approached the spot where Thunder met Shadow. If there was one Clan he despised most, it was ShadowClan. ShadowClan cats had an attitude about them and were always like vipers, spitting remarks towards other clans and talking about them. His ears flicked, suddenly his eyes grew hard, serious. If a fight were to break out tonight, he'd defend Mistwing with his life for sure. He wouldn't think twice about protecting the feline he cared most about.

Mistwing had already grown used to the comforting feeling of him so close to her side, but stiffended imperceptibly at Rowanblaze's affectionate reassurances. Though she had been feeling increasingly bad over the past moons that she didn't reciprocate his feelings and was essentially just using him, she preferred having him than not having him. But Mistwing knew that was a selfish choice, and not a loving one. She tilted his head towards him as they travelled, the unfamiliar territory beneath their paws not at all as comforting as Thunderclan's land. Mistwing responded in a hushed tone after a few moments of deliberation, "I'm alright, just thinking worst, you know." Mistwing studied the look of determination that flashed over his face and continued, "If Shadowclan and Windclan are prepared for a fight then we are walking right into a trap."

fresh February 17th, 2018 10:09 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 471741)
Morningblue trekked along on the path to the gathering, not far behind Passionblaze. His ears plastered flat against his head involuntarily. If the deputy had only listened to him... If Snowstar had only given him the time of day to make his case for making Riverclan an ally soon. Perhaps Shadowclan would have followed out of feelings of indebtedness to Riverclan for offering them shelter. Perhaps the attack on their camp could have been avoided altogether. There was a reason the tom kept to himself. It seemed no cat listened to him even when he did speak his mind. Now, bitter and irate, not just from this but with his skirmish at the Shadowclan border with that snake-tongued apprentice, Sharppaw, he found himself going to yet another gathering where yet more tension and supposed peace-talk would no doubt stir up new problems. His sister, Jaystorm, was lingering nearby. She had asked to join, made the argument that her kits were old enough to be left alone for the evening with other queens to look after them. He ignored her. He didn't want to hear any more complaints about the battle. He just wanted to get this night over with.

Just then, the rank scent of Shadowclan passed his nostrils. His hackles were up at once. He glanced back at Jaystorm, Sharppaw's threat echoing in his ears...

"Then, I’ll go and kill your little family, with the help of all of ShadowClan."

A growl escaped him as he inched closer to his sister, fighting to keep his claws in as he kept his eyes and ears open for that miserable apprentice.

@Aura @blue jellie

Triumphantly marching with her tail in the air was none other than Jaystorm, prideful at her victory of going to the Gathering despite her brother's protests. She was proud to prove him wrong and was still a little spiteful over the battle and how he'd treated her, but was almost ready to let it go. Almost. Okay, not really. But as long as it never happened again- which it probably would- why have an issue with it?
No, she would never apologize for defending her reputation and pride,
but it was a start for the stubborn silver she-cat. As they trotted towards Seastones, Jaystorm could tell something was off. It was the smell. That scent that she'd dreaded since she'd been attacked in her own home.
At once she felt her brother stiffen and inch a little bit closer to her. Hackles lifting, teeth bared slightly, she unsheathed her claws and faced the oncoming Clan with malice in her eyes.

GingaFan2249 February 17th, 2018 10:18 PM

Lightpaw felt awful after realizing how nervous she was. Her whole body was trembling in fear, and she had no fighting experience being she had no mentor, and possibly no one was interested. Lightpaw remembered when she had killed a badger once all by herself, randomly. Maybe if she could fight badgers, then maybe she could fight cats!

The young, mentorless ShadowClan apprentice glanced at everyone nervously. Surely anyone would be able to take down a small apprentice like her? Taking a deep breath, Lightpaw took in all the scents of different cats, her pads prickling with unease. Maybe she could just tell herself everyone else was just a bunch of mouse-brains, but that wouldn't help. Lightpaw had to help her adopted Clanmates somehow.

graves February 18th, 2018 10:53 AM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 471757)
@king kaleb!

Nightpaw padded along with her clanmates in silence, keeping close to Daydream. The medicine cat had returned the Shadowclan camp after a long, long walk that had started to make Nightpaw worry if her friend was ok. It turned out, she had been right to worry. Daydream had returned to camp about as far from ok as a cat could get, and had shared the horrible truth that Geckoleaf, Juniperpaw's old mentor and Daydream's closest friend... practically a parent, had died at Daydream's paws. Since then, the usually grouchy but soft-hearted cat had been...broken somehow. Nightpaw had been at a loss trying to comfort them. Nothing she said could make this better. She couldn't say or do anything to bring Geckoleaf back, or even stop her friend's pain... As they walked, Nightpaw kept her tail draped over Daydream's back, sparing the occasional worried, sideways glance at the enby as she tried to hold the utter helplessness she felt gnawing away at her insides. Daydream... can't I do anything to help? It's just not fair that this keeps happening to you... I'd fight away your grief with my own claws and teeth if I could. Just then, the scent of Thunderclan caught the young shecat's nose, and she lifted her head, trying to spot then in the dim light. A sudden breeze swept past her face and nearly blew her ears inside out as she did and she squeezed. It smelled like rain was coming.

they were hurting. they didnt know what to say or do at this point. they walked with their head close to the ground, letting their gaze go no higher than to see what was infront of them. they could feel nightpaws gaze settling in them. they knew she was worried. they knew she cared. they knew she felt helpless. but so did they. they had no one but her at the moment. they had lost the only cat that they could really call their mother. they walked into the gathering with nightpaw at their side. ever since they had confessed the news she hadnt left their side it seems like. they didnt mind, they ddint want to lose her too, even if it seemed like they were pushing her away. they stayed silent, amber hues focusing on the ground ahead of them, nightpaws tail being the only thing really guiding them. they grew tired. they were tired of losing, and losing, instead of gaining. they felt so lonely. geckoleaf had been their everything, a mother, a friend, a mentor. and all of that was gone. they could still feel how her cold fur felt along their tongue as they groomed her fur. how cold she felt..so lifeless. a cat that once healed a clan, was now dead. no search party, no hassle. its as if she never existed or no one cared. it made them bitter. the moisture of the air flooded their nose. rain. at this point they didnt mind getting their fur wet. after all, what was the point anymore ?

Casual Scribbles February 18th, 2018 11:55 AM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Lightpaw (Post 472136)
The young, mentorless ShadowClan apprentice glanced at everyone nervously. Surely anyone would be able to take down a small apprentice like her? Taking a deep breath, Lightpaw took in all the scents of different cats, her pads prickling with unease. Maybe she could just tell herself everyone else was just a bunch of mouse-brains, but that wouldn't help. Lightpaw had to help her adopted Clanmates somehow.

[May I interact with her?]

Reverie February 18th, 2018 11:56 AM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
(if anyone wants to have a quarrel hmu. i have Fadeddusk

GingaFan2249 February 18th, 2018 12:20 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
@Casual Scribbles

Dark Queen February 18th, 2018 12:52 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Mistpaw trotted up to Lighpaw "Hello Lightpaw" she meowed softly to the plain black apprentice"why are you nervous" Mistpaw asked concerned for her friend.

Charmer February 18th, 2018 01:02 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by king kaleb! (Post 472257)
they were hurting. they didnt know what to say or do at this point. they walked with their head close to the ground, letting their gaze go no higher than to see what was infront of them. they could feel nightpaws gaze settling in them. they knew she was worried. they knew she cared. they knew she felt helpless. but so did they. they had no one but her at the moment. they had lost the only cat that they could really call their mother. they walked into the gathering with nightpaw at their side. ever since they had confessed the news she hadnt left their side it seems like. they didnt mind, they ddint want to lose her too, even if it seemed like they were pushing her away. they stayed silent, amber hues focusing on the ground ahead of them, nightpaws tail being the only thing really guiding them. they grew tired. they were tired of losing, and losing, instead of gaining. they felt so lonely. geckoleaf had been their everything, a mother, a friend, a mentor. and all of that was gone. they could still feel how her cold fur felt along their tongue as they groomed her fur. how cold she felt..so lifeless. a cat that once healed a clan, was now dead. no search party, no hassle. its as if she never existed or no one cared. it made them bitter. the moisture of the air flooded their nose. rain. at this point they didnt mind getting their fur wet. after all, what was the point anymore ?

"Smells like Thunderclan is around," Nightpaw said softly to the medicine cat. It wasn't as if this were shocking news. They were headed toward the Gathering. Of course other clans were out and about. But she wanted to fill the silence between them, to give Daydream something else to think about if they wanted. She thought about mentioning Juniperpaw or Shinefang in the hopes that Daydream might be excited to see them, but every mental path she took led back to Geckoleaf somehow. Juniperpaw had been Geckoleaf's apprentice and a cat of Riverclan, so that was bound to make them think again. What else was there? Herbs? That was a medicine cat topic too, and one that Nightpaw could hardly keep up with anyway. All roads led back to Geckoleaf somehow. She said something else instead. "I'll be a warrior soon. I passed my assessment a couple days ago... but I'm waiting for Snowpaw to feel better first." Nightpaw didn't expect a response. Only to show that she was there. "It's all thanks to you," she added. It was true. She wouldn't be here if it weren't for Daydream. She wouldn't be alive at all.

GingaFan2249 February 18th, 2018 01:12 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Lightpaw looked over at her friend Mistpaw. "I have no mentor." She answered. "I'm also extremely weak, and anyone could bring me down." Lightpaw quivered, her pads pricking with unease at the thought of an enemy cat lunging at her, cracking her spine and killing her instantly. "I don't think this is a good idea that I joined the battle."

Dark Queen February 18th, 2018 01:14 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Lightpaw (Post 472320)
Lightpaw looked over at her friend Mistpaw. "I have no mentor." She answered. "I'm also extremely weak, and anyone could bring me down." Lightpaw quivered, her pads pricking with unease at the thought of an enemy cat lunging at her, cracking her spine and killing her instantly. "I don't think this is a good idea that I joined the battle."

Mistpaw smiled at her "I'll help you and if you get hurt I'll protect you" she meowed softly to Lightpaw reassuring her that she would be all right

dionysus February 18th, 2018 01:48 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
@Blue Wishes
(Sorry this is late)
Halfgaze walked slowly behind the group of Shadowclan cats, bringing up the rear. She had started in the front but took the chance halfway towards the gathering to check their numbers and make sure everyone was accounted for. Everyone was still there and Halfgaze walked at the back wondering if she’d been paranoid or silly for the check. The tortoiseshell wasn’t sure why, but she felt oddly worried. The whole day had brought an unsettled feeling upon her and as the deputy marched along and gazed at the overcast sky, she prayed to Starclan that all would go well at the gathering. Reassuring herself that all was well and she was simply being paranoid, Halfgaze trotted back to the front of the line. Just as she reached Goldenstar’s side, a tendril of Thunderclan scent tickled her nose. Her fur started to rise in worry, but she forced it down and turned to Goldenstar to say with a lowered voice, “Do you smell that?” She wouldn’t have brought it up if not for the recent battle involving the two clans.

graves February 18th, 2018 02:08 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 472316)
"Smells like Thunderclan is around," Nightpaw said softly to the medicine cat. It wasn't as if this were shocking news. They were headed toward the Gathering. Of course other clans were out and about. But she wanted to fill the silence between them, to give Daydream something else to think about if they wanted. She thought about mentioning Juniperpaw or Shinefang in the hopes that Daydream might be excited to see them, but every mental path she took led back to Geckoleaf somehow. Juniperpaw had been Geckoleaf's apprentice and a cat of Riverclan, so that was bound to make them think again. What else was there? Herbs? That was a medicine cat topic too, and one that Nightpaw could hardly keep up with anyway. All roads led back to Geckoleaf somehow. She said something else instead. "I'll be a warrior soon. I passed my assessment a couple days ago... but I'm waiting for Snowpaw to feel better first." Nightpaw didn't expect a response. Only to show that she was there. "It's all thanks to you," she added. It was true. She wouldn't be here if it weren't for Daydream. She wouldn't be alive at all.

daydreams ears perked at the mention of being a warrior. had they really been missing that much? that they forgot to even ask nightpaw how her life had been going for once? her training? her well being? they had been so caught up in their own selfishness they couldnt see their best friend right infront of them. "Atleast i did something right." the thought made them feel slightly better, even if they didnt show it on the outside. they had nightpaw. and right now, that had to be enough, they had no choice. they took a glance towards her. she had grown so much, basically bigger than daydream at this point. she was going to be a warrior, a true member of this clan. they could remember when she was a scared kittypet who had been attacked by dogs on the brink of death. and now she was here, living through battles and training. daydream was so proud of her. "Im proud of you." they mewed softly, looking up at her this time. that was the most theyve spoken for days it seemed. but they were, they were proud of their nightpaw.

:blue: February 18th, 2018 02:19 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 472342)
@Blue Wishes
(Sorry this is late)
Halfgaze walked slowly behind the group of Shadowclan cats, bringing up the rear. She had started in the front but took the chance halfway towards the gathering to check their numbers and make sure everyone was accounted for. Everyone was still there and Halfgaze walked at the back wondering if she’d been paranoid or silly for the check. The tortoiseshell wasn’t sure why, but she felt oddly worried. The whole day had brought an unsettled feeling upon her and as the deputy marched along and gazed at the overcast sky, she prayed to Starclan that all would go well at the gathering. Reassuring herself that all was well and she was simply being paranoid, Halfgaze trotted back to the front of the line. Just as she reached Goldenstar’s side, a tendril of Thunderclan scent tickled her nose. Her fur started to rise in worry, but she forced it down and turned to Goldenstar to say with a lowered voice, “Do you smell that?” She wouldn’t have brought it up if not for the recent battle involving the two clans.

Goldenstar had become aware of the Thunderclan scent long before Halfgaze had pointed it out, but he didn’t flinch and tell the entire clan. One, because they probably had all scented it anyways, and two, because he didn’t want to start anything. The gathering was important, he just wanted to make it there on time. Saying that, if Thunderclan still wanted a fight, he would give them one. Glancing over at Halfgaze, he nodded, “I can, don’t start anything,” he murmured. Glancing up at the sky, he was relieved to see the moon still there, despite the many clouds. Starclan was still allowing the gathering to go on, so nothing bad had happened yet. Glancing around for Thunderclan’s patrol, he decided not to become paranoid, and walked normally, telling himself that if Thunderclan wanted a battle, they could pick it, he wasn’t starting it.

Casual Scribbles February 18th, 2018 02:20 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Lightpaw (Post 472358)
Lightpaw smelled the air. "ThunderClan." She repeated quietly. She looked over at Mistpaw. "Promise you'll protect me, okay?" Lightpaw asked, half-teasing.

Frostedflight trotted up to the apprentices, one of which he knew had no mentor. "Lightpaw," he meowed briskly in greeting, "Mistpaw," he dipped his head to them both. "Do not attack unless we are provoked. No need to further the tension between us all." Now he turned to the untrained apprentice. "If you remember play-fighting as a kit, do what you did then, but with your claws unsheathed. You will be fine."

Owl February 18th, 2018 03:10 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Radler (Post 472014)
Mistwing had already grown used to the comforting feeling of him so close to her side, but stiffended imperceptibly at Rowanblaze's affectionate reassurances. Though she had been feeling increasingly bad over the past moons that she didn't reciprocate his feelings and was essentially just using him, she preferred having him than not having him. But Mistwing knew that was a selfish choice, and not a loving one. She tilted his head towards him as they travelled, the unfamiliar territory beneath their paws not at all as comforting as Thunderclan's land. Mistwing responded in a hushed tone after a few moments of deliberation, "I'm alright, just thinking worst, you know." Mistwing studied the look of determination that flashed over his face and continued, "If Shadowclan and Windclan are prepared for a fight then we are walking right into a trap."

Rowanblaze's hackles rose as the stench of ShadowClan reached his nostrils. His eyes narrowed, claws unsheathing slowly as he walked. "Well, if this is a trap, Mistwing...I won't go a coward. I'll fight to protect those in my clan before I run away." The russet tom had grown serious, different than his playful, loving side. His hair stood on end, body prickling with anticipation. He didn't like ShadowClan, not one bit. However, the tom never picked a fight unless someone came at him first. Of course, he would fling himself into battle to protect another or prevent another from attacking his clan mates, but he'd never purposefully start a fight. "Let's just get this night over with." His eyes lowered as he padded closer to Mistwing, pelts brushing a lot more than before. He was worried for her safety and Wolfhearts, wherever she was at the moment.

GingaFan2249 February 18th, 2018 03:37 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Lightpaw exchanged a glance with Mistpaw for a moment in amazement. "This is really cool!" She whispered. "I feel like a hawk looking down on its prey!"

vellichor February 18th, 2018 03:44 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by blue jellie (Post 472123)
Triumphantly marching with her tail in the air was none other than Jaystorm, prideful at her victory of going to the Gathering despite her brother's protests. She was proud to prove him wrong and was still a little spiteful over the battle and how he'd treated her, but was almost ready to let it go. Almost. Okay, not really. But as long as it never happened again- which it probably would- why have an issue with it?
No, she would never apologize for defending her reputation and pride,
but it was a start for the stubborn silver she-cat. As they trotted towards Seastones, Jaystorm could tell something was off. It was the smell. That scent that she'd dreaded since she'd been attacked in her own home.
At once she felt her brother stiffen and inch a little bit closer to her. Hackles lifting, teeth bared slightly, she unsheathed her claws and faced the oncoming Clan with malice in her eyes.


Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 471741)
Morningblue trekked along on the path to the gathering, not far behind Passionblaze. His ears plastered flat against his head involuntarily. If the deputy had only listened to him... If Snowstar had only given him the time of day to make his case for making Riverclan an ally soon. Perhaps Shadowclan would have followed out of feelings of indebtedness to Riverclan for offering them shelter. Perhaps the attack on their camp could have been avoided altogether. There was a reason the tom kept to himself. It seemed no cat listened to him even when he did speak his mind. Now, bitter and irate, not just from this but with his skirmish at the Shadowclan border with that snake-tongued apprentice, Sharppaw, he found himself going to yet another gathering where yet more tension and supposed peace-talk would no doubt stir up new problems. His sister, Jaystorm, was lingering nearby. She had asked to join, made the argument that her kits were old enough to be left alone for the evening with other queens to look after them. He ignored her. He didn't want to hear any more complaints about the battle. He just wanted to get this night over with.

Just then, the rank scent of Shadowclan passed his nostrils. His hackles were up at once. He glanced back at Jaystorm, Sharppaw's threat echoing in his ears...

"Then, I’ll go and kill your little family, with the help of all of ShadowClan."

A growl escaped him as he inched closer to his sister, fighting to keep his claws in as he kept his eyes and ears open for that miserable apprentice.

@Aura @blue jellie

’Stupid ThunderClanner. I just want to take my claws down his throat, and watch the light die from his eyes... yes. Or better yet, cripple the fox-heart, watch him beg for mercy. Kill him anyway.’ Sharppaw fumed silently, his ego knocked down a few notches from the border fight. He followed the rest of ShadowClan, a scowl curling on his muzzle. He hated running from a fight more than being beaten. It was indignifying. It was humiliating. It was... infuriating. It made him want more than ever to make Morningblue suffer. Then, a putrid scent swamped his nose. ‘ThunderClan.’ He looked around for Morningblue, pinning his ears back.

Radler February 18th, 2018 04:47 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Owl (Post 472387)
Rowanblaze's hackles rose as the stench of ShadowClan reached his nostrils. His eyes narrowed, claws unsheathing slowly as he walked. "Well, if this is a trap, Mistwing...I won't go a coward. I'll fight to protect those in my clan before I run away." The russet tom had grown serious, different than his playful, loving side. His hair stood on end, body prickling with anticipation. He didn't like ShadowClan, not one bit. However, the tom never picked a fight unless someone came at him first. Of course, he would fling himself into battle to protect another or prevent another from attacking his clan mates, but he'd never purposefully start a fight. "Let's just get this night over with." His eyes lowered as he padded closer to Mistwing, pelts brushing a lot more than before. He was worried for her safety and Wolfhearts, wherever she was at the moment.

Something in Mistwing stirred when she saw Shadowclan cats slip from the shadows and she scanned their faces. Much like her own clan, cats wore expressions of hostility, apprehension and fear. Mistwing searched the throng of Thunderclan cats for Snowstar as a wave of unease washed over them. She was curious to see how the leader would react, but she realized with a chill it had grown so dark that she could barely tell her clanmates apart. Mistwing looked up to the sky and stiffened for a moment. It was Rowanblaze's warmth pressed into her side that regained her attention, she turned to look at the now serious tom and gestures with her nose to the moon, which had heavy clouds threatening to close in on it. She mewed in a hushed tone, "That can't be good."

Tundra February 18th, 2018 05:22 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Skyfeather stalked around at the edge of the patrol. He flattened his ears and glared at ShadowClan.
If the knew what's best they'd back off. He unsheathed his claws and let out a low growl.
Dusktalon lifted a paw and laughed.
Stupid ThunderClan. They should just mind their own business, because someone will get hurt! She narrowed her eyes as a evil smirk formed on her face.

Casual Scribbles February 18th, 2018 05:46 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Frostedflight watched the apprentices scramble up into the trees and rokled his eyes. There was no guaruntee that ThunderClan would attack. It was a gathering. However, there was no guaruntee that they wouldn't . He tensed, watching to see what Goldenstar would do.

.:Virgo:. February 18th, 2018 05:49 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Casual Scribbles (Post 472547)
Frostedflight watched the apprentices scramble up into the trees and rokled his eyes. There was no guaruntee that ThunderClan would attack. It was a gathering. However, there was no guaruntee that they wouldn't . He tensed, watching to see what Goldenstar would do.

Ravenflight and Darkblossom shivered and were huddled together near Frostedflight

ShiningFern February 18th, 2018 06:14 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood
Snarlfang scented the Thunderclanners before he saw them. The golden-ginger tom raised his tail to alert any cats behind him who may not have noticed. He flicked his gaze quickly to Halfgaze and Goldenstar, wondering if they'd say anything or not. The tom widened his stance just in case, preparing himself for the worst. However, it was a gathering night, and everyone was supposed to honor the truce. He wiggled his nose, the side of his jaw with his snaggletooth wrinkling up. Those mangy Thunderclan cats better not try anything. They always put their paws where they aren't needed. The 28 moon old tom shook his head slightly and looked at his fellow clanmates,
wondering what his patrol would do next.


dionysus February 18th, 2018 06:22 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. (Post 472360)

Goldenstar had become aware of the Thunderclan scent long before Halfgaze had pointed it out, but he didn’t flinch and tell the entire clan. One, because they probably had all scented it anyways, and two, because he didn’t want to start anything. The gathering was important, he just wanted to make it there on time. Saying that, if Thunderclan still wanted a fight, he would give them one. Glancing over at Halfgaze, he nodded, “I can, don’t start anything,” he murmured. Glancing up at the sky, he was relieved to see the moon still there, despite the many clouds. Starclan was still allowing the gathering to go on, so nothing bad had happened yet. Glancing around for Thunderclan’s patrol, he decided not to become paranoid, and walked normally, telling himself that if Thunderclan wanted a battle, they could pick it, he wasn’t starting it.

Halfgaze was aware that everyone on the patrol was fully capable of recognizing Thunderclan scent. She knew that Goldenstar must have smelled it. However, the presence of another clan they they’d recent fought put the tortoiseshell on edge. She wanted to gauge the leader’s reaction and see if he was as concerned as her. She nodded to his response and faced forward again, trying to stop herself from looking around for the other clan. Halfgaze didn’t think that she had actually alerted him to their presence, but now he knew that she knew.

Charmer February 18th, 2018 06:44 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by king kaleb! (Post 472350)
daydreams ears perked at the mention of being a warrior. had they really been missing that much? that they forgot to even ask nightpaw how her life had been going for once? her training? her well being? they had been so caught up in their own selfishness they couldnt see their best friend right infront of them. "Atleast i did something right." the thought made them feel slightly better, even if they didnt show it on the outside. they had nightpaw. and right now, that had to be enough, they had no choice. they took a glance towards her. she had grown so much, basically bigger than daydream at this point. she was going to be a warrior, a true member of this clan. they could remember when she was a scared kittypet who had been attacked by dogs on the brink of death. and now she was here, living through battles and training. daydream was so proud of her. "Im proud of you." they mewed softly, looking up at her this time. that was the most theyve spoken for days it seemed. but they were, they were proud of their nightpaw.

Much to Nightpaw's surprise, they did reply. While she wasn't thrilled at how the first words seemed to have a cutting edge to the enby, she clearly heard Daydream say that they were proud. She smiled softly, hope rising at seeing just this little bit of engagement from her dear friend. "Thank you. It's been a journey." There had been many twists and turns in Nightpaw's life as a clancat. She'd made friends, she'd learned, she'd lost, she'd fought. And through it all, she had come to love Shadowclan and the forest, and the life the warriors of the clans lived. Daydream had seen her through it all, as a caretaker, a friend, even a mentor or sorts at points when she gave her her first battle training after her first mentor stopped training her. In spite of all the hardship Daydream had suffered, they'd always found time for Nightpaw. She didn't think she could ever pay them back. But at least she could be there for them. She butted her head into Daydream's neck as they walked. "Not as proud as I am of you," she countered, adding in her own mind, I'm here...

Casual Scribbles February 18th, 2018 07:17 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Dark blossom (Post 472553)
Ravenflight and Darkblossom shivered and were huddled together near Frostedflight

Frostedflight glanced at the warriors huddled at his side. He brushed them with his tail comfortingly. "Don't be scared. Surely ThunderClan will not attack on the night of the truce."

Charmer February 18th, 2018 07:56 PM

Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Aurora Borealis (Post 472446)
’Stupid ThunderClanner. I just want to take my claws down his throat, and watch the light die from his eyes... yes. Or better yet, cripple the fox-heart, watch him beg for mercy. Kill him anyway.’ Sharppaw fumed silently, his ego knocked down a few notches from the border fight. He followed the rest of ShadowClan, a scowl curling on his muzzle. He hated running from a fight more than being beaten. It was indignifying. It was humiliating. It was... infuriating. It made him want more than ever to make Morningblue suffer. Then, a putrid scent swamped his nose. ‘ThunderClan.’ He looked around for Morningblue, pinning his ears back.

@blue jellie

Morningblue kept close to his sister, his tail giving an angry lash as he kept his jaws parted. The piney, rotten scent of Shadowclan was growing stronger as they kept on. Everything he knew about warrior life told him this apprentice wouldn't dare touch another clan cat at a gathering. His mentor and his leader would have his mangy pelt for bedding. But he was taking no chances. He didn't trust this apprentice as far as a badger could fly. He glanced at Jaystorm again, the worry in his eye masked with determination and anger. "Stay close to me," he ordered under his breath as they moved. She could gripe about his protectiveness all she liked. She may be in danger and he wasn't about to have her hurt. Not now, not ever, and especially not by some honorless little Shadowclan foxheart.

.:Virgo:. February 18th, 2018 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by DarkLeaf (Post 472555)
@Casual Scribbles @Dark blossom
Hey guys you don't wanna attack from above?" She whispered to him from above "It'll be fun" She said smiling at them gently.

Darkblossom heard lightpaw and looked up at him her gentle green eyes looking at him.


Originally Posted by Casual Scribbles (Post 472608)

Frostedflight glanced at the warriors huddled at his side. He brushed them with his tail comfortingly. "Don't be scared. Surely ThunderClan will not attack on the night of the truce."

"Let's hope...." Darkblossom said shivering and thinking of her sister in star clan. Adder paw? If you can hear my thoughts, I really miss you.she prayed silently to star clan that hawkkit was ok and to her sister who was killed in a past battle with thunderclan.

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