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Estelle November 14th, 2020 03:03 PM

RiverClan Patrols
Patrols will be sent out and reported in this thread!
This takes place in the RiverClan clearing ^^

Please mention the roleplayer who assigned
your patrol when reporting!

- - -

duckie November 14th, 2020 03:09 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

Originally Posted by UpperclassFailure (Post 845971)
Koiripple was, without a doubt, embarrassed and unimpressed with herself. She was a hardened stone of a warrior, usually not saying a word save for a couple of nods of the head and snarling when she battled but this-....this was so unlike her she didn't even know what to say. So, once she finally padded through the familiar border of Riverclan's camp, she donned her usual aura of silence until she spotted an easily recognizable golden pelt. She quietly huffed and, after getting her confession in order, walked right on over to him. She made sure to straighten out her stance and dipped her head once she stopped in front of him. "....Lionstar?"


"Actually," meowed the leader, stepping forward, "It's Sootstar, now. Lionstorm has stepped down from his position. You've been gone for nearly a moon, Koiripple, care to explain where you've been?"

Sootstar raised a brow, clearly eager to hear her explanation.

UpperclassFailure November 14th, 2020 03:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

Originally Posted by wnder (Post 848376)


"Actually," meowed the leader, stepping forward, "It's Sootstar, now. Lionstorm has stepped down from his position. You've been gone for nearly a moon, Koiripple, care to explain where you've been?"

Sootstar raised a brow, clearly eager to hear her explanation.

"S-...Sootstar? Oh by the moons I've missed a lot, haven't I?" The molly frowned sadly and let her ears turn backward. "I admit I've been in a daze for some time now....I had been wandering the territory when Silverpelt appeared in the sky again. I had found myself down near Lionsbeach and I just....well, it's hard to explain. I looked out on the waters and just sat there, i-it felt like I had forgotten about anything else, that there wasn't anything in that moment......that moment just dragged on for so long. That's never happened to me before. I don't know how long it had been until I came to, but when I did I....I-I practically forgot what I was doing. It took me a while to recall the bits and pieces, but I just began to look around the territory until I ended up back here.....I'm sorry, I just don't know what happened to me." Her frown grew and she began to shuffle a little.

Madelaine November 14th, 2020 10:59 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
[ @wnder; @Moon Lily; ]

Ashpool lead her mate to go find Sootstar. He was the open to be informed that Hickoryblaze has returned. The molly stayed by his side as she padded up to the leader. "Sootstar I found Hickoryblaze in the Territory. He's had a rough time, but managed to come home.", she meowed. Ashpool was going to leave the explaining to Hickoryblaze. After all he was trying to rejoin not him.

Estelle November 15th, 2020 05:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
It hadn't been to long, but perhaps a bit long in the eyes of a patrol that, unknown to Primrosepaw, actually had to be reported back like.. Way before. So why had it not been done yet? Primrosepaw only had half an answer for that. Somewhere along the way of following Silversong back to camp, the apprentice lost sight (or rather sound) of her. And without that guidance, combined with both her lack of sight and knowledge of the territory, Primrosepaw had gotten lost for a bit, finding her way back by luck. That was how it went for her, as for her mentor? She didn't know. Now, the small apprentice was just walking, still mostly unaware that each passing moment was another moment to late for the patrol report, when she found herself nearly walking into yet another one of the strange furry barriers. She hadn't heard that one arrive, so it caught her a bit by surprise.

[ @wndr ]

Dovey November 15th, 2020 05:19 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
// @wnder

Silent slipped into the camp. Riverclan?? He guess. He flicked his tail and wandered farther

duckie November 16th, 2020 04:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining


Sootstar raised a brow, "So-... Just to make sure I have this right, for nearly a moon you found yourself... stunned? In a stupor? And only now you've broken out of it and found your way home. Do I have that right?"

It was more of a rhetorical question, as he quickly moved on, "How can you be sure this won't happen again?"

- - - - -

Sootstar was headed out of camp when he spotted Primrosepaw wandering, seemingly, in his direction. Before he knew it, she had stumbled into his side and he took a step back to put some distance between them.

"Primrosepaw? Where have you been?"

[ @Estelle ]

- - - - -

Catching an unfamiliar scent, Sootstar was quickly on the case. It wasn't long after slipping out of his den that he spotted the intruder. What did they even have camp guards for?

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" He meowed, placing himself firmly in front of the rogue tom.

[ @Dovey ]

Dovey November 16th, 2020 05:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
// @wnder

Hmm.... Silent pointed to his mouth and shook his head. This cat seems smart... He should figure it out.

Abyssopelagic November 16th, 2020 05:29 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
With the baby problems out of the way, Flyfur padded to Sootstar to report what had happened, leaf covering the nasty prey she carried so she didn't have to actually touch it. She set it down to speak.
"Someone isn't being careful with their prey. They left this," she gestured to the crow food she had set down, "in the nursery, where Lakekit saw it and tried to eat it, revealing it had maggots in it. Thankfully, he stopped trying to eat it, but the fact it was laying where anyone could have gotten it worries me. I think Lakekit will be alright, but if he seems off, I'll take him to Sparrowskip just in case."
Flyfur wasn't sure how much Sparrowskip or Snakepaw had been taught, but hopefully they had something for an upset stomach. Maybe just induce vomiting since he ate bad prey.
But, this wasn't the only thing she'd be bringing to him. The incident with Rapidkit was still just as fresh on her mind.
"When Lionstorm was still leader, he assigned Foxpaw to help me watch the kits. It was doing well, but today one of the kits, Rapidkit, had harrassed her while I was gone, to the point she was crying."
Her tail lashed at the thought. Foxpaw wasn't the greatest cat for the job, she was too easily distracted, but this really boiled her blood.
The kits shouldn't be allowed to think they can bully her just because this was her punishment.
"I'm not certain what you can do to help, but I thought I'd let you know anyway."
She'd be having a word with a few queens, to have them let their little brats know it wasn't ok to harass Foxpaw. Sure, it was just one kit right now, but it could quickly get out of paw and any number of kits could decide to get after her.


BEAR. November 17th, 2020 05:02 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

Lionstorm made his way into camp once the giant group of cats were safely inside, making his way immediately to where the mostly white tom was. "It seems you missed out on all the fun. Tinypaw and I went on a quick search for some of our Clan-mates and we found.." he beckoned to the crowd, "a lot of them in the outskirts not far from here. Most of them seem to have gotten lost while hunting, Rainpuddle wanted to do some soul searching, and Echopaw is just plain stupid. And rude, by the way. She spewed some apology vomit on me and then made some lewd comments about how heavy I was getting." As if. Lionstorm hardly remembered to eat most of the time - one would think more cats would be concerned by his lankiness.

[ @wnder ]

duckie November 19th, 2020 10:02 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining


"I'm afraid being a mute won't get you out of this so easily. You're trespassing. You wander into my camp expecting... what? hospitality? Find a way to explain yourself before I have to chase you out of here."

[ @Dovey ]

- - - - -

Sootstar wrinkled his nose at the rotten prey. Gross. How had it been sitting around in camp for long enough to get maggots and who in their right mind would take it to the nursery? The stench alone was enough to send a grown warrior running.

"I'll be sure to have it disposed of. Do you know who may have brought it to the nursery?" If the warriors were stupid enough to chow down on rotten prey, they could very well go puke their guts out and get back to work - Sootstar didn't care. They would surely learn their lesson. But to try and feed it to the kits? That was punishable.

"And I'll be sure to speak to Foxpaw and the kits when I have the time. Is that all?"

- - - - -

That was... a parade and a half of cats now marching through the camp entrance. All familiar faces, if a bit vague. Immediately Sootstar set to searching for Lionstorm - this reeked of the golden tom - and soon was face to face with the lanky man.

"Yes, I clearly have. That's quite a haul." He quickly glanced over the group and, with everyone shuffling about, it was hard to get an exact count but he guessed 10ish, give or take, "You've spoken with all of them then? All their stories check out?"

[ @BILL. ]

BEAR. November 19th, 2020 10:15 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
"Well, I wouldn't have brought their sad asses back if I thought there was something shady going on with where they've been." It might seem harsh, but Lionstorm wasn't a fan of liars or ne'er-do-wells. He would have left them to the crows. "A couple seem to have injured paws, I told them to go to the medicine cat den but it might be worth making sure they do." Who was it.. Rainydawn and Shimmeringpool, maybe? He couldn't quite remember.

[ @wnder ]

Dovey November 20th, 2020 10:28 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
// @wnder
Hm... Afraid of being mute? So if I can't explain myself signing I won't be allowed. Silent pointed to himself, then paused. How do I say want... He made a heart in the ground, and then pointed around at the Riverclan cats. There... Silent was still standing, in case it took a ugly turn.

UpperclassFailure November 21st, 2020 06:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Her head lowered, weighed down with shame and hints of sadness, but there was a determined gleam in her eyes.

"I'll make sure it won't happen again Sootstar, I promise! I'll be even stronger and more focused than I was before, and I won't wander off on my own. Whatever kind of stupor I was in was terrified me and the thought of it still does, I just want to get back to my duties-" and to Minkfire"-as soon as possible. I want to make it up to my clan for being gone for so long."

[ @wnder ]

panchiko November 22nd, 2020 11:45 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
dayheart glanced around uncertainly before catching sight of sootie and brightening up. “sootstar!” he exclaimed, smiling before he remembered what he was here for. “oh— yeah! so, uh, i found foxblaze wandering out in the territory, so i thought i’d bring her to you!” he glanced over at the missing clanmate he’d brung along, giving foxblaze a small smile.
// @Exis @wnder

Exis November 22nd, 2020 11:58 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Foxblaze stepped back for a moment, “S-Sootstar?!?! OH MY GOD SOITSTAR!!!!! YOU’RE A SOOTSTAR!!!!! PH MY STARCLAN!!!” She said jumpii in by up and down. She was just so darn proud of her former mentor. Wow. SOOTSTAR!
@hope @wnder

duckie November 22nd, 2020 11:16 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining


"Of course - I'd expect nothing less from you." He gave another cursory glance over the small group. He'd expect most of them to settle in again quick enough but, to be sure, he'd make time for some individual chats in the near future, "Alright. Is that all?"

[ @BILL. ]

- - - - -

Sootstar didn't quite understand the message at first. I... heart... clanmates? That didn't make much sense. I like RiverClan? I want RiverClan? I want-

"Do you want to join the clan?"

[ @Dovey ]

- - - - -

"Very well then. Get to work." There was no reason to give Koiripple a hard time, so with his words he gave a simple nod towards the rest of the clearing. She would be welcomed back into the clan now but if something like this ever happened again, her chances of being allowed to return were slim.

- - - - -

Sootstar glanced up as two familiar forms approached, offering a smile to Dayheart and a questioning glance in the direction of Foxblaze. Before he could open his mouth to respond to Dayheart's report, he was berated with Foxblaze's outburst.

"Right. Should've expected that." he muttered, cringing inward slightly before straightening up again, "Where have you been, Foxblaze?"

[ @hope @Exis ]

BEAR. November 22nd, 2020 11:23 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
"No." Lionstorm leaned in to Sootstar, closer and closer, closer. Just close enough to try to steal a peck before he dashed away with a snicker.

[ @wnder ]

Dovey November 22nd, 2020 11:50 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
// @wnder
Silent nodded. He understood! He thought with a a happy feeling. Now let’s hope I’m allowed to join. Sikent had always liked swimming and fishing, so Riverclan would be good clan for him. He also had always wanted to join a clan. The happiness of helping clanmates, and defending them.

Exis November 23rd, 2020 09:40 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Foxblaze stopped bouncing and bowed her head. “I smelled a Shadowclanner running through the territory so I followed him. Found the poor thing in a rundown twoleg nest. He was shakin like a baby kit trying ta stand. I led him back to Shadowclan, poor thing was getting chased by something. Said it was a Fox but I only smelled hints of it.” Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.
@wnder @hope

panchiko November 24th, 2020 10:54 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
dayheart smiled back at sootie happily and eagerly. foxblaze’s reaction caught him a bit off guard and he flinched at the sudden noise, but it was!! a valid reaction!! deciding not to interfere by saying anything — which would probably end up unrelated to the conversation, knowing him — dayheart listened to foxblaze’s story interestedly. cool!!
// @Exis @wnder

Estelle November 24th, 2020 05:19 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Primrosepaw shook her had upon having run into yet another one of those strange, furry, barriers, lifting her unfocused gaze up to the sound of commanding voice number two. She had never heard much of him, but just enough to recognise him as commanding voice.
It took a few seconds for her to properly process what the voice had asked. Where had she been? She had been... She had been... "P...pwa-trol--?" Yes, that. That was what she remembered the very same voice saying before she left with Silversong to.. That strange echo-y place. The one they had to rush out of for some reason.. "twu...nels.." she paused to think for a moment. Yes, that was it- "Twu..nels! ... Bwa... Ba.. Bwa..d..g-er?" That's what Silversong called before rushing her out when she tried investigating that strange smell. She had almost never heard that word before, but either way, that's where she had been. Until having lost Silversong. Was her mentor back by now? Primrosepaw had been silent for a few moments before turning her head left and right, then directing it back to Sootstar with a questioning look "Sil..ver-swong?" she asked, not knowing where her mentor- or 'care taker' as she saw it- had gone after that.

[ @wnder ]

duckie November 27th, 2020 09:09 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining


Somehow, Lionstorm still managed to take him off guard with that. In a quick reaction, Sootstar attempted a swipe at the golden tom but missed terribly as he dashed away. He would get him back for that.

- - - - -

"Very well." He had to think for a second. Finding someone who would be able to easily communicate with the tom was going to be difficult, but he would figure something out. "You'll have to complete an assessment - just a test to see how well you hunt, fight, so on, and that will determine where you start in the clan."

"Ah... I suppose you'll need a new name, given you can't really communicate your current one. Probably something like 'Silent', knowing how those loners tend to name themselves."

- - - - -

Sootstar raised a brow. Chasing after a ShadowClanner? Probably chasing after answers to some ridiculous question more like, he thought, recalling her adventure into the territory as a kit. He let out a sigh, "Fine. Just know that if something like this happens again I won't be so lenient with you. Next time, chase them out of the territory and return home. No more gallivanting." His tone was harsh but softened as he continued, "Go on then. I think you and Snakepaw have some catching up to do."

"Oh, and thank you Dayheart, for bringing her home." He offered a nod and a smile.

[ @Exis @hope ]

- - - - -

Sootstar listened carefully and patiently as Primrosepaw attempted to communicate her story, working to piece together her broken words. Sounded like they encountered a badger in the tunnels and got separated? Or at least, that's what he could guess given Primrosepaw didn't seem to know where her old mentor was. He let out a sigh, "I'm afraid I haven't seen Silversong in a while either, Primrosepaw. I'm not sure where she ended up."

[ @Estelle ]

Exis November 27th, 2020 11:29 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Foxblaze froze in her tracks. Snakepaw?!? “Oh my.... I hadn’t realized... I’ve been gone so long.... Where can I find Snakeki... Snakepaw?” She mewed now figity and anxiety riddled. How could she have missed something so important. “Never mind, I’ll find him. Good to see you both.” She mewed hurrying off to find her baby.
@wnder @hope

Estelle November 29th, 2020 05:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Silversong was not... Home? Primrosepaw somewhat understood what the new leader meant, though she still wondered where the molly actually was. Where all the not-home cats went to, even - because apparently that was a thing. If the tiny apprentice had to be honest though, she always thought Silversong was a bit weird, but never disliked her! She faced the Sootstar with both a bit of a confused and worried expression, though hints of some poutiness could be detected. She found it.. Not nice that some cats just didn't come home.

[ @wnder ]

UpperclassFailure November 30th, 2020 05:55 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

Originally Posted by wnder (Post 855100)


"Very well then. Get to work." There was no reason to give Koiripple a hard time, so with his words he gave a simple nod towards the rest of the clearing. She would be welcomed back into the clan now but if something like this ever happened again, her chances of being allowed to return were slim.

Koiripple had bowed her head low before moving away from the newly-christened leader and towards the rest of the clearing, feeling one weight being removed from her shoulders before being replaced with another, heavier one. ......I suppose this means I'm swimming in deep water now.....I can't let whatever that was happen again...never again. I need to be stronger than I used to be.....I can't lose my second chance.
The calico straightened her stance and raised her head higher, accepting the new weight, welcoming it with open paws. She had her purpose again, and was content.

Dovey December 1st, 2020 01:50 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
// @wnder

Silent smiled. He nodded. He perked his ears when Sootstar said "Something lie 'Silent," And nodded. A test? Alright. This would be easy. He could hunt and fight.

panchiko December 3rd, 2020 12:00 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
walking in, dayheart made sure the two kits he’d found were right behind, eyes darting in search of sootie for only a second before he found sootie’s familiar pretty figure. “hiiii -” he paused, remembering that his nickname for sootie didn’t count when addressing him —“sootstar!” he turned to look at the kits he’d found. “these kiddos were wanderin the territory! so i thought i’d bring em over to ya!” he gave sootie a smile, gesturing towards the two kits... whom he'd forgotten to ask the names of. oops.
// @wnder @Roseleader @Phoenix Fire

popsicle dream December 3rd, 2020 09:38 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Fawn looked up. "Who is... uhhh... Sockstar?" The kit was sure he had gotten the name wrong, but he didn't remember entirely what it was. "Are they the one you called Sootie? Why isn't it Sockie?" He was confused. @hope @Roseleader @wnder

dionysus December 4th, 2020 11:46 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
[ @wnder @feather lily @Warriorfan09]
(Sorry this is late, I was in the hospital)

“Rainydawn and no- she’s new like you.”

The bengal mix gave curt answers to the questions and continued toward camp, pushing the speed until they finally made it to the entrance. Giving the two strangers a warning glance, she led the way through into the clearing and gave a shout for the leader.

“Sootstar. I have some cats who want to join.”

All that was left was to wait for the tom to join them, so Rainydawn took a seat. She kept her eyes trained suspiciously on the newcomers as she waited, making sure they didn’t put a paw out of place.

Jade13 December 4th, 2020 11:53 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 865269)
[ @wnder @feather lily @WarriorCat09 ]
(Sorry this is late, I was in the hospital)

“Rainydawn and no- she’s new like you.”

The bengal mix gave curt answers to the questions and continued toward camp, pushing the speed until they finally made it to the entrance. Giving the two strangers a warning glance, she led the way through into the clearing and gave a shout for the leader.

“Sootstar. I have some cats who want to join.”

All that was left was to wait for the tom to join them, so Rainydawn took a seat. She kept her eyes trained suspiciously on the newcomers as she waited, making sure they didn’t put a paw out of place.

(oh crap are you ok?)
feather stepped right behind the cat that was taking them to there leader. this was the place feather thought sh wondered if she would be welcomed. would they really tell a kit without a mom no? feather was so scared she just wanted to run from everything though she knew she couldnt she knew she had to stay.

Frozen Reign December 10th, 2020 05:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
[@wnder @feather lily @Beau]

small water didn't look at tom, but she twitched her tail expectantly. she finally looked up at the tom and took in his appearance. a gray and white tom. with yellow eyes. she averted her eyes again, her tail twitching a little more vigorously this time. she was growing a little impatient.

duckie December 12th, 2020 11:44 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining


Well, it seemed that was settled, then.

"Lotusheart!" he called out, turning to the clearing and hoping the warrior was nearby to hear, "I have a task for you."

- - - - -

It was as if Sootstar sensed the bright tom before he even spoke a word, growing accustomed to his tendency to flounce through the camp entrance with something to share, "Yes, Dayheart?" he meowed as he turned. Kits, hm?

"And what might your names be, then?"

- - - - -

'More new cats?' he thought. There seemed to be an abundance of them lately. He dipped his head to the warrior, "Thank you Rainydawn."

"Right, then, what are your names and why do you want to join RiverClan?"

Roseleader December 12th, 2020 11:47 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
Cow says my name is Cow. @wnder

Jade13 December 12th, 2020 11:48 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

feather sat up " my names feather i want to join because my mom died and she and i love the water " she said in her little squeak of a voice.

popsicle dream December 12th, 2020 11:50 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
"F-Fawn," Fawn stammered. He was scared of this big cat! He looked important! "A-are you g-going to eat me?" he asked very quietly, his little voice trembling with fear. He scooted closer to Dayheart, who he had already decided seemed nice. @wnder @hope @Roseleader

Shade. December 12th, 2020 11:50 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

A small flutter passed through Lotusheart's soul. Was she finally being important? Why had she been chosen? What for? The tiny cynical voice that haunted her pointed out that it was probably just some regular boring job and Sootstar had picked a random warrior that hadn't been on patrols or doing any work recently.
"Yes, uh, Sootstar, I am here.." the massive white molly mewed.

Moon Lily December 13th, 2020 01:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining

[ @wnder @Xmas Bliss -if you don’t want to be mentioned in the future, please tell me <3]

Hickoryblaze trotted after his mate, attempting to make himself look somewhat presentable before he met...Sootflare? Where the heck did Lionfart go? He shot a confused glance at Ashpool. Surely Lionturd hadn’t died in the moon that he was gone. All those layers of fat and fluff had to be good for something. Shaking the last of the dirt and leaves from his pelt, the warrior stood tall in front of Sootstar, ignoring the biting pain in his spine from where he’d bruised it. Ugh. My back is probably crumbling under the weight of all of this perfection. I’ll need to get the medicine cat to look at it later.

”Sootfather. How lovely to see you again,” Hickoryblaze began, a polite smile warming his features. ”As my lovely mate has told you, I’ve had a rough time. When I noticed that she’d disappeared the last moon, I couldn’t just wait around. I went out to find her...and it seems she came home after all.” A soft purr rumbled in his throat as he turned to glance at the beautiful molly. Soot...star wouldn’t leave her without a mate, would he? A smidgeon of fear wriggled around in his stomach. It wasn’t unheard of...
Well then. He’d just have to fight harder.

Frozen Reign December 13th, 2020 08:31 AM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining
"my name is small water," small water mewed, then paused. she mewed, "and I want to join riverclan because... because I didn't like where I lived before."
small water took a small breath to calm herself. she didn't like thinking about her old home. she just hoped she didn't have to go back.

duckie December 13th, 2020 09:11 PM

Re: RiverClan Patrol Reports + Joining


The leader raised a brow, "Sootstar, Hickoryblaze. Lionstorm may go around calling me whatever fanciful nickname he feels like that day but he's just about a lost cause - I expect some modicum of respect from the rest of my warriors."

"But as far as I'm aware," he continued, "Neither of you have been one of my warriors for some time. You really spent a moon out a search for this one? And what? You just gave up and decided to come home? Or you two just happened to bump into each other in the territory, hm?"

[ @Xmas Bliss @Moon Lily Just to be clear, I was asked by Bliss to remove Ashpool as they're apparently no longer in use. I'm willing to treat this as a rejoining for them, as well, if that has changed. ]

- - - - -

"Are you both alone, then?" he questioned. It was odd for two kits to show up out of nowhere, with apparently no relation to each other - at least at a glance, "No parents, sibl-?"

He paused, blinking in confusion at the question, "I- what?" Sootstar shook his head, "No. No, I'm not going to eat you. Where in StarClan would you get such an idea?"

- - - - -

"This one needs an assessment." Sootstar motioned to the small form of Silent, "Just like the assessment any apprentice goes through - to see what he knows. It seems he's not too keen on the whole 'speaking' thing, so communicating may be a bit difficult. Think you can handle it?"

- - - - -

The grey and white tom listened quietly as they both spoke up in turn. Rainydawn didn't seem to have anything else to add and so he turned to this 'Smallwater', "Where you lived before? And where would that happen to be?" He wasn't particularly concerned with Feather at the moment. She was a kit - unless she decided to give him a reason to deny her, she would be fine.

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