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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:47 PM

SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Brooklyn Trees November 20th, 2016 08:33 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den
Ebonypaw entered the medicine den slowly, looking around the unfamiliar walls of the den. It was a bit... Different than any of the others dens that she had been in before, but then again that had really mainly been the nursery and apprentices dens. This one, the medicine den, was different than those though, largely, she thought, because of the scent. The scent was unusual and she had never scented anything such as the smell of herbs that was inside this den.

The she-cat sat uncertainly in the entrance to the den and looked from one side of the den to another with curiosity and slight foreboding. She didn't really know what exactly she was doing... Well, more of she didn't know at all what she was doing. The dark-furred she-cat looked slowly around the den again and then stood. She had discovered which direction the scent of whatever it was was coming from and padded towards it, the scent becoming stronger until she came to a stop by the herb store. To her, it was just a bunch of dry leaves and why anybody would want dry leaves in their den was beyond her comprehension. The she-cat tilted her head slightly to the side as she looked down at the bits of plant in their piles and wondered why exactly they were here. She wondered for a moment if the previous Medicine Cat had collected leaves and twigs and funny black dots and flowers. The black and white tuxedo cat stood there with her head partially to the side and looked with a confused air at the herbs, her long, dark tail sweeping the den floor behind her.

BEAR. November 23rd, 2016 01:17 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den
@Brooklyn Trees

Aconiteheart couldn't remember the last time he stepped in the realm of the living. Generations stood between him and his last visit, and since then he wasn't needed. Something about medicine cats actually having mentors -- what absurdity!

Materializing in the heart of the once-empty den, the spectral figure of the spotted tabby gazed around the familiar setting. An age of younger cats could not change what was his second den, and he found himself drifting towards the herb storage.

Stormlight's abrupt departure left the supply intact, if not a little dusty, and there was relief in the knowledge the cache of herbs wasn't destroyed or damaged by rambunctious kits. Noticing the perplexed form of Ebonypaw, Aconiteheart glanced at the apprentice. "Quite a sight, isn't it?"

Brooklyn Trees November 24th, 2016 07:59 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 46060)
@Brooklyn Trees

Aconiteheart couldn't remember the last time he stepped in the realm of the living. Generations stood between him and his last visit, and since then he wasn't needed. Something about medicine cats actually having mentors -- what absurdity!

Materializing in the heart of the once-empty den, the spectral figure of the spotted tabby gazed around the familiar setting. An age of younger cats could not change what was his second den, and he found himself drifting towards the herb storage.

Stormlight's abrupt departure left the supply intact, if not a little dusty, and there was relief in the knowledge the cache of herbs wasn't destroyed or damaged by rambunctious kits. Noticing the perplexed form of Ebonypaw, Aconiteheart glanced at the apprentice. "Quite a sight, isn't it?"

Ebonypaw started at the suddenness of the unfamiliar voice from behind her. She has not realized that anybody else was in the den with her, having not originally seen anyone other than herself here and not having heard the arrival of this other cat. Her claws slid from her paws and into the earth without her consent as she started and then refused to be sheathed, though in all honesty she was not trying very hard to sheath them again.

The black and white furred she-cat swept her tail slowly along the ground before turning to look at the speaker of the cat who had slipped in like a ghost. She didn't realize that her thoughts were actually the truth of this tom, that he had slipped like a ghost, because he was. She didn't realize this fact about him though, just honking that this was some cat who was just far more advanced in stalking prey than she had ever been in the short time of her warrior training and that this had caused him to be very light-footed.
"What?" She mewed, not sure if she was trying to sound intimidating or curious and really succeeding in neither tone of voice. Ebonypaw flicked an ear at the fact that her mew had sounded in neither way that she had intended, blue eyes slowly traveling over the stranger's flank, more out of habit than actual necessity as her wandering eyes never gave her any real information about the cat that she was looking at.

BEAR. November 24th, 2016 09:54 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den
@Brooklyn Trees

"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Aconiteheart repeated himself with ease, amusement lacing his words as he gazed at the variety of dried leaves, petals, stalks, and tubers. "The herbs. Warriors seem to think their prey and fighting is 'the stuff', but let's be real, plants is where it's at."

His tail twitched, and he took a seat near the entrance of the storage. "I'm sorry, it was awfully rude for me to not introduce myself first. I'm Aconiteheart; one of the first medicine cats of SkyClan. Before you ask; yes, I am dead. I have been dead for - what may now be eons. I don't know." A distant look crossed his gaze; attempting to recall the last days of his life with no avail. He survived past the fire that brought DuskClan and DawnClan together to create SkyClan, could remember the breathing difficulties that followed, but specifics were a blur.

"As you're already aware, you have been selected to be SkyClan's next medicine cat, and because Stormlight is no longer available to pass on his knowledge, I'll be your guide. Do you have any questions?"

Brooklyn Trees November 27th, 2016 02:49 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 49069)
@Brooklyn Trees

"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Aconiteheart repeated himself with ease, amusement lacing his words as he gazed at the variety of dried leaves, petals, stalks, and tubers. "The herbs. Warriors seem to think their prey and fighting is 'the stuff', but let's be real, plants is where it's at."

His tail twitched, and he took a seat near the entrance of the storage. "I'm sorry, it was awfully rude for me to not introduce myself first. I'm Aconiteheart; one of the first medicine cats of SkyClan. Before you ask; yes, I am dead. I have been dead for - what may now be eons. I don't know." A distant look crossed his gaze; attempting to recall the last days of his life with no avail. He survived past the fire that brought DuskClan and DawnClan together to create SkyClan, could remember the breathing difficulties that followed, but specifics were a blur.

"As you're already aware, you have been selected to be SkyClan's next medicine cat, and because Stormlight is no longer available to pass on his knowledge, I'll be your guide. Do you have any questions?"

(Sorry for the late reply)

Ebonypaw felt her eyes widen slightly, and then forced them to go back to their general size, not wanting to look surprised by this, though she was. This cat was dead. And he was talking to her. How was he talking to her? She thought that only medicine cats had a good enough connection to Starclan to talk to... Oh, wait. She flicked her ear in slight annoyance at the fact that she had forgotten that she was a medicine cat... It still seemed very surreal to the she-cat, even if she was exploring the den and talking to a cat who was dead.

She remained in her standing position, tail sweeping the ground behind her in long strokes as she listened to this tom- Aconiteheart. That was what he had said his name was, right? Who wouldn't have questions? she asked herself in her thoughts, flicking an ear at this, though deciding on one of her questions, she ended up with,
"Guide?" She asked, repositioning one of her front paws and waiting for an answer from this eon-old dead medicine cat. She was still wary of the fact that he had just kind of appeared here, but it was less... Well, less odd would not be the right kind of thing to describe it, but it was less strange how he had appeared suddenly and soundlessly.

BEAR. November 28th, 2016 04:05 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den
@Brooklyn Trees

Contrary to Ebonypaw's belief, it wasn't just medicine cats that StarClan could visit. Even those that held little faith could be approached by the spirits, albeit it was unusual.

Idly waiting for the new apprentice's inquiries, Aconiteheart's gaze wandered from the herbs and the female to take in his surroundings. To him, his second den was a reminder of mistakes cemented in blood and tears. How vengeful the stars could be when the clans weren't in their favor.

"Yes, guide. You'll need a mentor to teach you how to heal - it's not like you can learn everything on your own. Experimentation is an option but at the end of the day, you'll just waste supplies and risk lives. Which is a no-go, especially in Leafbare when herbs are low. Anything else, or would you like to get started? I figure today we can focus on the basics."

Brooklyn Trees November 30th, 2016 07:01 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 54829)
@Brooklyn Trees

Contrary to Ebonypaw's belief, it wasn't just medicine cats that StarClan could visit. Even those that held little faith could be approached by the spirits, albeit it was unusual.

Idly waiting for the new apprentice's inquiries, Aconiteheart's gaze wandered from the herbs and the female to take in his surroundings. To him, his second den was a reminder of mistakes cemented in blood and tears. How vengeful the stars could be when the clans weren't in their favor.

"Yes, guide. You'll need a mentor to teach you how to heal - it's not like you can learn everything on your own. Experimentation is an option but at the end of the day, you'll just waste supplies and risk lives. Which is a no-go, especially in Leafbare when herbs are low. Anything else, or would you like to get started? I figure today we can focus on the basics."

(Sorry for the late reply. I didn't see the post.)

Ebonypaw flicked her ear lightly again and looked the tabby up and down. That was fast. She didn't want to sound like she had too many questions. She wasn't a naturally curious feline, and so she nodded.
"Okay." She mewed, though it occurred to her too late that that single word may not make sense in the context of what was happening.

The dark furred she-cat swept her tail along the ground again. This action was common with the young feline, to have her tail constantly sweeping the ground. She wasn't quite sure where she adopted this trait from, or when it had begun, she just kind of did it. The she-cat looked at the tom, trying to find some sign that what she had said had made sense, even if she knew that even if it had she would never be able to tell, as she had never been able to with anyone.

BEAR. December 2nd, 2016 11:19 AM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den
@Brooklyn Trees

With the confirmation she was ready to proceed, Aconiteheart rose to his paws and slipped past the darker feline. He stopped closer to the herbs, reaching to carefully remove samples from the herbs he considered basic. Namely: cobwebs, sticks, poppy seeds, and dock.

Setting the specimens in front of Ebonypaw, the spotted tabby prompted, "First, we'll start off with what you know. I have here four herbs. What you're going to do is try to identify them, and if possible tell me of their usage. Don't worry about the application of them; we'll go over that shortly."

By starting off with her involvement, he hoped to ease her into the thought process of a healer. She seemed a little out of it.

Brooklyn Trees December 2nd, 2016 12:43 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 60253)
@Brooklyn Trees

With the confirmation she was ready to proceed, Aconiteheart rose to his paws and slipped past the darker feline. He stopped closer to the herbs, reaching to carefully remove samples from the herbs he considered basic. Namely: cobwebs, sticks, poppy seeds, and dock.

Setting the specimens in front of Ebonypaw, the spotted tabby prompted, "First, we'll start off with what you know. I have here four herbs. What you're going to do is try to identify them, and if possible tell me of their usage. Don't worry about the application of them; we'll go over that shortly."

By starting off with her involvement, he hoped to ease her into the thought process of a healer. She seemed a little out of it.

turned to watch the tom remove the objects from the herb store, turning back around as he set the four things down between their paws.
The tuxedo cat looked up at Aconiteheart as he began to speak again, slowly lowing herself down into a sitting position, her eyes still on the ancient feline. she curled her dark tail tightly around her paws once she was seated, still watching him. She was still wary of this cat, but looked away from him down at the four things.
looked closely at the plants, but that was all that they looked like in her eyes. Well, actually, that wasn't true. Only one of them looked like a plant. there were also sticks, a white... thing that she couldn't identify and some weird black dots. She looked up at Aconiteheart again for a moment before returning her gaze to the strange things.
"That's a stick." She mewed, pawing softly at a stick, since it was the only thing that she could actually identify, but why you would need a stick was beyond her. She looked up at Aconiteheart again, since she had never seen or heard of any of the other things.
don't know any of the others." She added, flicking an ear in slight anger at her own ignorance, though she really didn't have a reason to have known any of these things as a warrior apprentice.

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