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Apollo. August 6th, 2023 12:15 PM

Muffledstone Tides (vm)
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Muffledstone Tides is an endlessly stretching calm, dark ocean, with dozens of different sized slate stones emerging from the seas depths, creating a stone archipelago. Although the tidal stone marsh itself is the most eye catching detail of this pocket of starclan it is not the only part of Muffledstone Tides, to the shore of the archipelago is a large rock formation that connects back to starclans mainland. If you choose to walk along the stones themself you must be careful, the water can look deceivingly shallow in some places however it is far deeper than any cat could ever imagine, stories say that those who fall in become stranded in the freezing water for the rest of time, but this has never been proven. Muffledstone Tides is a fair way away from starclans main camp, so not many cats stumble upon it.

There is currently one inhabitant of this area, the former Riverclanner Sootkit. If you would like to roleplay your character here please send me a vm before hand, and expect Sootkit to inquire about why they're there.

A vast array of items he'd been collecting during his time in starclan. Multi-colour feathers hung from the stalactites, interesting patterned stones laid in groups along the walls. Selections of mushrooms accented by different mosses, flowers, pretty much anything odd or intriguing that Sootkit had come across had been stored here in what appeared to be organised chaos. "herbs.." the tomkit mumbled to himself as he shifted about an odd wall of plants. He didn't know the names of most, nor what they did, but they were a key staple of his collection.

Collected Items (specifically mentioned to have or collected in rp):
Fox glove plant
Sorrel plant
Raspberry plant

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silver. October 24th, 2023 01:12 PM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
purrks: herbal knowledge tier 1


All she remembers is falling asleep. She had tucked into the soft moss and reeds of her nest after another long day in the medicine cat den-- in between decorating, healing, and stocking, she was exhausted. Sleep finds her easily enough, tired eyelids calling closed in a matter of seconds once she's curled into a tight ball...

An ocean... Tansypaw had never seen an ocean before. So much water, stretching out as far as the eye can see... From her spot along the shore it appears as though there was truly no end to the calm rolling waves. Seated on the sand, staring out at the dark water and the rocks emerging from the depths, she takes a moment to think about why she's here. Or how she even got here. Hadn't she gone to bed?

Just where was this place, anyway? She didn't remember coming out here-- was there even an ocean on Riverclan territory? When the sound of paw steps catch her attention from a bit further down the beach, she turns her head to stare at an approaching figure. Their scent is unfamiliar, yet... Not threatening. It's almost as if she had smelled it before-- like it was similar to something that she couldn't put her paw on. Rising to stand, she continues to watch as the other cat draws closer, brows knitted in concern...

sootkit | @Apolloween.

Apollo. November 28th, 2023 05:24 AM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
- Sootkit -
StC - He/him - 21 moons dead
( Yikes, been awhile, sorry! Please let me know if you'd like to discontinue this rp @silver. )

It hadn't been long since he'd gotten back from Starclans camp, maybe a moment or two, when he spotted the she-cat stood on the tranquil beach, looking about with awe. No. No! He did not want to deal with a third newly-dead cat today! This was getting ridiculous! WHY IN STARCLAN WHERE THEY EVEN IN THIS AREA???

The black kit flicked his tail with annoyance, as he strode up to the pale orange caped molly. He'd tell her she was dead and point her towards Starclans camp, that way she was out of his fur. Yet he couldn't help feel like there was something off about her, the closer he drew. Something off-puttingly familiar, plus an odd floral scent. There was something loud too, something pounding in his ears, like the sound of a heartbeat-- and thats when it hit him. He couldn't see through her. She wasn't dead.

Sootkit stopped in his tracks abruptly, about two fox lengths away from her. What the hell? he watched her puzzled, and mildly frightened. He hadn't invited the living cat, stars, he didn't even know how to dream walk very well, how did she get here? No normal living cat should be able to will themselves to walk in Starclan. He stayed those fox lengths away from her, cautious of the odd living cat he called out to her; "Who in starclan are you, and how are you here?"

silver. November 28th, 2023 01:03 PM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
purrks: herbal knowledge tier 2, agatha kitty, just a scratch [PERM]


Why was she here? That's what she wanted to know. What, did he not know why either? Just her luck. Ears laying back in frustration, she huffs out a sigh, and takes a seat where she is.

"Name's Tansypaw. I'm the medicine cat apprentice for Riverclan. Who are you?"

There had to be a reason for this. A reason that she found herself in Starclan, speaking to a kit that she had never seen or even heard of before. Then again she knew very little of Starclan and it's inhabitants so it's not really surprising that his appearance didn't ring any bells in her brain.

Apollo. December 16th, 2023 04:26 PM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
- Sootkit -
StC - He/him - 22 moons dead
( forgot to mention me! @silver. )

The sound was nearly defining to him, so much so that he could barely resist the urge to cover his ears and turn tail away from the living cat. Couldn't she do something to stop that pounding? He paused for a moment, suppose not if she wants to stay alive, that is.

Sootkit didn't dare show that he was uncomfortable, by the loud heartbeat or the eerieness of the living cat's appearance in his home, although he had to strain slightly to hear what the apprentice said. Tansypaw.. Tansypaw.. Oh right, he thought he might have seen her once or twice through the starpool, and the whole medicine cat thing explains why she smells so weird. He had heard of some medicine cats being able to will themselves to the dead lands, but he was surprised that an apprentice had such an ability.

The kit huffed, irritated that she did not fully answer his question, yet out of courtesy he replied. "Sootkit, first son of Vinewatcher, Riverclan." he hesitated for a moment before adding "I died roughly eight seasons ago, I believe it was Kestrelstar leading at the time." Time was weird in starclan, twenty seasons could've passed and yet it might've felt as though just a second had gone by, so it was an estimate based on his visits to the starpool.

"Why, and how, are you here?" he restated his question sharply, all courtesy gone from his tone as if he was a warrior speaking rather than a scrap of a kit. Sootkit was, somewhat, willing to hear her out before he shunned her back to the living world, depending on how much her reasoning would affect himself.

silver. December 19th, 2023 10:26 AM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
purrks: herbal knowledge tier 2, agatha kitty, just a scratch [PERM]


"How am I supposed to know?"

If this kit wanted to give her an attitude, she'd give one right back. Tansypaw was much different than the anxious little mess she was when she first joined Riverclan. Reclusive and in a state of constant panic... She was so much stronger now. The anxiety still lurked beneath the surface of her growing wrath but it was now locked away where no one could see. Well, a few could see, but there was no helping that. Tilting her head at the other, she settles into a sit, and eyes him warily, unsure of what to say. It wasn't as if she particularly enjoyed these sudden meetings.

The names he had rattled off mean nothing to her. She hadn't been in Riverclan long enough to know whoever this Kestrelstar was... Hopefully they had been a better leader than Beanstar. From what she had heard about him he had done nothing but lie and lead the clan into further ruin. Nonetheless, there was no way that she was going to let the astral being know that she had been an outsider mere moons ago. It would ruin her chances of maybe getting information out of him. Maybe more training was what this was. She can only ask and hope.

"Maybe... You're supposed to teach me something?" She asks, head canting off to the other side. "Any other time I got t'a speak to one'a you up here they've had herb knowledge to share. Do... You know anything about herbs?"

sootkit | @Apollo.

Apollo. January 2nd, 2024 11:47 AM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
- Sootkit -
StC - He/him - 22 moons dead
( @silver. )

He was getting fed up with this rude molly, she had no right speaking to him with this tone. He had answered each of her questions yet she refused to give him a concrete answer for the only important one of his. It seemed highly unlikely that she wouldn't know why or how she had wound up in his home, and Sootkit was not one for giving random strangers the benefit of the doubt.

Though just as he was about to turn away and shoot her back into the living world, her irritating meow piped up once more. Teach her something? Seriously? She had worse manners than most of the kits he'd run into here, why the hell would he teach her anything? The tomkit flicked his tail, "I do." his blue eyes narrowed as he thought over his options. She was a member of Riverclan, although a disrespectful one, and from his understanding she was the only medicine cat. He doubted the herbs he knew would be much help in a time of crisis, but if his mother was to return to Riverclan, wouldn't he want them to have a more equal or higher footing to the other clans? For Fishpaw too, I guess. A small hum escaped Sootkit's throat, as he made his decision. "I suppose I could share what I know."

He indicated towards a small den cut into the looming stone cliffs, "Come.", he meowed as he made his way towards his collection cave, not bothering to check if the medicine cat was following or not.

silver. January 3rd, 2024 07:08 AM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
purrks: herbal knowledge tier 2, agatha kitty, just a scratch [PERM]


Huh. Well that was definitely a bit easier than she thought it was going to be. Though the two of them seemed to be at odds with one another he was still willing to teach her? Maybe despite his attitude he was kind after all. A small smile painting onto her maw, she rises to her paws to trot after him, not wanting to be left behind. Who knows-- if she didn't catch up maybe he would disappear somewhere and she would be left wandering this beach until she woke up and returned to reality. Padding at his side as they make their way over to the cave, she stares down at him, a curious look in her eye.

"So what are ya gonna teach me? I've been learnin' a lot from cats up here. Which is great, by the way, seein' as no one else has got anything t'a teach me down there."

sootkit | @Apollo.

Apollo. January 3rd, 2024 08:36 AM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
- Sootkit -
StC - He/him - 22 moons dead
( @silver. )

Even now the molly showed him little to no gratitude. He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he entered his collection cave, "Don't touch anything, mind your head." he meowed as she, presumably, followed him inside. His collection. A vast array of items he'd been collecting during his time in starclan. Multi-colour feathers hung from the stalactites, interesting patterned stones laid in groups along the walls. Selections of mushrooms accented by different mosses, flowers, pretty much anything odd or intriguing that Sootkit had come across had been stored here in what appeared to be organised chaos. "herbs.." the tomkit mumbled to himself as he shifted about an odd wall of plants. He didn't know the names of most, nor what they did, but they were a key staple of his collection.

"Do you know the uses of sorrel, raspberry and foxglove yet?" he meowed, back turned to Tansypaw as he lifted the odd item of flora gently. He picked up some stuff about these three herbs sometime when he was alive, although he was unsure when. He couldn't recall ever being outright told of their uses or existence, but he could guess where he might've had exposure to them in the past. Raspberry, during kittings, naturally. Sorrel could've been from a visit to Snakehearts den and foxglove was most likely from warnings given to apprentices.

Content with the three specimens that he retrieved from his collection he returned his gaze to Tansypaw, placing each gingerly on the ground so that she might get a better look at them.

silver. January 3rd, 2024 12:13 PM

Re: Muffledstone Tides (vm)
purrks: herbal knowledge tier 2, agatha kitty, just a scratch [PERM]


What a peculiar place... Not that she disliked it. It was just not like anything she's ever seen. Colors and plants all over... At least living in Starclan seemed to have it's perks. Though it was a bit of a mess it felt very homely in this cave of his.

Her attention returns to him when he speaks, ears perked curiously as he goes searching for a few things. All three of those things sounded foreign to her. So maybe the confused look on her face would be enough of an answer but in case it wasn't she pips up, looking at the gathered herbs closely-- but not touching! Not yet, anyway.

"Nope. Never seen any of 'em before."

And with that she takes a seat before them and stares at the kit with expectant eyes. For a moment she wonders how 1.) this guy had died and 2.) where he had gotten this knowledge from. Surely a kit couldn't have learned so much before dying... Right? What did she know, though. He could have been an older kit, unable to progress in his training to apprenticeship. Despite her curiosity it wasn't her business. So she sits with her tail curled over her paws and waits for him to start.

sootkit | @Apollo.

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