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-   -   [RiverClan] "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82194)

Dolomedes April 28th, 2024 03:14 PM

"What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
Background and rambling explanation

Alrighty so after a chat discussion of there may be a rebellion starting in Riverclan due to unrest and the clan's being so unstable and I had originally offered up Spiritbunny due to him seeming to be the type to start such a thing but recent developments mean that Spiritbunny now has things to lose and now with a full litter of kittens on the way, maybe a stable clan would be a bit better but that doesn't mean they'll let it get boring.

Spiritbunny may be like "Maybe some things should be done, obviously the current leadership will fail just all others have before." And maybe your character hears this and goes, "Yeah, your right! Let's do something about it." The Spiritbunny would be like, "Oh, but there isn't much to be done for such a thing." Like a liar, he just wants to plant the idea, he doesn't think it'll get far and he just wants to see what happens but he'll stay out of it for the most part. Maybe if things get out of paw, then Spiritbunny may even turn on the rebellion despite ruining his story solely for the sake of his kits, maybe not. Over all, rebellion time!

This plot already has permission from Occult about it but there was a warning that any cat caught in such a thing will be executed for treason, how fun! This finder is for cats who may want to participate or what their cats to be involved in this even if not for the sake of joining. Spiritbunny will not necessarily be joining, but rather just giving some implicative comments to one or two cats to start the idea. I don't want this to be tied back to Spiritbunny so they'll be vague enough for him to be like "But, oh, I didn't mean it like that, they simply twisted my words." Spiritbunny will be keeping a close eye on all of the "actors and actresses" in this play and see if it ends with a tragedy.

Over all this is for like organization of members and current activities in the rebellion so everyone stays up to date on the inner workings and members. Also I don't think this'll last long but who knows, maybe this rebellion will last longer than anticipated. I think a pretty good unifying ideology for the rebellion would be the search for strong and stable leadership, I think the original thought would be the fact that the current line of leaders will only continue being unstable because they are too 'weak' to know a good leader. That they should start "fresh." Feel free to build off of this, especially if you take role as the leader, a good leader needs a good goal that entices others to join so be thoughtful on this.

So roles and forms!

The Rebellion Leader: This would be one of the cats that heard Spiritbunny's comment on leadership and goes hmmm, yeah let's do something about it. This would need a character who is either incredibly against the current leadership enough to "misinterpret" Spiritbunny's comment or naive enough to do so. They would have most of the work of spreading the word and organizing different events to help the rebellion.

The "deputy" or second in command/ right paw man/ whatever: This would also be one of the first cats that is influenced by Spiritbunny, maybe not so strongly but then gets encouraged by the leader. They would help the rebellion leader keep things organized and the likes.

Members: These would be everyone else in the rebellion, they could hear about it through the grapevine, they could be told upfront by someone who thinks they would join. Maybe they aren't even 'officially' a member but they help out the cause for fun like Spiritbunny. These cats would be willing to listen to the leader and co-leader ( or rebellion in a rebellion/ unless something happens and one member takes the lead from the current rebel leader/co-leader )

Double agents: These would need to be discussed here in this thread before acting on it (Though disclaimer, if someone in the rebellion is being stupid and loud/ your character realistically found out about it and then decides to sneak in then just let me know here and that'll slide. )

Other plot ideas surrounding this: Pretty straight forward, write your plot ideas for the rebellion here.


Rebellion leader
Motive for Joining:
Interaction with Spiritbunny:
Ideas for the rebellion:
This is an important role of the plot, why should you be a leader:

Motive for Joining:
Ideas for the rebellion:
This is an important role of the plot, why should you be a co-leader:
Mention me: @Dolomedes

Motive for Joining:
How did they join? (Through being asked, through hearing about it, other means?):
Mention me: @Dolomedes

Double agent
How did they hear about it:
Plot ideas for your character:
Mention me: @Dolomedes

Plot ideas
Plot idea:
Who does it immediately concern/affect (Rebellion leader? Other members? Even HRs and Lionhearts?):
Mention me: @Dolomedes

Current members/ranks:




Double Agents
Spiritbunny - @/Dolomedes

A Diverging River: The Starting of A Rebellion
"The rebellion starts like a stream, slow but steady, and soon it'll be a raging river. We'll need to start this thing quiet, right? Let's look for cats that'll be interested in this cause, we will heal the River."

Bean April 28th, 2024 03:15 PM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
slams placeholder

alec April 28th, 2024 03:18 PM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
the urge to make a character for this

chickadee April 28th, 2024 03:24 PM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
omg i wanna make a new character so bad- placeholder. maybe.

rubberRatroom April 29th, 2024 12:00 AM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder

Name: Covepaw

Age: 15 moons

Rank: Apprentice

Personality: very optimistic and bubbly, but easily manipulated

Motive for Joining: He tends to hop on the bandwagon, so while he lacks a motive, he will most likely repeat what others have said.

How did they join? (Through being asked, through hearing about it, other means?): Covepaw heard about it from his mentor. Thinking she was going to be there, Covepaw joined. He wasn't even really sure of what it was until it was explained to him. He felt pressured to join, so he did.

************************************************** *************


forest April 29th, 2024 07:52 AM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
Name: Riverwhisper
Age: 24 moons
Rank: Double Agent
Personality: see his page on my character site here!
How did they hear about it: Was out hunting and overheard a meeting
Plot ideas for your character: well he may be getting murdered so...
Motive: he thinks riverclan is as stable as a clan without a deputy can be and he wants to make sure it stays like that (with a deputy ofc)
Mention me: @Dolomedes

c1nder April 29th, 2024 11:07 AM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
Double Agent

Name: Nightshard
Age: 36
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Nightshard is one prickly girl, and she wont tolerate any disrespect to those of higher rank, no matter who they are. She has a rough shell, but is really truly kind once you get to know her.

How did they hear about it: Someone being loud/ someone asking if she wanted to join
Plot ideas for your character: kicked out eventually when the rebels find out she's a double agent lmao
Motive: personality ^^
Mention me: @Dolomedes

Yoshdo April 29th, 2024 05:26 PM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
Name: Rainingkit
Age: 10moons
Rank: kit (not Fadeingstar's fault or Birdsnow's)
Personality: Very much likes negotiating Becoming a happy excited little kit again and also has some "illegal apprentice training"
Motive for Joining: She was a little unhappy about some of it.
How did they join? (Through being asked, through hearing about it, other means?): Just kind of slowly wandered in plans to talk it out peacefully as a start but if Fadeingstar acts in a way that is rude or something like that she will be angry and she holds deep grudges for a decent amount of time. Can mend her burnt bridges a little though.
Mention me: @Dolomedes

Phoenix April 30th, 2024 08:39 PM

Re: "What Once was Mine will Turn with the Tide" Rebellion Finder
Name: Seagullwing
Age: 17 moons
Rank: Queen
Personality: Gentle and kind
Motive for joining: She just wants a stable future for her kits
How did they hear about it: talked to Spiritbunny in RC clearing and agreed
Extra: kinda quiet, so she might become a double agent. I'll let you know when that happens

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