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-   -   Monthly Kudos (April 2024) (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81179)

Starfall April 5th, 2024 07:54 PM

Monthly Kudos (April 2024)

Welcome to Character of the Month, a feature designed to recognize two characters who deserve kudos!

- x - x - x - x -

→ How It Works! ←
Using the form found at the bottom of this post, you may nominate two Main Roleplay characters you think deserved to be featured! Please use one form per character - they should not be in the same form.

For the sake of giving every character a chance, avoid nominating cats who have already been nominated for the month.

Nominations will be held for approximately 3 weeks, ending on the 22nd. Once it ends, a poll will be posted displaying the names of the characters who qualify for voting.

Users can vote for as many characters as they want to be recognize, provided it is not their own character. It is discouraged to vote for every character listed, as only two will win.

If two characters have the most votes, but they are roleplayed by the same person, the winner will be picked by staff based on the nomination reasons, and the second winner will default to the next highest vote.

The voting period will end on the last day of the month, and the results will be posted on the 1st of the new month.

Members who have nominated a character will have their username added to a raffle at the end of the nomination period. Three lucky members will be rolled by the staff team and receive 2,500 Koins! Previous winners will be eligible to win again after three months.

- x - x - x - x -

→ Nomination Reminders ←
Before you nominate, please keep these in mind.

  • Characters should have been roleplayed within the last two weeks of being nominated to avoid inactive characters being featured.
  • You may not nominate your own characters, or advertise your characters to gain nominations.
  • Characters used to violate a roleplay rule cannot be voted for the month they broke the guideline. They will be omitted from the final polling.
  • Nominations must include an explanation of why the character deserves recognition. Posts that do not provide a reasoning will be removed. Additionally, be thorough in your evaluation of the character. Vague or thoughtless statements (e.g. "they're cool") will result in your nomination being discarded. We want to know why you think this cat deserves attention!
  • You may nominate two characters, but avoid nominating characters who have already been nominated.
  • A character who has won before may be nominated only after 6 months.

- x - x - x - x -

→ Nominations ←

To nominate characters, please use this form:

Character Name [mention user]:
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]:
Why should this character be featured?:

taillow April 5th, 2024 07:56 PM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
[indent]Character Name [mention user]: Seabreeze [ @Dolomedes ]
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: RiverClan
Why should this character be featured?: Every single time I read Seabreeze I am hooked. Completely and utterly blown away by this character and his personality depth! Dolomedes puts a lot of love into each of his posts and its clear how much he cares for and loves his Clan and Clanmates. I like his spunk and spirit and am eagerly waiting to see where his character story continues to go. Definitely a cat to watch and read!

Character Name [mention user]: Heronpaw [ @fading ]
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: ShadowClan
Why should this character be featured?: What a roller-coaster of a life this young kid has had so far. Reading Heron posts has me either laughing, crying, screaming, or all of the above. Reading her complex inner emotions and how she tries to be the perfect daughter while also wanting nothing to do with either of her parents is both heartbreaking and enthralling. My own heart aches for the pain she's going through, and then lightened again whenever she interacts with her Sunny. I am so eager to see where the rest of her story goes, and cannot wait for more exquisite posts from Fading to showcase this wonderful character!

Ladiebugg April 5th, 2024 08:03 PM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
Character Name [mention user]: DuskLion @taillow
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: RiverClan Warrior
Why should this character be featured?: DuskLion does so much for RiverClan and is amazing. Posts are always amazing to read.

Character Name [mention user]: ElkPaw @dino.
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: ThunderClan Apprentice
Why should this character be featured?: Little dude always makes me laugh.

iliri April 5th, 2024 08:06 PM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
trips over a placeholder

Saki April 5th, 2024 08:12 PM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
Character Name [mention user]: Rainfoot @Peril
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Riverclan warrior
Why should this character be featured?: OMG Rainfoot is the BEST! Peril roleplays them SO well. Even though their posts aren't that long, I can always tell how Rainfoot is feeling. Rain also has SUCH a cute personality. Peril does a great job at making them a chatterbox happy little fluff ball! They are just DAH BESTTTT

hermeswind April 6th, 2024 04:34 AM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
too late to seabreeze or dusklion nooo
Character Name [mention user]: woosh
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: rah
Why should this character be featured?: placehold

Blaaze April 6th, 2024 04:42 AM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
Character Name [mention user]: Minkpaw @alec
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Riverclan
Why should this character be featured?: Oh gosh don't get me started again. Minkpaw is such a perfectly wrote-out charrie. Time and time again I'll read some of her posts and I can see her personality would fit a real person. Not all people can write like that. All that she says is said in a natural way that you'd expect Minkpaw to say, but you never thought of it. Minkpaw's a diamond in the rough.

Character Name [mention user]: Silverlark @Alchemist Kitsune
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Shadowclan
Why should this character be featured?:
Everytime I read a Silverlark post I'm thinking again to myself; "He's so cute!" And I ain't lying when I say it. Silverlark is absolutely adorable, and his only mortal enemy is big words. Not gonna lie it makes me happy when the guy conquers them. It puts you in a real good mood just by reading his posts! Some Silverlark Magic right there.

alec April 6th, 2024 05:04 AM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
Character Name: garlicfeather @Fritter
Character Faction: riverclan
Why should this character be featured?: a very silly goober, garlicfeather and his shiny rocks are truly a match made in heaven, like peanut butter and jelly and whatever the cat variation of that may be!
fritter puts an incredible amount of effort and character into every single post, and even the most 'simple' interactions give the reader a peak into garlics mind and emotions. a cat scarred by so many lost loves in his young years that i just want to wrap him in bubblewrap to keep him safe, brilliantly characterised and written. to conclude on a more serious note, he is definitely a character i will keep an eye on, see how he evolves, deals with the loss he had to suffer etc. he is a well written, complex character and fritter a great writer that allows the readers a deeper understanding of his characters through great internal dialogue.

Character Name: willowwisp @Neptune.
Character Faction: starclan
Why should this character be featured?: i only got a very brief roleplay with this character but was blown away by the careful and smooth worldbuilding (?) frosty puts into every post, describing the surroundings and willowwisp herself in a very pleasant, involving way. willowwisp is a sweetheart, a gentle soul so accepting and helpful even a mere four moons after her death, and i can tell that she mustve been a absolute pleasure to interact with in life too. definitely a cat worth remembering.

Dolomedes April 6th, 2024 12:03 PM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)
Character Name [mention user]: Placeholder
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Placeholder
Why should this character be featured?: Placeholder

Character Name [mention user]: Placeholder
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Placeholder
Why should this character be featured?: placeholder

Aolani April 6th, 2024 12:11 PM

Re: Monthly Kudo's (April 2024)

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