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SuspiciousMindz September 25th, 2018 12:43 PM

SkyClan | RiverClan Border
RiverClan has taken refuge in the old Dusk Syndicate Territory.

Starfall November 10th, 2018 12:28 AM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border

They had been ordered to go on a border patrol, though weren't ordered to actually patrol the border, more, go check in on it really quick. To explain better, they weren't an official border patrol. He was alright with that, his bones had been acting up lately, aching to be precise. To be fair he was a senior warrior now, any second he could become an elder, in fact, he could ask to be an elder right now. Not that he wanted to though, but, who want's to be one?

His pace was slow, and he constantly looked back at his companion, making sure he was still there. After all, this was troubled land, the old Dusk Syndicate territory, butted up against Skyclan's territory? The warrior bet they weren't too keen on that. He was positive that there were some ruffled up pelts over Riverclan being tossed over here. From both sides actually. This war was nothing but one big mess. With a sigh, Blisteringstone swiveled his head and looked back at the warrior he accompanied, or was it he was accompanying him?


BEAR. November 28th, 2018 04:37 PM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border
He didn't think he'd ever get used to this.

The dark pine canopy above them, the lack of light through the branches of the trees and the cold northern winds that seeped through their makeshift dens and chilled the skin beneath their fur. It was nothing like RiverClan's true territory, and Firehawk was beginning to understand why the Dusk Syndicate was so vindictive toward the Clans. It was difficult for him to sympathize with them, however-- they had every opportunity and right to relocate away from the Clans. Their insistence on causing conflict was always unnecessary.

Much like Fallenstar's actions when speaking to the other leaders and their deputies. It seemed to Firehawk as if he wanted to antagonize the other Clans, aware Blazingstar would retaliate. And pushing even Grousestar to the limit because of his disrespect? It was absurd to him, all the drama their leader was causing.

Stopping just before the border, his gaze swept across their surroundings as he drank in the air. "At least it's quiet," he softly commented. "I'm always half-expecting some SkyClan cat to holler at us over being in their territory." Which they were, and the other Clan had every reason to be upset. He just wished their fellow Clans didn't drive them out of their home. Where did they want them to go? Away from the other Clans for good?


Hexict November 29th, 2018 08:07 AM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border
[ @BILL. ]

Gaze sweeping the area as they made their way towards the new border, Mistfall felt uncomfortable and vulnerable. This territory was unfamiliar with her and she did not know if there were any dangers around. At least in their true territory she was more aware if any dangers such as foxes or twolegs had been in the area, if they were then she would notice if something was out of place or pick up the scent quickly. But everything looks devastating here. Badgers could be trampling around and she would never notice a difference. not to mention how difficult it was to pick up a scent. The pines were suffocating and overwhelming, she could hardly even scent Firehawk who was right in front of her. Then there was the possibility of Dusk Syndicate cats still lurking around despite being disbanded. And Mistfall wanted nothing to do with the Syndicate. She still shivered thinking of Hephaestus, especially since now he would be more able hurt her or her clan-mates. She still had nightmares of him killing Cricketpaw just to hurt Riverclan - specifically Mistfall.

Another things she hated about their situation: being outsiders among the other clans.

She already felt alone amongst others, mostly because she has difficulty socializing but she also hides herself away for fear of being judged. It wasn't like it was others' faults that she felt like that, it was all her and she knew that, but it didn't make her feel like she was fully part of the clan especially after she had left for a few moons when she was an apprentice. But now the entire clan was being shunned and pushed out by the others and that was also painful. The thought of what they had done to Riverclan made her fur bristle and her body heat up with anger. She wanted a fair fight with them. If I had the chance I would attack them and dig her claws in and rip them- She stopped herself. Shivering, the molly shook out her fur and tried to relax a bit more, act as thought her thoughts hadn't gone there. Even if these thoughts didn't scare Mistfall, she was still aware that fighting was not what they needed right now. They needed a breather. Time to just step back from all the tension. During all of this she almost missed when Firehawk was saying to her about Skyclan. The grey warrior quickly became alert of their surrounds again.

Another thing she had to cautious of now. "I know. What did the other clans even expect us to do though?" The annoyance was clear in her voice as her tail lashed. "It's not like its easy for an entire clan to move away if that's what they had in mind. On top of that it's leaf-fall - practically leaf-bare - which would make it much more difficult and dangers for travel, especially on elders and kits," it pained the warrior to think of their clan-mates struggling through the cold days and trying to stay warm at night. And that was even without running into some kind of predator, which they might then be too weak to fight off. Mistfall just wanted peace between the clans and was sick of all the fighting and hatred. Can the clan not just get along? Can they not be paranoid that the other clans are a constant threat to their own? She sighed, the annoyance drained from her as if it was too tiring to hang onto.

BEAR. November 30th, 2018 03:13 PM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border
"I wonder if they wanted us to do something about Fallenstar..? He's the one who antagonized them." It was also his decision to involve them in the wars. Firehawk was confident that if they had stayed out of it, left WindClan and ThunderClan to deal with their problems alone, everything would have settled down long ago.

Of course it was never that simple, and there was a sinking feeling in his chest. No wonder one of his sons showed signs of aggression, a lack of care for the well-beings of others and a lack of mercy. Their leadership wasn't helping, not when the cat in charge couldn't see past his own whiskers. Harassing the other leaders, causing the other Clans to hate them-- it was all just a bad influence on the younger generation.

He shook his head, with a glance over his shoulder at Mistfall, and past her toward the direction of camp. He knew Russetswirl, and it was hard to believe he chose Fallenstar of all cats to succeed him. RiverClan would've been better off without a leader at this rate.

"There doesn't seem to be anything awry here," he murmured as he marked over the border. "And we've been fortunate enough to not have any predator issues. I imagine SkyClan's annex of this territory assisted in that. I just hope we'll be allowed to return back to our home soon." His lip curled upward. "This land is hardly fit for dogs, let alone a Clan."


Starfall December 2nd, 2018 11:15 PM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border

[There is no specific posting order! However those in the RC patrol please refrain from posting until Gemini posts! ]

Skyclan Patrol

@Christmas Snowfall (Cloudheart)
@Branch of Life (Milkywillow)
@Okapi (Fennelheart)
[Patrol Leader] @Starfall (Turtlebright)

Multicolored paws crunched the grass beneath them, the dreary sky above him threatened to cry at any given second. He didn't blame it. Tip toeing around the pebbles and rocks that littered their part of the territory, the warrior grew closer to the new border the stench of fish clogging his nose. The Calico's whiskers twitched and he stopped a good couple of fox lengths from Skyclan and Riverclans border, propping himself up on a hollowed out log. Grousestar had grown restless with Riverclans recent change in location, why Blazingstar thought it was best to toss the water loving felines right next to them, was beyond the tom. He didn't blame their leader for constantly wanting border checks done, especially after Arouraflame had been demoted. The clans were an absolute mess.

Turtlebright chewed his lip, worry flashing in his emerald hues. There was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it either. The warriors, at this point, were practically useless, their leaders weren't listening. They could only sit back, and do as they're told. However, as quickly as that thought popped up in his head, the young warrior pushed it into the archives of his mind. Now wasn't the time for that. He had a patrol to lead. On that note, he hopped up on the log and swiveled on his heels, the corner of his lips twitching. "It's been pretty quiet for a couple of days. Which is a good thing all things considering. So we'll only stay here for a few moments longer, no need to linger. Do we all agree?" he asked, not really used to giving orders. In fact he was only the second youngest in this group! Why was he assigned the leader?

Riverclan Patrol

@North (Dewberry)
@Midgefur (Plumcloud)
@Fuzzyfeline (Angelwing)
[Patrol Leader] @Gem the Christmas Pickle (Echopool)

gemini December 3rd, 2018 08:32 AM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border
Riverclan Patrol
@North (Dewberry)
@Midgefur (Plumcloud)
@Fuzzyfeline (Angelwing)
[Patrol Leader] @Gem the Christmas Pickle (Echopool)

The tuxedo molly brought her green eyes to to take in the dreamy surroundings as her patrol followed behind her, she could understand why Fallsnstar has asked her to lead. She was a strong molly, she could do this. As the SkyClan stench grew stronger she wrinkled her nose as looked away her blue eyes shining with annoyance. Yet as the tuxedo grew closer she could smell more... scents from the gathering... other cats. As she peered through the reeds that stood in front of them she watched as the patrol of the neighboring clan moved around. With her new knowledge she turned her black head back to Dewberry, Angelwing, and Plumcloud. The sleek molly flicked her tail tip to the border as to signal they weren’t alone. She noticed a rock where they could still be hidden from the other cats yet she could see all of hers, as she looked up at the sky she could see that it was to break open with water at any moment, this could get a lot worse a lot faster. The molly stood strong as her sleek pelt rippled.
Her green orbs scanned her cats, all strong all prepared for whatever what is to come next. This border was going to be a problem, she could never understand why they had been placed here. Tensions are high enough as is, and mess over a border wasn’t necessary yet it was a possibility to say the least, RiverClan and SkyClan had not been getting along lately, and it wasn’t Echopool’s job to snap that into place. “It seems we’re not alone here, let’s not try to start anything. But we must be prepared. Now let’s get this over with.” she mewed as she looked over the clanmates that stood before her. With a nod of her head she poked her head through the reeds as her sleek body followed. As she saw the SkyClan cats a sense of panic set in. She wasn’t prepared she unsheathed her claws and looked on at the others.

Skyclan Patrol
@Christmas Snowfall (Cloudheart)
@Branch of Life (Milkywillow)
@Okapi (Fennelheart)
[Patrol Leader] @Starfall (Turtlebright)

Crystalwhisker December 3rd, 2018 08:37 AM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 557509)

[There is no specific posting order! However those in the RC patrol please refrain from posting until Gemini posts! ]

Skyclan Patrol

@Christmas Snowfall (Cloudheart)
@Branch of Life (Milkywillow)
@Okapi (Fennelheart)
[Patrol Leader] @Starfall (Turtlebright)

Multicolored paws crunched the grass beneath them, the dreary sky above him threatened to cry at any given second. He didn't blame it. Tip toeing around the pebbles and rocks that littered their part of the territory, the warrior grew closer to the new border the stench of fish clogging his nose. The Calico's whiskers twitched and he stopped a good couple of fox lengths from Skyclan and Riverclans border, propping himself up on a hollowed out log. Grousestar had grown restless with Riverclans recent change in location, why Blazingstar thought it was best to toss the water loving felines right next to them, was beyond the tom. He didn't blame their leader for constantly wanting border checks done, especially after Arouraflame had been demoted. The clans were an absolute mess.

Turtlebright chewed his lip, worry flashing in his emerald hues. There was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it either. The warriors, at this point, were practically useless, their leaders weren't listening. They could only sit back, and do as they're told. However, as quickly as that thought popped up in his head, the young warrior pushed it into the archives of his mind. Now wasn't the time for that. He had a patrol to lead. On that note, he hopped up on the log and swiveled on his heels, the corner of his lips twitching. "It's been pretty quiet for a couple of days. Which is a good thing all things considering. So we'll only stay here for a few moments longer, no need to linger. Do we all agree?" he asked, not really used to giving orders. In fact he was only the second youngest in this group! Why was he assigned the leader?

Riverclan Patrol

@North (Dewberry)
@Midgefur (Plumcloud)
@Fuzzyfeline (Angelwing)
[Patrol Leader] @Gem the Christmas Pickle (Echopool)

"Cloudheart looked up at Turtlebright. "Yes, I agree that it has been quiet but it might not be the best thing but I could be wrong." She said tilting her head down.

Mango December 3rd, 2018 09:29 AM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Gem the Christmas Pickle (Post 557567)
Riverclan Patrol
@North (Dewberry)
@Midgefur (Plumcloud)
@Fuzzyfeline (Angelwing)
[Patrol Leader] @Gem the Christmas Pickle (Echopool)

The tuxedo molly brought her green eyes to to take in the dreamy surroundings as her patrol followed behind her, she could understand why Fallsnstar has asked her to lead. She was a strong molly, she could do this. As the SkyClan stench grew stronger she wrinkled her nose as looked away her blue eyes shining with annoyance. Yet as the tuxedo grew closer she could smell more... scents from the gathering... other cats. As she peered through the reeds that stood in front of them she watched as the patrol of the neighboring clan moved around. With her new knowledge she turned her black head back to Dewberry, Angelwing, and Plumcloud. The sleek molly flicked her tail tip to the border as to signal they weren’t alone. She noticed a rock where they could still be hidden from the other cats yet she could see all of hers, as she looked up at the sky she could see that it was to break open with water at any moment, this could get a lot worse a lot faster. The molly stood strong as her sleek pelt rippled.
Her green orbs scanned her cats, all strong all prepared for whatever what is to come next. This border was going to be a problem, she could never understand why they had been placed here. Tensions are high enough as is, and mess over a border wasn’t necessary yet it was a possibility to say the least, RiverClan and SkyClan had not been getting along lately, and it wasn’t Echopool’s job to snap that into place. “It seems we’re not alone here, let’s not try to start anything. But we must be prepared. Now let’s get this over with.” she mewed as she looked over the clanmates that stood before her. With a nod of her head she poked her head through the reeds as her sleek body followed. As she saw the SkyClan cats a sense of panic set in. She wasn’t prepared she unsheathed her claws and looked on at the others.

Skyclan Patrol
@Christmas Snowfall (Cloudheart)
@Branch of Life (Milkywillow)
@Okapi (Fennelheart)
[Patrol Leader] @Starfall (Turtlebright)

@North @Midgefur @Fuzzyfeline @Christmas Snowfall @Branch of Life @Starfall

The Skyclan molly padded along glancing along ready for the quick, peaceful patrol. She doubted a border squirmish would occur. Both clans did respect their borders. Plus even though Skyclan wasn’t use to sharing a border, they knew the rules of having a border. She thought Doveflight’s plan made sense, be peaceful, mark the border, and keep our paws on our side of the border. It was quite simple in her opinion. Fennelheart was quite please to do the simple patrol, it was a bit more fun now that they had a clan on the other side instead of loners and rouges. But she’d never admit enjoying having Riverclan border Skyclan.

Fuzzy December 3rd, 2018 12:59 PM

Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border
Riverclan Patrol
@North (Dewberry)
@Midgefur (Plumcloud)
@Fuzzyfeline (Angelwing)
[Patrol Leader] @Gem the Christmas Pickle (Echopool)

The tri colored warrior made her way through the meekly lit territory. The sky so dark and dreary it looked as if an ocean would spill from the clouds. Angelwing wasn't to found of the new territory but it didn't bother her to bad. It was just part of life. These wars and battles were caused by emotions she didn't understand, she couldn't understand. She'd never really felt them herself so it was hard to understand. Though the long hair did get why you defined yourself. If someone threatened you, you'd stand up to that. She got that, for example she got into a fight mid gathering because some cat attacked her, with tooth and claw. She still resembled a mark from it. A scaring cut across her muzzle. This wasn't the time to think about the past.
As the patrol leader informed that they were not alone and unsheathed her claws. Anglewing's blue eyes narrowed. The molly did practically dislike SkyClan but having an enemy on your border wasn't a good sign. Coming up beside Echopool the warrior perked though the reeds. She might not be the patrol leader but she was experienced. Glancing back at the other two patrol members she tried to figure out there take on this but decided it was useless after a heartbeat. Looking at the other patrol the feline could feel her claws come out into the dirt beneath her paws. Why don't they just move on?

Skyclan Patrol
@Christmas Snowfall (Cloudheart)
@Branch of Life (Milkywillow)
@Okapi (Fennelheart)
[Patrol Leader] @Starfall (Turtlebright)

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