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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:46 PM

SkyClan Warriors' Den

Thunder October 10th, 2016 11:44 AM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den
Smallberry shifted in her nest, she grunted in drowsness, she was tired from being up late to make sure that the kittypets weren't trying to hunt the prey for sport again.

Ag75 -- GONE October 13th, 2016 11:24 AM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den
Leapingbird padded into the den, ready for a good nights sleep.

Snowpatch November 2nd, 2016 04:27 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den
Snowpatch padded into the warriors den and was hit with a wall of jealousy. She was stuck in the nursery with two kits, and would give anything to be back in the large cave. She was here to fetch Nettlefur. Ever since she had her kits, she had agreed to be Lemonstar's messenger. She glanced around the cave, but the only thing she could see was a sleeping Mintfur. She remembered in her apprenticeship he had told her that he wanted to leave the clan after Bouncefire, his adopted father had died. She realized his nest was scattered across the den, and claw marks were dug into the stone. Nettlefur had gone crazy.

Fel January 1st, 2017 11:14 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den
@Empress of Evil
Morningbrook was quite tired, really- after Skyclan's move to a new camp in a dark and shadowy forest and the discovery of brand-new clans that had never been heard of before, he doubted that anyone besides the youngest kits in the clan were getting that much sleep. Everybody was worried about their own futures being sacrificed for those of clans which had lived far away from them, and the possibility that this change could turn out to be a terrible one- and that didn't exclude the golden-colored tom, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He was known for being funny over being paranoid, social instead of worrisome or even very responsible, but his friends were too busy to joke around with him, and even waking up posed as a time for him to finally think, to actually realize their
tight situation. Rising from his nest in a groggily fashion, Morningbrook let out a loud yawn as his paws scuffled against the ground quietly, fluffing out his fur to try and get himself ready for the new day ahead of him. He still wasn't very used to this new nest, and his clan's new camp in general, but he could still perform his morning routine just like he did back at the old camp- not everything was changed. However, as he looked around the den, he could also notice a pelt that usually woke up before he did, one which belonged to a cat used to responsibility and a calm demeanor- though they had their own special, joking moments together. "Hey, Rory?"

Empress Of Evil January 1st, 2017 11:27 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 109952)
@Empress of Evil
Morningbrook was quite tired, really- after Skyclan's move to a new camp in a dark and shadowy forest and the discovery of brand-new clans that had never been heard of before, he doubted that anyone besides the youngest kits in the clan were getting that much sleep. Everybody was worried about their own futures being sacrificed for those of clans which had lived far away from them, and the possibility that this change could turn out to be a terrible one- and that didn't exclude the golden-colored tom, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He was known for being funny over being paranoid, social instead of worrisome or even very responsible, but his friends were too busy to joke around with him, and even waking up posed as a time for him to finally think, to actually realize their
tight situation. Rising from his nest in a groggily fashion, Morningbrook let out a loud yawn as his paws scuffled against the ground quietly, fluffing out his fur to try and get himself ready for the new day ahead of him. He still wasn't very used to this new nest, and his clan's new camp in general, but he could still perform his morning routine just like he did back at the old camp- not everything was changed. However, as he looked around the den, he could also notice a pelt that usually woke up before he did, one which belonged to a cat used to responsibility and a calm demeanor- though they had their own special, joking moments together. "Hey, Rory?"

Normally the deputy woke up early, attending to duties. Her load of work had increased recently due to the move of location and she wasn't able to find much time for sleep. Today the ebony coloured she cat had time to sleep in a little. She had planned ahead last night and told the cats who she wanted on patrol. Because of this, she didn't have to do too much, she could get herself some time to rest her eyes for longer then usual. Auroraflame woke up to the sound of a familiar voice. Lifting her head up, with her eyes half closed she looked around, searching for the owner of the voice. She found them standing in their nest, looking at her. She yawned before saying, "Oh hey!". Her voice was somewhat hushed, not wanting to wake up any other late sleepers. Blinking the blurriness of sleep out of her eyes, she rose to her paws. She lifted a paw, licking it before dragging it over her ear to smooth over a tuft of fur that stuck up. "How are you this chilly morning?", Auroraflame asked, glancing outside at the snow covered ground.

monfang March 2nd, 2017 02:52 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den
{ @Nighty }
The burnt reddish-brown Somali ran in happily, mice in jaws, mostly because she was finally off her patrol and she had free time. She padded around and looked everywhere, and she finally saw who she was looking for, however the Abyssinian tom was asleep and she purred playfully, dropping into a crouch before she pounced and landed on him, and pawed him, making sure to be careful around his leg. "Wake up call!" she called as she did and purred. "I brought some mice for breakfast." she purred, not too loud, but loud enough to wake him, besides the fact she had just jumped on him. She purred and nuzzled him, and then stood up and padded to the nest next to his, and layed down, looking at him. Her soft yellow eyes spilled out a hyper gaze and loving stare, her tail flicked happily and her purr was warm and welcoming. Her burnt, reddish-brown pelt was slightly ruffled from her patrolling and hunting. She loved messing with the tom, mostly because she loved the tom in general. Cliffheart and her had been friends for a while, and mates for a few days, and they have been spending a lot of time together. She didn't know when the last time he ate was, even though his leg has been better Ebonypaw has been trying to make sure it heals more before he is able to fully free roam (besides the day they took their stroll in the territory), again. She nuzzled one of the mice towards him and smiled. "Hungry?" she asked, a warm smile across her maw.

goddess of ducks March 5th, 2017 04:43 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 189508)
{ @Nighty }
The burnt reddish-brown Somali ran in happily, mice in jaws, mostly because she was finally off her patrol and she had free time. She padded around and looked everywhere, and she finally saw who she was looking for, however the Abyssinian tom was asleep and she purred playfully, dropping into a crouch before she pounced and landed on him, and pawed him, making sure to be careful around his leg. "Wake up call!" she called as she did and purred. "I brought some mice for breakfast." she purred, not too loud, but loud enough to wake him, besides the fact she had just jumped on him. She purred and nuzzled him, and then stood up and padded to the nest next to his, and layed down, looking at him. Her soft yellow eyes spilled out a hyper gaze and loving stare, her tail flicked happily and her purr was warm and welcoming. Her burnt, reddish-brown pelt was slightly ruffled from her patrolling and hunting. She loved messing with the tom, mostly because she loved the tom in general. Cliffheart and her had been friends for a while, and mates for a few days, and they have been spending a lot of time together. She didn't know when the last time he ate was, even though his leg has been better Ebonypaw has been trying to make sure it heals more before he is able to fully free roam (besides the day they took their stroll in the territory), again. She nuzzled one of the mice towards him and smiled. "Hungry?" she asked, a warm smile across her maw.

Cliffheart was sleeping peacefully. He was dreaming calmly about being perfectly abled. No injured or twisted leg, mate by his side, on a hunt through the territory and hindered by absolutely nothing. As the two split up, Cliffheart engaged in a chase with a hare. He bolted after it, exhilaration pumping through him. He leaped for the kill, when a tree popped out of nowhere and he crashed right into it. After standing up, dizzy with the impact, he found himself not able to stand. Looking down, he saw that not one, but all four of his paws were twisted and sprained. Panicking, he yowled out for help, but no one came to his aid. Not even Scorchedpetal, who he knew was near by. When she did show up, she seemed different, a cold gaze etched on her face. "Now you're worse than before. I can't love someone who is damaged like you." She spat at him. Horrified, Cliffheart jolted awake by the heavy weight that crushed his chest.

As Cliffheart jolted awake, his chest heaving, memories and images of the nightmare still vivid in his mind. He gazed around wildly, confused for a moment of where he was. His gaze landed on Scorchedpetal, and from the recent dream, he jerked away in fear. He quickly regretted it, realizing what was going on. A soft smile grew on his maw and he nuzzled the reddish she cat. He purred, but didn't take the offer on the mouse. "Thanks, but I'm not hungry right now." He said, his voice flat and dull. The dream had been so nice at first, just he and his mate having a hunt together, but he had screwed up and ended up worse than ever, and Scorchedpetal had hated him for it. Sure it was a nightmare, but he couldn't help but think, What if?

monfang March 5th, 2017 05:44 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 192157)
Cliffheart was sleeping peacefully. He was dreaming calmly about being perfectly abled. No injured or twisted leg, mate by his side, on a hunt through the territory and hindered by absolutely nothing. As the two split up, Cliffheart engaged in a chase with a hare. He bolted after it, exhilaration pumping through him. He leaped for the kill, when a tree popped out of nowhere and he crashed right into it. After standing up, dizzy with the impact, he found himself not able to stand. Looking down, he saw that not one, but all four of his paws were twisted and sprained. Panicking, he yowled out for help, but no one came to his aid. Not even Scorchedpetal, who he knew was near by. When she did show up, she seemed different, a cold gaze etched on her face. "Now you're worse than before. I can't love someone who is damaged like you." She spat at him. Horrified, Cliffheart jolted awake by the heavy weight that crushed his chest.

As Cliffheart jolted awake, his chest heaving, memories and images of the nightmare still vivid in his mind. He gazed around wildly, confused for a moment of where he was. His gaze landed on Scorchedpetal, and from the recent dream, he jerked away in fear. He quickly regretted it, realizing what was going on. A soft smile grew on his maw and he nuzzled the reddish she cat. He purred, but didn't take the offer on the mouse. "Thanks, but I'm not hungry right now." He said, his voice flat and dull. The dream had been so nice at first, just he and his mate having a hunt together, but he had screwed up and ended up worse than ever, and Scorchedpetal had hated him for it. Sure it was a nightmare, but he couldn't help but think, What if?

Scorchedpetal noticed the look he had, and noticed the horror in his eyes. "You alright hun?" She asked, tilting her head. She had a feeling she woke him from a nightmare, but she felt better that she did. She nuzzled him gently and licked his cheek. "Hey, I was wondering if Ebonypaw said you could go hunting yet." She purred. "I wanna make sure you got the okay before I help you, because with all of the little activity you've been allowed to do, we gotta work your strength up slowly but surely." She meowed, tilting her head slightly for a cute look. She couldn't shake the feeling about his look when he woke up. Cliffheart was a good Tom but he felt he was weaker with his leg than anything. But she knew she could fix it with the way she talked to him. Maybe he needed that now? "So, how is my Star?" She asked, taking a small bite from the mouse.

goddess of ducks March 5th, 2017 09:35 PM

Re: SkyClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 192230)

Scorchedpetal noticed the look he had, and noticed the horror in his eyes. "You alright hun?" She asked, tilting her head. She had a feeling she woke him from a nightmare, but she felt better that she did. She nuzzled him gently and licked his cheek. "Hey, I was wondering if Ebonypaw said you could go hunting yet." She purred. "I wanna make sure you got the okay before I help you, because with all of the little activity you've been allowed to do, we gotta work your strength up slowly but surely." She meowed, tilting her head slightly for a cute look. She couldn't shake the feeling about his look when he woke up. Cliffheart was a good Tom but he felt he was weaker with his leg than anything. But she knew she could fix it with the way she talked to him. Maybe he needed that now? "So, how is my Star?" She asked, taking a small bite from the mouse.

Cliffheart shrugged away the question. He wasn't feeling it, not after that nightmare, it had seemed so real, except for the four twisted and useless paws part. Scorched petals voice had been the same, the hunt with the rabbit the same as the one he had taken the day he ruptured the ligament. It has seemed so vivid, now he just couldn't shake the thought. "I guess, bad dream. Nothing big." He said, pushing away, hoping for a change in subject. Luckily for him, one did come. Hunting, oh jeez did he really want that after the dream? He shuddered with the thought, images flooding back. "I don't know, I need to ho talk with her sometime soon about all this. I can at least go out with you and watch you while you hunt." He suggested. "Honestly, I don't mind. Maybe it will be nice at least watching you get to hunt, even if I can't." He continued, not wanting her to feel guilty that she could hunt while he couldn't. "Your Star is feeling dull today. Not entirely sure why, probably just that bad dream. You know how it is when they linger with you." He remarked. No part of him wanted to go into detail about the dream. He didn't exactly know how well the whole 'You were in my dream and you hated me like Grousestar hates the Syndicate' thing would go down.

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