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Mystery January 4th, 2018 10:02 AM

What makes you mad?
I created this so we could talk about what makes us mad! ^^
Currently, I'm quite upset with the condition of England. 100 mph wind, apparently. I experienced it though. I walked out a minute ago, and felt as if I was gonna fly back into my house 0.0
Ontop of that, I think my dad's greenhouse is broken...

Feel free to reply to the thread, just don't quote this, please, and lets not talk about anything too extreme!

218 January 5th, 2018 09:46 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
When you do two pages of math for homework only to find out you DID THE WRONG PAGES

Ariii January 5th, 2018 09:51 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
Trying to complete something in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, then I realize I went the wrong way.

lio January 5th, 2018 09:53 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
the fact that i was born with no major health conditions while others have some that may even kill them at a young age, or would cause them to become left out from others in their lifetime. >:0

218 January 5th, 2018 09:54 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
When you try to play Broken Age Act 2 on an iPad mini but accidentally reset your progress, so now you have to go through Act 1 AGAIN, which was already a pain for me to get through...

Empress Of Evil January 6th, 2018 01:28 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
People being rude

Creating the perfect masterpiece that's really unique and you're proud of, only to see that someone else has copied you

Situations where people take things for granted.

BEAR. January 6th, 2018 01:33 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
always get frustrated with the people who stand in the middle of walkways yapping

then there's the people who stop in front of you and whip out their phone

or the group of people who walk slowly in front of you .. and you can't get around them and have somewhere to be

Fawn January 6th, 2018 01:38 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
individuals who refuse to reevaluate their position even when faced with indisputable facts supporting an alternative view

BEAR. January 6th, 2018 01:48 AM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Rose Queen (Post 450727)
individuals who refuse to reevaluate their position even when faced with indisputable facts supporting an alternative view

adding to this, people who only listen to one side of a story because it's their friend's side.

Galaxy Of Wisdom January 6th, 2018 01:51 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
Fighting a hard boss over and over again.

Being told something I already know multiple times

People who dare say their kids are well behaved despite them being spoiled

Doing the same thing over and over again.

When I just can’t draw what’s in my head!

Jynx January 6th, 2018 10:06 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
Cleaning up the living room only to find that your job was to clean the kitchen

Tundra January 6th, 2018 03:27 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
People chewing gum loudly/annoyingly

Being hit at school for no reason

People taking my stuff in the middle of class, causing me to get in trouble

My Ipad not charging at night, causing me to not be able to use it at school

My brothers blaming me for things they did, resulting to me getting in trouble, even though 98% of the time im in my room or sleeping

Ariii January 6th, 2018 03:32 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
When I try to copy pixel art in Minecraft, (don't judge me. It's a good game.) and I realize I'm using the wrong blocks.

wolfie January 6th, 2018 03:40 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
When someone tries to see what I'm drawing but leans over my shoulder.

Being called a kitten cause I'm not one.

Art blocks gets me beyond frustrated because I can't draw anything.

People who constantly touch my hair. (I dunno even know why this is a problem, people just do it. ;-; )

Mango January 6th, 2018 04:00 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
Ppl at school judging me for having an account on WCO. (which makes me defensive about what I'm doing online)

Politics. Must I say more.

Ppl who criticize me for being 14 and writing in cursive. Hey-I never learned print until 5th grade. Called living in a city until middle school that was living under a rock to a point I didn't know what a phone or computer was in fourth grade was. I knew what a record player was and chalk boards. I knew about those big box tvs lucky me...so this WI-FI thing was mind-blowing like free-ways and airplanes. Its called a small city in Utah. It was like 1960's in early 2000's.

Ariii January 6th, 2018 04:03 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 450963)
Ppl at school judging me for having an account on WCO. (which makes me defensive about what I'm doing online)

Same, except it isn't people at school, it's my brother.

Mango January 6th, 2018 04:04 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Redwood Sienna (Post 450965)
Same, except it isn't people at school, it's my brother.


218 January 7th, 2018 09:32 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
When your teacher thinks you had enough time to study for a certain test due to the test being postponed, so she changes the questions on the test that you already know the answers to, so now you are unprepared and possibly doomed to get a B or lower on the test.

Also, when you play CookieRun: Ovenbreak and find out that the 41,000,000 or more point score you worked so hard to earn is reset for the week and now you have to try again to get the same rank or score, and maybe even higher...

lol I sound so petty rip

Fireflower January 7th, 2018 09:36 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
people not calling me dragon!i made them call me dragon!

Bandido January 7th, 2018 09:52 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
When I watch a video of someone being pulled over by law enforcement and think that they don't need a driver's license or refuse to give registration because of the 'sovereign citizens' movement.

When I see conspiracy theories that the President is an alien reptile. (You seriously cannot be that bored and desperate for attention.)

Roleplaying with people that are either impatient or argue to understand that there is no such thing of a wolf with sheathable claws. (Let us review third grade.)

Also, when people say that they're salty, they think that that automatically gives them the get out of jail card.

BEAR. January 8th, 2018 01:16 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
the final level of overcooked

Bandido January 8th, 2018 09:19 AM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Mad King (Post 451936)
the final level of overcooked

The first level of Geometry Dash

FadingEchoes January 8th, 2018 10:42 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
Getting to a boss in a game and him killing you over and over again, and then you try one more time and do nothing different yet somehow you win.

Random guys hitting on me.


The fact that I can never find a dress that matches my school's dress code.

Mango January 8th, 2018 08:29 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by FadingEchoes (Post 451993)
Getting to a boss in a game and him killing you over and over again, and then you try one more time and do nothing different yet somehow you win.

Random guys hitting on me.


The fact that I can never find a dress that matches my school's dress code.

Mall clothing I have a tough dress code. Macy's has it all. Sleeves on dresses, turtle neck dresses, knee length dresses, just not ankle length dresses.

lio January 8th, 2018 08:55 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
writer's block

art block

incorrect grammar

fake people

when i tell people to not do something because it makes me uncomfortable but they do it anyways to get a reaction

when people don't even try to evaluate my artwork in art class because 'they already know it's better than theirs'

my english teacher

when i need to use first period to finish my work but my school decides to have a useless assembly and then my friend says that it's not an excuse not to get my work done even though it was difficult work okay

whenever people see me drawing but then go like 'woah!11!1!1 that's so much better than i can do11!!1!1!' and then try to draw in my art style but make it look ten times worse on purpose

people!! who!! copy!! my!! ideas!!

when people click on the egg i want on dragon cave before i can click it

when my brother is dead to me but only he can defeat the final boss in a game we own although he's three states away

when people ship two characters with no interaction or relation to eachother whatsoever

people who are like 'dOnT dO tHaT IT'Ll rUin TheIr fRiendShip aNd iT'lL bE AlL yOur FaUlt fOr rEadIng tHat faNfIction!!1!1!1!1!!!1!1!' i used to be like this, that's why it angers me

one-liner roleplay replies, especially when i have writer's block

when two anime characters fall in love but one leaves and then says that they'll meet again someday but then the anime ends and there's nothing created after that point

people who tease others for having a crush on somebody, pretend to vomit when they hear of your crush, proceed to tell your crush about it, and then end up dating that person after becoming friends with them just to make you angry :>>>

when i'm singled out in groups at school because i'm one of the 'smart people' even though i can't do have the stuff they give me to do because of stress and not being able to focus


when i can't sleep but then immediately get my phone used as an accusation by my parents

my father in general

my brother in general

the fact that i wanted my kitty luna but my father acts like she loves him and only him and doesn't even acknowledge the fact that she's my cat and i begged to get her after my other cat was put down

and when my mom says to leave the cat alone even when all i'm doing is snuggling her after not being around her all day, or shoves me away when i try to love luna, but then goes on and makes luna angry to where she won't come near me without attacking

there's a lot more but this is just a simple list so far haha

Thistledawn January 8th, 2018 09:15 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
People who insist that being fake is better than being honest and upfront with people

When people get mad because I'm too blunt/honest despite the fact that I've warned them this is how I am

Early college

My inability to understand literally anything


When nail polish starts chipping off way to soon bc seriously ?!


Older people assuming things about us younger people that aren't true

The fact that I can't get my best friend back

When I'm putting a dark shirt on after I do a full face of makeup and half of it ends up on the shirt

When I put on my face just to have all of my plans for the day cancelled

When my friends don't trust me with their secrets just because I come off as goofy and that somehow equates to not being trustworthy

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks bc gosh dang I never could beat that game

Mango January 8th, 2018 09:42 PM

Re: What makes you mad?


When I do facepalm with tons of make-up on

When I get mascara on my contacts (trust me I'm bad with make-up)

When I am given slack for being a freshman friends with seniors

When I hang out on a college campus as a HS freshman.

ameko January 8th, 2018 09:50 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

people assuming things about me and jumping to conclusions

218 January 13th, 2018 01:50 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
Stage 2-8 of Cookie Run Ovenbreak, nuff said.

Pureheart January 13th, 2018 03:22 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
Politics. I spent four years of my life studying political science, and I regret that decision with every fiber of my being. It's gotten so nasty that it's actually affecting my mental health. Can't we all just get along?

CreatureOfHabit January 17th, 2018 02:26 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Mystery (Post 450135)
I created this so we could talk about what makes us mad! ^^
Currently, I'm quite upset with the condition of England. 100 mph wind, apparently. I experienced it though. I walked out a minute ago, and felt as if I was gonna fly back into my house 0.0
Ontop of that, I think my dad's greenhouse is broken...

Feel free to reply to the thread, just don't quote this, please, and lets not talk about anything too extreme!

Ok, I will proudly call myself cringy, and trash, but when someone calls me that, and turns around And proceeds to do something WORSE, well then..
Also all the crap about Kanye West for president.
And when I'm drawing and someone walks past me, bumping my elbow, RUINING my work. I know that i shouldn't get worked up, but.... *muffled annoyed noises*

BEAR. January 17th, 2018 02:35 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 452469)

When I'm putting a dark shirt on after I do a full face of makeup and half of it ends up on the shirt

late, but i hope you don't mind me suggesting this! it's better to put on cosmetics after you've put on your clothes, that way you don't rub it off
have to do this when i'm trying to style my hair, keeps it from getting messed up

Ariii January 17th, 2018 02:41 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
Whenever I'm typing a really long post, and I'm almost done..


It gets me so mad.

mvoxhu January 17th, 2018 02:49 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
attention-seekers + people who victimise themselves despite having quite a good life —

also, i can not stand it when bus drivers close the doors right when you’re about to get on the bus. like, um, what??

AbsurdJinx January 17th, 2018 03:16 PM

Re: What makes you mad?
my younger brother

'nuff said

Thistledawn January 17th, 2018 03:37 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Mad King (Post 456794)

late, but i hope you don't mind me suggesting this! it's better to put on cosmetics after you've put on your clothes, that way you don't rub it off
have to do this when i'm trying to style my hair, keeps it from getting messed up

You're fine!

I used to do my makeup after I put on my clothes, but I'm pretty clumsy sometimes. I used to accidentally get makeup (mostly liquid foundation) on my clothes all the time. It never really mattered that much until I ruined my favorite shirt when I accidentally spilled a little foundation on it. After that I was absolutely traumatized so I put on my clothes after I finished my makeup. It helped a lot then because I had setting spray so the makeup hardly came off at all. But yeah. I either need to start getting dressed first or get some more setting spray. I'm also trying to do my hair more too, so I'll probably be forced to change things up again. Thank you for the suggestion! c:

guapathecat January 17th, 2018 03:46 PM

Re: What makes you mad?

Originally Posted by Mystery (Post 450135)
I created this so we could talk about what makes us mad! ^^
Currently, I'm quite upset with the condition of England. 100 mph wind, apparently. I experienced it though. I walked out a minute ago, and felt as if I was gonna fly back into my house 0.0
Ontop of that, I think my dad's greenhouse is broken...

Feel free to reply to the thread, just don't quote this, please, and lets not talk about anything too extreme!


218 January 28th, 2018 12:53 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
When your parents don't like a certain thing just because it doesn't agree with their political beliefs

cough cough Hamilton cough

lio January 28th, 2018 01:00 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
when people look at you doing something, stare for a few moments, then look away and whisper to themselves

especially when those people used to be your crushes
and when they have no business speaking about you

NightWarrior4Life January 28th, 2018 09:55 AM

Re: What makes you mad?
When I spend ages writing a post then i lose it and I have to write it again...or if one of my threads or posts get deleted...

Also when people become/claim to be best friends with someone they've only known for a few months when you've known that person since you were like 4 years old...

When you're really looking forward to doing something like all month or all week then it gets cancelled or you end up not going...

Also, school rules...and some teachers...it's all so stupid and I get so worked up about the smallest things.

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