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Starfall August 3rd, 2017 04:32 PM

Honeystream kit Finder
The time has come!! We're more than halfway done with the plot so @Lawlipop said that now was the best time to post the kit finder!! So thats exactly what this is :heartbounce:

[ @fenic! You said you wished to create a kitty so here ya go :love4: ]

Now I would like for the kits to look like either Fallenstream or Honeypool or a mix of the two if you wouldn't mind /v\

Anyways, onto the forum!!


There are 3 spots open
Kit 1: Bunnykit [Fenic!]
Kit 2: Eveningkit [Me]
Kit 3: Open
Kit 4: Open
Kit 5: Open

We're looking forward to the submissions :love4:

Lawlipop August 3rd, 2017 04:53 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder

Also be on the lookout for a plot that will involve the kits that I will reveal to the chosen kits in a PM

And here's the new pic I have for Honey, that page is a bit outdated, new site currently in the works, including Honey's sad backstory

Role August 3rd, 2017 04:59 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder
Name: Storm/kit/paw/cloud
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here!
Personality: Calm and collected, Stormkit stays quiet most of the time, and is pessimistic. She dislikes being in the open, and prefers the shade. Stormkit can be witty and isn't afraid to spit fire (insult) towards others. She can be manipulative and cunning if necessary.
PPD: 5.52 (It dropped.)
Other/Questions: None

Cosmo August 3rd, 2017 05:21 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder

Name: Frostkit | Frostpaw | Frostheart
Frost- For her white coloring
Heart- for her caring and warm nature

Gender: (Cis) Female
Ref | Ref | Ref
Like her mother, her fur is a sandy ginger color. The difference is, Frost has no stripes. Isn't that strange? But her coloring isn't solid like her fathers either. Her coloring is blotched. Ginger splotches. But ginger splotches on what? Well, a white undercoat! That's right. Frost has lots of white on her. More than her parents. It's strange, but she does. Frost in the end, looks most like her mother, but has many differences. But then, not every cat is exactly alike.
Charming | Caring | Loyal | Flirty | Deceiving | Sharp-tongued
There is a reason for Frost's suffix. That reason is no, not because of her having heart problems, but because she cares so much about other cats. She is truly a charming darling. Frost would just put herself out there, no, not out there in the spotlight, unless it meant helping the cats she loved, for other cats. She is most likely one of the sweetest cats you'll ever meet. Well, at least until you get on her bad side. Wait. What? This sweet little charming and attractive darling has a bad side? Well everyone does. She is a tricky darling. Frost loves to flirt. That way she can easily catch the young toms hearts. And boy does Frost love to do that. In this way, she is deceiving. Making toms think she loves them. You also don't want to get on Frost's nerves. She's got a tongue as bad as venom they say, worse than fire. It could kill you. Well that's not true, but she does have a sharp-tongue.

PPD: 23.14- Most from RPing/Plot Resources
-She rolls around on the grass on her back to flirt

Mango August 3rd, 2017 05:34 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder
Name: Logkit/paw/pounce (suffix may change)
Gender: She-kit/Female
Appearance: She looks like Fallenstream.
Kithood- She has dark brown fur that is wavy and long compared to her tiny body. She has bright green eyes. Her tail is short and stumpy. She has long claws and a high squeaky kit voice.
Apprenticehood- She will look basically the same, just larger. Her long claws won't be as sharp and her voice will be more sweet and angelic sounding.
Warriorhood- She will look about the same, just larger. She will have a sweet and soft voice.
Personality: As a young kit, Logkit will sometimes brag to other kits that she's the deputies kit and that she can boss them around and that one day she'll be leader and that they'll have to listen to her then. She'll be bossy and a tad bit stuck up with other kits, but not her littermates. With her littermates she's kind and playful and basically a brown fluffball of energy. She always follows Fallenstream around begging him to promise her that he'll apoint her as deputy when he becomes leader. (kits under 3 moons are hard to develop personalities for)
When Logkit's between 3-6 moons she'll realize that being a stuck-up doesn't make cats like her so she stobs being snobby and bosses everyone around, including her littermates, but she still has fun being an energetic fluff ball. She's always begging Fallenstream to promise to get Russetstar to be her mentor (she'll be pretty bummed when that doesn't happen lol).
When she reaches apprenticehood she'll be different duh...She'll stop bossing everyone around and focus on training. She'll push herself extremely hard and never think much of playing only of training 24/7 and maybe taking a few hours to sleep before being ready to train. She never complains about doing apprentice duties. She'll always be asking Fallenstream for tips on how to lead patrols or training tips saying she wants it so that she'll be the obvious choice of deputy when Fallenstream 'eventually' becomes leader. Don't worry, she's not rushing Russetstar to lose his nine lives, she simply just wants to be the obvious choice (which I don't expect will happen).
As a warrior Logpounce won't nag Fallenstream as much, realizing how young Russetstar is and that the clan will be quite angry if Fallenstream were to appoint his daughter as deputy. She'll take on a mate and always ask to lead patrols, which most warriors will dislike her desire to lead patrols. She'll be friendly and helpful. She'll train an apprentice and probably the minute she's a warrior she'll beg Fallenstream to appoint her an apprentice (and magically she'll get one that I set up) because she'll want to ensure that if something were to happen to Russetstar she was eligible for deputy. She will probably have kits at some point it time.
When Fallenstream becomes leader and doesn't pick her for deputy, Logpounce will be quite angry at Fallenstream (star then) and threaten him in rage and leave the clan for about a moon before returning realizing that the deputy might die (don't worry, she won't try to kill the deputy)
Basically she is a kind cat who has ambition to be leader.
PPD: 5.93 as of today (will lower when school starts on August 25th)
Other/Questions: May she follow Fallenstream around begging him to promise that when he's leader he'll appoint her as deputy...(I swear it's not me trying to use a character's perso to earn an HR, it's just a cats personality)

Teza August 3rd, 2017 06:39 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder
[Sootpaw, Sootshine]

Gender ID
Soot is a charcoal tabby with an orange base coat. She is very small compared to her siblings-one may call her the runt-but she very obviously doesn't show that it bothers her. Her beautiful icy-blue eyes alongside her unique pelt make her stand out in a crowd, along with her abnormally short tail.

Shy | Quiet | Loyal | Timid | Flighty | Adventurous | Sassy | Brutal
Soot is a generally quiet and shy she-cat. She gets scared very easily, making her hate herself constantly. She loves to explore and hang around her family, though if she were to be completely honest, she loves being alone so much more. She feels like she can get her duties done quickly and easily if she's alone, as she has major stage fright as well. She is a weak hunter and an even weaker fighter. Her loyalty to her clan means the world to her, so if she were to break that loyalty, the she-cat would be depressed and very disappointed in herself. When she starts talking to others, Soot finds it extremely easy to get along with them. She makes friends easily and is very charismatic. She's a very curious she-cat, always wanting to adventure out into the territory without anyone to hold her back. When she's spoken to in an accusing tone, if she didn't do the thing she's accused of, she becomes very sassy and hateful. She quickly becomes a bully in those instances, defending her own pride by breaking down the liars. After all, what does it matter if a liar has no pride in themselves anyway?


monfang August 3rd, 2017 06:50 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder


Smoke black tom with jet black, hardly noticeable tabby stripes and orange eyes.

loner-protective-hides love for family-stoic



seasalt August 3rd, 2017 07:38 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder
Lost all my stuff for her, I'm gonna have to rethink it later, or now.
Name: Shimmerkit
Shimmer- for her partly ebony black pelt, and her sleek fur. sight- for her excellent eyesight.
Gender: Female, She Cat.
Appearance: Shimmerkit is thin, dainty, and bony in structure, and looks like she's barely holding on to life. But she isn't really all that much. She has a slender, and thin frame, bony just like the rest of her. She looks sickly, and looks like the runt of the litter, when she really isn't. Her legs are thicker than the rest of her body, but its still thin and bony like, and only certain parts aren't very bony. Her ears aren't too small, or big, their just.. normal, but are more fluffy, than normal. Shimmerkit's fur is a dark ebony black, light ginger patches on her right eye, back, right leg, flank and start of the tail, and at the end of her tail, and on the left side of the back of her neck. Her fur is naturally sleek, but not too thick, or thin, like how her ears are not too small or big. Her muzzle is rather sharp looking, and round at the end, with a light charcoal black nose with a hint of gray in it. Her eyes, are a bright honey hue, with a bit of orange, and warm yellow. Ref
Personality: quiet, composed, mature, logical | awkward, clumsy | prideful, proud, stubborn | respectful, obedient, breezy
Shimmerkit is a quiet, mature, and composed kit, and is usually calm in certain situations, keeping a calm head, well she tries to be calm at least. She's the more mature one out of all her littermates, always trying to keep her siblings from getting into trouble from sneaking out, or getting hurt, and from bullies. Keeping them in line is one way to put it, which isn't a good way to put it, to be completely in honest. Shimmerkit is also rather logical, trying to get a sensible understanding of situations, making her rather thoughtful at times, she could be called the leader of her group of siblings. She's usually a rather quiet molly, not talking all that much, only speaking when spoken to, or when she thinks its a good time to speak.
Then, you could really call her polite, poised, which could be true, if she wasn't busy following her siblings around in little adventures. Shimmerkit is a bit of an awkward case, it always feels hard to socialize for her. And, playing with others who aren't her siblings are hard too. She's not very shy to socialize, no no. Not at all, so the "going with the flow" kind of thing kinda settles in when she plays/socializes with kits that aren't her littermates. She's also quite clumsy, but not in the "tripping over things" clumsy. Well, maybe a little bit of it. What I'm talking about is the talking kind of clumsy. When she's talking to other kits, she doesn't know very well, she finds it difficult to talk. She does it right most of the time, but most of the time, she feels very awkward. Shimmerkit is also a proud kit, not in the arrogant or cocky sense, but just, a very prideful demeanor, which makes her very stubborn with certain things. Really stubborn.
Shimmerkit is a rather obedient kit, always listening to her mother, and father, always trying not to get in trouble, and always tries to be respectful to others, not be rude, always tries to be polite to everyone. She's also a quite chill, and calm-spirited cat, a breezy kind of molly, and is very carefree, whenever she can. Of course when you're looking after your littermates, its hard to be relaxed, or relax at all. Its zero to none really. But, she tries to be relaxed when she can get some peace for once, with very low results most of the time.
PPD: 3.75
Other/Questions: -No, Shimmerkit is NOT a tortoiseshell, just a mix of genetics from both of her parents. I was looking for something a little unique than just plain black, or just a ginger tabby, so I mixed both of them in her.
- Her warrior name will be Shimmersight, or something to do with water.

Hexict August 3rd, 2017 08:34 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder
( @Lawlipop @starfall think it's finished~ )

Name- Blazekit | Blazepaw | Blazestream
[ Blaze- orange base coat | Stream- after his father ]
Gender- Tom
Appearance- ref
Blaze looks like a mixture of both his parents. He has both orange tabby pelt - from his mother - as well as black markings - from his father. His base coat is orange with faint darker stripes on his sides that can be difficult to see at times. His tails, ears and legs are all black as well as a spot on his back and a patch over his right eyes. His eyes are a golden color like his mother's, but with flecks of blue in them that is the same color as his father's. His fur is a bit on the short side but not really short and it's thick and protects from cold waters. His build is about average for Riverclan cats and nothing out of the ordinary there.
Personality- Stubborn | Bold | Confident | Flirtatious | Curious | Loyal | Generous (at times) | Relaxed | Optimistic
Blaze takes after both of his parents not just in appearance, but also personality. He has the same curiosity that his mother has, leading him to have a similar sense of adventure as her. Like her, he also enjoys to hang around places and sneak in some catnaps. He also enjoys to simply relax like her. He doesn't enjoy stressful situations and tries to avoid them, but he isn't one to back down. Blaze is a stubborn cat, so he rarely backs down from his beliefs or even a fight - whether it's verbal or physical. Like his father, Blaze is also confident. This confidence gives him the strength to be flirtatious and tends to flirt with some of the mollies within his clan. He can be a bit cocky or strangely hopeful despite the situation and may lack logic at times, but he has confident in his decisions, actions and even those of his clan-mates as well. He goes with his gut and doesn't admit it when his gut instincts are wrong. He also can be generous, but that's only if it's someone that he likes or if it's for someone he doesn't care about he does it in order to get something out of it. He is bold and stands up to others. Blaze is also a very loyal cat to his clan. e doesn't really enjoy other cats outside Riverclan and certainly doesn't trust them. He doesn't seem to really have a problems with cats who were born outside the clan and now live in Riverclan as long as they are now loyal to the clan and cut all ties from their previous life.
PPD- 5.15
Other/Questions- noop~

AnayaDusksong August 3rd, 2017 08:40 PM

Re: Honeystream kit Finder
@starfall @Lawlipop

Just wanna make sure -- are the kits still open? It looks like lots of people have applied~! :33

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