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Mayflower August 14th, 2017 02:34 PM

Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)
Nyx padded through the woods, scanning her surroundings. She had recently argued with her brother, and before resolving it she had dashed into the woods for some therapy hunting. She was still fuming, ready to lash out on anyone, about to snap. Just as she was about to yell into the woods, Nyx spotted something. A rabbit. They were rare in their territory, and whenever she saw one she went for it. Glad to have something to take out her anger on, Nyx began to stalk the animal. As she was getting close, the rabbit's ears perked up. Cursing, Nyx leapt at the animal and bit its neck, trying to kill the animal. Her bite did the trick, and Nyx's prey fell limp in her jaws. Satisfied, the long furred cat didn't pay attention to anyone or anything else surrounding her.


lone August 15th, 2017 04:43 AM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 353483)
Nyx padded through the woods, scanning her surroundings. She had recently argued with her brother, and before resolving it she had dashed into the woods for some therapy hunting. She was still fuming, ready to lash out on anyone, about to snap. Just as she was about to yell into the woods, Nyx spotted something. A rabbit. They were rare in their territory, and whenever she saw one she went for it. Glad to have something to take out her anger on, Nyx began to stalk the animal. As she was getting close, the rabbit's ears perked up. Cursing, Nyx leapt at the animal and bit its neck, trying to kill the animal. Her bite did the trick, and Nyx's prey fell limp in her jaws. Satisfied, the long furred cat didn't pay attention to anyone or anything else surrounding her.


Barracuda padded through the woods, the grey and black tom's eyes flashing with amusement as he watched Nyx. Pretty girl, He thought with a purr rumbling in his throat. Now, pretty girls always belonged to Barracuda. Whether they were 'starlet' cats, as he thought of them - the pretty show cats that hung around successful toms, and were generally used for breeding. Barracuda had always thought he would end up mates with one of them. But no, here he was, a previously sucessful show cat, living as a loner. Or... at least, a half loner. He was still a show cat, or getting back into it, and he had forgotten how much fun it could be. The diamond studded collar he had stolen from Iris was around his neck, giving him an even more distinguished look as he padded through the territory. But his eyes were still on Nyx. Now, Barracuda would find a pretty feline - obsess over them for a while, if they were lucky he would bless them with his presence - but he wouldn't settle down with them. He just wasn't the 'settling down' type. "You hunt well for such a pretty girl. And here I was, all ready to offer to catch some prey for you - my goodness, what a fool I could have made of myself." Barracuda shook his head, tilting it down towards the ground and looking up at her in a charming manner. A small half smile, half smirk appeared on his maw as he spoke again. "The name's Barracuda, darling. And may I ask what a beautiful angel like yourself might be called?" Chances were, he wouldn't use Nyx's real name very much. He tended to call she cats 'love' - 'darling' - 'angel' - 'beautiful' - or any other compliment that might attract an either foolish, or not so foolish feline.

Mayflower August 15th, 2017 09:26 AM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 354302)
Barracuda padded through the woods, the grey and black tom's eyes flashing with amusement as he watched Nyx. Pretty girl, He thought with a purr rumbling in his throat. Now, pretty girls always belonged to Barracuda. Whether they were 'starlet' cats, as he thought of them - the pretty show cats that hung around successful toms, and were generally used for breeding. Barracuda had always thought he would end up mates with one of them. But no, here he was, a previously sucessful show cat, living as a loner. Or... at least, a half loner. He was still a show cat, or getting back into it, and he had forgotten how much fun it could be. The diamond studded collar he had stolen from Iris was around his neck, giving him an even more distinguished look as he padded through the territory. But his eyes were still on Nyx. Now, Barracuda would find a pretty feline - obsess over them for a while, if they were lucky he would bless them with his presence - but he wouldn't settle down with them. He just wasn't the 'settling down' type. "You hunt well for such a pretty girl. And here I was, all ready to offer to catch some prey for you - my goodness, what a fool I could have made of myself." Barracuda shook his head, tilting it down towards the ground and looking up at her in a charming manner. A small half smile, half smirk appeared on his maw as he spoke again. "The name's Barracuda, darling. And may I ask what a beautiful angel like yourself might be called?" Chances were, he wouldn't use Nyx's real name very much. He tended to call she cats 'love' - 'darling' - 'angel' - 'beautiful' - or any other compliment that might attract an either foolish, or not so foolish feline.

Nyx's head snapped up when she heard Barracuda and listened to his words. Smirking, she stepped away from her prey and licked her maw. The black she cat looked at Barracuda, trying to size him up. He was definitely an attractive cat, that was obvious, and he seemed very confident in his ability to snatch her up like a sleeping mouse. Who was he? "Why thank you, although you would have looked slightly like a fool. My name's Nyx, it's a pleasure to meet you Barracuda." Nyx decided that she liked this cat, he seemed very fun and flirty. Like her. She was glad that she was able to make friends besides Nova and Crane, especially because they were almost nothing like her. 'What brings you into the woods, pretty boy?"

lone August 16th, 2017 12:08 PM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 354407)
Nyx's head snapped up when she heard Barracuda and listened to his words. Smirking, she stepped away from her prey and licked her maw. The black she cat looked at Barracuda, trying to size him up. He was definitely an attractive cat, that was obvious, and he seemed very confident in his ability to snatch her up like a sleeping mouse. Who was he? "Why thank you, although you would have looked slightly like a fool. My name's Nyx, it's a pleasure to meet you Barracuda." Nyx decided that she liked this cat, he seemed very fun and flirty. Like her. She was glad that she was able to make friends besides Nova and Crane, especially because they were almost nothing like her. 'What brings you into the woods, pretty boy?"

B]"Nyx is a beautiful name for a beautiful cat,"[/B]Barracuda purred in his silky tone, the tone that he used whenever he was trying to seduce another feline. And, hopefully it was going to work with Nyx. She was attractive. She was worthy of his attention, unlike some of the cats he had met. And he was intrigued by her. "Oh I'm a pretty boy, am I?" Barracuda's voice was heard all through the woods, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he watched Nyx. Normally he was the one to be flirting and others would blush, giggle, and accept his compliments in a sweet and innocent manner. Even if they normally were flirts. But, Barracuda had finally met a cat who was as flirtatious as he was. "Well, if I'm such a pretty boy, would you have minded if I had caught you some prey?" He already could guess what she was going to say. At least she seemed to be displaying a generous amount of interest, though Barracuda wasn't surprised - he was handsome, after all. And playing hard to get would only drive him away. Make a she cat think he wasn't interested. That always drove them crazy. At least, depending on the cat and depending what he did, that was. Sometimes it backfired on him and he was left alone while his target moved away and started doing other things. Such an annoying occurance. So Barracuda would do his best to keep it from happening this time.

Mayflower August 17th, 2017 02:10 PM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 355660)
"Nyx is a beautiful name for a beautiful cat,"Barracuda purred in his silky tone, the tone that he used whenever he was trying to seduce another feline. And, hopefully it was going to work with Nyx. She was attractive. She was worthy of his attention, unlike some of the cats he had met. And he was intrigued by her. "Oh I'm a pretty boy, am I?" Barracuda's voice was heard all through the woods, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he watched Nyx. Normally he was the one to be flirting and others would blush, giggle, and accept his compliments in a sweet and innocent manner. Even if they normally were flirts. But, Barracuda had finally met a cat who was as flirtatious as he was. "Well, if I'm such a pretty boy, would you have minded if I had caught you some prey?" He already could guess what she was going to say. At least she seemed to be displaying a generous amount of interest, though Barracuda wasn't surprised - he was handsome, after all. And playing hard to get would only drive him away. Make a she cat think he wasn't interested. That always drove them crazy. At least, depending on the cat and depending what he did, that was. Sometimes it backfired on him and he was left alone while his target moved away and started doing other things. Such an annoying occurance. So Barracuda would do his best to keep it from happening this time.

"Maybe not as much. And as a fact, you do seem to be a pretty boy. After all, your fur is to neatly groomed for a careless tom." Nyx smirked, enjoying this tom's advances, it was fun. He seemed to be a jokester to. And the cat couldn't deny it, Barracuda was handsome. His thick gray pelt and darker stripes made him look very regal and strong. Deciding to go along with this handsome tom's advancements, Nyx smiled. "About that hunting... why not? I'll go with you if you want," the molly said as she turned away from him and flicked his nose with her fluffy tail. "Well?"

lone August 21st, 2017 12:35 AM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 356671)
"Maybe not as much. And as a fact, you do seem to be a pretty boy. After all, your fur is to neatly groomed for a careless tom." Nyx smirked, enjoying this tom's advances, it was fun. He seemed to be a jokester to. And the cat couldn't deny it, Barracuda was handsome. His thick gray pelt and darker stripes made him look very regal and strong. Deciding to go along with this handsome tom's advancements, Nyx smiled. "About that hunting... why not? I'll go with you if you want," the molly said as she turned away from him and flicked his nose with her fluffy tail. "Well?"

"Thank you for the compliment, beautiful," The tom purred. Iris's diamond studded collar seemed to weigh a little heavier on his chest, but that was alright - it was to be expected with a stolen item that some small burden of guilt might come along with it. Really? She was agreeing? So soon? Well, it looked like the chase was close to over already. Was she really that guillible to fall in love with a handsome, thick furred, smooth talking stranger that quickly? Barracuda had met that type of cat before. Iris had appeared to be one of them. He had spent the night with her, hadn't he? Or at least part of it. "Whatever's easiest for you, darling. I'm only here to make your life easier." The tom purred, his voice as silky smooth as anything. And geez, it was close to annoying. He wondered how the she cats stood it when it sounded so artificial. But then again, she cats loved artificial things, didn't they? That was the way it appeared to Barracuda, anyways. Depending on the she cat and the situation, and right now? Those things seemed to be that she enjoyed artificialness and that she was taking the situation in stride. Good. Now all he needed to do was unbalance her so that she tipped in his direction. Or, perhaps there was another way to make her tip... he could always use the underestimated, slow, but ever more effective process of long dating.

Mayflower August 25th, 2017 03:12 PM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 361661)
"Thank you for the compliment, beautiful," The tom purred. Iris's diamond studded collar seemed to weigh a little heavier on his chest, but that was alright - it was to be expected with a stolen item that some small burden of guilt might come along with it. Really? She was agreeing? So soon? Well, it looked like the chase was close to over already. Was she really that guillible to fall in love with a handsome, thick furred, smooth talking stranger that quickly? Barracuda had met that type of cat before. Iris had appeared to be one of them. He had spent the night with her, hadn't he? Or at least part of it. "Whatever's easiest for you, darling. I'm only here to make your life easier." The tom purred, his voice as silky smooth as anything. And geez, it was close to annoying. He wondered how the she cats stood it when it sounded so artificial. But then again, she cats loved artificial things, didn't they? That was the way it appeared to Barracuda, anyways. Depending on the she cat and the situation, and right now? Those things seemed to be that she enjoyed artificialness and that she was taking the situation in stride. Good. Now all he needed to do was unbalance her so that she tipped in his direction. Or, perhaps there was another way to make her tip... he could always use the underestimated, slow, but ever more effective process of long dating.

Nyx smirked. She knew that tone of voice, he was pursuing her. And he wanted her quickly. "Well, it's easier for me to stay away from my brother, and you seem fun to hang around, so let's go." Nyx flashed Barracuda a smile, turning around and flicking her tail towards his nose. She started to walk, pacing herself so it would be slightly difficult to catch up. She was enjoying herself, playing this little game and flirting with this cat. Nyx wondered what he wanted with her, as he was very forward in his advancements already. Did he truly want to be her mate or did he want to drag her along? Either way, the molly hoped he proved to be a good friend at least. Besides, what could go wrong? A handsome cat was flirting with her, it was a nice day, and she had hunted well. It seemed like the perfect rebound from her and Nova's fight.

lone August 28th, 2017 08:45 AM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 366475)
Nyx smirked. She knew that tone of voice, he was pursuing her. And he wanted her quickly. "Well, it's easier for me to stay away from my brother, and you seem fun to hang around, so let's go." Nyx flashed Barracuda a smile, turning around and flicking her tail towards his nose. She started to walk, pacing herself so it would be slightly difficult to catch up. She was enjoying herself, playing this little game and flirting with this cat. Nyx wondered what he wanted with her, as he was very forward in his advancements already. Did he truly want to be her mate or did he want to drag her along? Either way, the molly hoped he proved to be a good friend at least. Besides, what could go wrong? A handsome cat was flirting with her, it was a nice day, and she had hunted well. It seemed like the perfect rebound from her and Nova's fight.

Pearly fangs flashed as the part-time show cat, part-time loner flashed Nyx a bright smile. It seemed to sparkle brighter then everything else for the moment being before he bounded along beside her. The last time he had played this touch-and-pull game had been with Iris. The thought of the attractive feline was almost enough to drive Barracuda crazy, but he pushed that aside. Her collar was almost too tight for his neck now, and his eyes flashed with annoyance as he wished he could just take it off. Just get the darned thing off of him and be done with it, but no... of course not. He was going to have to suffer through endless wondering if Iris was still doing fine. That, and he didn't want to take it off because it was so pretty and the diamonds were so shiny and he wanted to keep it on forever... and ever... and ever. Oh, how Barracuda loved the sparkly collar. And how badly he wanted to keep the sparkly collar. Besides, if he didn't, he would never have the pleasure of beating Iris in a cat show with her own gorgeous collar. Except now she probably had a new one. "If I didn't know better, I would say you're trying to escape me, gorgeous. But you wouldn't want to do that, now would you? You would never have the joy of having me against you again," He mewed in his flirtatious purr, his nose lightly touching her cheek, the words whispered into her ear, optics sparkling as Barracuda drew away and watched Nyx's reaction.

Mayflower August 30th, 2017 09:54 AM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 370200)
Pearly fangs flashed as the part-time show cat, part-time loner flashed Nyx a bright smile. It seemed to sparkle brighter then everything else for the moment being before he bounded along beside her. The last time he had played this touch-and-pull game had been with Iris. The thought of the attractive feline was almost enough to drive Barracuda crazy, but he pushed that aside. Her collar was almost too tight for his neck now, and his eyes flashed with annoyance as he wished he could just take it off. Just get the darned thing off of him and be done with it, but no... of course not. He was going to have to suffer through endless wondering if Iris was still doing fine. That, and he didn't want to take it off because it was so pretty and the diamonds were so shiny and he wanted to keep it on forever... and ever... and ever. Oh, how Barracuda loved the sparkly collar. And how badly he wanted to keep the sparkly collar. Besides, if he didn't, he would never have the pleasure of beating Iris in a cat show with her own gorgeous collar. Except now she probably had a new one. "If I didn't know better, I would say you're trying to escape me, gorgeous. But you wouldn't want to do that, now would you? You would never have the joy of having me against you again," He mewed in his flirtatious purr, his nose lightly touching her cheek, the words whispered into her ear, optics sparkling as Barracuda drew away and watched Nyx's reaction.

Nyx chuckled and slid her gaze over to he cat. "I guess I wouldn't want to, would I?" She felt her heart speed up for a mere second when his nose were against her cheek, but shook it off. Calm down Nyx, no way. That's too quick to fall for a cat. Oh, but he was rather handsome. Watching Barracuda, Nyx noticed his very sparkly diamond collar. It was beautiful, though it looked elegant and like it would belong to a she cat instead of this large tom. "So, sport, where are you from? Are you a rogue? Loner? Kittypet?" The dark furred Molly was interested in his background. He has the charm of a kittypet, a collar, and well groomed fur, but he's in loner territory and smells like a loner.

lone August 31st, 2017 02:52 PM

Re: Blinded Night (Barracuda and Nyx, PRIVATE)

Originally Posted by Milky Way (Post 372446)
Nyx chuckled and slid her gaze over to he cat. "I guess I wouldn't want to, would I?" She felt her heart speed up for a mere second when his nose were against her cheek, but shook it off. Calm down Nyx, no way. That's too quick to fall for a cat. Oh, but he was rather handsome. Watching Barracuda, Nyx noticed his very sparkly diamond collar. It was beautiful, though it looked elegant and like it would belong to a she cat instead of this large tom. "So, sport, where are you from? Are you a rogue? Loner? Kittypet?" The dark furred Molly was interested in his background. He has the charm of a kittypet, a collar, and well groomed fur, but he's in loner territory and smells like a loner.

"Nope, you wouldn't. Can't let someone like me get away, now can you, darling?"The feline asked, his purr rumbling in his chest and throat. Barracuda was good at this kind of thing. It was as though he had been born for it. Although he hadn't been the sneaky mastermind that he was now about it, he had always been a flirt - in a way. Even as a younger cat he had liked flirting. It was just some way to play around and get attention at the same time. "Ah, here and there. Been a kittypet. Was in the show cat business for a while, I still do a show now and then - I'm pretty good at that kind of thing. But I do my own thing too." The tom answered casually, praising himself for not giving away too much information. Nyx was pretty. She was a pretty cat and Barracuda found her worthy of his affections - which was saying something. He tended to be high-class about that kind of thing. Although, he wasn't high-class about giving his charm and classic "handsome rogue" personality away.

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