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Empress Of Evil December 23rd, 2017 04:46 PM

Where to go now? [Private]
The former fighter's cold scanned the territory that he had found. It was different here. The trees were less....dead. Back in the syndicate, the territory had been eerie and dark. He liked that. But now, the trunks of the trees were vibrant with colour and the grass was bright green. The leaves that covered the floor were bright shades of orange and red. Here and there, there would also be the occasional green one. Hades wasn't used to it. He preferred it when things were darker. He felt less exposed and he felt stronger when he was amongst a bunch of shrivelled up, dead trees. Death reeked in that place and he missed it. He wanted to go back, but who knows what would happen? The cats had already chased the Dusk Syndicate out once, so they probably wouldn't hesitate to chase anyone who came back.

Hades' ears pricked to attention as he heard a rustle in the bushes behind him. He turned around slowly, his eyes curious rather than alert. His pale green gaze narrowed on a bush and he spotted a white tail bobbing out from beneath the bush. Rabbit, he thought. He ran his tongue over his teeth before grinning. He could do with a bit of food. Prey had never been that plentiful back in the Dusk Syndicate's territory, and he hadn't been eating that well either now that he was searching for a new place to stay.
With a sudden movement, he jumped towards the rabbit, scaring it out of the bush. Now that it was out of the bush, he would be able to catch the rabbit out in the open. As the rabbit started running, Hades followed, his eyes never leaving the small creature. With a powerful leap, Hades lunged at the rabbit and landed on it. He killed it with a swift bite before standing up and carrying it back to where he'd been before. He started to climb up a tree, thinking it would be the most peaceful place to eat his prey. He settled down on the second lowest branch, a thick and sturdy one, perfectly capable of bearing the large Egyptian Mau's weight. He ate the rabbit with quick bites and soon enough, he was left with a pile of bones and entrails. Sighing with contentment, he lay his chin down on his paws and gazed out into the distance. The rabbit had tasted better than any rabbit in his old territory. Perhaps he would like it out here, though he would have to make sure not to get fat. And he'd have to go on killing sprees every now and again to keep fit.


SuspiciousMindz January 15th, 2018 09:52 AM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

@Empress Of Evil
(I actually suck at remembering this, I'm so sorry x.x)

Ariella was used the forest around her. She'd grown up a loner and enjoyed the solitude, she wasn't willing to change that so quickly. However, when she did come across another cat, she enjoyed the brief time she had to talk with someone other than herself. Yes, she talked to herself a lot, but who wouldn't when you're alone for the majority of your life? Small huffs left her body as she made her way through the trees and dead undergrowth. Her fur -- despite the lack of cover -- gave her good enough camouflage. Her yellow-green hues searched her surroundings until her scent glands picked up the scent of rabbit.

She started to head in the direction before she picked up the scent of another feline. A tom. Her hues lit up a little in curiosity, however her paws were a little more cautious as she continued her way in that direction. She paused when she heard the shrill squeal from the rodent and crouched down in time to avoid being seen by the tom walking away with his prize. From there, the she-cat followed him and respected his peace to eat. However, once he was done, she took a deep breath, stood up, and stepped out of her cover. "Greetings," she spoke in a rather silky voice. Ariella didn't know what to expect from the tom in return, but she kept her posture nonthreatening and more curious.

Empress Of Evil February 28th, 2018 03:06 AM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 455277)

@Empress Of Evil
(I actually suck at remembering this, I'm so sorry x.x)

Ariella was used the forest around her. She'd grown up a loner and enjoyed the solitude, she wasn't willing to change that so quickly. However, when she did come across another cat, she enjoyed the brief time she had to talk with someone other than herself. Yes, she talked to herself a lot, but who wouldn't when you're alone for the majority of your life? Small huffs left her body as she made her way through the trees and dead undergrowth. Her fur -- despite the lack of cover -- gave her good enough camouflage. Her yellow-green hues searched her surroundings until her scent glands picked up the scent of rabbit.

She started to head in the direction before she picked up the scent of another feline. A tom. Her hues lit up a little in curiosity, however her paws were a little more cautious as she continued her way in that direction. She paused when she heard the shrill squeal from the rodent and crouched down in time to avoid being seen by the tom walking away with his prize. From there, the she-cat followed him and respected his peace to eat. However, once he was done, she took a deep breath, stood up, and stepped out of her cover. "Greetings," she spoke in a rather silky voice. Ariella didn't know what to expect from the tom in return, but she kept her posture nonthreatening and more curious.

Hades had then closed his eyes and his body was relaxed, making him look as if though he were sleeping, but he wasn’t really. Sure, his mind was starting to shut down and drift away, but his mind was doing its best to keep him awake. This was new territory that he was sleeping in and he couldn’t afford to fall asleep and be snuck up on. He didn’t yet know what dangers lay in these woods and although he could defend himself from a sneak attack, he didn’t want to risk it. An unfamiliar voice woke him up from his tired state and his eyes shot open. Standing beneath him on the ground was a pretty she-cat. He was certain that he’d never seen her before. Although something about her made him feel as though she could’ve been in the Dusk Syndicate, he was rather doubtful that she had been. The more that she thought about it, the sillier he thought he was being. She didn’t really seem like the type to be a fighter, a cat strong enough to put up with the cruelty of the Dusk Syndicate. But then again, he couldn’t judge her just based on her appearance. He had learnt a while ago that looks could be deceiving. The stranger kind of reminded him of someone familiar to him. He knew exactly who he was thinking of and his pale green hardened and he pushed the thoughts away. He didn’t want to think about that now.

“Hello,” he responded, his voice not unfriendly but at the same time not friendly. He tilted his head to the side in a curious way and softened his gaze, not wanting to appear very hostile. He was still cautious of her of course. He couldn’t trust anyone until he had been given a bit of time to see what they were like. He didn’t like to underestimate anyone.

SuspiciousMindz April 2nd, 2018 08:44 PM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

@Empress Of Evil

"I noticed you loping about, caught my curiosity. Congrats on that. Anyways, I was just wondering what brings you out here? A tom like you shouldn't be wandering around alone should he? You look like you've taken beatings, are you one of those group cats?" She inquired. The words left her mouth with no stutter. It was like she'd done this before. I mean, she had, but he didn't need to know that. To him, she must seem like some stupid loner or kittypet wandering about, trying to make friend. Oh! That was something she needed to make clear. "Just trying to make some talk. Not here for a friendship, but being alone is boring, right? You'll be my excitement for the day," she responded with a gleam in her yellow-green hues now.

To be quite honest, Ariella was doing this because she wanted attention. She loved attention. Especially a tom's attention. To her, this was just another game of 'I'll win you over and leave you'. Of course, this has failed before and put her in bad situations, but she was used to it now. This tom was just another feline to get her attention fix as of right now.

Empress Of Evil April 18th, 2018 12:59 AM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 488994)

@Empress Of Evil

"I noticed you loping about, caught my curiosity. Congrats on that. Anyways, I was just wondering what brings you out here? A tom like you shouldn't be wandering around alone should he? You look like you've taken beatings, are you one of those group cats?" She inquired. The words left her mouth with no stutter. It was like she'd done this before. I mean, she had, but he didn't need to know that. To him, she must seem like some stupid loner or kittypet wandering about, trying to make friend. Oh! That was something she needed to make clear. "Just trying to make some talk. Not here for a friendship, but being alone is boring, right? You'll be my excitement for the day," she responded with a gleam in her yellow-green hues now.

To be quite honest, Ariella was doing this because she wanted attention. She loved attention. Especially a tom's attention. To her, this was just another game of 'I'll win you over and leave you'. Of course, this has failed before and put her in bad situations, but she was used to it now. This tom was just another feline to get her attention fix as of right now.

The Egyptian Mau raised an eyebrow at the words ‘a tom like you’. What exactly did she mean by a tom like him. What was wrong with a tom like him wandering alone? Hades wasn’t sure whether to feel offended or amused. He finally decided to settle on confused. If he couldn’t choose one, he may as well choose neither option. With that settled, he went back to wondering over her words once more. Taking a brief glance down at his pelt, he thought that he looked like he was in pretty good shape. Sure there were a few cuts and scars here and there, and even dry blood staining parts of his fur, but he was otherwise in pretty good condition. He was perfectly capable of wandering alone. “I’ve had worse,” he replied coolly to her comment about his shape, shrugging his shoulders in a way that seemed to dismiss the matter. At the mention of the group cats, Hades nearly let out a low growl. He quickly suppressed it before it could be let out and kept a calm, emotionless expression on, but there was a furious beast howling within him. “I was, I suppose you could say.” The former fighter wasn’t entirely sure of what she defined by group cats. He wasn’t sure if she meant the clans or the clans and the syndicate. Most cats around this area would know of the clans, and the clans were commonly referred to as the groups, but how many cats knew of the Dusk Syndicates existence? Before the destruction of it that is. The tom didn’t know if the she-cat meant the Dusk Syndicate as well, which is why he said he supposed.

“Fine by me. I didn’t come to these woods in search of friendship so it all works out,” he said. He gazed coolly at the she-cat and couldn’t help but notice the small gleam in her eyes. In a way, it seemed kind of familiar. He couldn’t quite place his paw on it though. The way she spoke and the things she said also reminded him of something. Although he didn’t really know what that something was. He shook his pelt and blinked, pushing all the thoughts away. He wasn’t one to waste time on such useless questions.

SuspiciousMindz April 18th, 2018 09:58 PM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

@Empress Of Evil

Ariella couldn't help but perk her ears at his response. So he was a grouped cat? Well, used to be. "So you were in a group, huh?" she began, shifting a little closer to the tom, not by much. Perhaps a few centimeters. "Why did you leave? How was it?" she inquired. The fluffy dilute calico couldn't stop herself. This was the only conversation topic she could work with considering she knew nothing else about this tom. Perhaps he would answer the questions and this could continue? If he chose not to, then this was a big waste of time and she'd have to think of something else on the spot.


Empress Of Evil May 6th, 2018 04:05 AM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 495355)

@Empress Of Evil

Ariella couldn't help but perk her ears at his response. So he was a grouped cat? Well, used to be. "So you were in a group, huh?" she began, shifting a little closer to the tom, not by much. Perhaps a few centimeters. "Why did you leave? How was it?" she inquired. The fluffy dilute calico couldn't stop herself. This was the only conversation topic she could work with considering she knew nothing else about this tom. Perhaps he would answer the questions and this could continue? If he chose not to, then this was a big waste of time and she'd have to think of something else on the spot.


“Yeah,” he muttered quietly. Honestly, the tom wasn’t really in the mood to talk about his past and background with strangers. Or any cat for that matter really. He had escaped the eerie territory of the Dusk Syndicate so now it was his chance to escape everything. This she-cat was certainly not helping him achieve that goal. He shuffled back uncomfortably from where he sat in the tree. The she-cat had only moved a few centimetres closer overall, but he didn’t want that. Hades wanted her to stay far, far away. “Oh it was terrible. They were all weaklings,” he growled. Although he did not like talking about the Dusk Syndicate, after their awful defeat, he didn’t mind ranting about it. Halite was stupid and so were the cats who had been apart of the syndicate. They were weaklings and stupid. Halite had been stupid to attack all the clans and his former syndicate-mates had been even more stupid to believe it would’ve worked. The only reason that the Egyptian Mau had tagged along was so that he could get a bit of blood on his claws. There was nothing he liked more than that. “Our commander lead us into a battle we couldn’t have possibly won. We were destroyed and forced to never return to our home,” he explained, eyes darkening at the mention of his old home. The tom didn’t say anything else after that. He had done his part in answering her questions and felt that there was no need to elaborate.

SuspiciousMindz May 13th, 2018 02:58 PM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

@Empress Of Evil

Ariella cringed a little at his words. She couldn't quite relate, but she could feel for the tom losing his home. She wouldn't ever know how he felt about it, but she was sure he must've been a little bit bitter about it. Although, the way he spoke about the group made her think that maybe he didn't care that they broke apart. "Well, that sucks," she replied simply. She got the feeling he didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Well, what do you wanna do. We should go do something, don't argue you won't," she eyed him in a half-playful manner, "What else would you do?" she inquired.

Empress Of Evil May 26th, 2018 01:53 AM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 504704)

@Empress Of Evil

Ariella cringed a little at his words. She couldn't quite relate, but she could feel for the tom losing his home. She wouldn't ever know how he felt about it, but she was sure he must've been a little bit bitter about it. Although, the way he spoke about the group made her think that maybe he didn't care that they broke apart. "Well, that sucks," she replied simply. She got the feeling he didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Well, what do you wanna do. We should go do something, don't argue you won't," she eyed him in a half-playful manner, "What else would you do?" she inquired.

“It does,” he agreed. He stifled a growl from rolling out of his throat and rolled his shoulders, shaking himself out. His eyes went darker and angry flames flickered in his pale green hues. Why did she have to talk about this? Why did she have to remind him. He opened his mouth, about to ask her as to why she felt the need to go poking about in his private business. Nobody need to hear or know about his past. It was his. He even felt angry that he himself had allowed himself to spill so much information out to the she-cat. He narrowed his eyes as the she-cat beat him to it and started speaking instead. He shut his mouth, quietly curious about what she had to say now. Halfway through, he parted his jaws again to object but she seemed to know what he was going to say already. Hades narrowed his eyes. This she-cat was very suspicious. “I don’t know,” he say bluntly, staring at her in a way that almost made him look puzzled. Typically the Egyptian Mau didn’t get asked such questions. In fact, he doubted anyone had ever asked him what he wanted to do. He rarely agreed to have fun with anyone. Actually, he could think of someone…. His body went rigid and his jaw clenched tightly. “You decide,” he muttered stiffly, before leaping off the branch gracefully, legs bending down to support his landing.

SuspiciousMindz May 29th, 2018 08:16 PM

Re: Where to go now? [Private]

@Empress Of Evil

"Graceful" she complimented with a wink before looking up towards the treetops in wonder. What did she want to do? Swim? No... her fur would be a disaster after that. Perhaps take a stroll? What another dumb idea. As loners, they do that everyday so what would the difference be other than small talk? Oh how small talk was bothersome. How about a hunt? While it seemed promising, she didn't think that was good idea either. Hades could run off that way and they wouldn't be talking which was worse than small talk. "Hmmm," she hummed out loud. "How about I just travel with you for a bit," she asked. While it was similar to her walk idea, this was different. They'd be getting something he wanted to do while walking.

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