Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   yo heres a finder i guess (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14298)

graves February 5th, 2018 03:36 PM

yo heres a finder i guess
so i need stuff for my cats ! its not first come first serve, but if i like your application, then its yours. i finally finished my character site so i can FINALLY make this. ugh.

[love interest, apprentice, siblings, friends]

[ONE sibling, maybe some more friends, bullies]

[love interests(PLURAL), apprentice, friends]
[enemies, cats to kill, cats to bully]
[friends, adoptive kits (2)]
[bullies, friends, future love interest]

[friends, cats to be a father figure to(3)]
[dark forest mentor, friends]
[friends, shadowclan siblings, shadowclan parents]
[future mate, future mentor, enemies]

[friends, enemies]
ex dusk syndicate member
[friends, enemies]


roleplay example:
role wanted:

w/ oc site

name w/ link:
roleplay example:
role wanted:

Mauve February 5th, 2018 05:39 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess

|| Name w/ Link ||
|| Roleplay Example ||
Nuzzling her way out of the nest in a flurry of downey soft white fur and twig particles, Dawnkit tumbled out onto the smooth floor of the nursery. "Oof!" she muttered, having landed on the side of her face with her rump sticking straight up above her. Her tiny frame constantly got in the way of her trying to get over or out of anything - her nest, for instance - and it irritated the young kit. She'd complained about her size to her father before, but she didn't want to be a burden. He'd told her that eventually she would grow, and so for now Dawnkit kept that thought at the forefront of her mind. One day, she would be able to leap over her nest. A smile appeared on her face and she pushed herself back up, coughing the dust out of her lungs that had decided to settle there during her tumble.
Dawnkit shook her head and looked around, curiosity gleaming in the blue depths of her eyes. It seemed rather empty, with some kits sleeping and others engaged in their own games. She wondered where Colby was, and if he would come to visit them. The large tom that she called father was no where to be seen in the nursery, so she assumed he was out doing his obligated warrior duties. "I can't wait to be a warrior," she murmured, a small hiccup following her statement. She was probably the most shy and withdrawn of her siblings, so approaching another kit to ask if they wanted to play was out of the question. Instead, she sat there wide eyed and observing the activities already taking place, a content smile ever present on her maw.
|| Role Wanted ||
Wolfdancer's (future) Apprentice

- - -

|| Name w/ Link ||
|| Roleplay Example: ||
Another purr rattled Emberwing's chest as she swept her fluffy tail across the ground behind her. It was truly a pleasure to watch Brightkit coming up with idea after idea, and certainly a young kit like that would be a great addition to the already training apprentices ThunderClan had. "Yes, I can't wait to tell all of my stories to my future apprentice. There are definitely some good ones!" The thought alone made the warrior happy, and she envisioned the day Snowstar would finally entrust her with the training of a future ThunderClan warrior. Oh, how exciting that will be! she thought, getting lost for a bit in her own mind. I'll make sure they're the best warrior even StarClan has ever seen!
Bringing her attention back to Brightkit, who danced eagerly on tiny paws before her, Emberwing chuckled. "I would love to play. We can do whichever game you want!" she offered the kit, crouching down so she was at eye level with the younger feline. "We can always do them all! Though, I'm not sure if we'll have time." She wasn't sure of Snowstar or Passionblaze would want her for an evening patrol later, but she figured whatever games they didn't get to today, could be saved for another slow morning. "But we can try to play as many as we can!" She lifted her plume off the ground and waved it energetically overhead, ears pricked and alert for Brightkit's answer.
The truth be told, Emberwing had been relatively lonely the past few moons. Sure, she had friends, and was well known among the Clan, but she didn't have one thing that all her friends seemed to have; an apprentice. So when they were all resting in the warriors' den after a long day of group training, and were exchanging stories of teaching battle moves or hunting crouches, the russet warrior couldn't chime in. Still, she listened intently, if only to improve her chances of being a great mentor when her time finally did come.
|| Role Wanted: ||
Friend of Doeskip

- - -

|| Name w/ Link: ||
|| Roleplay Example: ||
Heatherfur flinched as though she had been struck by the claw of the enemy. The pure disdain that laced Mintberry's accusation of her loyalty to Blazingstar ripped through her heart, leaving shreds of pain in its wake. Agony filled her blue eyes as she stared at her littermate, unable to drag her blue hues away from the cat that was becoming a stranger to her as the moments dragged on. "How... How dare you," she finally spat, ears flattening against her head as her normally bright blue eyes darkened to a more sapphire shade. Her hackles rose, and tension seemed to crackle in the air around her. For any cat that knew Heatherfur, they knew this was not in character for her in the slightest. "Don't you understand that Blazingstar is hurting too? Maybe if you had rose about your own grief you could understand that Cobraspirit's death not only affected you, but the entire Clan. If we feel this bad, imagine how Blazingstar must've felt? Must still feel?"
It had taken Heatherfur quiet awhile as well, but after learning how regretful her leader was about his play in her father's death, she found it in herself to forgive him. The WindClan warrior realized how badly the tom was hurting because of this, and it was that moment that made her drop the hatred she had been carrying around. Rather than hating her leader, Heaterfur deemed it pointless to be angry and instead chose to let Blazingstar know that she forgave him. She figured the rest of her littermates would do the same - that is, until Mintberry left WindClan. And now she stood, on the side of an enemy Clan, and had to audacity to say that she no longer cared? The very thought of the feline she loved unconditionally standing against her like this, as an enemy, felt like claws raking against her sides.
"Surely you can find it in your heart to forgive him. You know father would not want us to be enemies like this," the dappled she-cat whimpered, her voice breaking as she felt a heavy weight land in her chest. As much as Heatherfur grieved for their fallen father, taken before his time, she knew Mintberry felt the same grief. Couldn't that be enough to bridge the gap she felt between them? Gatherings were not enough to see her sister. The pain that filled her eyes made evident the longing she had to nuzzle her sibling, to stand by her side once more. No more wondering if I'll have to face her in battle one day Heatherfur though, gritting her teeth as her muscles tensed.
|| Role Wanted: ||
Love Interest of Fireflare and/or Enemy of Spireflare

- - -

If I think of any other characters that are a good fit, I'll let you know! Or if you wanna take a look and see someone who might fit well with a character of yours, feel free to do that also! ^^

- - -

Barnabas February 5th, 2018 10:16 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess
name w/ link: Nettlekit
roleplay example: 1 | 2
role wanted: future mate for waspkit

Mango February 6th, 2018 10:35 AM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess
name: Mistkit (currently 2 moons old)
gender: she-kit
appearance: Mistkit has a thin pelt, she looks scrawny for her age, she has light grey fur that presses against her fur, you can clearly see her rib cage. She has a long tail and small paws. Her nose brim and underbelly are white. She has blind icy-blue eyes.
Mistkit was born to a she-cat named Daisyflower of Windclan who died in labour- she was the only surving kit of her litter, as Dewkit was her stillborn brother. Her mother named her before dying. Her father, who she believes is named Deerpounce, but now goes by Cod, abandoned the clan when she was three days old and became a kittypet.

personality: Mistkit isn’t the bravest or strongest kit by long means. She lets cats bully her, well not lets, but here’s an example of what I mean: half a moon ago, some kits started throwing rocks at her just because she’s blind and doesn’t have parents or siblings and she didn’t run or fight back she just cried and stood their letting them “stone her” until a warrior intervened and sent her to Surgestorm. She also is very distrustful of cats due to cats often decieving her nand gaining her trust before turning on her before and bullying her. She never fights and is really shy. She most likely would only half trust Sunsong. She is very nervous and cowardly. (RPs are better at explaining her than perso)
roleplay example: Mistkit awoke in the nursery laying in a mossy nest with sunlight filtering in the den her eyes closed slightly as she recalled her sweet dream of her mother grooming her fur and her father playing with her and her brother, but finally she shook it off reaccepting the world in which she lived in, she had a deceased mother, her brother was stillborn, and her father had abandoned the clan. She’d never be able to see and she’d always be bullied. That was life. She’d be the unwanted bully target until shes died. That was life. She sensed a cat looming over her, she curled into a tight ball and gave a weak whisper,” I can give you my nest and go elsewhere if you won’t attack me.” She whimpered, but only got a growl, so she stayed that’s what the bullies wanted, so she’d give them what they wanted anyways. She was nice after all. She whimpered as a paw struck her face.
role wanted: Sunsong’s adoptive kit
(If you are only picking one of my cats, this is #1)
name: Rowanpaw
gender: tom
appearance: He looks sorta like Tigerstar from the books. He has dark brown fur and yellow eyes that glow. He has long claws.
personality: He is toughie that has ambition, but has a soft spot for kits. He is a hard worker and will try his best, and gets angry really easily simply by being wrong. He despises apprentice duties, he has rather trationalist views because he’s cocky and arrogant in his off-time. He’s a smooth flirter, despite his inexperience. He will behave in training, but not out of training.
roleplay example: Rowanpaw stalked into the training clearing and dropping into a hunter’s crouch stalking a vole, he lept and pounced, just barely missing it, he whipped around enraged to see a she-cat, his sister standing their he growled and launched himself at his sister unsheathing his claws. But as soon as he dug his claws in he pulled back, blinking away tears,” I’m sorry.” He whispered running off to his den sadly.
role wanted: Doeskip’s apprentice
name: Sandgaze
gender: she-cat
appearance: she has soft fur that is hazel colored and amber eyes. It causes her to believe she should have been named Hazelkit as a kitten not Sandkit ofcourse.
personality: Oh boy, if she is selected as Waspkit’s future mentor then Waspkit’s going to change alot in the next 6 moons of his life. Sandgaze may be a she-cat, but she’s not who comes to mind when you picture a hazel-colored furred she-cat. First off, she hates kits and apprentices with a burning passion, ofcourse she wouldn’t kill them. So training Waspkit she’d be harsh off the bat. She’s mean and blunt and angry.
roleplay example: (This is of her training her former apprentice Birchberry- it’s a few RP posts combined)
Sandgaze awoke as she heard Birchpaw’s cheerful yowl she flickered her eyes open before narrowing them The dawn patrol isn’t even up yet. she narrowed her eyes and softly hissed,” Foxbrain. Wait until the sun is up. Your just a piece of dung.” She rolled over not bothering to see if Birchpaw left.
(Time skip to a training session with Birchpaw)
Sandgaze stalked around Birchpaw the way to happy apprentice,” Listen up deaf kit. Today I’m going to teach you to hunt. I’m well aware your seven moons old and spent the first moon of apprenticehood doing only apprentice duties, but it was in an attempt to take that go-lucky spirit out of you. I’m only demonstrating once. If you fail to catch the land prey, I get to pounce of you, clear?” She growled, not waiting to see if he was watching she dropped into a hunter’s crouch and stalked a squirrel before leaping and biting it,” See. Now you try, if you fail I’m treating you like prey for the day. Got it, buster?” She hissed stepping back to watch him most-likely fail.
role wanted: Waspkit’s future mentor
I’ll probs apply more later.

Twilight01 February 6th, 2018 11:19 AM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess
name: Bramblestrike
gender: Female
appearance: http://i61.tinypic.com/35j9ppg.jpg
personality: Kind, Fierce, Protecting, Caring, Makes weird sounds sometimes
roleplay example: Bramblestrike padded across the grassy slopes. She breathed in the fresh heather that came from the whipping wind. The air pierced through her thick coat and she shuddered with delight. Crouching down in the grass Bramblestrike laid very still and scanned the surrounding area. Movement in her peripheral vision alerted her to a grazing rabbit. Silently, Brmablestrike moved closer to her prey, pawsteps as light as a feather. The rabbit continued to eat contently at the grass. Cropping the already short moor brush. Brmablestrike got into position, her stocky body swaying with the wind. She waited patiently until the rabbit turned it back to her, then she darted out of the grass. The rabbit turned around to run back to it's hole but froze when it saw the large cat pouncing at it. With a swift bite Bramblestrike finished the rabbit, it's sweet blood filled her mouth and nostrils. With a slight tilt to her head Bramblestrike padded proudly back to camp.
role wanted: Sibling of Doeskip

graves February 6th, 2018 04:34 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess

Originally Posted by Twilight01 (Post 465727)
name: Bramblestrike
gender: Female
appearance: http://i61.tinypic.com/35j9ppg.jpg
personality: Kind, Fierce, Protecting, Caring, Makes weird sounds sometimes
roleplay example: Bramblestrike padded across the grassy slopes. She breathed in the fresh heather that came from the whipping wind. The air pierced through her thick coat and she shuddered with delight. Crouching down in the grass Bramblestrike laid very still and scanned the surrounding area. Movement in her peripheral vision alerted her to a grazing rabbit. Silently, Brmablestrike moved closer to her prey, pawsteps as light as a feather. The rabbit continued to eat contently at the grass. Cropping the already short moor brush. Brmablestrike got into position, her stocky body swaying with the wind. She waited patiently until the rabbit turned it back to her, then she darted out of the grass. The rabbit turned around to run back to it's hole but froze when it saw the large cat pouncing at it. With a swift bite Bramblestrike finished the rabbit, it's sweet blood filled her mouth and nostrils. With a slight tilt to her head Bramblestrike padded proudly back to camp.
role wanted: Sibling of Doeskip

declined for now, only because his personality is very broad that i think i need a bit more detail.

Originally Posted by 2018 Okapi (Post 465714)
name: Mistkit (currently 2 moons old)
gender: she-kit
appearance: Mistkit has a thin pelt, she looks scrawny for her age, she has light grey fur that presses against her fur, you can clearly see her rib cage. She has a long tail and small paws. Her nose brim and underbelly are white. She has blind icy-blue eyes.
Mistkit was born to a she-cat named Daisyflower of Windclan who died in labour- she was the only surving kit of her litter, as Dewkit was her stillborn brother. Her mother named her before dying. Her father, who she believes is named Deerpounce, but now goes by Cod, abandoned the clan when she was three days old and became a kittypet.

personality: Mistkit isn’t the bravest or strongest kit by long means. She lets cats bully her, well not lets, but here’s an example of what I mean: half a moon ago, some kits started throwing rocks at her just because she’s blind and doesn’t have parents or siblings and she didn’t run or fight back she just cried and stood their letting them “stone her” until a warrior intervened and sent her to Surgestorm. She also is very distrustful of cats due to cats often decieving her nand gaining her trust before turning on her before and bullying her. She never fights and is really shy. She most likely would only half trust Sunsong. She is very nervous and cowardly. (RPs are better at explaining her than perso)
roleplay example: Mistkit awoke in the nursery laying in a mossy nest with sunlight filtering in the den her eyes closed slightly as she recalled her sweet dream of her mother grooming her fur and her father playing with her and her brother, but finally she shook it off reaccepting the world in which she lived in, she had a deceased mother, her brother was stillborn, and her father had abandoned the clan. She’d never be able to see and she’d always be bullied. That was life. She’d be the unwanted bully target until shes died. That was life. She sensed a cat looming over her, she curled into a tight ball and gave a weak whisper,” I can give you my nest and go elsewhere if you won’t attack me.” She whimpered, but only got a growl, so she stayed that’s what the bullies wanted, so she’d give them what they wanted anyways. She was nice after all. She whimpered as a paw struck her face.
role wanted: Sunsong’s adoptive kit
(If you are only picking one of my cats, this is #1)
name: Rowanpaw
gender: tom
appearance: He looks sorta like Tigerstar from the books. He has dark brown fur and yellow eyes that glow. He has long claws.
personality: He is toughie that has ambition, but has a soft spot for kits. He is a hard worker and will try his best, and gets angry really easily simply by being wrong. He despises apprentice duties, he has rather trationalist views because he’s cocky and arrogant in his off-time. He’s a smooth flirter, despite his inexperience. He will behave in training, but not out of training.
roleplay example: Rowanpaw stalked into the training clearing and dropping into a hunter’s crouch stalking a vole, he lept and pounced, just barely missing it, he whipped around enraged to see a she-cat, his sister standing their he growled and launched himself at his sister unsheathing his claws. But as soon as he dug his claws in he pulled back, blinking away tears,” I’m sorry.” He whispered running off to his den sadly.
role wanted: Doeskip’s apprentice
name: Sandgaze
gender: she-cat
appearance: she has soft fur that is hazel colored and amber eyes. It causes her to believe she should have been named Hazelkit as a kitten not Sandkit ofcourse.
personality: Oh boy, if she is selected as Waspkit’s future mentor then Waspkit’s going to change alot in the next 6 moons of his life. Sandgaze may be a she-cat, but she’s not who comes to mind when you picture a hazel-colored furred she-cat. First off, she hates kits and apprentices with a burning passion, ofcourse she wouldn’t kill them. So training Waspkit she’d be harsh off the bat. She’s mean and blunt and angry.
roleplay example: (This is of her training her former apprentice Birchberry- it’s a few RP posts combined)
Sandgaze awoke as she heard Birchpaw’s cheerful yowl she flickered her eyes open before narrowing them The dawn patrol isn’t even up yet. she narrowed her eyes and softly hissed,” Foxbrain. Wait until the sun is up. Your just a piece of dung.” She rolled over not bothering to see if Birchpaw left.
(Time skip to a training session with Birchpaw)
Sandgaze stalked around Birchpaw the way to happy apprentice,” Listen up deaf kit. Today I’m going to teach you to hunt. I’m well aware your seven moons old and spent the first moon of apprenticehood doing only apprentice duties, but it was in an attempt to take that go-lucky spirit out of you. I’m only demonstrating once. If you fail to catch the land prey, I get to pounce of you, clear?” She growled, not waiting to see if he was watching she dropped into a hunter’s crouch and stalked a squirrel before leaping and biting it,” See. Now you try, if you fail I’m treating you like prey for the day. Got it, buster?” She hissed stepping back to watch him most-likely fail.
role wanted: Waspkit’s future mentor
I’ll probs apply more later.

Mistkit - accepted, i hope sunsong will bring her out of her shell
rowanpaw - declined. i feel him and doeskip, when not training, would clash too much and she would possibly resent him for his flirty and disrespectful persona.
sandgaze - accepted, i feel waspkit will give her a big challenge her way and im interested to see hwo this will turn out.

Originally Posted by Megan (Post 465655)
name w/ link: Nettlekit
roleplay example: 1 | 2
role wanted: future mate for waspkit

declined, i feel the neetlekit doesnt suit waspkits personality, and that he would probably take advantage of her/ see her as usless than a mate.

Originally Posted by Mauve (Post 465524)

|| Name w/ Link ||
|| Roleplay Example ||
Nuzzling her way out of the nest in a flurry of downey soft white fur and twig particles, Dawnkit tumbled out onto the smooth floor of the nursery. "Oof!" she muttered, having landed on the side of her face with her rump sticking straight up above her. Her tiny frame constantly got in the way of her trying to get over or out of anything - her nest, for instance - and it irritated the young kit. She'd complained about her size to her father before, but she didn't want to be a burden. He'd told her that eventually she would grow, and so for now Dawnkit kept that thought at the forefront of her mind. One day, she would be able to leap over her nest. A smile appeared on her face and she pushed herself back up, coughing the dust out of her lungs that had decided to settle there during her tumble.
Dawnkit shook her head and looked around, curiosity gleaming in the blue depths of her eyes. It seemed rather empty, with some kits sleeping and others engaged in their own games. She wondered where Colby was, and if he would come to visit them. The large tom that she called father was no where to be seen in the nursery, so she assumed he was out doing his obligated warrior duties. "I can't wait to be a warrior," she murmured, a small hiccup following her statement. She was probably the most shy and withdrawn of her siblings, so approaching another kit to ask if they wanted to play was out of the question. Instead, she sat there wide eyed and observing the activities already taking place, a content smile ever present on her maw.
|| Role Wanted ||
Wolfdancer's (future) Apprentice

- - -

|| Name w/ Link ||
|| Roleplay Example: ||
Another purr rattled Emberwing's chest as she swept her fluffy tail across the ground behind her. It was truly a pleasure to watch Brightkit coming up with idea after idea, and certainly a young kit like that would be a great addition to the already training apprentices ThunderClan had. "Yes, I can't wait to tell all of my stories to my future apprentice. There are definitely some good ones!" The thought alone made the warrior happy, and she envisioned the day Snowstar would finally entrust her with the training of a future ThunderClan warrior. Oh, how exciting that will be! she thought, getting lost for a bit in her own mind. I'll make sure they're the best warrior even StarClan has ever seen!
Bringing her attention back to Brightkit, who danced eagerly on tiny paws before her, Emberwing chuckled. "I would love to play. We can do whichever game you want!" she offered the kit, crouching down so she was at eye level with the younger feline. "We can always do them all! Though, I'm not sure if we'll have time." She wasn't sure of Snowstar or Passionblaze would want her for an evening patrol later, but she figured whatever games they didn't get to today, could be saved for another slow morning. "But we can try to play as many as we can!" She lifted her plume off the ground and waved it energetically overhead, ears pricked and alert for Brightkit's answer.
The truth be told, Emberwing had been relatively lonely the past few moons. Sure, she had friends, and was well known among the Clan, but she didn't have one thing that all her friends seemed to have; an apprentice. So when they were all resting in the warriors' den after a long day of group training, and were exchanging stories of teaching battle moves or hunting crouches, the russet warrior couldn't chime in. Still, she listened intently, if only to improve her chances of being a great mentor when her time finally did come.
|| Role Wanted: ||
Friend of Doeskip

- - -

|| Name w/ Link: ||
|| Roleplay Example: ||
Heatherfur flinched as though she had been struck by the claw of the enemy. The pure disdain that laced Mintberry's accusation of her loyalty to Blazingstar ripped through her heart, leaving shreds of pain in its wake. Agony filled her blue eyes as she stared at her littermate, unable to drag her blue hues away from the cat that was becoming a stranger to her as the moments dragged on. "How... How dare you," she finally spat, ears flattening against her head as her normally bright blue eyes darkened to a more sapphire shade. Her hackles rose, and tension seemed to crackle in the air around her. For any cat that knew Heatherfur, they knew this was not in character for her in the slightest. "Don't you understand that Blazingstar is hurting too? Maybe if you had rose about your own grief you could understand that Cobraspirit's death not only affected you, but the entire Clan. If we feel this bad, imagine how Blazingstar must've felt? Must still feel?"
It had taken Heatherfur quiet awhile as well, but after learning how regretful her leader was about his play in her father's death, she found it in herself to forgive him. The WindClan warrior realized how badly the tom was hurting because of this, and it was that moment that made her drop the hatred she had been carrying around. Rather than hating her leader, Heaterfur deemed it pointless to be angry and instead chose to let Blazingstar know that she forgave him. She figured the rest of her littermates would do the same - that is, until Mintberry left WindClan. And now she stood, on the side of an enemy Clan, and had to audacity to say that she no longer cared? The very thought of the feline she loved unconditionally standing against her like this, as an enemy, felt like claws raking against her sides.
"Surely you can find it in your heart to forgive him. You know father would not want us to be enemies like this," the dappled she-cat whimpered, her voice breaking as she felt a heavy weight land in her chest. As much as Heatherfur grieved for their fallen father, taken before his time, she knew Mintberry felt the same grief. Couldn't that be enough to bridge the gap she felt between them? Gatherings were not enough to see her sister. The pain that filled her eyes made evident the longing she had to nuzzle her sibling, to stand by her side once more. No more wondering if I'll have to face her in battle one day Heatherfur though, gritting her teeth as her muscles tensed.
|| Role Wanted: ||
Love Interest of Fireflare and/or Enemy of Spireflare

- - -

If I think of any other characters that are a good fit, I'll let you know! Or if you wanna take a look and see someone who might fit well with a character of yours, feel free to do that also! ^^

- - -

dawnkit - accepted ! i think this kit is just was wolfdancer needs to bring her spirits up, shes been through a lot lately
emberwing - declined, i think that doeskip and them would clash to much since their personality are very similar, i think their brutal honesty would get them in more trouble than friendship
heatherfur- accepted as spireflares enemy. i dont think she suits as fireflares love interest, only because i dont think shed tolerate him and his rather..pushy personality.

lone February 6th, 2018 04:56 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess
Name: Falconclaw
Gender: Male
Personality: {Fierce} {Intelligent} {Protective} {Logical} {Loyal} {Strict} {Confident} {Close-Minded}
Roleplay Sample: here
Role Wanted: Doeskip’s love interest

Name: Martenthorn
Gender: Male
Personality: {Anxious} {Extroverted} {Kind} {Understanding} {Listener} {Including} {Ambivert}
Roleplay Sample:
Role Wanted: Doeskip’s friend

Name: Butterflywing
Gender: Female
Personality: {Extroverted} {Excitable} {Sweet} {Reckless} {Loving} {Romantic} {Adventurous}
Roleplay Sample:
Role Wanted: Fireflare’s love interest

Name + Link: Obsidiansky
Roleplay Sample:
Role Wanted: Larkfall’s friend

Name: Gannetpaw
Gender: Male
Personality: {Kind} {Strategist} {Boastful} {Introverted} {Reckless} {Honest} {Loyal} {Minor anxiety} {Analyst} {Sarcastic}
Roleplay Sample:
Role Wanted: Wolfdancer’s apprentice (I saw she's going to have a future one, but I was wondering if it would be okay for him to be her current apprentice?)

Name: Jasperpelt
Gender: Male
Personality: {Kind} {Paternal} {Anxious} {Introverted} {Listener} {Intelligent} {Friendly} {Good-Natured}
Roleplay Sample:
Role Wanted: Wolfdancer’s friend

Name: Berrykit
Gender: Female
Personality: {Sarcastic} {Adventurous} {Extroverted} {Leader} {Annoying} {Rude} {Fiery} {Spirited}
Roleplay Sample:
Role Wanted: Waspkit’s future mate (@king kaleb!)

(P.S - sorry the forms aren't done super well, I'm in the process of getting a new character site done so right now I just have traits up x.x)

Twilight01 February 6th, 2018 04:57 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess

Originally Posted by king kaleb! (Post 465867)
declined for now, only because his personality is very broad that i think i need a bit more detail.

Mistkit - accepted, i hope sunsong will bring her out of her shell
rowanpaw - declined. i feel him and doeskip, when not training, would clash too much and she would possibly resent him for his flirty and disrespectful persona.
sandgaze - accepted, i feel waspkit will give her a big challenge her way and im interested to see hwo this will turn out.

declined, i feel the neetlekit doesnt suit waspkits personality, and that he would probably take advantage of her/ see her as usless than a mate.

dawnkit - accepted ! i think this kit is just was wolfdancer needs to bring her spirits up, shes been through a lot lately
emberwing - declined, i think that doeskip and them would clash to much since their personality are very similar, i think their brutal honesty would get them in more trouble than friendship
heatherfur- accepted as spireflares enemy. i dont think she suits as fireflares love interest, only because i dont think shed tolerate him and his rather..pushy personality.

Ok, I'll work on her personality a bit more. I wrote a general description during my lunch period.

Mauve February 6th, 2018 06:04 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess

Originally Posted by king kaleb! (Post 465867)
dawnkit - accepted ! i think this kit is just was wolfdancer needs to bring her spirits up, shes been through a lot lately
emberwing - declined, i think that doeskip and them would clash to much since their personality are very similar, i think their brutal honesty would get them in more trouble than friendship
heatherfur- accepted as spireflares enemy. i dont think she suits as fireflares love interest, only because i dont think shed tolerate him and his rather..pushy personality.

Ah, yes I can definitely see where those choices are coming from; upon taking a further look into things I can definitely agree! I will say that Dawnkit can definitely brighten up Wolfdancer's spirits! She's a little bundle of kindness, so she would probably always be smiling around her once she got to know her a little better!

And with Heatherfur and Spireflare, I am excited to develop the story between why they will become enemies! Perhaps at first she simply dislikes him, but maybe she discovers part of his past and then downright hates him? There are a lot of options to be played out it seems!

Starfall February 6th, 2018 11:44 PM

Re: yo heres a finder i guess

name w/ link: Morningsnow
roleplay example: [Taken from Riverclan Clearing]

[[Lol, he doesn't know how else to show his love]]
He saw the flash of worry ripple across the mollies face, which in turn made him let out a chuckle, and the moment she started laughing, so did he, his laughter boomed across the clearing. It had been moons since he laughed this hard, it had been moons since he laughed period, it was a warm, welcome feeling, and he missed it.

He missed her.

The ebony feline took a step forward and laid his head on the ginger warriors shoulder, sniffing every minute or so. He took in her scent, she smelled of fresh water, flowers, and honey, and it was the most relaxing scent the tom had ever come across, every time she was near he felt all his worries slip away, all his woes came undone, and all his hatred vanished into thin air. She could ask him to do anything she wanted, and he would do it in a blink of an eye, without hesitation, just to make her happy, comftrable, safe. He relaxed himself and practically began to lean on the molly, only holding half of his own weight. He was so relieved to see her alive, relieved to see her period. The leader hadn't realized just how much he depended on her until she left, how much he cared for her.

When he heard why she had left, the tom perked his ears and lifted his head, locking eyes with the shorter warrior. 'Why couldn't she do that here? Was it about me? Is she leaving me again?' these thoughts raced in his head, worry flashed across his face. In flash of panic the tom leaned his head against her neck, laying half of it on her shoulder. "Don't leave me again please, I can't go through that again." he pleaded in a hushed voice, filled with nothing but raw emotions that the owner of said emotions couldn't explain even if he wanted to. He knew he wouldn't be able to endure it if Honeypool left again, he wouldn't be able to deal with the empty void that spread throughout his soul the days she was gone.
role wanted: Love Interest for Doeskip [don't know how old she is ;w; ]

name w/ link: Onesong
roleplay example:
role wanted: Friend for Daydream

name: Dahliakit Dahliapaw Dahliawish
gender: Male
appearance: --
personality: --
roleplay example: ^^
role wanted: Daydream's sibling
[This is still a huge wip]]

name w/ link: Starflower
roleplay example:
role wanted: Friend for Larkfall

name w/ link: Whitepaw
roleplay example:
role wanted: Bully for Larkfall [He's not in Windclan yet, but I will let you know when he is :love4: ]

name w/ link: Mottledpaw
roleplay example:
role wanted: Cat who looks at Risingcreek as a father figure

name w/ link: Fallenstar
roleplay example:
role wanted: Friend to Whisperblaze

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