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pidgeon August 25th, 2020 11:42 AM

A Call to Action [OPEN]
[OPEN to any deceased ShadowClan high ranks!]

Icestar opened her eyes upon the starry expanse. At last, she was in StarClan! Her good-for-nothing father couldn't drag her away to the Dark Forest from here. The leader had not spoken with StarClan since her leader ceremony, thanks to Wolverine. But no more. She was going to get answers even if she had to drag them out of some star cat.

"Show yourself!" She yowled. "Come out and answer me! You must answer for what you've done to us! I will no longer tolerate your negligence." She was furious. So much misfortune had befell ShadowClan. Sure, she may have caused some of it. But this was extreme. ShadowClan did not deserve these needless punishments. She would give an earful to anybody who would listen.

vellichor August 25th, 2020 01:22 PM

Re: A Call to Action [OPEN]
Windystar was angry.

First, Icestar decides it’s a great idea to make enemies a out of all three Clans after his death. Making a fool of him, and tarnishing ShadowClan’s status as a peaceful Clan. The current ShadowClan leader had completely undone everything he had, everything he believed in. And now, she’d paid the price for it. Icestar’s haughty aggressiveness has driven his Clan out of their rightful home. And now she was here, demanding to yell at StarClan for her actions?

What an asshole.

In life, the light colored tom had been rather passive and peaceful. Now, he was agitated to no end. His body language showed that as he stepped into the light, stars in his fluffy pelt gleaming. "What we’ve done to you?" he snarled, pupils narrowed to slits. "I knew you were arrogant, but are you that stupid that you try to blame us?" Claws slid in and out of their sheaths, paws itching to slap some sense into Icestar. "This is all your doing. My Clan is driven out because you can’t stop picking needless fights! My Clanmates are suffering under your leadership! Even Forestshade would have made a better leader than you, Iceheart!"


pidgeon August 25th, 2020 03:05 PM

Re: A Call to Action [OPEN]
Oh, this was going to be fun. The old reject wanted to play the hero, did he? At least he bothered to show his face.

"Windystar, you are as much a fool in death as you were in life," Icestar began, her white fangs bared. "Once I took over after your miserable leading, ShadowClan grew to over three times its previous size. We expanded the territory, fought to claim what was ours, and stood as the strongest Clan in the forest for a solid few moons. And we will return to our powerful state. No thanks to you." She padded closer until she was nearly nose to nose with the smaller, starry cat.

"You did nothing for ShadowClan. Nothing but stand by and let the other Clans walk all over you, and then lied through your teeth when your backtracking didn't work. Passive Clans gain nothing. You made MY Clan stagnant, weak, spineless, and pathetic. ShadowClan has prospered under my leadership.

And my gripe with you is simple. How could you not warn me, or Irisflame, of the dangers that awaited us? If you're so omniscient and all-powerful, why don't you show up every once in a while? I pray for advice and all I receive is silence. If you truly cared about ShadowClan, you would have stepped in. But no, just as you were in life, you are too passive and meek to do anything meaningful.

So don't you DARE talk to me like I am below you. I lived in this Clan under your leadership, and every day I prayed to the Stars for your death. ShadowClan has a reputation now. Yes, we are savage. But we fight for what is ours. Everything I have done and plan to do, I have only ShadowClan's best interest at heart. I made us strong again. And you will listen to what I have to say."

Her tail lashed back and forth as she shouted, furious, pelt bristling and making her look nearly twice her already massive size. She could not remember ever feeling this livid before. Of course the one to show themselves would be this hypocritical loser.

"Tell me. The fire at the Waterbarn. That blaze was set intentionally. Am I correct to say that it was not StarClan's doing? Adding a painful insult to injury? Twilightstar's ambush was her own doing, I'm sure of that. But the barn? That's too much of a coincidence." She took a few small pawsteps backwards, allowing him a bit of space, although her stance remained rather threatening.


vellichor August 25th, 2020 03:51 PM

Re: A Call to Action [OPEN]
Windystar held his ground as Icestar fluffed up her fur and spat insults in his face. She was massive, but he wasn't too far behind. Amber eyes hardened and glared into dark orange as she spoke, seemingly all insults this and strength that. Now, it was his turn.

"You grew, expanded. That's great, yeah. But how many cats had to die just to get a tail-length of territory? How many lives have you put in danger or ended just because of your hunger for territory and power? You say ShadowClan was strong, but the same way you made the Clan 'strong', you made enemies who ultimately drove ShadowClan out. What are you going to do now? Sulk in time out until Twilightstar lets you get your land back? And then do it all again, killing MORE cats, making MORE enemies until ShadowClan dies out?"

At the comments about his passive nature, his anger gave way to sorrow. "I had my best intentions for ShadowClan. I wasn't perfect. I was far from it! I let RiverClan walk all over us. There are so many things I would change if I could do it all again." He paused, straightening again, new anger burning in his veins. "But at least I can ADMIT that my methods weren't good! I may have messed up, but I can own up to my mistakes! You still have that big head, thinking that you haven't done anything wrong! YOU HAVE! If you hadn't, why else would ShadowClan be driven out of our territory by a Clan YOU tried to steal the warriors of when they were in need?!"

Windystar snorted. "If I had known this was going to happen, don't you think I WOULD have tried to send a warning? I may despise you and your leadership tactics, but I wouldn't doom my Clanmates for the sake of teaching you a lesson!"

"Oh, I'm listening to what you have to say, Icestar. And all I hear spilling out of that arrogant mouth of yours is blaming StarClan for your woes and jabbering on about being strong. Take some responsibility!" He growled, stepping closer. It was his turn to look intimidating. "As for the Waterbarn -- that was entirely StarClan. However, I had no say in that decision. If it was up to me, the Waterbarn would've been safe. The entire Clan doesn’t need to suffer more than it already has. Though not everyone up here agrees with me." A lie? Only partially. But if Icebutt knew that Lionstar had set the barn on fire, it would certainly mean more war. More blood spilled. Absolutely not.


pidgeon August 26th, 2020 12:41 PM

Re: A Call to Action [OPEN]
Icestar was livid as the past leader carried on. Her teeth bared still, orange eyes blazing with fury. He was making a mockery of her! What, was he trying to insinuate that he had been a better leader than her?

"ShadowClan is plenty in numbers. I could count the amount of ShadowClan deaths under my leadership on one paw." Maybe two paws. But still. "There has been more prosperity than loss, and as it stands we will be reclaiming our territory soon, and keeping this new land for ourselves."

When he gave her her answer about the Waterbarn, she felt the air around her grow colder as her pulse raced. "Well whose idea was it then? Who decided to punish us beyond what we had already been through? Yes, perhaps I caused some of the recent grievances. But I have still given everything to my Clan. I'm here on behalf of ShadowClan, for them. You dare try and tell me that I'm ruining it? After the way you left it? What a joke." She lashed her tail, feeling the air shift around her. She lashed out at the starry ground in frustration, sending a clump of grass across the clearing.

"Fine. If that's all you have for me, I'm leaving. I'll find somebody else." Or perhaps she'd just go back now. She was at a loss on whether or not she could call this successful.


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