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Ragwort November 28th, 2023 10:17 AM

The Healer's Den {open}
Herbal Knowledge Tier 3: Burdock Root, Comfey, Goatweed, Horsetail, Dandelion

Burdock root:

The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp.[52] Soothes and heals rat bites especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it.[48] Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain.[52] Also good for infected paws and other sores,[53] including burns.[49]

Roots and leaves are chewed into a pulp.[100] Paws can also be wrapped in the leaves.[125][126] Can help for broken bones,[100] soothes wounds,[127] burns,[128] and wrenched claws.[127] Can be used to help with itching[129] or for inflammation on stiff or wrenched joints.[130][131] Also eases stiffness on muscles when lined in a nest.[112]
Goatweed : Helps with Grief.
Herbal Knowledge Tier 2:


Its leaves can be chewed to help feverish cats sleep and reduce their fever,[140][85] and to act like a painkiller.[141] The roots can also be used to help cure the effects of meadow saffron poisoning.[139]

Chewed to a poultice and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding for minor wounds.[194][135] Stings when applied.[190]

Quotes above from: Medicine : Warrior Cats Wiki

Herbs Learned in Elmshadows Herb Class:

Cobwebs: Very sticky, but good for bandaging wounds.

Yellowbells: Fights Infection

Yellowbells & Marigold together: a routine poulitice Med cats use on Wounds.

Bunret: Give a Cat Strength

Juniper Berries & Mallow: Helps Tummy Aches

Honey: Good for Coughs, Sore throuts, can be used for minor infections. Helps mask the taste of bitter herbs to make them easier to eat.

learnt from Herb Lesson Here
Knows How to Grow Comfey & Burdock Root

Ruepaw- female She/her
Purrks: Two Left Paws, Herbal Knowledge Tier 3, Agatha Kitty

Rue Had Swiftly Made her Way to The Place Hidden In The Undergrowth. Her Small Den In the Outskirts Where She Could Put Her Purrks to Use! she missed her life in Shadowclan, but after she'd started loosing feeling in her back legs... well she knew it was time to disappear from the clan. she missed her clanmates, she missed training... but what could a lame she-cat do? she wasn't warrior material anymore, not when her legs had come to the point where some days she couldn't leave her nest, and other days she had to drag herself around. it hurt to even try to stand up anymore, it was just too much for her back.

Rue sighed and forlornly looked up at the ceiling of the cave she'd mad into her den long ago. she wished for the days when The Matchmakers Club would meet here to plot dates and set ups for single cats that they believed needed a match. at least back then she'd had someone to talk too...oh well... back to work on her rather tattered nest.

Ragwort December 6th, 2023 08:56 AM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}
Ruepaw Sat up with a struggle and yawned. she was tired of staying in the den all day, and today her back didn't hurt as much. struggling up into a standing position she wobbled forward slightly painfully. The young she-cat was bored, so today she figured she'd go explore and check out the clans.

Ragwort December 20th, 2023 12:47 PM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}
Rue nearly stumbled over as Twinkles Bounded by in a Hurry. "oi, were's the fire Twinky?" Rue meowed, slowing the she-cat down.

The 6 moons old She-cat had pure white fur and sparkling yellow eyes. "Bonjour Madam Rue! I've Come for my Lessons Today!" She licked her chest fur "do i not sparkle this morning? i sparkle as beautiful as thee Snow in the Sunshine!"

Rue laughed "indeed you do Twinky. Now Come, Today I'll Show You Some of The Herbs and their Uses. Later on We Can go Hunting" Twinkles nodded enthusiacticly.

Rue pulled some sticky stuff off of the Walls of her den "This is the most basic, yet Most useful Herb You Must Know About: Cobwebs! These Are Excilent for using to bandage up wounds and hold poulitices in place"

"whats a Poulitice madam?" Twinkles meowed with curiousity.

"a Poulitice Dear is a mix of Chewed Herbs one Applies To Wounds and infected Area's" Rue Explained. "by sooking cobwebs in a poulitice u can also use them that way. Now Cobwebs, Twinky pay Attention Dear, Are made by Spiders, now there arn't many poisonous spiders out there, but still its best to try not to get bitten when gathering cobwebs, better yet, take cobwebs from an abandoned spider web. Got That Twinky?"

Twinkles Thought over the information for a few minutes "yes Mdam, i think i understand that. So Cobwebs are more then stinky stuff, there extrememly useful" She declared happily

Ragwort January 29th, 2024 10:19 AM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}
Rue sat in thought wondering what the clans were up to these days (open)

Streamtail January 31st, 2024 11:33 AM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}

Originally Posted by Tomura Shigaraki (Post 1542528)
Rue sat in thought wondering what the clans were up to these days (open)


Bridle pads into the den, her eyes scanning the area. She takes in her surroundings, sniffing the air with curiosity. It seems to be a... herb den maybe? She wonders who maintains it.

(I hope it's okay that I post here!)

Ragwort January 31st, 2024 12:55 PM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}

Originally Posted by Streamtail (Post 1543646)

Bridle pads into the den, her eyes scanning the area. She takes in her surroundings, sniffing the air with curiosity. It seems to be a... herb den maybe? She wonders who maintains it.

(I hope it's okay that I post here!)

(tiz alright!)

Rue lifted her head from her nest to stare at the newcomer "Greetings. I'm Rue. May i Ask Your Name and Purpose?" She mewed in a friendly tune

Streamtail January 31st, 2024 01:15 PM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}

Originally Posted by Tomura Shigaraki (Post 1543702)

(tiz alright!)

Rue lifted her head from her nest to stare at the newcomer "Greetings. I'm Rue. May i Ask Your Name and Purpose?" She mewed in a friendly tune


Bridle's ears perk at the cat's voice and she puts on a cordial smile.

"Oh, hello there. My name's Bridle, I just thought this little den was interesting. It's my goal to know the world better than any other cat, what is this place?" She asks, her intrepid nature shining through the confidence in which she speaks.

There are a couple scrapes throughout her pelt, from her reckless tendency to jump head first into any relatively exciting (and usually dangerous) situation she encounters.


Ragwort January 31st, 2024 01:18 PM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}

Originally Posted by Streamtail (Post 1543714)

Bridle's ears perk at the cat's voice and she puts on a cordial smile.

"Oh, hello there. My name's Bridle, I just thought this little den was interesting. It's my goal to know the world better than any other cat, what is this place?" She asks, her intrepid nature shining through the confidence in which she speaks.

There are a couple scrapes throughout her pelt, from her reckless tendency to jump head first into any relatively exciting (and usually dangerous) situation she encounters.


Rue flickered her ears "this Is My Den... The Healers Den i like to call it. for i offer up my herbal knowledge to those who need it, though thankfully very few need it. best to have the few patients then have willy nilly dum furballs hurting themselves i suppose"

Streamtail January 31st, 2024 01:28 PM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}

Originally Posted by Tomura Shigaraki (Post 1543720)

Rue flickered her ears "this Is My Den... The Healers Den i like to call it. for i offer up my herbal knowledge to those who need it, though thankfully very few need it. best to have the few patients then have willy nilly dum furballs hurting themselves i suppose"


Bridle offers up a small smile, "To be honest, I'm probably a 'willy nilly dumb furball,' I can be rather reckless... kinda all the time. But is such the life of a thrill-seeker and adventurer."

Bridle's eyes flicker with a bit of pride as she remembers all the adventures she's gone on.

Ragwort January 31st, 2024 01:41 PM

Re: The Healer's Den {open}

Originally Posted by Streamtail (Post 1543726)

Bridle offers up a small smile, "To be honest, I'm probably a 'willy nilly dumb furball,' I can be rather reckless... kinda all the time. But is such the life of a thrill-seeker and adventurer."

Bridle's eyes flicker with a bit of pride as she remembers all the adventures she's gone on.

Rue gave a rueful smile "no offence intended then. ah the life of adventure... i remember those days... when i was a naughty apprentice wandering by myself" she reminenced

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