Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   [ShadowClan] ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77268)

Rose January 23rd, 2024 01:24 PM

ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications


Woah, now that's a mouthful, ain't it? Anyway, we all know you guys are here for one thing - yeah yeah, total utter WCO domination. (Just kidding, I swear!)

ANYWAY, HELLO!!! :happyhop: Cutting to the chase now;

ShadowClan, or more precisely, Lostspark (and kat) are looking for a Medicine Cat Apprentice.

What we're not looking for:

- Kat-is-definitely-a-cat is a 3 moon old kit who loves to help her clan! She is super-duper awesome (duhh), and lives up to everyone's expectations all the time!!! (spoiler alert: no i don't)
- Name: Kat the very Real cat
Age: 3 moons
Appearance: Grey tabby with blue eyes
Personality: Kind, stern, problem solver, etc...

- Your character is younger than 6 moons. (Then again... I am willing to compromise if need be.)

- Your character is not from ShadowClan.

What we are looking for:

- Activity: You can make a cat for the position, but it's best to begin roleplaying them right away! Lostspark will evaluate the character's contribution and behavior to and around the clan. If only the bare minimum of posts are done each week, this may not be a position for you.

- Interest: This role takes time and dedication, as such, it is highly recommended you apply a character you're interested in roleplaying! Participation in and creation of plots and events, activity around the clan, and involvement with clanmates are some of the elements that will be looked for in a medicine cat. If the character is uninvolved and inactive, Lostspark may decide IC that they are no longer suitable for the role.

- Reliability: Crazy characters are fun, certainly! But Lostspark is looking for someone she can rely on, too, especially when times get tough. Someone who can be trusted to heal their clanmates without needing a chaperone, for instance.

- Communication: The ability to communicate both in character and out of character - any concerns, ideas and thoughts are always encouraged to be shared! We want to know what your character and you think!

Some final notes:
There is no form - be creative! Your application could take the shape of a site, an interview, a slideshow; anything, really! As long as it's not an actual form. Show what your character is like!

Please read the High Rank Selection Process & Procedures and High-Rank Expectations before applying.

Do not quote or mention me, this thread will be checked regularly.

There is no guarantee someone will be chosen from this thread - ultimately, someone may get hand-picked for the position.

Applications are due on January 31st, 11:59pm CT!

And let's not forget the real star of today; @/Estelle for being an absolute gem and allowing me to use the layout from their RiverClan Med Applications.

Aolani January 23rd, 2024 01:42 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Possible placeholder but no promises

ellie January 23rd, 2024 01:44 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Art is not mine !! This art belongs to an artist named Yokeqi Tan and is a piece of her City Night Sky Print

Songs I feel moss would relate to or like !!

Mossfreckle is a very goal and clan oriented cat (as is seen in his backstory and comic :heartbounce:) and is working his paws to the bone to accomplish his life long dream of being a medicine cat. While he has an over all calm and thoughtful demeanour he is still young - ten moons - and can be playful and silly at times. I also added some sadder songs to not only represent his past but also his insecurity - as he sometimes fears he will not be able to make a difference in or will fail to help maintain wellbeing in his clan.

:heartbounce: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1a...STiraLA1sNHfsQ :heartbounce:

None of Moss’ backstory exists on WCO and has been created to make him a more dynamic character and explain why he has the ambitions he has. All mentioned characters - besides Mossfreckle are NPCs - any likeness to any existing or past events and characters are not intentional. All events are a product of my mind and not based on actual events, any likeness to existing WCO events or roleplays is not intentional.

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." ~ Havelock Ellis

~ One Moon Old ~

Illness was heavy in the air of leaf-bare, the weather was damp and cold and prey was scarce and rail thin when it could be found. Amid this turmoil, Ruepelt gave birth to three kits: Webkit, Mosskit, and Mousekit - the runt of the litter.

Life was calm, almost normal, for Ruepelt and her kits. All illness that entered the Shadowclan camp was dealt with swiftly, and always, always, kept far away from the nursery. The kits grew, opening their eyes to the silvery sheen of snow over the camp - well, as much of the camp as they could see through the entrance of the well-insulated nursery. At night Ruepelt would let her kits peek their heads out of the nursery entrance to gaze upon Silverpelt while she told them about Starclan and how each of the kits had a fate given to them by their warrior ancestors.

Mosskit took a particular interest in Starclan and would peer up at his mother in their downy nest and ask her over and over if she knew the fate Starclan had for him. “No, mosskit, Starclan only speaks to the medicine cat,” Ruepelt purred as she licked her brown spotted kit.

Mosskit looked at his mother with thoughtfulness and desire in his eyes, an uncommon expression for a young kitten, “C-can we go and speak to the medicine cat then,” he would meow desperately.

Ruepelt’s fur would ruffle each time he asked, and she would dismissively tell him that the medicine cat was very busy at the moment. A half-truth told to shelter her kit, the medicine cat was busy, but only because illness had begun to lurk in Shadowclan's camp - a deadly predator stalking its prey.

~ Two Moons Old ~

Illness was a lingering haze over the camp, but life went on for Webkit, Mosskit, and Mousekit as they knew no more than the warm milky interior of the nursery - their small world for the time being. Ruepelt remained dismissive of Mosskit’s frequent requests to see the medicine cat and speak with Starclan.

“Not today, Mosskit…,” Ruepelt would meow.

“Maybe tomorrow…,” the she-cat repeated.

“The medicine cat is busy, Mosskit, leave it be,” she would purr and nudge her kit into his nest. Her responses became a chorus of their own in the melody of voices in the Shadowclan nursery.

At night, he would lie in his nest snuggled against his mother's warm pelt and amongst his brother and sister. Mosskit’s eyes were wide with hope as he stared at the specks of light that showed through the thick walls that kept the leaf-bare away from the kits and queens, he believed that if he wished hard enough Starclan would have to speak to him.

“Hello… is any cat there…,” Mosskit called into the void of his dreams. The void remained silent and he would wake in a tumble and - while disappointed - he knew that the day was new and he would have yet another day to try.

~ Three Moons Old ~

Shadowclan was making it through leaf-bare but the illness had finally sunk its teeth into the camp. The clan has managed to nevertheless, keep the illness away from the queens and kits, but it was only a matter of time before they too succumbed to the illness plaguing the camp. Coughs and wheezes become commonplace in the camp's usual bustle of sound. Most of Shadowclan’s warriors had ailments ranging from scratchy throats to hacking coughs and some of the elders had moved into the medicine cat’s den to be more closely monitored.

“Ruepelt, can we go outside,” Webkit, Mosskit, and Mousekit would meow to their mother. The combination of cold and illness kept most of the queens and kits inside the safety of the nursery. Ruepelt’s three kits, however, were much more sheltered than usual and had not left the nursery - besides glances through the exit - for their three moons of a life.

Ruepelt would look at her precious first litter and meow, “Not yet,” the confidence slipping from her voice each time she told her kits no. With each day that passed, she knew the time she could keep the kits sheltered from the world outside was dwindling.

~ Four Moons Old ~

“Ruepelt, you need to let your kits out of the nursery,” the other queens would tell her as her kits grew yet another moon older.

During Mosskit’s fourth moon, his mother made a choice that would create the stars in his eyes but cost him his world. Much to Ruepelt’s dismay, the other queens were right - her three kits would be apprentices in about two moons, and they would be unprepared if she held them inside much longer.

“Today, momma,” Webkit, Mosskit, and Mousekit meowed excitedly with fawning eyes when Ruepelt told them one morning that they were going to take a walk around Shadowclan’s camp. Finally!

She took her kits out into the camp during the afternoon- when the sun lessoned the chill of leaf-bare. The coughing and wheezing filled the kits’ ears and they knew something was wrong.

“Ruepelt, is Starclan mad at us?” Mosskit asked in fear.

Ruepelt’s fur fluffed and she felt a surge of fear ripple through her lean body. No, no, no her darling kits could not know the reality of it all - at least Mosskit’s question was something she could answer honestly.

“No, Mosskit. Shadowclan has done nothing to anger our warrior ancestors, leaf-bare brings illness sometimes, but the medicine cat has it all under control,” she purred as she quickly huddled her kits back into the nursery. That night Ruepelt began to cough, at first lightly - a tickle in her throat - but by the end of the next day she was hacking. For the safety of the other queens and kits, Ruepelt and her litter were moved to the medicine cat’s den.

~ Five Moons Old ~

By the start of the fifth moon, Webkit had died, even as the firstborn and largest kit, his body had been unable to overcome the illness that had ravaged it.

Ruepelt slept most of the day now, her breath coming out in heaves and choked rasp, she hated herself and blamed herself in entirety for the death and pain of it all. Even amid the suffering, Mosskit would ask the medicine cat to tell him stories of Starclan, about the herbs they were using, and any number of similar topics - he wanted to be just like the medicine cat: loyal, useful, diligent, caring, the most selfless member of the clan. His wish for Starclan to bless him grew and his dreams became a cacophony of whispers and images of events yet to occur. Had Starclan finally accepted his wish, his need, was this his destiny?

By the end of Mosskit’s fifth moon, Ruepelt had been buried next to Webkit. Mosskit and Mousekit had recovered; however, Mousekit’s lungs remained weak and her breaths shallow.

~ Six Moons Old ~

Mosskit and Mousekit had mourned their lost kin but life in the clan had to go on.

“Mosspaw! Mousepaw! Mosspaw! Mousepaw!” the clan chanted as the orphaned kits became apprentices. Mossfreckle was happy to be rid of the nursery and its milky smell and hazy light that seemed to cast Ruepelt’s form on every woven branch. The apprentice's den was closer to the medicine cat anyway, he thought to himself.

“Mosspaw, slow down,” Mousepaw panted, her breaths coming out as wheezes - the medicine cat had done all she could to rid the she-cat of her illness but they feared it would always linger. Mosspaw worried for his sister, he had learned enough from listening to the medicine cat - during his time in their den - to know that she was not doing well. He slowed his pace and sent up a prayer to Starclan to help heal her.

Mosspaw woke in a panic, his dream had been a warning of some sort - a listless and sinking feeling. He looked over to Mousepaw hoping to hear the reassuring sounds of her breathing which always softened at night - he preferred her this way, she seemed as healthy as her kithood when she slept.

He listened, then watched, then worried. Mosspaw got up to check on Mousepaw as he did not see the telltale rise and fall of breath, he stalked over to her silently and nudged her with his nose.

“Mousepaw,” he meowed almost inaudibly.

“MOUSEPAW,” he half spat half whispered.

Oh, Starclan help her, he thought as he nudged his sister again - she was gone.

~ Seven Moons Old ~

During the day, Mosspaw worked with his mentor to complete his training - he worked quickly and diligently to get it done quickly. He knew he was being useful to the clan as an apprentice, eventually, he would be a warrior and could fight for the clan… he did not want to fight though and he could not help himself from watching wistfully as the medicine cat went about their task: collecting herbs, healing cats, holding the clan together, speaking with Starclan.

When Mosspaw was not training, he would do all he could to help out around the clan. He would take kits out to play, speak with more lonesome clan mates, and try to solve problems - he did all he could to embody the traits of the medicine cat he looked up to.

“Thank you, Mosspaw,” one cat would meow.

“What a helpful cat you are,” another one would add.

He was quite a well-known cat by this time - not so much for himself but for his actions and aid.

Night, however, was the time he took to be selfish - well, as selfish as such a selfless cat could allow themselves to be. Mosspaw would stare up at Silverpelt - and the three stars he swore showed up for his lost kin - and would promise to the stars that he would do all he could to become someone who could heal that cats of Shadowclan, praying that Starclan would give him a chance to accomplish the fate they whispered to him in his dreams.

Mosspaw would then haul himself into his nest, exhausted from training and helping and hoping. He would close his eyes and open them to the sights of his dreams - the once void was now a world of warnings, omens, and words spoken by long-dead cats.

~ Eight Moons Old ~

Mosspaw went through training swiftly, being a warrior was not his fate but he would do all he could to be the best at it because the best warriors were the ones who did the most for the good of the clan.

He had learned to hunt so he could bring back fresh kill anytime he was free and he taught kits to hunt leaves so that they could be not only entertained but prepared as well. He had learned to climb because he knew that the required lesson would make him more useful. Mosspaw learned to fight so he could protect Shadowclan. While he was calm, thoughtful, and gentle, he would always be the first cat to offer to go on raids - the clan needed cats to fight for its protection, for its wellbeing. He was always up for a patrol, often offering to take a clan mate’s spot if he thought they needed to get more sleep or seemed too busy to patrol.

Mosspaw knew more than any cat that he was sidestepping his fate but he knew all he could do was wait patiently.

“Soon, soon, soon,” the voice of a long-gone cat whispered in his dreams, hazy visions of flowers and plants and stars flashed through his mind.

Mosspaw would often wake to the prode of an annoyed apprentice’s paw. “Mosspaw, you need to knock off the whines. You are as loud as a monster and as concerning as an owl’s screech,” his fellow apprentices would meow before stalking out of the den to complete their respective tasks.

~ Nine Moons Old ~

Mosspaw had completed his training and required tasks to become a warrior - he was proud of himself for becoming a more useful member of Shadowclan, he wanted to do all he could for his clan. The clan needed more warriors desperately anyway.

The leader of Shadowclan called upon Starclan to look upon him, telling their warrior ancestors that he had trained hard to understand the ways of the noble warrior code and that they commended him to them in turn.

“Mosspaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mossfreckle. I know you will serve your clan well, young warrior,” the leader meowed. Mossfreckle bowed his head and licked his leader's shoulder respectfully. From the place he stood, he could see the medicine cat’s den which sent a pang of longing straight to his heart, a hawk sinking its talons into a kit.

“Mossfreckle, Mossfreckle, Mossfreckle!” his clan mate’s chants filled Shadowclan clearing.

Mossfreckle graciously accepted his clan mates' licks and purrs of congratulations, but their words were drowned out by his thoughts. He needed to sleep but he would have to wait until he finished sitting his silent vigil at the camps entrance that night.

The morning after his naming ceremony, Mossfreckle was allowed to end his vigil as the dawn patrol made its way out to camp. He meowed back quickly to cats who greeted him, he had no time to converse or share tounges that morning - he needed to escape into the omens of his dreams.

“SOON,” his warrior ancestors howled in the hallows of his mind, awakening him from his fitful slumber with a jolt. What was coming soon?

~ The Present ~

Lostspark is looking for an apprentice! Mossfreckle wondered if he had heard the news right - he wondered if he would finally be able to fulfil the fate Starclan had promised him.

“Lostspark,” Mossfreckle greeted the Shadowclan medicine cat with a respectful bow of his head, “I have come to offer myself to you for consideration as your apprentice.”

He looked up at her with stars in his eyes, “Please let me fulfil the fate Starclan has written for me.”

From “The Furture of the Clan [P] ” with @/Estelle. ~

Mossfreckle looked at the tenuous kit and smiled to himself - this small, overly cautious kit reminded him of himself when he was a kit. His kithood had only been tenmoons ago - four if you wanted to note apprenticehood as the end of kithood… starclan help him it felt millions of moons away at this point. He shook his head unnoticeably to clear his mind then returned his thoughtful gaze onto the kit.

“Hi there little one,” he purred warmheartedly, “there is no need to worry, … Sleepykit.” He used a name he had heard the queen use for the kit, he hoped he had heard her right.

Mossfreckle took a seat outside the nursery and curled his tail feathery tail over his paws - taking a step toward Sleepykit would most likely scare them so he made an effort to appear smaller and more open, allowing the kit to come towards him rather than the other way around.

Once he was comfortable he meowed calmly to the cautious kit, “I am here you wanna do anything - stories or any games you would like to play, I can teach you to hunt leafs,” he chuckled and added with purr, “I will even let you play with my tail if you would like,” Mossfreckle flicked his feathery tail back and forth on the ground in example.

(Written as if responding to a healing form starter post, patients are referred to as “cat” so as to be generalised)

Mossfreckle was decluttering the medicine cat’s den while Lostspark was out with some warriors scavenging for new herbs, his training had commenced only a moon ago and he was putting in his utmost effort to earn the favour of the medicine cat -his mentor - who he looked up to more than anyone. As he shuffled diligently and organised the herbs he tried to name them in his head. He had been taught the fundamental herbs during the first days: sticks for binding broken bones, cobwebs for stopping bleeds, poppy seeds to ease the mind. With each swipe and assessment of the herb storage he racked his brain to find the name and use of each herb.

Mossfreckle was pulled away for the annals of his mind as his ears pricked at the sound of an unknown cat entering the den. He stepped away from his task and cheerily meowed to the cat, “What can I do to help you today?” his paws shuffled nervously on the stone floor. What if it was something too big for him to handle without Lostspark? He shook the worry from his mind, he was a medicine cat apprentice now and it was his duty to help all cats in need of healing - this was also a chance to prove to his mentor that he was responsible and could handle himself.

Mossfreckle added with more confidence, “Lostspark is out right now, but I will take care of you as well as I can.” As he spoke he came closer to the cat and looked him over. As he sniffed he smelled fox and blood - but thankfully it was only a trivial amount; this cat probably had a small scuffle then ran. He nodded to himself, this cat was lucky he had not been hurt more drastically.

“Have a seat outside,” he purred calmly, “I will be out in a second to patch you up as good as new.” The cat had a bite and several small scratches so he would need cobwebs to stop bleeding, Poppy seeds for the pain, and Burdock Root to treat the bite and stave off infection. He gathered the herbs thoughtfully and with haste before carrying his bushel outside to the waiting cat.

First, Mossfreckle gave the cat a Poppy seed to ease the wounds sting and ache. He then began to press the cobwebs onto the bite, putting only enough pressure on the wound to make them stick and not hard enough to cause any unnecessary pain to the wounded cat. After he had taken care of the most severe of the wounds, he began to place small bits of cobwebs onto some of the deeper scratches. Once the bleeding had stopped he took the cobwebs off - making a note to dispose of them properly when he was done - and began to chew the Burdock Root into poultice.

He spat the Burdock Root poultice onto a rock and then dabbed his paw into it and began to diligently apply it to bite and scratches with cautious, thoughtful attention. He stepped away from the cat and looked them over with a medicine cat’s attentive gaze. “I am finished with you now,” he meowed proudly, “I will let Lostspark know you came by when she gets back. Is there anything else that I need to see to?”

(Written as if responding to a mass influx of wounded cats due to a battle, patients are referred to as “cat” so as to be generalised)

A battle was coming today - having heard the whisperings circling through the Shadowclan camp, Mossfreckle had went out and increased their stocks of herbs so that he and Lostspark would be prepared for the influx of wounded cats. He has taken extra care to stock up on cobwebs, Burdock Root, Goldenrod, dried Oak leaves, Poppy seeds, and any other herb that was good for stopping bleeding, staving off infection, fostering healing for wounds, and lessening pain. A good medicine cat was always prepared and well-stocked Mossfreckle thought as he looked over his herbs once more, pawing them into more organised piles.

The battle took place that night - luckily it did not happen in Shadowclan clearing but rather at the camp of one of the other three clans. Mossfreckle waited with his mentor for the wounded cats who would soon be running or limping into their den. Mossfreckle was prepared, however, and he knew that with five moons of training under his paws Lostspark trusted him to be able to handle the injured cats without her supervision.

The first cat to come back into camp was limping. Recognising the telltale sign of a broken foreleg, Mossfreckle dipped into the den to retrieve Bind Weed and a thick twig - which he opted for over the Rush, the cat looks as if they has fallen during the battle so he felt that the sturdier option would be a better support. He grabbed two Poppy seeds on the way out and trotted over to the cat - he did not want the cat walking on the unbound broken limb any longer than was necessary.

“Stay where you are,” he yowled to the cat as he trotted, “you may cause more damage is you keep putting that much pressure on your broken foreleg.” Mossfreckle’s words where clam and stern - the voice of a medicine cat deep in their work - but every interaction he had still held his kindness and youth in the tones underneath. Mossfreckle administered the poppy seeds to the cat, set and bound their broken foreleg and sent them off to the warrior den. Even with Mossfreckle’s diligent quickness in care, by the time he has finished more cats had trickled in. He glanced over to Lostspark who was, as always, holding her own. Reassured that Lostspark did not need his help, Mossfreckle glanced around the clearing with a thoughtful assessing gaze. Once he found the cat that needed the most help he was off to the herbs, cleaning the several fox lengths in a few quick strides.

He entered the den mumbling to himself, “several deep gashes: cobwebs and four poppy seeds. A bite will need Burdock root - which would also be good for staving off infection. Then a scratched eye would need…” Mossfreckle paused to search his mind, “…Celandine.” Lastly, he would grab some Goldenrod to insure that some of the deeper wounds healed nicely - scars were fine but wounds that healed and left a lingering pain where something he - and all the other medicine cats - tried to avoid. He worked thoroughly and orderly administering the poppy seeds first then stopping the bleeding with the cobwebs. Once the bleeding had stopped he applied a poultice of Burdock Root and Goldenrod to the cat’s deeper wounds. Finished with the most prominent of the cat’s wounds, Mossfreckle assessed the cat’s scratched eye - not blind he noted with a sign of relief. He decided to drop the Celandine nectar to soothe the cat’s eye regardless of the fact that they were not blinded.

Mossfreckle sent the cat to go lay outside the medicine cat’s den with a flick of his tail when he was finished treating them, he wanted to monitor the cats deep wounds and eyes in case of any infection that may arise. Looking around Shadowclan clearing, he saw Lostspark working on a particularly nasty case and bounded over to assisted her in anyway he could.

Art is by me !!
NPC HOST: Tonight on WCO Live - for one night only - we will be interviewing @Fawnheart<3 !!

*spattering of applause from the audience*

NPC HOST: So tell us, Fawn, why are you here tonight?

“Well, sir, I am here today because I thought an essay would be a bit of a bore so why not say the things I need to say creatively.“

NPC HOST: Well, it seems they are antsy to get started. So, without further ado… LET US START THE INTERROGATION !!

Let’s start with an easy question for you. How did you find WCO?

“ The first interaction I had with WCO was in late 2016 and early 2017 - a friend of mine introduced me. I was gone for a while - six or so years, to be exact - because my parents did not want me on here (all is good now for clarification, the events will not reoccur). However, I was drawn back to this website even years later, not only for the nostalgia but for the creativity and community as well !! I have no plans on leaving anytime soon. I do want to acknowledge that due to the nature of the previously mentioned situation, I was not able to get back on to WCO until recently, so I do have a gap in my activity, nonetheless, I plan on maintaining around my current 4-7 hours of daily activity and hope that coupled with my context for the situation will help alleviate any doubts on my activity commitments.”

NPC HOST: It seems you have had a wild ride for sure !! I am glad to hear you will not be leaving anytime soon.

A little birdie told me you share a similarity with Mossfreckle (whom you are submitting). Would you please elaborate on that?

“Of course !! Moss and I share a “childhood” dream of being a medicine cat. Even before I found WCO, I envied and loved the idea of medicine cat characters in the Warrior Cats books.

Once I found WCO and saw that I had a chance to live vicariously through my OC, I was over the moon. I never got the opportunity to accomplish this goal my first time here, so I am ecstatic - ecstatic is about as close to explaining how happy I am as all the written and spoken languages can get… - to have the chance now.“

NPC HOST: Being a medicine cat apprentice - and eventually the medicine cat - requires a lot of patience, effort, communication, dedication, and time - as we can see from @/ Rose’s thread. Do you think you will be able to handle this?

“I think I will be…

I am a pretty patient person, especially when it comes to learning, writing long paragraphs for things I care about or am passionate about, and am pretty good at putting all of my effort into what I do.

Additionally, Communication is something I value a lot because, without communication, everything falls apart. I tend to be very collaborative, seeking to share my ideas and feelings with those I interact with to achieve the most beneficial results.

I hope my application shows my dedication… hopefully… I am honoured to have this opportunity - this means the world to me.

As for the time aspect, I am on here as much as possible. Furthermore, I am good at responding promptly and not dropping rps. Something I also find valuable for managing my time and commitments is having the ability to state why/ when there will be a variance in my usual online/offline schedule. “

*nods of agreement from the crowd*

NPC HOST: Any last words you would like to share with our viewers tonight, Fawn?

“I would like to give the warmest thank you to the people who made this possible and good luck to all the people applying - I know there is a lot of effort being put out there.

I love WCO deeply. This website has been there for me during some of the roughest parts of my life. I want to make a mark on this site, which has given me so much !! I have put my blood, sanity, and tears into this application, and I am proud of myself for doing all I can to make my goal possible.

Being a medicine cat is something I have wanted for a long time. If Mossfreckle and I are accepted as the medicine cat apprentice, I know we will both give our all to this position. I have no plans of being inactive anytime time soon and will be able to be active Yoke I am needed (in addition to my current 4-7 hours of daily activity that I have already). I am willing to put in all the effort required of this role: long rp paragraphs, activity around the clan, responding to healing request and healing rps in a timely manner, etcetera. I cannot say enough about how much this means to me and I hope that my dedication and effort show through in my application.

NPC HOST: Well, that concludes our (veryyyyy) late-night talk show. Thank you for coming out and answering our questions, @Fawnheart<3 !!

“Thank you for putting this all together, and if the audience has any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them in my VMs or PMs !!

Oh !! And one more quick thing before we sign off for the night. Mossfreckle has asked me to tell the crowd tonight that he knows he is new, and he is working his paws to the bone to become a productive member of ShadowClan in these seven days.” :heartbounce:

*lights fade, cue outro music*

NPC HOST: Thank you all for tuning into WCO live for this one-day-only interview !!


Alder Bark ~ comes from the alder tree which grows in a conical shape; can be found; found along rivers or in wetlands; used to soothe tooth aches

Alder’s Tongue ~ a red fungus that off plants in a tongue shape; found on plants near waterbodies; used as a poultice for swelling and ulcers (cats will vomit if it is eaten)

Bindweed ~ arrow-shaped leaves on a a vine-like stem with white to pinkish flowers; found in ravines and forest; used to set broken bones

Blackberry Leaves ~ low trailing shrub with reddish-purple to purple berries in newleaf; found in forests and beushlands; chewed into a poultice and applied to bee stings to relieve pain and swelling

Borage Leaves ~ comes from the borage plant which can be identified by its fuzzy oblong leaves and clusters of blue star-shaped flowers; found growing in sunny locations; used to increase milk production in queens

Broom ~ upright shrub with short flattened leaves and yellow flowers; found in loamy soil; chewed into a poultice for broken bones

Burdock Root ~ comes from the borage plant which is a tall stemmed plant with purple flowers and dark leaves; found growing in pastures and ditches; used for bites and to control infection

Burnet ~ tall thin stemmed plant with clumps of burgundy star shaped flowers; found in bogs, along rivers, wet meadows, and thickets; used as a travelling herb to increase strength

Catnip/Catmint ~ weedy and branching plant with tall drifts of grey-green leaves (has small spikes of white flowers in newleaf); found growing in two leg gardens: used to treat greencough

Celandine ~ plant with thin lady leaves and four petaled yellow flowers; found in damp meadows; nectar used for damaged eyes

Chamomile ~ small plant with hairy stem, feathery leaves, and white daisy like flowers that have yellow centers; found in sunny areas; used to soothe mind and as a travelling herb to give strength

Chervil ~ short plant with flat, light-green, lacy leaves; found in damp areas in fields; leaves used to cure infection and roots used to soothe bellyaches

Chickweed ~ plant with smooth light-green leaves and deeply indented white flowers, has five petals but appears to have ten; found in moist shaded areas; used as a less potent treatment for greencough

Cobwebs ~ silken-thread made by spiders; wrapped around wounds to stop bleeding

Coneflower ~ tall hairy stemmed pant with pink flowers and domed orange centers; found on the edges of woodlands; used to give strength and for disease resistance

Coltsfoot ~ a plant with very short dark-green stems and small, bright-yellow flowers; found near stream beds and in moist fields; used to help with shortness of breath

Comfrey ~ a plant with large, fuzzy, oval leaves and clusters of drooping, tubular, pinky-purple flowers; found near rivers and in ditches; chewed into a poultice which will soothe wounds and mend broken bones

Daisy Leaves ~ short thin dark-green stemmed plant with small white flowers with yellow centers; found in short grasslands and meadows; used to prevent joint pain when travelling

Dandelion ~ weed with long oval leaves and yellow button-like flowers; found pretty much everywhere; used to treat pain (leaves ate eaten but have a bitter taste)

⚠︎ Deathberries (Yew) ~ small red berries; WILL KILL A CAT IF EATEN

Dock ~ a plant with large oval leaves with some of the lower leaves having red stems; found in meadows, near riverbeds, and in forest clearings; uses to soothe scratches

Dried Oak Leaves ~ come from the Oak tree which has a thick trunk with large widespread branches and five pointed leaves; found under Oak trees during leaf-fall; used to prevent wound infection

Fennel ~ fuzzy tall stemmed leafy plant with upside down conical bushels of yellow flowers; found in dry sunny areas

Feverfew ~ ferny plant with withe flowers that have yellow centres; found in rocky open woods, forest openings, and at the top of ledges; used to lower body temperature

Goldenrod ~ plant with a tall, fuzzy, and leafy stem with tiny yellow flowers that grow in flat-topped clusters on arching branches; found found in grasslands and woodlands; chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds to heal them

Honey ~ golden liquid found in beehives; used to soothe throats

Horsetail ~ tall plant with bristly stems; found near bodies of water; chewed into a poultice and applied to treat infected wounds

Juniper Berries ~ come form the Juniper tree which is an evergreen conifer with blueish-purple berries; found in dry, rocky areas; used to help breathing problems and eaten to soothe bellyaches

Knotgrass ~ low running plant with narrow oval leaves that forms mats; found in meadows and marshes; used to kill worms and fleas

Lamb’s Ear ~ plant with fuzzy oval leaves; found in sunny areas; used to give strength

Lavender ~ plant with a silvery stem and leaves and conical clusters of purple flowers; found in rocky, sunny areas; eaten to cure fevers

Marigold ~ thick stemmed plant with fern-like leaves and orange flowers with ruffles layers; found in sunny locations; chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds to stave off infection

Mousebile ~ foul smelling liquid found in the gallbladder of mice; used to remove ticks

Poppy Seeds ~ come form the Poppy plant which is a plant with a tall thin stem and a red flower with a black center; found in open meadows; eaten to soothe mind and to ease pain

Rush ~ long thin leaved plant with dark-reddish heads at the top of its stalk; found in poor soil; used to bind broken bones

Snakeroot ~ short plant with bushels of tiny white flowers and pointy narrow leaves; found in shady, moist areas; used for treating poison and snakebites

Saffron ~ thin, blade-like leaves that grow out of the ground in spikes, has purple flowers with yellow and orange centers; found in forest clearing and meadows

Stick ~ twigs given to cats to bite on for pain and to bind broken bones

Stinging Nettles ~ a plant with pointed leaves and flowers that range from white or yellow in colour; found in fields and woodlands; used to dispel poison and applied to bring down swelling

Tansy ~ fern like plant with yellow button-like flowers; found in sunny areas with dry soil; used to cure cough (small doses)

Thyme ~ small grey-green leaves and violet coloured flowers; found in rocky areas; eaten to calm nerves and frayed nerves

Water Mint ~ mint plant with distinctive ball-shaped clusters of pale violet flowers; found near slow moving fresh water and boggy filed; uses to soothe belly aches

WildGarlic ~ bulbous weed with narrow leaves and half spherical clusters of tiny white flowers; found in turfgrass; rolled in to aid in the prevention of infection

Willow Leaves ~ come from the Willow tree which is a greyish-brow barked medium to large tree that has has weeping branches and leaves

Yarrow ~ tall, leafy stemmed plant with flat-topped/ dome-shaped clusters of white flowers with yellow centers; found in meadows; used to expel poison form wounds (makes cats vomit if eaten)

My comfortability with roleplaying each type of wound is rated on a scale of 1-10 below, with 1 being absolutely not, 5 being a neutral or a preference not to but a willingness to do so if needed, and 10 being totally comfortable with it.
  • Small/Seasonal/Basic Wounds
  • Any kind [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]

    Moderate Wounds
  • No gore described to a mild descriptions of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Moderate descriptions of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Clearly described gore or greatly detailed description of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]

    Severe Wounds
  • No gore described to a mild descriptions of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Moderate descriptions of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Clearly described gore or greatly detailed description of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]

    Death Post (with medicine cat involvement)
  • No gore described to a mild descriptions of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Moderate descriptions of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Clearly described gore or greatly detailed description of gore [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]

    Kitting Post
  • No birthing description (post such as “( )kit is born”) [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Mild detail of birthing process [10/10 - I would be totally comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Moderate detail of birthing process [8/10 - I would be comfortable roleplaying these]
  • Detailed description of birthing process [6.5/10 - I would be comfortable roleplaying these, however, I would prefer that these details be in spoiler boxes so that I know what I will be reading]

Art is not mine !! Art comes form Savys tumblr (https://savys.tumblr.com/post/153107...or-ur-blog/amp)

~ * :heartbounce: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE :heartbounce: * ~

19796 January 23rd, 2024 01:44 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Originally Posted by Rose (Post 1539824)


Woah, now that's a mouthful, ain't it? Anyway, we all know you guys are here for one thing - yeah yeah, total utter WCO domination. (Just kidding, I swear!)

ANYWAY, HELLO!!! :happyhop: Cutting to the chase now;

ShadowClan, or more precisely, Lostspark (and kat) are looking for a Medicine Cat Apprentice.

What we're not looking for:

What we are looking for:

Some final notes:
There is no form - be creative! Your application could take the shape of a site, an interview, a slideshow; anything, really! As long as it's not an actual form. Show what your character is like!

Please read the High Rank Selection Process & Procedures and High-Rank Expectations before applying.

Do not quote or mention me, this thread will be checked regularly.

There is no guarantee someone will be chosen from this thread - ultimately, someone may get hand-picked for the position.

Applications are due on January 31st, 11:59pm CT!

And let's not forget the real star of today; @/Estelle for being an absolute gem and allowing me to use the layout from their RiverClan Med Applications.

Name : ShadowThorn
Gender : Male
Appearance : Blackish-brown fur, white swirly Stripes, Amber Eyes
Personality : Can be Stern, calm under pressure, knows some herbs (you can test him in meh vm's if ya want)

furrensic January 23rd, 2024 01:46 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

a play written and directed by furrensic

SCENE I — a realization
setting(s) : shadowclan's apprentice's den, clearing | midnight
squirrelpaw comes to a realization while lying in her nest.

just before the moon reached the highest point, squirrelpaw finds herself jerking awake in her nest. wide, yellow eyes scan her surroundings. there's nothing save for her fellow apprentices sleeping in their nests, with the occasional snoring. still, there's a (unfortunately) familiar pit in her stomach and her chest rises and falls quickly. she has a horrible feeling something is wrong..which, isn't really a rare occurrence considering her constant state of anxiety. she blinks, settling back in her nest and looking up at the ceiling of the den.

it's dark in the back corner of the den, where her nest lays. the moonlight filters through the ferns that guard the den, providing minimal light. after minutes of laying there in silence, staring at the cave ceiling, squirrelpaw still cannot calm down. her gaze travels from the cave roof to the den entrance. she finds herself rolling out of her nest, taking a look around at her denmates. with a gulp, she silently sends a prayer to starclan before she silently weaves between nests and slips out of the den.

the moon is bright — the brightest she's ever seen it. she shivers at the freezing cold temperatures, fur fluffing out to defend her from it. the clearing is dead silent, save for the howling of wind and the distant croaking of birds far out in the territory. she feels like she sticks out like a sore thumb in the sandy clearing. weirdly enough, she feels..calm? or at least, as calm as she can be. she's still highly aware of her surroundings, but she doesn't feel like she's in a more intense version of fight or flight mode for once.

squirrelpaw sits down, right in front of the entrance of the apprentice's den. she peers around the dark clearing before her gaze returns to the moon. an odd feeling envelops her. she feels like she needs to do something, but she's not sure what. it's as if something has clicked in her mind. like she's come to a realization.

but what is it? entranced by the moon, she's unaware of the pair of eyes locked on her in the darkness.

there's something odd going on here.

[ squirrelpaw exits stage, appearing to enter the apprentice's den and disappearing out of sight. ]

SCENE II — intuition
setting : unknown territory / dream land | past midnight
squirrelpaw is visited by a cat of unknown origins in her dreams.

squirrelpaw stretches, opening her eyes, expecting to see the familiar cave walls of shadowclan's apprentice den. instead, she sees nothing. nothing at all. it's pitch black. there's not one sign of life around her, she is the only thing. she breaks out into a cold sweat, disturbed by the situation. her legs quiver. what is this place? she gulps, heartbeat quickening.

suddenly in front of her, there's a spark. following that, a flame. the only source of light in a sea of darkness; a symbol of life. hope. in one swift motion, the flame appears to grow smaller, but it's actually moving further away. her eyes widen and she freezes with hesitance, she weighs her options. she breaks out into a sprint, chasing after the flame, further into the dark abyss. the blaze seems to change shapes, morphing into a...cat? a cat, yes. the (now) cat comes to an abrupt stop, the russet molly slowing down until she reaches the stranger. who is this? how come they were just a flame..? squirrelpaw frowns, growing nervous.

there's a distance between the two, worth two fox-lengths. she blinks, unsure of what to say - she's honestly too scared to speak. the cat (flame cat? she's not sure) slowly turns to face her. "follow." the cat says before turning and breaking off into a sprint, leaving a trail of embers behind. she hesitantly takes a pawstep forward, then skitters after the strange cat. she's lead to a lake...of fire. "w..what.." she stammers, taking a step back. the stranger whirls around, facing squirrelpaw.

"you have spirit inside you squirrelpaw,
take control of it
stop being....

[ squirrelpaw exits stage left, disappearing into the darkness. the dream cat exits stage right, disappearing into the darkness. the curtain briefly draws to a close. ]

SCENE I — healer's guide
seeing : medicine cat's den | mid-day
you (unnamed cat) visit squirrelpaw with an injury.

squirrelpaw's ears swivel at the sound of pawsteps, spinning around to look at the entrance of the den. worry flashes over her face, forcing a small smile as she swipes the herbs she'd been organizing to the side. "uhhhm,,hello..!" she greets, teetering towards you. her forced smile drops into (a much more natural looking) frown as you explain your predicament. you have a small injury, really, just a simple bite mark on your tail from a rat. still, the russet molly looks like you have just told her you're dying. she leans over, peering at the bite mark.

"oh..oh...ok-okay. um. give me..one..se-second..please." she murmurs, gesturing for you to take a seat. she then turns around and pads away. you can see her moving stuff around, herbs you assume. she comes back with a wad of cobwebs and a brown plant root. you're not quite sure what the root is, but you trust squirrelpaw. she sits beside you, setting down her supplies. she looks focused despite her nervous demeanor.

she shoots you a glance and notices your confused look. her eyes widen a bit before she speaks up. "th-this is..just some, um, burdock..it - it helps..with rat b-bites." she explains, lips drawing into a straight line. "..should..fight of any, um, infections.." she leans down to pick the burdock root back up and begins chewing it into a poultice. her expression alone tells you that the herb doesn't taste very good, you're a little glad you're not the one having to chew it up.

the molly spits out the poultice, using one of her paws to rub it on the rat bite. you cringe at the initial stinging of the herb, but it goes away within just a few moments. she grabs the wad of cobwebs and begins to wrap them around your tail the best she can. for such a nervous cat, you're surprised she's so focused on her work. maybe it distracts her from her nerves? you glance at your bandaged tail before looking back at squirrelpaw, who's gaze is darting all around. then it finally lands on you.

"okay...uhhmm. that - that should be..it..just come ba-back if it doesn't ge-get..better.." she advises with a small nod. her tail gives a small twitch and her eyes turn owlish for a moment. "uh - have a nice day..!!" she adds on. you give her a smile before heading out of the den, as you glance over your shoulder you see her going back to the pile of herbs she was organizing earlier.

[ you exit stage right, and squirrelpaw exits stage left. the curtain draws to a close. ]

SCENE II — the interview
setting : unknown, empty den | unknown time
squirrelpaw is interviewed!!

okay, squirrelpaw! this is an interview. first off, what's some basic information about yourself?

squirrelpaw tilts her head. "um..well, my names ss-squirrelpaw..I live in shadowclan..I'm eight..mo-moons old."

okay great! how would you describe yourself?

she glances around, silent for a few moments. "I.." she trails off, brows furrowing slightly. "I...think I'm - I'm nice..um, a-and I can focus...just - just..I get nervous..and I'm quiet." she cringes slightly at her stammering, and clears her throat, attempting to speak louder. "but..I like..fairness..!!" she adds on with a small nod.

oookkaayy. interesting! what's your opinion on the current high ranks of shadowclan? and on shadowclan in general? it's members?

squirrelpaw seems to grow especially nervous at this question, practically shrinking. she looks right, then left, then twists to look behind her. then she looks back at the interviewer. "it..issss..okay." she murmurs. "I'm..well, um, kind - kind of..scared..of dawnstar. she gets thing..done..though..so - so...." she peers around again. "we...are..uhmm, m-more..stable..of - of a clan, I.. think.. than some. and - and..vulturefang and lostspark..are okay...I..have only really, uhm, talked to..vulturefang." she says with a small nod. "I like..most..of my clanmates." she had a few favorites in mind. "some I think..are too..worried about fighting."

ohhh wow, interesting opinions. I'll keep those in mind. lastly, how would you feel and/or what would you do if you became lostspark's apprentice?

her eyes widen, curiosity and confusion clear on her face. "huh?" she hums with a tilt of her head, frowning. "I - I don't..know..?? i mean I would l-like it, I..think. to try it ou-out at least..so I can..learn..more. uhmm. happy...?"

okay, well that's it for our interview! thank you all for coming and watching THE TRIAL!

[ the lights shut off and the curtain draws closed. ]

good luck everyone!!! :heartbounce:

inspired by the lovely @/naiad's sundust application:heartbounce:

Snips January 23rd, 2024 01:51 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Sometimes war is killing, sometimes it's saving lives
It's the judgement of faith, it's nothing that man can dictate...Under fire, he carried them out one by one. There and back again, bullets all around, All of the men that he carried away, 12 men would now live to see one more day. His fear held at bay, as he carried them away.
-Ballad of Bull by Sabaton

"H-hello? Lostspark? I heard that you were looking for an apprentice. I want to apply. I'm not incredibly talkative, but I really love herbs...As a kit, I was saved by a medicine cat, and more recently after the battle with ThunderClan. W-well, I lost sight in one eye becuase of that battle. I really want to be able to help my clan, but my damaged eye makes negatively impacts my fighting. If you want to test me or something, you can..."
(First time making an application from the cat's point of view lol)

finley !! January 23rd, 2024 01:56 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
good luck all : D taking down application due to focus on cobwebpaw and possible med cat application there if it goes up :eyes:

starry January 23rd, 2024 02:00 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
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Hello and welcome to Palepaw’s medicine cat apprentice application! Before I get started, I wanted to say thank you for this opportunity regardless if Pale gets chosen or not and good luck to everyone else :heartbounce:
Note: All pixels credit goes to King-Lulu-Deer and Nerdy-pixel-girl on deviantart

Are you active? – Yes, I log on everyday and try to get roleplays as quickly as possible, especially time sensitive ones. Ever since my hiatus I have been more cautious with how many characters I make and am planning to stay very active on WCO in the future.

Is Palepaw active, and why would she fit this position? – Although not created for the role, Palepaw is my main OC on here since my return. I have been trying to get her out into ShadowClan, and she’s been going on patrols, hosting events, collecting herbs, and doing a lot of training. Pale is a very responsible cat who aspires to be loyal and strong for ShadowClan. She enjoys helping anywhere she can, and would love the world of healing. She is generally a very attentive, determined cat who will never back down on the chance to do something for her clan. Looking for herbs is quite enjoyable for her, and she has an eye for them. She often finds herself picking up small details that others may not, meaning she is able to find out if someone is feeling unwell pretty quickly. Her eye for small details and her passion are both very good factors in healing a cat, and she would never just give up. She’d put a lot of compassion into her training and has no problem with speaking to others. Making others feel at ease and soothed is not a big problem for her as she’s generally a very social, and she really cares about her clanmates. This does not mean she is weak of course. She’d put all her heart into protecting her clan if something does happen.

Why do I fit the role? – Well, while I can’t say I deserve it more than some of the other amazing roleplayers on the site, I’ve been giving a lot of passion to WCO recently. Especially to Palepaw. I love being active with other roleplayers, and the role of a medicine cat apprentice has always been appealing to me. I myself also love learning about new things, such as ways to heal, and would love this opportunity. I would really give my all to this role, and I love ShadowClan and am pretty attached to Palepaw. So I’m not planning to go inactive with her anytime soon. I’d really give my all to this role.

So.. medicine cat apprentice. The fact that she’d ever get a chance at this had not occurred to her before. She respected the medicine cats and their work. Honestly, her dream had always been to become one, but she had pushed that aside because it couldn’t actually be real. With a small dip of her head she positioned herself in front of Lostspark, showing a tiny smile. “Hi! I’m Palepaw.. You probably already know that. So, medicine cat apprentice. I’ve never thought of this as a possible opportunity before, but if I’m going to be honest, it was always my dream. While I aspire to be a strong member of ShadowClan, and want to be good in battle as well, I respect medicine cats a lot. Their work is so detailed and attentive.. I think I would really fit that role.”

“I pay attention to even the smallest details, along with picking up on new information quickly. With my mentor, Batflight, I’ve done a lot of training considering I have only been an apprentice for one moon. Now, you might wonder why I think I deserve this role. Of course, there’s so many other ShadowClan apprentices that would want this just as much as me – what makes me stand out? Maybe everyone is going to say something similar, but I guess it’s worth a shot.”

“In such a short time period of being an apprentice, I think I have done a lot for ShadowClan. I’ve been on two patrols already – one assigned by you, and if I recall correctly, there weren’t many reporting in on time – I’ve done stealth, hunting, swimming, and I’m working on the battle.. I believe I really have an eye for herbs. An example of this would be when I went with Bitterbane to look for moss. She didn’t seem so thoughtful about our search, so I decided to think outside of the box, and we ended up finding plenty of moss. I don’t know if this helps with the decision or anything, but I thought I’d point it out.”

“I’m really passionate, and I try to help out wherever I can. I have no problem talking to perhaps an insecure kit, or a hurt warrior, and I can soothe them while also concentrating on healing them. I’m active, try to do whatever I can, always give my all when I do something.. So yeah, I really hope you consider me when making this decision. Sorry if that was a lot of rambling, but I thought I’d get as much information out as possible! Thank you for your time, Lostspark. I hope.. We can see each other again soon, maybe with me as your little helper.”
With a twitch of her whiskers and another respectful dip of her head, the calico she-cat exited the medicine cat’s den.

Here are two roleplay examples of Palepaw as a MCA. The first one is with her knowing herbs, and in the second once she only knows the basics (cobwebs, etc.) and is trying her best to be helpful in some way.
Name of (NPC) character – Jaggedfrost
Overview of Injury – A torn claw, a big cut over his back and a torn ear.

Palepaw’s bright blue eyes widened as she saw a tomcat limp into the medicine cats den. The small molly rushed to her paws. Seeing the blood, she quickly grabbed some cobwebs and made her way over to the warrior. “Lostspark?” she called into the clearing, but soon came to the conclusion that the medicine cat was out in the territory or something. Sighing, she moved over to the warrior and surveyed his body. Oh no, this wasn’t good.. so much blood and a yucky smell that wasn’t from a cat..

“Jaggedfrost? What happened?” After he gave her a little explanation and told her he’d been attacked by a badger, she began applying the cobwebs to his cut. He winced as she did her work, but Palepaw made sure to keep going. There was a lot of blood, she couldn’t let him bleed out... After the main cut was covered in cobwebs she looked at his other injuries, sighing as the torn ear came into sight. That looked painful. “It will be alright, I’ll get that fixed!” she mewed with determination in her voice.

Of course the calico molly was so lucky that exactly in the moment someone needed healing, Lostspark was out in the territory.. Okay, well, this was her job now, and she could prove that she deserved it. She knew most herbs, so this shouldn’t be too hard. Palepaw wrapped some more cobwebs around the torn ear and claw before heading to the herb storage, aquamarine orbs scanning for the correct ones. Burdock root, cures infections.. Comfrey, soothes wounds.. Poppy seeds, ease pain.. The shecat quickly grabbed the three herbs, returning to Jaggedfrost and taking a deep breath. She needed to think straight, heal this cat..

First, she directed her attention towards the big cut. Carefully Palepaw lifted the cobwebs and applied some burdock, along with comfrey she had previously chewed into a poultice. After that was out of the way, she took a step back and pushed the poppy seeds towards Jaggedfrost. “Eat that, it will help with the pain and stress,” she mewed with a quick nod to the warrior. Then, she continued her job by slightly lifting the two other cobwebs from the wounds, also applying comfrey poultice and burdock. Yeah.. that should be fine. Offering the warrior a reassuring smile, she surveyed his body. He was already half asleep, and it looked like the herbs she’d applied were doing their jobs. Hopefully Lostspark would be satisfied with her work when she came back!
Palepaw gasped a little as she saw a warrior limp into the medicine cats den. He was bleeding a lot and seemed pretty taken aback. She quickly grabbed some cobwebs and then made her way over to him, surveying his injuries. A torn claw, ear, and a big cut.. and she had no idea what to do! “Uh.. it’s gonna be fine! I’ll fix this.. promise..” she mewed, wrapping the cobwebs around his torn ear. However, as she was doing that, she noticed the cut was bleeding way too much for it too be good. She should probably get to that first. With a determined nod she began wrapping the cobwebs around it, not stopping when the blood splattered across her paws.

She took a deep breath, calming herself down a bit and finishing with wrapping the big cut. The blood had stopped flowing so rapidly, instead soaking the cobwebs. Palepaw was glad that cobwebs were common knowledge, because otherwise Jaggedfrost would be bleeding to death right now. The calico continued carefully wrapping the cobwebs, this time around the torn claw and ear. Then she stepped back, heaving a little sigh. “I’m sorry, I can’t do much more. I tried my best, just get some rest now and tell me if you need anything alright? I can get you prey, water, whatever. Lostspark will know more when she’s back but this should stop the bleeding for now.”

While she wasn’t completely happy with her work and her ability to help this warrior, she knew she did everything in her power and now all she could do was wait for her mentor to come back and take care of this.
Palepaw’s head tilted and her eyes widened in shock as a young apprentice entered the medicine cat’s den, carried by a giant warrior. She hurried over, brows furrowing at the extent of the wounds. Oh no.. there was a giant bite, the right front leg looked displace and the tail broken.. “Oh my gosh. I’ll get some herbs real quick before asking what happened,” she mewed with a nod to the warrior. The apprentice, who she recognized as Bluepaw (NPC character), appeared to be unconcious. She headed into the herb storage, her aquamarine orbs hastily scanning the assortion of plants. Borage leaves for the bite.. some cobwebs for the blood.. some poppy seeds incase Bluepaw did end up awakening.. That was all, as far as she knew. Hastily she made her way back to the hurt apprentice, gently prodding her leg with her paw. “Oh, that’s definitely displaced.” Her gaze turned to the warrior, Kestrelstorm (NPC character), and she shoved the poppy seeds toward him. “Can you stay with Bluepaw, and if she wakes up, offer her these? It might be painful for her.”

She first started with applying the burdock root, carefully spreading it across the bite. Then, she grabbed the cobwebs that were wrapped up on a stick and wrapped one around Bluepaw’s body. Okay, it was stopping the bleeding, and the burdock should prevent infection.. Palepaw cautiously licked the apprentices body, cleaning it from any blood and making sure there were no hiden wounds. It was working well so far. She turned her attention to the leg, grabbing it with both her front paws, and.. crack. The calico winced slightly as the bone snapped back into place. It appeared that the impact had woken Bluepaw up, who was now yowling in pain. “Bluepaw.. it’s gonna be okay! Kestrelstorm will give you poppy seeds and I’ll heal you. Everything will be alright, trust me!” She watched the warrior feed Bluepaw the poppy seeds, making sure the effect had lessened the pain before she got back to work.

Oh no, the tail was completely broken.. “I’ll be right back, getting some comfrey. This may be very painful.. Bluepaw, please stay still or it will be worse, okay?” With a quick nod to the apprentice she padded into the herb storage, retrieving some comfrey and chewing it into a poultice. Then she began to apply it to the tail, heaving a little sigh before she got to work. While it wasn’t enjoyable to do this, she knew she needed to in order to help her clanmates, and knowing it would heal Bluepaw she’d gladly do it again. As long as her clan was healthy and she was being helpful.. She carefully took the tail into her paws, staring at Bluepaw to see her reaction. As the apprentice flinched, she instead looked at Kestrelwing. “Give her another poppy seed to sedate her completely, or this will be too much of a struggle.”

Time to get to work. Once the sedation of the seeds had set in the began putting the broken bones back in place. They each made a cracking noise, and Bluepaw, even in her unconcious state, instinctively flinched. Okay, it was going fine so far.. once that was done, she grabbed some grass to wrap it around the tail, making sure to keep the broken, weak bones in place. “This should be fine.. I’ll stay with her until she wakes up, it will take at least 3 moons to recover. Um, Kestrelwing, you can leave if you’d like. Bluepaw just needs rest and will be spending some time in the medicine cat’s den. When Lostspark returns, I’m sure she’ll be able to assess the situation as well. Thank you for your help,” she mewed with a tiny smile to the warrior. Then, she curled up and rested her head on her paws, making sure to keep her blue gaze focused on Bluepaw.

When the apprentice awakened, Palepaw gently grinned at her. She was trying to make her feel better and more comfortable. “Hey, you’re awake. So basically, your bite shouldn’t get infected, I put the displaced leg back in its right place, the tail is broken but the bones should be in the right place now. This will all take a while to heal, and it might be some time before you can put pressure on your leg. If there’s some kind of swelling tell me or Lostspark immediately, and you’ll have to spend some time in the medicine cat’s den,” she explained. “How do you feel?”

“Oh, uh, better.. I think I.. should be fine. Yeah, it doesn’t that much anymore..” However, as Bluepaw shifted and there was a cracking noise in her tail, Palepaw could practically feel the pain. “Don’t move your tail, Bluepaw.. wait, I’m gonna have to check if something broke again.” She rushed into the herb storage and grabbed some poppy seeds, giving one to the apprentice. “For now I’m just checking, so it shouldn’t be too painful. Don’t move, please, it will make things worse.” Eyes squinted in determination, she moved some of the grass aside and began prodding the tail with her paw. Uh-oh, one of the bones had been moved back into its broken state.

“This will be quick, Bluepaw! Be prepared for a little pain.” CRACK. With that the bone had shifted back into its place and Palepaw covered it with grass again. Hm.. this wouldn’t work. She hurried back into the herb storage, looking for one thing.. yep, there it was! One of the sticks that had formerly held cobwebs. She grabbed it and made her way back to the injured apprentice, surveying her tail with a frown. “I’m gonna put the stick here to sorta hold up the tail, so that it doesn’t break again. Not sure if this is right but Lostspark will know when she’s back!” She gave Bluepaw an encouraging smile and pushed the grass aside.

Then, she softly lifted the tail and placed the stick under it, wrapping grass around it to keep it in place. “You’re good now! Just rest, don’t move too much, and it should heal. Let me or Lostspark know if you need something.”

[the lights fade out, looks like the scene is over]

Some recent roleplay examples: [x][x][x]

Looking for moss at shadow’s breakhttps://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...20#post1526032
(This shows kind of her critical thinking and attentive mind)
Hunting Patrolhttps://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...74#post1526374
Herb Patrolhttps://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...40#post1531340
Event Participationhttps://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...33#post1526033
Event Hostinghttps://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ad.php?t=77106

Activity – I’m very active on WCO at the moment, especially with Palepaw! Just a quick search through her post history can show how many posts I’ve done with her in such a short time.
Interest – I have always been interested in the role of a medicine cat, because it seems so fun to be learning about herbs both IC and OOC. Reading healing and medicine cat’s den posts has always made me wish I would write those sometime! Palepaw is my main character and very dear to me so she’ll definitely be active around the clan. I find her fun to write and am not losing motivation for her or this role anytime soon if I end up getting chosen.
Reliability – Pale is an extremely helpful, reliable character. She’d never purposefully step a paw out of line to annoy others and always does her best to help. If something is necessary she’ll do it no matter if guided or not, she’s not one of those crazy characters and just wants her clanmates to do well and be healthy.
Communication – I’m always very willing to communicate! I love chatting with others about plots and ideas, and will never do something irresponsible just out of the blue. If something ever happens I’ll contact you and staff and I will definitely be sharing anything important that’s on my mind! Palepaw is also very good at communicating, she has no problem with talking and telling Lostspark if something is wrong.

Hello! You probably know me already, but I’m celeste and I’ve been on this site since Febuary 2021. Over my time here I’ve gathered many experiences, and I believe it’s time for me to apply for a high rank again!! While I’m still in school I have plently of free time for WCO and if I don’t, I’ll make it to stay active in this lol. I love chatting and plotting, so if I do end up getting picked idm talking and planning a lot. Always open to that :heartbounce: I’m an active presence on here especially with Palepaw, and I always love communicating and reaching out to others! At the start I might be a bit on the held back side, but once I’m comfortable I’ll probably go rambling about plot ideas, just ic stuff, any ideas or questions if that’s what you want! My timezone is CET which means my time schedule might be a bit different but I’m usually online when it’s evening for me and a lot of others on WCO have around lunchtime. I have discord, my DMs are always open, I’m lurking to answer any questions and communciation on WCO through VMs and PMs also shouldn’t be a problem. I am always open to lend a helping hand to anyone around, and am experienced enough to help anyone if they should ever have a question or concern afaik.

So, why should I be trusted with another high rank? Back in 2022, I roleplayed the ShadowClan deputy, Cinderblaze. His activity in the clan was very short lived when I went on a hiatus because it all got too much. Back then I had no idea what I was doing or how I was doing it, I just accepted the role because it was an honour. I didn’t consider my mental health, school, or anything. Then, the stress got too much and just dumped on me all at once, so I had to leave before it got any worse.

Now I’m back from a year (?) long hiatus, ready to go! This time I’m making sure to limit myself, not take on anything I’m not comfortable with, and not make too many characters. Ever since I joined WCO, medicine cat has been my absolute dream rank. And when I say dream rank, I mean it. Deputy was nice and all and I had my fun, but in the end, it wasn’t what I needed or was happy with. I’m not saying that I am not grateful for everything and all the opportunities back then, simply that now I’m back and much more mindful. I won’t go on a hiatus anytime soon and in the unlikely case that does happen I’ll notify at least a month prior. Which isn’t going to happen unless there’s an extreme emergency. I would shelve all my other characters so that I can stay active with Pale in this position.

When it comes to blood, gore, and kitting I don’t really have any boundaries. I don’t mind participating in really gory roleplays, mental struggle roleplays, or detailed kitting rps. As long as it’s not like, completely excessive and against the guidelines, I should be fine with everything. Palepaw will also help with everything no matter the situation, because she can’t stand seeing someone in pain without being able to help them. So yeah, you won’t have any problems with me being too uncomfortable to take on roleplays, I’m honestly open to everything. As long as I’m given something to work with my roleplaying style is usually at least one long paragraph, preferably more unless I don’t have the time/a headache. I try to write at least 2-3 paragraphs, and if there’s enough of the prompt, Palepaw usually writes herself for me. As far as I’m concerned at the moment, I won’t have a sudden drop of motivation to rp pale, and if I do I’ll overcome it and continue.

I would be thrilled to have a chance at being a MCA. I know it’s something I won’t lose interest in sometime soon, as it has always been my dream and I know I enjoy it/am “good” at it. I won’t go inactive anytime soon and I’d give my all to this role, Palepaw would too. I am very thankful for the opportunity to apply to this as being a MCA has been my dream ever since I joined the site, there was just never a chance for it. Even if I don’t get chosen I’m happy I got to write this application. Everyone on here is amazing and has wonderful OCs and they deserve it so much <33

Soo I’m seeing all these super detailed long applications, but idk what else to add here and I don’t want to make it too long/clustered so I hope this is fine, along with her roleplay experience/contribution, for a good application :heartbounce: Might not be my best but this was like the worst time to write up an application for me with constant headaches due to two exam weeks :rofl:

I have been a high rank before – True

I have been a medicine cat / mca before – False

MCA / MC is my dream rank – True

I am willing to be really active with Palepaw – True

I am willing to commit myself to this ooc – True

I am able to communicate my thoughts and opinions – True

Pale would keep silent if something important / dangerous happens – False

Pale was made for this role – False! However I’m applying for this because I think she’d do well on it and I am also interested :heartbounce:

Pale is an active presence who has done a lot in her 1 moon of apprenticeship – True! She’s only 7 moons and is almost done with all her training requirements except for battle. Pale is also participating in events, patrols, and making sure she does as much for ShadowClan as she can!

Pale will bring chaos and unruliness to the clan – False, she’s always trying to do her best :)

"Palepaw would make a fantastic medicine cat apprentice if given the opportunity. She's eager to learn, taking to new things quickly and being willing to put in extra work (like learning to swim despite it not being a necessary requirement)! Palepaw is curious, always asking questions about whatever she's learning about. She's also very motivated - barely a month into her apprenticeship and she's already completed her stealth and hunting training, as well as a border tour, a patrol, and extra lessons on top of that! I can't think of a better cat for the job."
"Palepaw is a good-natured apprentice who gets the job done. Not only does she possess incredible focus and determination, but she also has a talent for rooting out herbs. Her talents are immensely helpful, and her abilities could greatly serve the clan."
"i think one of her best traits is her positivity and willingness to learn! like with the swimming and stuff, she always wants to know more. and i think she'd be a reliable med cat."
"I would say it's because she's less likely to poison annoying cats than some shadowclanners"
"I see Palepaw as a very trustworthy shecat, who will always be there for her close ones or anyone who may be in danger, need help, etc. She is always enthusiastic, as well as eager to learn more and improve her skills as a young apprentice. Additionally, you can clearly see that Palepaw works extremely hard and long to become the best version of herself, and correct her mistakes. Although, she is still quite young, Palepaw clearly knows the importance of working together as a team and interacting with others. I think she would do well with this role."
"Pale is just... awesome. They seem like a really good fit, and would be able to adapt to a new role, and would just be a really great medicine cat overall !!"

elaif January 23rd, 2024 02:12 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
Good luck kids

silver. January 23rd, 2024 02:23 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications
good luck everyone !!! :heartbounce:

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