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Dolomedes March 4th, 2024 09:28 PM

The Nameless Training [P]
Trigger Warnings: Physical abuse (training but highly unmatched and unfair so its basically abuse), verbal abuse, abusive parents, child neglect, child injury, bad thoughts.

Follow up: This isn't as bad as the warnings make it put to be as most of those have minor descriptions or are only implied but I don't want anyone getting hurt. If you feel I am missing any let me know and I will immediately fix it o7

The Nameless
He/him | Loner | Moons 3 | No purrks

"Get up, now." The harsh bark echoed in his ringing ears as his father roughly cuffed his ears again with claws unsheathed. The nameless, with exhausted and burning limbs, stumbled but managed to get his paws beneath. The world spun around him a few moments and he could feel the world swaying dangerously around him, readjusting his paws, his yellow eyes met father's cold brown ones, "You'll never make it out there if this is the best you can do."

This, as father referred to it, was the nameless's most recent battle training, he had no mentor guest today so it was father's turn to step up and fill the space this time. The littler tom wasn't allowed to have any breaks, at least one session of battle training a day this week as decided by his mother. Next week it was daily hunting lessons, the nameless always preferred hunting lessons, they always hurt less than battle training. Pain bloomed in his legs and side as he was knocked over again, landing on the stone floor of the housefolk's alleys with a thud.

"I was-" The nameless coughed, wheezing as the air had been knocked out of him just as his paws from under him were, "I wasn't ready."

Immediately, the nameless regretted speaking and his oversized ears pinned against his skull and the feline was scrambling back as much as he could on aching legs. Father was approaching and his eyes were narrowed, claws dragging across the stone, little scratches trailing the other's heavy pawsteps. The nameless cowered, the only part of him that was curled up in a little ball was his muzzle, he didn't want to get in trouble for breaking eye contact and being impolite.

"Listen, brat, perhaps we've been too kind to you lately if you are starting to act spoiled and talk back. You are not staying with us tonight. Meet me here tomorrow by," Father spoke in the 'say a word and I'll show you hurt' tone, his eyes moving from their unblinking glare on the nameless to the sky for a brief moment before continuing his dangerous mew, "Sun down, tomorrow. If I see you around here, at all, before then, you will be sorry."

With that his father backed away from looming over the cowering kit and stalked down the alley towards the exit without another word or glance back. The nameless sat there for a while, trying to get his bearings together as he tried to process through what was said to him that the fear was making fuzzy. Leave. The nameless needed to leave, now. The tiny tom once more stumbled to his paws, dropping to the floor after standing for a few moments and then trying again more successfully this time.

Slowly, leaning on all sorts of housefolk things as he made his way from the alley and into the rest of the horrid place, the nameless looked around through fuzzy vision looking for a place to stay for the night. Looking over his shoulder, a change of mind came suddenly, it was still much too close to where father hangs around. The threat from moments ago remained tormenting in his mind as the kit continued down the stone paths that lined the rumblers' trails. Housefolk nests came and went and strangely enough after walking long enough, the nameless found that the dens eventually came to an end.

The territory wasn't super open but there was more grass and greenery than than the kit had ever seen before, having grown up in the housefolk place. The feline took a hesitant step out onto the grass and found himself smiling despite the aches and pains that rest bone-deep in his body. It was cool, springy, and nice underneath his paws and the kit stepped fully out onto the grass. Trees were in the distance. His tummy rumbled as the scents of fresh life, plants, and freedom washed over him, alongside the scent of something that was vaguely enough similar to rats.

The nameless was used to rats and birds as his mine source of food, he hasn't had the chance to really try anything else as most prey that he is taught about wasn't found in the housefolk place. The feline padded across the grassy plain and into the forest. The scents of everything increased and the kit found himself actually enjoying himself for once, though at the same time guilt tumbled up his throat and filled his belly like bile. He shouldn't think such bad things, he was happy at home. Sometimes his parents and mentors were a bit strict but that was necessary, they did it because they wanted the nameless to be as ready as possible when he was older! They loved him to much to let him fail, like mother said, most mothers and fathers failed their kittens. He was lucky to have such loving parents.

"Maybeeeeee....If I catch something special for mother and father they would be proud of me?" The kitten wondered aloud to himself, ignoring the way it hurt to use his voice, often only giving short answers in response to questions and sometimes longer answers for more knowledge based lessons. Though its been a while since any non-physical lessons lately, well maybe they would get more soon. The kit looked through the forest, huge ears pricked and his mouth hanging open to drink in scents more clearing as he was instructed to do by one for his past mentors.

The similar-to-rat scent hit his senses again and the nameless paused in his pawsteps, closing his eyes as he thought through the scent. It smelt...almost more real than the rats in the housefolk place, the kit found himself thinking curiously. Cleaner and more earth-like. With that in mind the kit briefly raised his ears to their full height, twisting and turning them every which way to try and narrow down where the creature-prey was. There! The nameless's ears were pointed to the left and the kit lowered to the floor, lowering his ears and tail as he slowly started to stalk forward.

Keep your paw steps even, watch your tail, find the likely path your prey will take when startled. Old memories of one of his hunting mentors filled the tom's eyes as he continued to slowly move forward through the grass slowly. Eventually, the little animal came into sight and the kitten stopped slowly. It was similar to a rat in looks as well, though it was smaller, and it had a different muzzle and eyes. It looked thinner as well. The creature was in a patch of tall grass, nibbling away at something that the nameless couldn't quite make out.

The forest was very open, the nameless realized as he looked for different pathways the mouse could take if it were startled. The tom narrowed his eyes at the creature, that just meant he needed to be careful about this. The nameless moved forward as he had been, paws even; Tails and ears down; Jaw hanging slightly; Eyes hyper focused on the prey in sight.

A sudden noise, a twig snap as the kit would realized in just a few moments, and the mouse shot away from the place it had been standing. The nameless scrambled at the sudden movement and quickly attempted to give chase but failed miserably as the mouse got away in seconds. Hmph, he sat back on his haunches as he stared the direction the mouse ran off in and disappeared. Well, he had plenty of more time to figure this out. What went wrong? That's where you start when you make a mistake.

The nameless got a scent rail, found the prey, approached the prey, when in close proximity the mouse suddenly bolted. Hmmm...the kit narrowed his yellow eyes and looked back to where he had been, looking around the space. Oh! There was a twig, about the size of his tail originally, that had been snapped. Had he done that? It was likely that the nameless was so focused he wasn't watching his paws. Well, he'll find more prey and start again, watching his paws this time.

So the feline went padding as quietly as he could through the enviroment that had many, many more noisy things under paw than the housefolk place for sure, the kit observed before suddenly that now recognizably not-rat scent hit his noise again after the sun had moved a tail length. Yes! The kit immediately crouched down, running through what he had done right before and the creature came into view again. It was rummaging in some forest floor plant stuff and had its back turned to him.

This time, watching where he put his paws, the kit approached the creature. One step, two step, three step...four. He was so close he could almost taste the little creature's flesh through only its scent. Shifting to put more power into his haunches, the tom sprung, over estimating his distance and missed the mouse by a tail length. This time he was a bit more ready for a mistake and shot a paw out, swiping the rat-thing and it went tumbling into the floor. It had started to scramble away but was dazed enough for the kit to catch and kill.

Pride filled his chest, enough purring filling his body to make it feel like his was buzzing and he could hardly carry his catch away. His tummy rumbled as the metallic taste of flesh and blood flooded his tongue. The kit's too big fang teeth digging into the not-rat. As much as he wanted to eat the prey he would keep it to show mother and father tomorrow instead. Maybe he could catch something else for the nameless though. He would need to find a spot for the not-rat first. Can't find anything when everything smelt like blood.

A tree came into view in perfect timing, it had a hollow trunk that would make for a brilliant spot for hiding his not-rat. The kit smiled around the mouse awkwardly but he didn't and with a tail sway made his way over. It was easy to dig a little divot in the soil in the tree hollow and bury the prey. Now, the kit turned away after making sure the prey was thoroughly hidden and walked a few paces away so he wouldn't mistake his kill for new prey and began his search for food for himself.

Nameless wasn't able to catch anything else for himself but refused to eat the not-rat, determined to show his parents and hopefully gain their approval. They did not care about the catch.

( I am not rereading or editing this, sorry, I am very lazy lol. Anyways first of many solo training posts for Nameless (most likely))

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