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Old May 17th, 2021, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Joining and Rejoining

Originally Posted by ChillCat View Post
Wonder had been wandering around until very strong scent markers hit his nose. Oh dear, someone's territory is here. They wouldn't be very happy if I just ignored the markers. Wonder padded away, to just before the border, and sat down to take a rest and try to make a memory surface.

No such luck. The only thing Wonder remembered was his age, (9 moons) that he had a family, (but who they were was a mystery) and the word 'Thunderclan.' Trying to ask the rogues and loners on his journey to find this mysterious Thunderclan hadn't yielded many results. And Wonder's slightly garbled speech hadn't helped matters.

The scent markers were of many cats, renewed over and over. Definitely an organized group, if they could regularly patrol like this. Maybe they know who or what Thunderclan is! They would wait until someone showed up for them to ask. Just walking over the scent markers would be very rude, and cats being angry at them would mean they wouldn't want to listen to his questions.

The cut over their eye wasn't doing great, but it could probably wait. Maybe. Wonder had no knowledge of medicine. The impact wound had most likely been the injury that cost them their memory, so it could be very serious. But who knows. Not me. I just hope it's not infected. Wonder cleaned the weeping wound again as best he could.

The leader was silent as he padded through the forest, a vole clutched tightly in his jaws. It was a nice day out; not to hot, but not too cold either. Light blue eyes drifted up to gaze at the sky, noting the lack of clouds crowding the vast sea of blue. It wouldnt rain for at least a day or two, he assumed. As he approached the border that separated clan territory from outsiders, he dropped the prey and buried it by the base of an oak tree.

Sniffing the air, he noticed the tang of an infected wound. Though he wasnt a medicine cat, he had been around long enough to know how one smells. Eveningstars nose scrunched up before he began to trace the scent, his curiosity piqued. Whoever it was, it didnt seem like they were all that far away. The scent was coming from a cat, that much he could tell, but anything more than that was unknown.

Pushing through the final bush, he caught sight of the loner. Thankfully he wasnt on Thunderclans territory, so nothing needed to be said there. Still, he had to admit, he was rather curious. "Greetings. Might I ask, what exactly are you doing by our border?" he asked, padding over and taking a seat at the edge of the scent markers. The cat looked relatively young, and he didnt seem to be hostile, so Eveningstar wasnt all that worried. Still, just in case the cats demeanor changed, he was ready to leap up and out of the way at any moment.

Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Clan territory,not windclan tho. tsk, this is different tho. It's one of those little kitty clans,just not the one looking for. That walking dead shecat from windclan told me to leave,how funny. Eren snarled as flicked his nicked ear. The huge fluffy cream and brown tabby tom padded farther into thunderclan territory.
Disgusting,it's dead filthy here. At least windclan had some open grass,Ha their whole territory is just flat grass a few hills here and there. But this is just trees,stars forbid a cat fall. HA!
He mewed outloud,laughing at the thought of these smaller cat falling from a tree and breaking a leg. They are cry when someone dies,embarrassing. It's humiliating! Oh no my old crusty mother dies because she was old,boowho. the large tom smiled as he spoke in his head.

Nicked ears perked as the sound of an unfamiliar mew reached him, stealing the leaders attention away from the prey he was stalking. He didnt really have any choice though; the laughter and noise made by the stranger had already scared off the rodent. Eveningstar frowned to himself, mildly irritated by the loss. The smell that eventually wafted over to him made it clear that he was dealing with a loner, and that certainly wouldnt do.

Turning his head to face the direction the sounds came from, he began slowly stalking his way over. Large paws silently carried him through the forest, his past in Shadowclan certainly lending a hand in keeping him hidden. Whoever it was, they had no place on Thunderclan territory.

Light blue eyes peered out from between some tightly packed bushed, examining the tom before him. He was large, that was for sure, but he didnt seem all that smart. Well, unless this was all some sort of act. Eveningstar pursed his lips before stepping out into the open, his shoulders squared and his head held high. He was a bit taller than the loner, which would surely aid him a bit.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on Thunderclan territory?" he mewed, his voice stern and clear.

Originally Posted by spade View Post

As the cardboard box hit the ground, the bottom corners crinkled in, giving it a more deflated look than it already had. Its worn sides had a few holes poked in it, and the top had been ripped open. A rather sweet, pungent smell wafted from it, almost like a perfume of sorts. From the outside looking in, it was just another box - tattered and falling apart in various spots.

Slowly, it was abandoned, the footsteps of two tall giants walking away. A sputter, then a roar, and soon it was just the box, left haphazardly on the side of the road.

From within the dimness, a quiet mewling was heard. Soft at first, then growing louder. Soon the box even began to move! First a bit to the right, then to the left, finally giving way and falling onto it's side. Out tumbled a rather tiny young kit, somersaulting away from her captive holding place through the rough grass and stopping just short of a rather scraggly looking bush. With each roll, the pink collar strapped around her neck let out a little ring from its bell.


Head spinning, the young molly took a paw to rub the top of it, also adjusting the bow that had gone from the middle of her head to more so the side. A small pounding echoed throughout her ears and she let out a soft cry, tears springing to her deep blue eyes. It hurt... everything was so much! The sunlight felt too bright and the noises felt too loud and she felt too small!

"Where... mama?" Like a little bell, her question danced from her lips into the air, though it was met with no answer. Beside her, the ground started to shake a bit, vibrating her from paws to tail tip. "What that?" Curious, the young kitten scrambled up from her seated position towards the black stretch of land, squeaking as the rumbling got louder. The little bell made a quiet jingle with each step. Stepping one paw in front of the other onto the road, a distant figure could be seen moving towards her.

Eyes lit up in surprise, and the young kit started bouncing up and down. She didn't know what it was, but it looked fun! Maybe that was mama?

// @Jackpot

For whatever reason, he had decided to check out the territories just beyond his own. Twolegs had left there mark on most of the land past the border, but the leader was still interested in seeing if there was anything useful out there. While Eveningstar didnt exactly expect to find much, it would at least be worth a try.

The huge tom tensed as a monster flew by him, its giant paws screeching over the thunderpath in front of him. The dull thump of an unknown object registered just after, his ears perking as his gaze drifted in the direction of the noise.

The first thing he saw outside of the normal scenery around him was a small white kit, stumbling along the thunderpath, and the monster that was quickly hurtling towards her. Eveningstars eyes blew wide open in shock, his pace speeding up into a sprint. "Watch out!" his voice just barely rose above the roar of the monster, his paws not moving fast enough to beat it to her.

Originally Posted by distant cry View Post
// this is the joining and rejoining thing right? w e l p if not imma be paranoid for the rest of my life-. imma clueless person. if i dont die of embarresment soon ill be shook\\

jay patch padded along the forest, lashing his head every time he heard a sound-. ¨where is this ro- grou- CLAN- thingy? sun said they would be around here somewhere-...¨"he sighed and settled into the soft grass, annoyed by the strange scent that filled the air. he glared up at the bright sun and the clouds and smiled. he rose to his feet as he scented a mouse, he searched the forest for the small rodent and picked it up, crushing it, then growled. ´¨how do clan cats survive off these puny things. he found a shaded spot under a tree and settled in, and ate his prey.


The familiar tang of freshly killed prey made its way over to the leader, his ears perking in curiosity. He didnt remember sending a patrol out this way. Maybe it was just a warrior hunting on their own? Well, whatever it was, he began to make his way over to when the scent came from. As he padded through the forest, he realized that the border separating Thunderclan territory from the outsiders was just mere foxlengths away.

Speeding up slightly, Eveningstar pushed through a final clump of foliage to lay eyes upon a loner and a freshly killed mouse. Frowning to himelf, the leader stepped forwards to make himself known, "What are you doing here? You have no right to be hunting on Thunderclan territory" he asked, light blue eyes narrowing at the stranger.

base credits go to Chuwigirls on DA!

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