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Old July 4th, 2021, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: Zee's Custom Character Creator

Originally Posted by LeafĂ­ View Post
Desired Package: wolf package
Have a Name Picked Out? HMmmMm, sUpRisE mE
Character Age & Rank: erm warrior age??
Character Faction: any
Any Other Details? Nope
Mention Me: @OhZeeWolf


Name: Blackthorn
Breeds: Bengal, Siamese, Oriental Shorthair, Bombay, Egyptian Mau
Age: 39 moons
Assigned @Birth: Male
Gender Identity: Male
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Birthday: April 12, 2018
Astrological Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Earth Dog

Name Analysis
Blackkit was named initially for his appearance by his reluctant adoptive father Tideclaw since his coat color is predominately black. Tideclaw named each one of his siblings after their pelt colors, not caring to give them anything unique. When Blackthorn became a Warrior, the Clan Leader named him after his disposition. Blackthorn is a strong-but-silent type who seems prickly on the exterior, but the difficultly of getting on his good side is well worth his friendship.

Birthday Analysis
Blackthorn is an Aries. Like many Aries, he is organized, direct, and doesn't like to settle. He was born in the Year of the Dog which aligns with his staunch loyalty to his faction, ThunderClan. While Aries is a Fire sign, Earth, is most present in the year 2018. Earth and Fire complement Blackthorn's personality well in that he is responsive and loyal but also grounded and prepared.


IRL Reference Photo

While very average-sized, Blackthorn makes up for this with a distinct appearance. He is a dark cat because of his Bombay lineage, and the Egyptian Mau and Bengal in him make themselves apparent when considering his leopard-like markings. He has piercing yellow eyes and is relatively unscarred as while he has combat training he hasn't yet fought in any major battles. Blackthorn is a polydactyl with two extra toes on each paw.

Fur Color: Black Bengal
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Length: Short
Tail Length: Long
Ears: Average, Pointed
Height: 11 inches/27.9 cm (average)
Weight: 9.2 lbs/4.2 kg (average)


Positive Trait Summary: Trustworthy, Altruistic, Organized, Calculating
Negative Trait Summary: Cold, Aloof, Rude
MBTI: ISFJ (Famous ISFJs include Mother Teresa, Beyonce, and King George VI)

Blackthorn can be hard to get to know since getting along with him means cracking a very well-protected shell. Because of his traumatic youth, Blackthorn does very well guarding his heart from anyone who might hurt him. However he is actually quite caring deep down and this is clear to those who know him better. Blackthorn does not gossip and dislikes hearing cats talk about others. Instead, he is one of the best cats to trust with a secret and will lock it away with care. He is thoroughly organized and has a structured schedule for every day.

Likes: Alone Time, Swimming, Early Mornings, Training, Predictability
Dislikes: Spontaneous Change, Personal Questions, Small Spaces
Best Skill: Combat
Worst Skill: Climbing
Fighting Style: Honorable (fights 1v1 and doesn't play dirty), Offensive (tends to attack first)
Favorite Prey: Robin
Favorite Season: Leaf-fall
Favorite Plant: Catmint
Looks for in a Friend: Honesty, Good Organization, Predictability
Fears: Severe Claustrophobia
Aspirations: to Serve ThunderClan Well

He hates bad weather, especially hail, and often stays inside when it's bad out, he doesn't like getting wet, he doesn't like drawing blood during fights because he thinks it's unsanitary, and he thinks he is very good at hiding but is actually quite easy to see unless he's blended into shadows.

Born to a sickly mother who died shortly after kitting and an absentee father, ThunderClan's Leader entrusted Tideclaw, a harsh but dignified Warrior, with the rearing of Blackkit and his young siblings. Tideclaw did not let his kits show emotion, calling crying a display of weakness and preferring all his adopted children put on the same face for every occasion. This caused severe issues with Blackkit and his siblings since they bottled up their emotions to please Tideclaw. As Blackkit grew older he realized how unhealthy this was and began to pour out his feelings at the grave site of the mother he never knew. Blackthorn was a dutiful Apprentice and was promoted to the rank of Warrior early for exemplary service to ThunderClan and maturity beyond his years. Currently 39 moons old, Blackthorn takes on an Apprentice of his own and hopes to pass on all he knows, including that showing one's emotions is a sign of strength.

Relationship Ideas: Siblings, Apprentice(s), Biological Father, Best Friend/Crush


1) Blackthorn finds talking to his best friend difficult after developing a crush on them. Even though he's been close to them for a while, he is confused by the feeling and doesn't know how to go about it.

2) After years of absence, Blackthorn's biological father tries to force himself back into his life.

3) Blackthorn loses a sibling to the conflict with RiverClan, angering him and forcing him into a downward spiral. This episode causes him to be more easily manipulated by those around him and question his loyalty to ThunderClan.
After her resurrection from the Dark Forest, Whitewolf has not been the same. This once loyal and honorable senior Warrior is now back with a vendetta--be aware that any new interactions with her will likely reflect a hostile and/or dangerous mentality.

Please note that Tigerpaw's racist, homophobic, transphobic, and ableist opinions do not reflect my own. Be aware her views are very bigoted before requesting roleplay with her.

Oz/Ozzie/Zee - Any Pronouns - Los Angeles, CA
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Last edited by Zee; July 4th, 2021 at 09:19 AM.
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