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Old August 20th, 2021, 01:26 PM
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Singing Jay Singing Jay is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Gender: BIRD!!!! (she, her)
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

(Shadestripes name was changed to Shadestorm)
Finally! This was a moment Shadestorm had
been both hoping and waiting for. With the exception
of the weak Windclan molly he'd killed the other day he
hadn't gotten to sink his claws into and opponent in a good
while and was more then happy for the opportunity. He would
also be able to kill two cats with one slash so to speak by
hopefully impressing Dawnstar a little.

With swift leaps he followed after his grate leader, excitement
pulsing though his veins and he tried to walk right behind her,
showing that-
'This is a stepping stone to it...' the voice mumbled in his head,
interrupting his thoughts. 'To what' he snorted back to her without
words, annoyed the she always had to be in the way. 'A stepping stone
to becoming deputy, impress her now and she'll hopefully remember that, let
her down and she'll remember that two... Just not in a good way...

"Tell me something I don't know" Shadestorm mumbled to him self, out
loud this time. He sighed, the voice had ruined the moment a little but only a little,
there was still time to make this day grate! He thought and straitened up a little more.

"Time to go kill some bunnies!"

- Credit to here for the pfp -

You don't have to ask permission to have crushes on/attack my OCs as long as you don't powerplay

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