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Old November 13th, 2021, 06:24 PM
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Toodle Toodle is offline
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Default Re: Whispering Wetlands

Gingercry smiled as the apprentice seemed to pick up at his comment. He laughed lightly. "Eh, let the mothers have a bad name brought on them. You and I have that in common. Unless mine's in Starclan, then she'd never know either."

Gingercry picked up his pace to keep up with the younger cat. He let the thought sink in. It upset the senior warrior that so many warriors nowadays were slacking so bad on their mentoring. It used to be such a sense of pride to have and train an apprentice, it was a privilege. Nowadays it seemed so many took it as a chore that they could just avoid and the young cats of the clan suffered for it. What a shame. If he didn't have two of his own apprentices he may have offered to take on some of the apprentice's training. "Well, if you ever want to join some training sessions with my apprentices then you are more than welcome." He paused to mark a low frond then continued forward.
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