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Old November 21st, 2021, 03:50 AM
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Singing Jay Singing Jay is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

@Undertaker @Rani @paradise @spade | Sorry for the wait |

~ Shadestorm

Shadestorm could clearly feel the dog's gaze burn into his side but wasn't planning on giving the dump thing the satisfaction of reacting. Grimhound had always been a little annoying, could have some dry humored jokes at others' expense but he had become a thorn in the Shadestorm's side ever since his promotion to deputy.

Neither of them seemed to have told Dawnstar about their... patrol argument. Shadestorm hadn't told her himself partly out of lack of time and partly just because he didn't really feel like telling the leader he already wasn't on perfect terms with that he had snapped. Of course Grimhound had been the one who was in the wrong to disobey him like that but still. Then again telling her before the dog did might be best, to avoid that she got the wrong idea about what had happened.

But as much as he disliked the dog... Redshrike might be even worse to be around. Not because the young cat was annoying like Grimhound... but because his and Shadestorm history... The deputy had never been super close with his family but his cousin was a completely different story. Their relationship was strained to say the least....

But that wasn't what they were here for. Dawnstar had called them in here for a different mater, foxes it seemed. The deputy staid quiet while she talked about the family hunt thing, something he highly doubted he'd be apart of. He wasn't a part of her so called family like his cousin and the dog were. But he did make a mental note to bring back some foxes if he manged to find one. His ears pricked however when his leader mentioned some plan Redshrike seemed to have.

While he listened the name Addersnow made his icy eyes narrow. Elmshadows report after the patrol with the two had been... concerning to say the least. The deputy had never liked rouges pouting his great clan and while he agreed that she seemed like a good fighter... in the report he had received it had been pointed out that her motivations were suspicious to quote Elmshadow directly. The rest of Redshrike's plan made the deputy grin a little to himself. As distant as he was with his cousin he had to admit the young cat was clever, not to mention his responses to Grimhound's annoying stuff were small nuggets of satisfaction to the deputy.

As his cousin finished Shadestorm nodded. "I like that plan. We could hold back for a while and let them get more focused on the "foxes" and then put on more stress to them once we do strike. Maybe let them go on a big patrol after a group of these foxes played by some stealthier of our warriors, letting all their strong fighters leave while the rest of our clan can attack the camp. Another thing we could try is taking some of their kits and hold them hostage. Im not sure who they would react and it might make the other clans too turn on us, but if it works out we could later exchange the kits for a piece of their land for example." It wasn't a perfect plan but it could be a start for something else.

"As for Addersnow. I agree that she seems like a good resource in a battle, and might even come in handy while planing. But a while back I sent her on a patrol." At least she hadn't began to complain like the dog. "It seemed to go fine, but the report I got after it came with the mention that she.. seemed to have her own motives. I don't know of anything that might have happened on the patrol, but I'm personally keeping an close eye on her for the time being." You just couldn't trust rouges now could you.


- Credit to here for the pfp -

You don't have to ask permission to have crushes on/attack my OCs as long as you don't powerplay

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