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Old December 12th, 2021, 06:47 AM
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Singing Jay Singing Jay is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

~ Shadestorm | @Undertaker @Rani | Sorry for the long wait, I know things are already in motion but though I'd reply encase this is still going |

The large deputy was very gland the thorn in his side named Grimhound left. Not like the dog would have contributed to their plans anyway. As for the other things that came up in conversation Shadestorm didn't like Badgerscar all that much either, but Ivypaw had told him that he brown tom at least trained her, showing her new moves and such. He would happily give his daughter to someone more suitable, but for now Badgerscar wasn't the worst choice, and he would rather have Ivypaw being trained by someone like that than someone who couldn't or was scared to fight.

When Dawnstar commented on his idea he frowned ever so slightly. Kit-stealing was to low for war and pretending to be foxes to distract the fish-breaths wasn't? Besides, it was war, winning was what mattered, not what one did, if they won that was what mattered. What she said about his though was decently reasonable at least, but Shadestorm still thought it would be something interesting to try out, maybe something to get things going if the wars ever died out and things became too calm.

Dawnstar wanted to take care of Addersnow herself, and Shadestorm had done what he needed to by mentioning now untrustworthy she seemed, that was his job. But he still thought she had to be kept an closer eye on. He had never liked or trusted cats not born to Shadowclan, or who had intentionally left it. He had been born in Thunderclan but was still a pure-blooded Shadowclanner and had returned to his true clan dispute his parents betrayal, and he had respect for everyone who did the same, but cats not from Shadowclan? Could they really be trusted. Of course Dawnstar did a little test with them by at least talking to them before letting them in, but lying wasn't hard, and Shadestorm could easily see someone getting their way in without actually being good for the clan.

As for the foxplan and the paws he thought that could fixed, or at least helped by finding cats with more fox-like paws. Every cat was build different. Slyfox for example seemed like a good cat for sneaking around but she was rather small, and he had a hard time seeing her paws looking anything like fox-paws. Maybe he could host something to test cats suitable for being these fake-foxes sometime. His cousin had suggested some event to keep things busy. "Something to distract the fish as well..." He highly doubted he could convince anyone to learn swimming or anything along the lines, and fishing was also out of the question... He'd would have to think further on that later.

But something to busy the clan could certainly be fun. Maybe a clanwide things where everyone could train each other... "I do have an idea or something to make the clan busy. A whole day with separate tasks and events. Training and such for apprentices and willing kits. Everyone could train different things, like climbing, hunting and a fighting competition. We could send out extra hunting patrols and end the whole day with a feast. Everyone would be busy and a few cats slipping away to do something else wouldn't be at all suspicious, if even noticed." He could see it in front of him. Everyone would gather and apprentices and the kits who wanted would be pair with a warrior who wasn't their mentor and train. Then there could be a big competition, warriors with warriors, apprentices with apprentices, and kits with kits. Everyone could fight out one round, then the winners would fight it out the next, and so on until there would be a winner kit, apprentice and warrior. Then the hunting patrols would come back , and the winners could get the first pick of the prey before the feast started. "It's a big plan, but it could work both to get the clan going for leafbare and hiding any other activities going on.

- Credit to here for the pfp -

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