Thread: Sleepy Thicket
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Old January 5th, 2022, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: Sleepy Thicket

Originally Posted by tokyo_driftin View Post
♢ Snowleap ♢

Watching in silence as Reedlight scented and then stalked forward, keeping to the shadows to stay out of sight, Snowleap crouched low to the ground and crept forward through the grass, dipping his head to his clanmate before heading further ahead in the dense thicket. His plan was to, first, spot the prey that this scent trail belonged to and then move around to the other side, hopefully scaring it towards Reedlight, who waited in the darkness, undetected. It was a tactic he had used many times before when hunting with other clanmates and it had yet to fail him. Both Snowleap and Reedlight knew that squirrels weren’t easy to catch and were not usual Riverclan prey, but with leafbare taking away a large bit of the streams the clan used to fish in, there wasn’t much of a choice anymore. The tall tomcat would take any change at prey he could get.

Following the scent trail of the ground squirrel, Snowleap moved slow and quiet as possible, watching where he put his paws and tail. If he spooked the prey, who knew how many more chances they’d get to catch something today? Thus, the young warrior kept moving, until he saw the squirrel munching on some grass near a prickly bush a few tail-lengths in front of him. Exhaling slowly, Snowleap moved swiftly around the prey, making a wide circle until it was in-between Reedlight and him. Peering at his clanmate in the distance, he could somewhat make out the silhouette of the other tomcat in the shadows. Snowleap waved his tail in the air to signal to Reedlight that he was ready, but he would not move until his clanmate did the same. He didn’t want to scare the squirrel towards him and catch the other warrior off-guard or anything.
Reedlight remained silent, the only indication that he saw Snowleap was a small twitch of his whiskers. He slowly and carefully raised his tail, waving he was ready, before slowly stalking forward towards the squirrel. Once he was close enough, he pounced... And missed.

Reedlight hissed as, at the last moment, the squirrel darted away, as if like a rude joke. But, it was running towards Snowleap, so perhaps they could still catch it? Reedlight began to chase the squirrel towards the older warrior, still keeping in the shade as he did so.
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