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Old February 27th, 2022, 12:57 AM
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spade spade is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Punishments

The growl, the overall look of aggression; to be quite frank, it only served to piss Kestrelstar off. He leveled his gaze at the warrior, unflinching from her stance. "Put your claws away, mouse-brain," he snapped, clearly in no mood to deal with whatever high horse this she-cat thought she could waltz in here on. He had half a mind to skip the formalities and send her straight into a temporary exile, but he had to remain calm and level-headed.

"I want to know why you spoke to Goldenpaw the way you did at the last meeting." Kestrelstar gave her a chance to explain, and opportunity to tell him what in the name of the stars above made her think it was acceptable. Yellow eyes blinking, he waited patiently for whatever her answer or reasoning would be. Depending on what she gave him (and if there were anymore flashing of her claws) it would determine what punishment would suit her best.

// @Epsilon-11