Thread: March Gathering
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Old March 7th, 2022, 11:30 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

With the sky clear above him, all the stars glittering like little tiny lights, Kestrelstar made his way from RiverClan territory down towards Seastones. Despite the dull ache he felt hanging heavy in his chest after what had been a rather difficult last few days, the RiverClan leader knew that he couldn't let yet another failed relationship get in the way. The grief, the sorrow... it would all be there waiting for him when he returned to his den later that night, and inside would be a nest that was now alone and empty, only the faint scent still lingering to prove it hadn't all been in his head.

[ @masquerade - for Cloudpaw ]
But he fought back against the dark shadows that clawed at his mind, and instead forced a smile onto his face as he lead RiverClan closer towards the Gathering. "You will be meeting quite a bit of cats tonight," he informed Cloudpaw, who he'd requested to walk at his side towards the Gathering. It was the young she-cats first introduction to all of their neighbors. Hopefully it would go over smoothly, but he would keep an eye out in the crowd on her just in case there were any situations he would need to intervene in.

"Don't be afraid to introduce yourself. Remeber, you are RiverClan and that is something to be proud of. A Gathering is a time of truce, you shouldn't experience any hostility tonight." Kestrelstar shifted his yellow gaze down to her as he spoke, his paws subconciously leading the way since they had walked this path many times before. He had faith in the young black and white spotted she-cat that she would make plenty of friends, and hopefully those in RiverClan would watch out for her.

Emerging onto the sand, Kestrelstar halted momentarily and lifted his tail for RiverClan to do the same. ShadowClan and ThunderClan were here.... interesting. Part of him was hopeful that tonight they would maybe get an explanation of what had happened, seeing as ThunderClan and Dogbark had not given any announcement the previous Gathering. With that thought pushed to the back of his mind the RiverClan leader moved forward and allowed RiverClan to fan out onto the beach.

It was clear that both ThunderClan and ShadowClan were here - and, maybe a hint of WindClan? Was that a... WindClan apprentice here, minus the rest of WindClan? Interesting. Nonetheless, atop Seastones sat... only Dawnstar. She was the only leader present, and the way she was watching where he and RiverClan had just arrived made his jaw harden. Kestrelstar made quick work of crossing the sand, but not before brushing Cloudpaw over the head with the tip of his tail. After a few bounds he placed himself in his normal positon on the rocks and cast a sideways glance towards the ShadowClan leader. "Well, this should be interesting," he mused, though his tone gave away no indication of anything other then genuine curiosity. His whiskers did twitch in amusement however. Where was Dogbark? Better yet, where was Aspenstar? Questions that had not been answered at the last Gathering, would hopefully get some light tonight.

Regardless, the gray tabby tom returned his attention forward as he took a seat, wrapping his tail around his paws and fluffing out his fur against the small breeze that made its way around him. All that remained to join them was Twilightstar and WindClan.

@Undertaker @Rani @marshall


Last edited by spade; March 7th, 2022 at 11:33 PM.