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Old April 28th, 2022, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: + Ebony's Wynd | Open +

Originally Posted by AllSeer View Post
+{ Ebony's Wynd is a small alley between two houses, full of spiderwebs, laundry lines and a small tree. The walls are mossy, and the smell is dusty.
A black, yellow-eyed feline has determined this as their home, and welcomes travellers with not-so-open.. paws. Ebony will let you rest and stay for the night, but they are not afraid to boot you out of their nest when you start to get lazy, confident, and think that Ebony's home is yours for the taking.
The hustle and bustle of rush-hour and fuming cars can get on a cats nerve, but hey; You do what you can to survive, and while it isn't the most luxurious place to stay, it does have some pretty plump rats scurrying through the cracks in the concrete. }+

What do you do?
It's an ambush!! Ebony kicks you out for being cocky!
Hello? Is anybody there? A black feline approaches you, a simple ear flick inviting you to stay.
You found Ebony!
You did not find Ebony.
O'Hara snarled and jumped forward, trying to tackle them.
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