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Old May 14th, 2022, 01:06 PM
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Ziera Ziera is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Posts: 1,081
My Mood: Pensive

Default Re: Facing Mischief [EVENT - OPEN TO ALL.]

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Spark bit through the stringy neck of yet another rat, and blessedly, its shrill squeaking stopped assaulting her eardrums. What the hell was going on over here? She only explored the area on account of Talonstone, but instead of him, well! Just her luck she'd stumble into a swarm of pissed-off, toothy creatures that were irritating opponents in numbers.

She opened her jaws and kicked the corpse away when it fell, the bitter taste of its blood nothing short of nauseating. She had standards, okay? And the delicious, mouth-watering scent of REAL prey was nowhere close to here.

More skittering caught Spark's attention, tiny claws clicking on stone, and she cursed. Seriously? Spark reared on her new attacker, this one particularly bony with beady, black eyes, sneering her utter disdain as if it could read expressions. She raked her claws through its face. It screeched in what Spark assumed to be mortal terror, then did the SMART thing and ran off.

"That's right!" Spark yelled after it in vain. She'd been alone too long, really. "Retreat like the sniveling, stupid thing you are!" Her taunt was answered with more clicking, the promise of company. It was going to be a long ass night.
Full hiatus except for a couple threads I hope to finish up, ily all <3

Last edited by Ziera; May 14th, 2022 at 01:07 PM.