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Old June 2nd, 2022, 11:36 PM
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Willowfern Willowfern is offline
By Unpopular Demand: Me
Join Date: Apr 2020
Status: Fantastic!
Gender: They/Them
Posts: 4,140
My Mood: Devilish

Default The Wanderer Comes To Rest [Closed]


How long had it been since he’d left ShadowClan? Pumpkinpaw didn’t know. To him, it could have been a million seasons ago for all he knew. Ever since he left his clan, all he’d known was hunger and strife. Sure, he’d sheltered with those barncats for a time six moons ago or so, but he had felt like he was enroaching on their peace and planting troublesome ideas into the head of that kid Rooster, so he’d moved on.
Now he was alone again, wandering endlessly for somewhere to call his own, though everywhere he went, there was nothing that could replace the thing he yearned for. A clan.
Despite its shortcomings, ShadowClan had been his home, and he’d been a fool for leaving. It was too late to return now, Dawnstar would shred him for disloyalty. So, he was now destined to wander.
The Twolegplace he’d wandered into was loud and confusing. There were too many smells, too many lights, and too many Twolegs. The dens were tall, the monsters were abundant, and nothing was safe for the loner.
His multi-colored fur on end, Pumpkinpaw scrambled into an alley, breathing heavily with fear.
What sort of fresh Hell is this nightmarish place? He wondered as he squeezed underneath a bin, his heart pounding loudly in his chest, the blood roaring in his ears, I really shouldn’t have ever left ShadowClan…
A few tears rolled down the ragged tom’s cheeks as he thought of his home and the few friends he’d had. Did any of his former friends ever think of him? He doubted it, they’d probably forgotten him, as he was almost as significant as a beetle in that clan…
He’d be better off dead, to be perfectly honest.
Ah, no! He couldn’t think like that, he shouldn’t, at least. Though, it was hard not to when he didn’t have a single friend in the big, dark, ugly world that he’d wandered into.
Tiredness overwhelmed him suddenly, and he slumped down, resting his head on his paws, tears puddling onto the filthy, grime-crusted ground.
Perhaps when he awoke, this whole nightmare would be over.
Probably permanent roleplay hiatus, though I’ll be around nonetheless. Might make some throwaways every now and then for people’s plots + Non-Clan cats and Nonwarriors roleplay characters.
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