Thread: Dimlit Caverns
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Old June 22nd, 2022, 11:02 AM
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Default Re: Dimlit Caverns

~ Bounce ~

The soft white kittypet with the purple collar strode into the Dimlit Caverns, on high alert. The places around them were lacking in any prey, so the she-cat decided to hunt in the caves. That's when she realized there was probably no prey in here, but noisy Twolegs who would take her away and seperate her from her mate.

He wasn't another kittypet, oh no. He was a rouge himself. Not just any rouge. A rouge named Brutus. He wasn't a part of any of the silly forest cat clans. He told her he used to be, part of the ferocious ThunderClan. He said he left after the death of their leader and a tyrannical ShadowClan leader took place. Brutus didn't want to be in such a clan, so he left.

Bounce was partly glad. She was worried that if Brutus hadn't left, they never would have met. Brutus was very handsome and lovely and kind. He was the most caring non-kittypet she had met and was always enthusiastic at the idea of one day having kits. Bounce had always wanted kits too, but she didn't know when to tell Brutus the news...

Suddenly the noise of scuttling footsteps snapped Bounce out of her memories. She hissed and chased after the sound. Her paw slammed down onto a small, furry body. A mouse! She picked the ping creature up and quickly snapped its neck.

The mouse went limp and dropped to the floor. She picked it up in her jaws, when the sound of a distant voice made her turn around.

From the darkness came a large, hunched figure. It was light grey with matted and dirty fur. Both of its eyes were blind and it looked considerably weak. Its ears were torn and blood was dripping from their neck.

"Who are you?" The cat rasped out in a dry, raspy voice. Its eats seemed to point towards her intently. "I'm Bounce. I'm a kittypet." She responded. The old grey cat snarled. "In the caverns? What kittypet is bold enough to do so?"

Bounce shivered at the insult. She'd heard this many times, even from Brutus when they first met. "I'm getting good for my rouge mate. I won't harm you." The cat became less tense. "Well, welcome then, brave kittypet! Here, let me show you around."

(Interactions are open for Bounce and the old grey cat.)
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